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Re: Yucopia Project (Massive, Collaborative, and Recruiting

Post by Ashroot »

This is a re-envisioned Ashrootmar society.

The river Ewniekra is the largest most visible river in the Ady Ewniemru (rain forest) just north of the Woofernu Fwnabe (mountain plateau). The people of the river Ewniekra are the most advanced in the region with ceramics, crude copper works, and primitive agriculture. They will be the ones to concur the rainforest.
They are best known for their mounds. These mounds were used to avoid the heavy spring and fall floods that rise as little as twenty feet, thirty-eight feet being the most. The people originally migrated to and from higher ground for the rainy and the less rainy seasons.

It is speculated that a small community was caught in a flood and stranded on a large hill. They would have been able to survive by fishing. The community then settled there. As time went on the mounds would be built by human hands (with the help of surrounding villages) and come to look like what is at the bottom of the post

To construct this people would construct three walls of lime stone (common to the area) building them up in unison, while at the same time filling the space in between these walls with soil. Then when the outer most wall reaches twenty-one feet they make capping rim and continue with the next other two walls. Once the second wall reaches twenty-one feet above the first wall they cap it off and finish the third wall. This makes a step pyramid, the top flat being 2.87 acres.

People then build houses, town government offices, forges and other expensive indispensable buildings. Often on the tears off the main flat the poor would build small houses and huts. The tears have docks just off the side of these tears to cope with the flooding. On the western side of the mound is a long ramp up to the top.

On the western side of the mound is a long ramp up to the top. The ramp has a wall that reaches from the start of first tear and ends at well the end. Doors are attached to the end of the ramp this is because people often try to break into the village and take that which is not theirs. It is always facing west for religious reasons; this reason being that the sun enters the world to the east so plants and nature grows towards the sun. This implies that you can trick nature to come towards man. This is also why a house’s door points out away from the center of the town; to invite nature in. But a place of business always has its door towards the center of the village.

These areas are economic powerhouses for their time if a non villager needs something he would go to the mounds and trade for what he needs with fish, meat, herbs, teas, fruits, and even ant colonies. The owners of the mounds have rice plantations were they “enlist” people to grow the crop. They use all that they can of the rice, often burning the husks and spreading the ashes over the fields.

Under the center of the mound is a dome that is built at the same time as the rest of the mound. This dome is water tight. The dome has a hole in the top that has a circular stair case that grants passage. Over this staircase is an office that I will talk about more later. In this dome the people of the mound keep of their resources worth protecting such as copper, grain, dried and salted meats, dried vegetables, dried fruits, herbs, teas, pottery full of wines, vinegars, sour kraut, honey, ants, and so one and so on. All of this is pooled together according to quality in large containers.

Outside of the dome still under the mound are large furnaces that distribute heat to the houses of the more wealthy.

Now there is an office over the dome often in the school, religious temple and town hall. This office is tasked with distributing goods. The owners of the goods often give out slips of paper with a special seal, kind of like a check. When the holder of this slip hands it in at the office a man is sent down and comes up with the item or goods desired. The office then charges a small fine and lets the man or woman go.

I am not sure if this is too realistic but I hope you like :)
The attachment mound.jpg is no longer available
This is a small mound with out docks or a wall around the ramp
This is a small mound with out docks or a wall around the ramp
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Re: Yucopia Project (Massive, Collaborative, and Recruiting

Post by KwirElph »

Hey, have been applying sound changes to Rinaki now Linagi for one of my dialects. Here is what I have;

C any consonant
V any Vowel
A any phoneme
F Front vowel ( i e ey)
# word boundry

p --> b / v_v lipo > libo
p --> f / _F peting > feding / pivang > fibang
t --> d / v_v puta > puda
k --> g / v_v loku > logu / rinaki > linagi

f --> v / v_v
v -- > b / v_v
s --> sh / _i ì e sen > shen
s --> z / v_v
sk --> sh –skea > shea

nC --> ø_C Nkutu > kudu / ntueka > töga
ns --> _A hunse > huze
m --> ø / _# pom à po

h --> ø / _C hnunu > nunu / hweri > weli

kt --> zh weyktoy > wezhoy

eu/ue --> ö - _A

r --> l / _A ranti > lati

n_i/ì/e --> nh yunye > yunhe

w --> ø / v_v

its the last sound change that is bothering me, as this is the first time I have done something like this I am a bit stuck with what the vowels might do, Rinaki can put together as many vowels together as it likes but I thought it would be more interesting to change some of them.

My verbs have an infix /w/+ duplication of first vowel, however intervocal /w/ is lost

puke > puwuuke / seze > seweeze

This would become on puuuke and seeeze, which is just silly. I was just thinking of keeping puuke with one of the vowels reducing. How likely is this?

-wem is absolutive ending, the /w/ is lost giving me -em

yunhe-em spirit-ABS, I would think that the /e/ would be reduced again just leaving yunhem making m the marking of the absolutive case for words ending in e. But what about words ending in the six other vowels I have / A { i I u Q/. Would the vowel plus -em seem natural or would a change more likely take place?

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Re: Yucopia Project (Massive, Collaborative, and Recruiting

Post by Ashroot »

Does anyone have dogs?

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Re: Yucopia Project (Massive, Collaborative, and Recruiting

Post by Lyhoko Leaci »

Dogs sound like something that could show up in most places, either naturally (from wolves) or having come there when humans did.
Zain pazitovcor, sio? Sio, tovcor.
You can't read that, right? Yes, it says that.
Shinali Sishi wrote:"Have I spoken unclearly? I meant electric catfish not electric onions."

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Re: Yucopia Project (Massive, Collaborative, and Recruiting

Post by Ashroot »

This look good or bad? It is that Island.
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Re: Yucopia Project (Massive, Collaborative, and Recruiting

Post by finlay »

I think I probably want to bow out, because let's face it, there's no way I'll ever get any of it done... :?

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Re: Yucopia Project (Massive, Collaborative, and Recruiting

Post by ---- »

I know I'm late to the party but is joining possible now? :)

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Re: Yucopia Project (Massive, Collaborative, and Recruiting

Post by Ashroot »

The new and improved Ashrootmar. Say what you think.

The Ashrootmar are a large civilization located on the river Ewniekra. This river has carved a large valley. The river is fed by seven large rivers and uncountable streams. The rivers are fed by a southern rainforest plateau. The river floods in the spring and in the fall. The spring flood is high raising thirty feet on the worst floods it reaches 40. The fall flood is comparatively low; raising only 10-15 feet. At low water the river is only a mile wide. At high water the river fills the valley becoming seven miles wide.

3000 years ago people began to settle the area they initially were hunter gathers. Mostly fishing and eating fruit. The first year is when 7 Emperors took control, each taking their own river but also wanting control of Ewniekra. This went in hand with the discovery of rice agriculture and primitive aquaculture, the populations boomed to an impressive 5 million. Initially these Empires tried to share Ewniekra; staying close to the areas were their rivers emptied into Ewniekra. This only lasted a century because the western river had barely the same resources as the eastern rivers. War erupted in an attempt to gain more land. Only three Empires maintained independence.

Piece reigned for a century and a half more. The Eastern most Empire (being the wealthiest) was then transferred to the rightful heir. This heir was said to be spoiled and selfish. He soon launched a full assault to gain control of the two western Empires. The two joined up defeat and conquer the Eastern Empire. But then another war broke out concerning who would get the newly conquered land. The winning Empire took control of all of the valleys including Ewniekra. The new civilization was the Ashrootmar; the ruling family was now the Mirra-Tianar.

The Mirra-Tianar have ruled for 300 years now and going strong. Recent afflictions with the northern desert inhabitants have raised concerns. Though trade is strong towards the west.*

The government has long arms but short needs. They can and will make you disappear in the event of disturbing the common interest. Discovery is promoted and expected; 8 Imperial academies have been built to encourage this; the largest being located near Ewniekra’s delta; along with the Imperial Palace, Treasury, Barracks, Navy, and forges.

The momentary system is grain based. A weekly report of the grain quality is provided for each of the 8 provinces and each of their 8 counties. The grain quality is tested against 10 10,000 point measures; testing moisture, rot, color, age, burn period, flame height, flame heat, ash texture, smoke, and taste. These points are then averaged out to make an ambient regional grain quality.

When a private person or business deposits a sufficient amount grain to a grain house they will dump all of his grain bags into a large empty pot. They will then put it into a water powered churn that will mix the grain. After it has been mixed they will then run through the art of grain analysis. The resulting numbers (including quantity) are weighed against the regional average. The resulting difference will decide how much of the ambient grain he will receive.
To describe this, “A person turns in 2 units of grain. The analysts find the grain has half the value of ambient grain. Say the grain house, by chance, has 2 units ambient of grain.” The man would only get a return of 1.2 units of grain because of how much he affected ambient grain quality.
However, “A man turns in 1 unit at 1 quality. The grain house has 2 units of grain at 0.5 grain.” The man would (if my math is right) receive 2 units of grain.

The people hold themselves to high standards. Considering that their afterlife is gives rewards to the best of society.

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