First, in The Deeds of Pàn, I notice in this excerpt... mentions Dlɛ́s twice, and omits Sɔn, so I am guessing one of the Dlɛ́s mentions is supposed to be Sɔn.Four of the idols (Ìsu, Lín, Łas, Jíŋ) are acquired by stealth or tricks; two (Ŋòŋ and Tɔ̀) are rescued from the elcarin trash heap; one is purchased (Dlɛ́s); and one (Sáemàe) escapes on her own and joins them; the remaining four (Dlɛ́s, Kâ, Ŋisú, Lǔ) have to be fought for, among the múrtani.
How do age cohorts in institutions work? Are they strictly defined, or is it more of a relative thing. How big are these age cohorts... about equivalent in years to a whole generation, or how to they determine that? What is the cut off? And do you join an age cohort based on when you join the institution, or based on your birth age?
While the page mentions adultery a number of times, I am wondering, how harshly condemned has it been? Would it be more along the line of social disapproval, or is it something that actually gets legislated against?
(For that matter, would relations between two men who married into the same band be considered licit, while relations between men in separate bands would be technically adultery, or is that not framed the same way?)
Is adoption conceptualized as a form of marriage (jɔhù)?
The lexicon mention "trɛ̌słó," defined as "the Attainment or individualistic school." I remember this having been mentioned on the almeopedia as well, but it doesn't look like it's there anymore. Is this no longer a thing?