Search found 30 matches

by Nikura
Thu Dec 01, 2005 10:04 am
Forum: L&L Museum
Topic: An introduction to Catalan
Replies: 149
Views: 152472

I'm looking for the ZBBer who gave an excellent description of Catalan. I don't remeber exactly how it was but it just compared it to other Romance languages saying Catalan was always better. I just want to vote for him for the best quote of the year but I just can't find the thread where it's been ...
by Nikura
Fri Nov 18, 2005 8:24 pm
Forum: None of the above
Topic: OTTER
Replies: 1013
Views: 414390

by Nikura
Fri Nov 18, 2005 7:29 am
Forum: None of the above
Topic: OTTER
Replies: 1013
Views: 414390


More funny cat pics
by Nikura
Wed Nov 16, 2005 8:48 pm
Forum: None of the above
Topic: OTTER
Replies: 1013
Views: 414390

Ornithorynchus Anatinus

Rupicapra Rupicapra -> the lord of my native Alps :D
by Nikura
Fri Oct 28, 2005 6:33 am
Forum: L&L Museum
Topic: An introduction to Catalan
Replies: 149
Views: 152472

T'has comprat el Diccionari Catal?-Occit?!!!! Ja el coneixia i me'l vull comprar, per? m'haur? d'esperar fins tenir diners. Ara vaig una mica escurat... :mrgreen: Doncs si !!! 8) Jo tampoc no vaig molt b? de peles per? igual em vaig sacrificar... ?s que no s? si t'imagines que no existeix cap dicci...
by Nikura
Wed Oct 26, 2005 8:04 pm
Forum: L&L Museum
Topic: An introduction to Catalan
Replies: 149
Views: 152472

Aquesta dissecci? de l'estructura de les paraules catalanes em sembla m?s que interessant... Acabo de comprar-me aquests dos llibres: "Diccionari del Catal? antic" (M. Costa & M. Tarr?s) "Diccionari Catal?-Occit?" (C. Balaguer & P. Pojada) (Haur?s vist aquest nou diccionari suposo si has passejat pe...
by Nikura
Tue Oct 11, 2005 6:05 am
Forum: L&L Museum
Topic: An introduction to Catalan
Replies: 149
Views: 152472

chris-gr wrote:After a tornado of "how-do-you-pronounce-this-word" threads, I can say that I find this thread much more interesting.
I totally agree !!! ~ Estic totalment d'acord !!! :D
by Nikura
Tue Sep 27, 2005 8:23 pm
Forum: Almea
Topic: Your Favorite Almea Language
Replies: 65
Views: 26489

I like Xurnash...
This is my first (short) post here on #Almea :D
by Nikura
Wed Jul 13, 2005 7:33 pm
Forum: L&L Museum
Topic: An introduction to Catalan
Replies: 149
Views: 152472

B? ?s un adverbi que davant d'adjectius, adverbis i formes verbals s'ha d'escriure ben . Ara b?, el perqu? d'aquestes dues formes el desconec... :mrgreen: Doncs per les mateixes raons que hi ha una -n- dins "catalans" per? no hi ?s dins "catal?". Al plural, la -s demana que es conservi la -n- que n...
by Nikura
Thu Jun 23, 2005 2:08 pm
Forum: L&L Museum
Topic: Double Negation
Replies: 49
Views: 43363

Hlewagastiz wrote:
Nikura wrote:I've just remembered. Someone talks about arabic:
Maghreban Arabic also has double negation:
I don't know: ma n'raf shi
Indeed?! (then I remembered well :mrgreen: ).
Yes, but as I know, only in Maghreb and Maltese. I don't know for litterary Arabic.
by Nikura
Thu Jun 23, 2005 8:08 am
Forum: L&L Museum
Topic: Double Negation
Replies: 49
Views: 43363

De nada !!! :mrgreen: I personnaly didn't know there were so many language who have double negation. Being French native and having the natural "ne + verb + pas" construction, I think it is good to 'pack' the verb between two negation forms... I've just remembered. Someone talks about arabic: Maghre...
by Nikura
Thu Jun 23, 2005 7:48 am
Forum: L&L Museum
Topic: Double Negation
Replies: 49
Views: 43363

Negation in French: "ne... pas" (although as it's been said, people now just say "...pas" "ne... plus" (any longer/anymore) "ne... point" (litterary) "ne... mie" (old) pas (step), plus, point (point), mie (half) are common words that have been added to the "ne" which seemed to be too much unsignific...
by Nikura
Fri Jun 17, 2005 8:38 am
Forum: L&L Museum
Topic: An introduction to Catalan
Replies: 149
Views: 152472

Una cosa que, d'altra banda, hauria de ser ben normal (aprendre la llengua del pa?s on es va a viure)... Mira, estic totalment d'acord amb tu sobre aquest punt. Jo porto dos anys vivint a Catalunya i no podia viure aqui sense aprendre l'idioma. Per? hi ha molta gent que considera que el catal? ?s n...
by Nikura
Wed Jun 15, 2005 7:42 am
Forum: L&L Museum
Topic: Weird phrases from real languages
Replies: 323
Views: 187060

OK so it must be:
"L'ale l? (ce) l'ho, Lou"... Ho capito !!!
Yes it is Italian and not a dialect. An italian dialect is generally very different from standard italian :mrgreen: Just than without the ` on the i I understood badly what he meant and thought it was a pronoun...
by Nikura
Tue Jun 14, 2005 7:44 pm
Forum: L&L Museum
Topic: Weird phrases from real languages
Replies: 323
Views: 187060

"L' ale li l'ho, Lou!" I don't understand this and I think there's some mistakes... But someone like Piero lo Monaco will know better than me... when we have two pronouns like gli+lo or gli+le we must say "glielo" or "gliele". In the case of "li" I don't remember but I think it also becomes "gli-"....
by Nikura
Fri Jun 10, 2005 8:22 pm
Forum: L&L Museum
Topic: No latin names of month...
Replies: 62
Views: 62917

Re: No latin names of month...

A correction: Frunze was the Soviet-era name for the capital of Kyrgyzstan , not Tajikistan; it was named in honor of the early Bolshevik leader Mikhail Frunze . In 1991, it was renamed Bishkek (reflecting its pre-Soviet name of Bishkek/Pishpek). Frunze himself was born in pre-Soviet Bishkek, but w...
by Nikura
Fri Jun 10, 2005 7:15 pm
Forum: L&L Museum
Topic: No latin names of month...
Replies: 62
Views: 62917

Re: No latin names of month...

Somebody knows why turkish names are so close to hebrew names?? I just can think they're also muslim calendar name in turkish... apity I can find now muslim calendar names just to compare the three. Sb has it? About Hobbit month names: I have a French edition of LotR and they are translated as well:...
by Nikura
Fri Jun 10, 2005 6:37 pm
Forum: L&L Museum
Topic: No latin names of month...
Replies: 62
Views: 62917

Re: No latin names of month...

I have trouble understanding what you mean. Croatian (or the Croatian version of Serbo-Croatian if you prefer) emphatically does not use Latin names, as the above list shows. Serbian (or the Serbian version of Serbo-Croatian) does use Latin names, as does Russian. The Serbian forms are januar, febr...
by Nikura
Fri Jun 10, 2005 8:48 am
Forum: L&L Museum
Topic: No latin names of month...
Replies: 62
Views: 62917

No latin names of month...

Hi ! We have a February topic. So why not doing one about names of month that don't come from the too famous latin names... I discovered years ago, that croatian (but not serbian) uses typical names for months and after that, I've found a quite nice list. Sometimes latin and typical names are used b...
by Nikura
Fri Jun 10, 2005 2:34 am
Forum: L&L Museum
Topic: An introduction to Catalan
Replies: 149
Views: 152472

Je suis d'accord ? ce que le fran?ais est en effet une langue riche (sans doute la plus riche dans l'Europe) Je ne peux que confirmer tes dires.... Mais apr?s vient le catalan !!! :mrgreen: Per? basta de parlar franc?s. Izopiru! No s? si haur?s vist la pregunta que et vaig fer dins ephemera > your ...
by Nikura
Wed Jun 08, 2005 8:35 am
Forum: L&L Museum
Topic: An introduction to Catalan
Replies: 149
Views: 152472

:wink: D?u n'hi do!!! Estic molt content de veure que el catal? t? un lloc d'honor dins aquest lloc web. Jo estaria molt content de veure que el catal? tingu?s un lloc d'honor dins tots els llocs web del m?n; per diure la vertat, el catal? es m?s molt interessant que l'espanyol i el franc?s. Person...
by Nikura
Thu May 19, 2005 5:09 am
Forum: L&L Museum
Topic: An introduction to Catalan
Replies: 149
Views: 152472

Re: Catalan and Occitan comparisons!!!

I can't wait to see the comparisons between Catalan and Occitan!!! Unfortunately I've never come across a native speaker of Occitan in my life. Well, just one in Val d'Aran, but she quickly changed into Catalan. I'd like to learn Occitan because it would be like learning ancient Catalan; learning t...
by Nikura
Sat May 14, 2005 2:59 am
Forum: L&L Museum
Topic: Irish Lessons - Ranganna Gaeilge
Replies: 115
Views: 94739

My family would descend from a famous Irish monk called St-Columba. Well in that time (it was a long time ago...), monks had children... So I'm very happy to learn Irish with your brilliant lessons, it reminds me my origins :mrgreen:
Just go on like this !!!
by Nikura
Fri May 13, 2005 10:13 am
Forum: L&L Museum
Topic: Weird phrases from real languages
Replies: 323
Views: 187060

Circ?us wrote: They refer to the english concept of "portmanteau word", which is equivalent to the french "mot-valise".
OK. I now understand better... I didn't know the use of that term in English... This Forum is a really good way to improve my knowledge of linguistic terms in English... :mrgreen:
by Nikura
Fri May 13, 2005 9:36 am
Forum: L&L Museum
Topic: Weird phrases from real languages
Replies: 323
Views: 187060

What kind of word would fulfill the definition of 'portmanteauoid', though? A word that looks like a blend, but is etymologically a single morpheme, maybe.. anyone know any of those? Never seen a word like this in French... "porte-manteau" exists but its a composed word, made of the verb "porter" (...