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by k1234567890y
Mon Mar 20, 2017 6:21 am
Forum: Conlangery & Conworlds
Topic: A guide for basic vocabulary
Replies: 0
Views: 6619

A guide for basic vocabulary

Maybe I did not make it well, but I hope this guide can help. Many new conlangers have problems in determining what words should be the basic words, and many new conlangers can get stunned when seeing a bunch of words in a language, especially nouns. While the diversity of natural languages(and conl...
by k1234567890y
Sat Nov 26, 2016 10:38 pm
Forum: Conlangery & Conworlds
Topic: Help your conlang fluency (2)
Replies: 6633
Views: 863598

Re: Help your conlang fluency

Urban Basanawa

[ɪk kan mɑ:kən ki:n dɪŋk]
I can make nothing...;-;
by k1234567890y
Thu Nov 10, 2016 12:08 pm
Forum: Conlangery & Conworlds
Topic: Sound Change Quickie Thread
Replies: 2827
Views: 675377

Re: Sound Change Quickie Thread

I have a rather weird one I want to ask about. s/k/_# Does that seem too far fetched? maybe, although I have heard that some natlangs have some pretty strange sound changes too However, it seems that s > t / _# has happened in some natlangs, and t > k is not unheard of too. Another way: step 1: s >...
by k1234567890y
Tue Nov 08, 2016 3:51 am
Forum: Conlangery & Conworlds
Topic: West African - Native American Creole
Replies: 18
Views: 5917

Re: West African - Native American Creole

sounds interesting (: maybe you can consider to make one.
by k1234567890y
Fri Nov 04, 2016 9:07 am
Forum: Languages & Linguistics
Topic: How to make a language with a profound foreign influence
Replies: 21
Views: 8580

Re: How to make a language with a profound foreign influence

Whilst I agree that derivational morphology, high-register terminology and words for new concepts or objects are probably more likely to be borrowed, it is much less true to say that other stuff is 'highly unlikely' to be borrowed. It's true that it's relatively rare for something like pronouns to ...
by k1234567890y
Fri Nov 04, 2016 4:48 am
Forum: Languages & Linguistics
Topic: How to make a language with a profound foreign influence
Replies: 21
Views: 8580

Re: How to make a language with a profound foreign influence

mèþru wrote:
grammatical affixes
English borrowed a ton of them from Latin.
they are derivational ones rather than inflectional ones, derivational affixes are far more likely to be borrowed than inflectional affixes, and I called inflectional affixes as "grammatical affixes"...sorry for that.
by k1234567890y
Fri Nov 04, 2016 2:05 am
Forum: Languages & Linguistics
Topic: How to make a language with a profound foreign influence
Replies: 21
Views: 8580

How to make a language with a profound foreign influence

Below are my personal opinions, they can be incorrect. It is well known that there are natural languages that are not creoles or mixed languages with heavy foreign influences, like Japanes and English; however, these languages don't simply borrow words from other languages, even linguistic purism ne...
by k1234567890y
Thu Nov 03, 2016 1:24 am
Forum: Conlangery & Conworlds
Topic: Sound Change Quickie Thread
Replies: 2827
Views: 675377

Re: Sound Change Quickie Thread

Tropylium wrote: Probably not. Depends on what this "backing" is being exactly — /u/ can sometimes palatalize things (Japonic, Bantu), but things like /o/ definitely cannot.
it seems that cross-linguistically, high vowels /i/ and /u/ actually often behave in a similar manner?
by k1234567890y
Thu Nov 03, 2016 12:10 am
Forum: Conlangery & Conworlds
Topic: Sound Change Quickie Thread
Replies: 2827
Views: 675377

Re: Sound Change Quickie Thread

is the following sound changes plausible? Stage 1: short: /ɛ ɑ (ə) i u/ long: /ɛ: (ɑ:)/ diphthong: /ɛi ɛu ɑi ɑu/ and probably /ɛ:i ɛ:u/ from Stage 1 to Stage 2: əi əu > i u əH > a: > a(H is an laryngeal consonant) ɛ ɑ > a > ə ɛ: ɛH ɑH > a: > a(H is an laryngeal consonant) ɛi ɑi > ai > əi ɛu ɑu > au ...
by k1234567890y
Tue Nov 01, 2016 4:17 pm
Forum: Conlangery & Conworlds
Topic: Post your conlang's phonology
Replies: 2278
Views: 547096

Re: Post your conlang's phonology

This is not a new conlang, but I never introduced it: nasals: /m n ŋ/ plosives: /p b ᵐb t d ⁿd k g ᵑɡ/ fricatives: /f v ᵐv s z ⁿz h/ sonorants: /w r l j/ vowels: /a e i o u/ syllable: (C)V, probably (C)(/j/)V Tones: high, low Sounds like a Swahili dialect minus the palatal/palatoalveolar and non-na...
by k1234567890y
Tue Nov 01, 2016 4:03 pm
Forum: Conlangery & Conworlds
Topic: Post your conlang's phonology
Replies: 2278
Views: 547096

Re: Post your conlang's phonology

This is not a new conlang, but I never introduced it:

nasals: /m n ŋ/
plosives: /p b ᵐb t d ⁿd k g ᵑɡ/
fricatives: /f v ᵐv s z ⁿz h/
sonorants: /w r l j/

vowels: /a e i o u/

syllable: (C)V, probably (C)(/j/)V

Tones: high, low
by k1234567890y
Tue Nov 01, 2016 8:15 am
Forum: Conlangery & Conworlds
Topic: Post your conlang's phonology
Replies: 2278
Views: 547096

Re: Post your conlang's phonology

Some of you may remember a while back I asked a question in the C&C quickies section about a sci-fantasy gender system, later including a couple of short texts set in the world (a first draft of one is in the quote thread). This language is meant to be spoken in that world. /p t t͡ʃ k ʔ/ <p t c k '...
by k1234567890y
Mon Oct 31, 2016 9:17 pm
Forum: Conlangery & Conworlds
Topic: Post your conlang's phonology
Replies: 2278
Views: 547096

Re: Post your conlang's phonology

Inspired by Rotokas: voiceless: /p t k/ voiced: /w~b ɾ~d j~g/ vowel: /a e~i o~u/ syllable structure: (C)V ---------------------------------------------------------------- I suggested this for someone else, but it is repealed, at least the consonant system is repealed: nasals: /m n ŋ/ plosives: /p pʰ...
by k1234567890y
Mon Oct 31, 2016 5:15 pm
Forum: Conlangery & Conworlds
Topic: Sound Change Quickie Thread
Replies: 2827
Views: 675377

Re: Sound Change Quickie Thread

Stage 1:

short: /a ə i u/
long: /a: e: i: o: u:/
diphthongs: /ai au əi əu/

from Stage 1 to Stage 2:

a > o
ə > e
a: > a
e: > ei
o: > ou
i: > ai
u: > au
ai > oi
əi > ei
əu > eu
au > ou

Stage 2:

/a e i o u/
/ai au ei eu oi ou/
by k1234567890y
Sat Oct 29, 2016 11:35 pm
Forum: Conlangery & Conworlds
Topic: Help your conlang fluency (2)
Replies: 6633
Views: 863598

Re: Help your conlang fluency

Lonmai Luna: se batais fak dehekai imai pabel-bakon imai alen Lonmai Luna 1.SG decide abolish distinction of possess-kind imai alen Lonmai Luna I decided to abolish the distinction of possessive classes in Lonmai Luna Tsunutsan, tsi ilu husukʰaililenaukalaitak nalipaitsʰu? think-2SG.IMPF-INT | 2SG....
by k1234567890y
Fri Oct 28, 2016 11:16 am
Forum: Conlangery & Conworlds
Topic: Help your conlang fluency (2)
Replies: 6633
Views: 863598

Re: Help your conlang fluency

Lonmai Luna:

se batais fak dehekai imai pabel-bakon imai alen Lonmai Luna
1.SG decide abolish distinction of possess-kind imai alen Lonmai Luna
I decided to abolish the distinction of possessive classes in Lonmai Luna
by k1234567890y
Thu Oct 27, 2016 9:36 pm
Forum: Conlangery & Conworlds
Topic: Help your conlang fluency (2)
Replies: 6633
Views: 863598

Re: Help your conlang fluency

Zouþlij. Ne nabbeþ we tou vele welldoune con-crejols Right on. We don't have too many well done con-creoles. ama hakha neshemukum? But do we really need them? Rhiallist ohta nepord si miudan ath? /ˈɹjalːɪst ˈoħta ˈnəpəɹn si ˈmyːðɪn ɛθ/ conlanging to.any.extent fulfill.3s Q desire be.true.3s Does co...
by k1234567890y
Thu Oct 27, 2016 2:15 pm
Forum: Conlangery & Conworlds
Topic: Help your conlang fluency (2)
Replies: 6633
Views: 863598

Re: Help your conlang fluency

Zouþlij. Ne nabbeþ we tou vele welldoune con-crejols Right on. We don't have too many well done con-creoles. ama hakha neshemukum? But do we really need them? Koulesch: fillaicht, es is mygelich, dasz wir sie bedurfen werden. /fi:llaɪxt ɛs ɪʃ mi:glɪx das ʋɪr si: bdʊrfən ʋɛrdən/ maybek, it is possib...
by k1234567890y
Thu Oct 27, 2016 12:38 pm
Forum: Conlangery & Conworlds
Topic: Help your conlang fluency (2)
Replies: 6633
Views: 863598

Re: Help your conlang fluency

Zouþlij. Ne nabbeþ we tou vele welldoune con-crejols Right on. We don't have too many well done con-creoles. Koulesch: fillaicht soll ich ouch versuochen, eine vermischspraache zu machen? /fi:llaɪxt sɔl ɪx o:x fərsu:xən e:nə fərmɪʃʃprɑ:xə t͡smaxən/ maybe I should also try to make a Creole language?
by k1234567890y
Thu Oct 27, 2016 12:06 pm
Forum: Conlangery & Conworlds
Topic: Post your conlang's phonology
Replies: 2278
Views: 547096

Re: Post your conlang's phonology

Consonants: Nasals: /m n ŋ/ Plosives: /p pʰ b t tʰ d k kʰ g k͡p ɡ͡b/ Affricates: /t͡s t͡sʰ t͡ʃ/ fricatives: /f s ʃ x~h/ sonorants: /ʋ ɾ~r l j/ [h] is the allophoneme of /x/ in syllable initial position; [r] is the allophoneme of /ɾ/ after vowels. Consonants can be geminated, although /ʃ/ and /x/ are...
by k1234567890y
Thu Oct 27, 2016 10:56 am
Forum: Conlangery & Conworlds
Topic: Help your conlang fluency (2)
Replies: 6633
Views: 863598

Re: Help your conlang fluency


Dasz is guot (:
/das ɪʃ gu:t/
that's good (:

fillaicht bedurfen wir meire Sadjiwan-artige kunstspraache.
/fɪllaɪxt bdʊrfən ʋɪr me:r sadʒɪʋanartigə kʊnʃtʃprɑ:xə/
maybe we need more Sajiwan-like conlangs.
by k1234567890y
Thu Oct 27, 2016 9:55 am
Forum: Conlangery & Conworlds
Topic: Help your conlang fluency (2)
Replies: 6633
Views: 863598

Re: Help your conlang fluency

I'm not talking about the whole book. The page alone would take me forever! Ah, ray, mi cende. Mi af lok Sajiwan a isi langwic fi ray, kos im sem Inggles fo so, an fi grama swel in ahcip. Wen mi go odatok Di Obit tu Kotanan, o (Ja les oklo) tu Alubetah, mi swel go mek fo eva. Ah, right, I understan...
by k1234567890y
Fri Oct 21, 2016 7:01 pm
Forum: Conlangery & Conworlds
Topic: Help your conlang fluency (2)
Replies: 6633
Views: 863598

Re: Help your conlang fluency

What's with the fuckin weird orthography? <ei> for /e:/? <ou> for /o:/? <uo> for /u:/? (Oh wait, you are basing this partly on normalized MHG orthography even though in many places you are not preserving MHG diphthongs...) yes, you are right, the Koulesch orthography is from that of MHG, however, K...
by k1234567890y
Thu Oct 20, 2016 7:36 am
Forum: Conlangery & Conworlds
Topic: Help your conlang fluency (2)
Replies: 6633
Views: 863598

Re: Help your conlang fluency

Is the gender of a person that important? Im mata wen man tok bo pikl dem. It's important when talking about dicks. kuama nya nihonotla muna It's always important in Japanese. Koulesch: Seir guot [se:r gu:t] very good In d'taat koment maenn ausme Erdenkugel, ouch koment frouen ausme Erdenkugel, mae...
by k1234567890y
Wed Oct 19, 2016 11:34 pm
Forum: Conlangery & Conworlds
Topic: Help your conlang fluency (2)
Replies: 6633
Views: 863598

Re: Help your conlang fluency

Koulesch : Is s'geslecht fomme laut daslich wichtig? [ɪʃ skʃlɛxt fɔm:ə laʊt daslɪx ʋɪxtɪk] Is the gender of a person that important? Denkst du dass Koulesch mit Houchdeytsch aanlich sieht? [dɛŋkst dʊ das ko:ləʃ mɪt ho:xdɛɪtʃ ɑ:nlɪx si:t] Do you think that Koulesch looks similar to Standard German? ...