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by kuroda
Tue Mar 10, 2015 11:22 pm
Forum: Languages & Linguistics
Topic: Guess the Language, anyone?
Replies: 1352
Views: 229380

Re: Guess the Language, anyone?

Whoa. Whoa. I am genuinely at a loss of where to begin speculating.
by kuroda
Tue Mar 10, 2015 3:38 pm
Forum: Languages & Linguistics
Topic: Guess the Language, anyone?
Replies: 1352
Views: 229380

Re: Guess the Language, anyone?

Yes, sorry for my delay in responding! Nortaneous wins. with bells on!! I am both without all my computery and all my print library at the moment, so took a sample of what I had immediately to hand. If I win another round, obviously I need to go further abroad, so my known predilections aren't such ...
by kuroda
Mon Mar 09, 2015 6:30 pm
Forum: Languages & Linguistics
Topic: Guess the Language, anyone?
Replies: 1352
Views: 229380

Re: Guess the Language, anyone?

What, really??? I mean, um, indeed, thank you! ;) Like I said above, the only reason I even tried out for this one is because of old conlang-prep reading I'd done, which left me pretty sure this was a southern-group Bantu language, but it didn't look like Zulu, Xhosa, Tswana etc. for mostly orthogr...
by kuroda
Mon Mar 09, 2015 10:30 am
Forum: Languages & Linguistics
Topic: Guess the Language, anyone?
Replies: 1352
Views: 229380

Re: Guess the Language, anyone?

OK, one more guess in the dark (well, dimness) and then I'll shut up: Shona? About fifteen years ago I read a bunch about southern-zone Bantu languages for a conlang idea I had (which never went anywhere) -- which is why I feel like this sample must be one of them. I'm kind of dismayed about the kin...
by kuroda
Sun Mar 08, 2015 7:09 pm
Forum: Languages & Linguistics
Topic: Guess the Language, anyone?
Replies: 1352
Views: 229380

Re: Guess the Language, anyone?

OK, I'm kinda playing 20 Questions, exactly like I abhorred last week -- but I feel like I'm close, and maybe taking a 1:3 or 1:4 gamble with this guess: Venda?
by kuroda
Tue Mar 03, 2015 10:26 am
Forum: Languages & Linguistics
Topic: Guess the Language, anyone?
Replies: 1352
Views: 229380

Re: Guess the Language, anyone?

I feel like thanks to hints given I know what parts of what language family to try finding this one in, but my entire library in that area was electronic and sitting on a hard drive in a repair shop right now. And I really don't want to do the 20 Questions game. Maybe we should think about wrapping ...
by kuroda
Sun Mar 01, 2015 8:53 pm
Forum: Conlangery & Conworlds
Topic: Bird language
Replies: 34
Views: 8021

Re: Bird language

Birdlang is cutting corners. Obviously the cool and smart thing that is desired is a conlang composed of all the inconceivable phonemes -- each and every single one of them. Until I see that, or he kicks down some of the turbocharged drugs he's on, which weren't around when I was his age, I don't se...
by kuroda
Sat Feb 28, 2015 4:19 am
Forum: Languages & Linguistics
Topic: Guess the Language, anyone?
Replies: 1352
Views: 229380

Re: Guess the Language, anyone?

Oh, sure, you creeps! Wait till my computer dies and I take a couple weeks away from reality the web, and then start tossing out Mongolian & Tungusic samples... ;p
by kuroda
Fri Feb 06, 2015 9:29 am
Forum: Languages & Linguistics
Topic: Guess the Language, anyone?
Replies: 1352
Views: 229380

Re: Guess the Language, anyone?

As a newcomer to this thread, I defer to Xephyr :) In any case, I'd just like to see this deadlock broken before the whole game/thread withers away.

Birdlang, are you willing to put us out of our misery yet? ;)
by kuroda
Wed Feb 04, 2015 7:24 pm
Forum: Languages & Linguistics
Topic: Guess the Language, anyone?
Replies: 1352
Views: 229380

Re: Guess the Language, anyone?

The current puzzle is just shy of two weeks old, and until Birdlang offered another hint today, had gone without any new proposals for nearly a week. I'm going to propose that: 1) in (let's say) another 24 hours, Birdlang reveals the answer, 2) hopefully, gives us some bibliography on this mystery s...
by kuroda
Mon Jan 26, 2015 4:00 pm
Forum: Languages & Linguistics
Topic: Guess the Language, anyone?
Replies: 1352
Views: 229380

Re: Guess the Language, anyone?

Dang, Birdlang. I'm stumped. Yes, well, I have a vague sense of areal and maybe even 'genetic' being; but I just don't have the brain-stuff nor the personal library to track it down. The text itself is pretty clear, which makes the temptation to begoogle it up quite strong. One of the weird things I...
by kuroda
Wed Jan 21, 2015 2:58 pm
Forum: Languages & Linguistics
Topic: Guess the Language, anyone?
Replies: 1352
Views: 229380

Re: Guess the Language, anyone?

Could it be Mapundugun?

I was tempted to suggest that earlier, since the text reminded me of the little bit I've read about it. But then I really haven't read about other S.A. languages, and what are the odds it would happen to be that one? But, if it's from Argentina... I'll take the shot.
by kuroda
Sun Jan 18, 2015 10:46 pm
Forum: Languages & Linguistics
Topic: Guess the Language, anyone?
Replies: 1352
Views: 229380

Re: Guess the Language, anyone?

Nesescosac got it -- Nanai! You're up!

(Since I didn't check in in time to spot Nivkh, I thought it would be nice to bring one of its neighbors to the party...)
by kuroda
Sun Jan 18, 2015 6:03 pm
Forum: Languages & Linguistics
Topic: Guess the Language, anyone?
Replies: 1352
Views: 229380

Re: Guess the Language, anyone?

It's too rich for me, for that matter -- both the price tag and the sheer volume of the thing. So I only have it on loan for a bit, and will read some tonight while kicking myself for not realizing that extinct languages were fair game here ;) "Ryukyuan"? Embarrassing! What the heck, here's my round...
by kuroda
Sun Jan 18, 2015 4:52 pm
Forum: Languages & Linguistics
Topic: Guess the Language, anyone?
Replies: 1352
Views: 229380

Re: Guess the Language, anyone?

Vovin's volume on it is sitting at home -- and if I'd had to specify which dialect on the spot, I'd just have been guessing :) Wow. I'll get my sample out late tonight, once I can lay hands on a chunk of text.
by kuroda
Sun Jan 18, 2015 4:31 pm
Forum: Languages & Linguistics
Topic: Guess the Language, anyone?
Replies: 1352
Views: 229380

Re: Guess the Language, anyone?

Wait, is it a transcription of Old Japanese?
by kuroda
Sun Jan 18, 2015 4:26 pm
Forum: Languages & Linguistics
Topic: Guess the Language, anyone?
Replies: 1352
Views: 229380

Re: Guess the Language, anyone?

One of the Ryukyuan languages/dialects? I'm away from all my stuff so can't easily look them up.
by kuroda
Thu Jan 08, 2015 7:18 am
Forum: Languages & Linguistics
Topic: Guess the Language, anyone?
Replies: 1352
Views: 229380

Re: Guess the Language, anyone?

Also, re the question on the last page: converting a language sample to IPA when a perfectly-fine Roman orthography is available is probably against the rules. We discussed this on the first page: use whatever your source uses or, failing that, use an orthography/transcription that People Use. Than...
by kuroda
Sat Jan 03, 2015 4:16 am
Forum: Languages & Linguistics
Topic: Guess the Language, anyone?
Replies: 1352
Views: 229380

Re: Guess the Language, anyone?

Quick technical question (in case I ever am in a position to present a mystery language) -- how should one represent a language which has a non-Latin-based script for which there is no recognized transliteration scheme?
by kuroda
Sat Dec 27, 2014 7:09 pm
Forum: Languages & Linguistics
Topic: Guess the Language, anyone?
Replies: 1352
Views: 229380

Re: Guess the Language, anyone?

Apologies for intruding, but I really wanted to speak up and say, this is my favorite thread, by far! I love reading it and following the guesses; though I feel like a cat watching sparrows through a window. (Mind you, I've never seen a cat seem actively unhappy about that pastime, and I'm not eithe...
by kuroda
Thu Sep 04, 2014 3:13 am
Forum: Languages & Linguistics
Topic: Borrowings
Replies: 13
Views: 3461

Re: Borrowings

Max Planck Gesellschaft's World Loanword Database, maybe?
by kuroda
Sat Aug 16, 2014 7:16 am
Forum: None of the above
Topic: Linguistic Quackery Thread, take 2
Replies: 812
Views: 210299

Re: Linguistic Quackery Thread, take 2

Exponentially increasing beat time? Seriously, none of you know what he's talking about?

HONESTLY, YOU NICE TWERPS!!! He's trying to describe the ratio in which the more he talks, the more that sane people gather from all around to beat him into jelly.

Me? I have a _good_ sense of rhythm.
by kuroda
Sat May 24, 2014 11:31 pm
Forum: L&L Museum
Topic: The Correspondence Library
Replies: 568
Views: 291908

Re: The Correspondence Library

Adjective Recoil wrote:I'd like to request sound changes for Proto-Mongolic to modern Mongol.
Which modern Mongolian? Khalkha? Anyway I might be able to provide, but can't promise.
by kuroda
Thu Apr 10, 2014 9:18 pm
Forum: Languages & Linguistics
Topic: Korean "tense" consonants
Replies: 25
Views: 6639

Re: Korean "tense" consonants

That's surprising why? Maybe I'm out of touch, but I thought the Altaic hypothesis had fallen out of favor and was a decided minority view at this point. My understanding -- based on hearsay, not any first-hand experience -- is that the Altaic theory is widely accepted in Korea (ROK, at least), and...
by kuroda
Tue Nov 19, 2013 5:11 am
Forum: Conlangery & Conworlds
Topic: Naturalistic conlang from a proto-language: How rigorous?
Replies: 81
Views: 25167

Re: Naturalistic conlang from a proto-language: How rigorous

Um, can we get back to serious business, like the level of SRYSLYNSS appropriate to a given scope of a priori conlanging? I really don't give a crap about "Drydic", who -- OH YES AD HOMINEM -- does admittedly come across like living totally up to his name, dea gratia, but this is the intarwebz: the ...