Almean Vexillology

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So Haleza Grise
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Almean Vexillology

Post by So Haleza Grise »

Speaking of odds, ends and random information, I have some questions about Almean flags.

We know that Verduria has its own znura, as does Kebri. How many other nations on the plain (or elsewhere, such as maybe Xurno or Dhekhnam) have their own national flags? I assume the sea-going nations have various jacks and whatnot, but they're not really the same as an all-purpose national flag, which I imagine that not many nations on Almea have, given that the concept of nationalism is still in its infancy. Would I be correct there?

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More than you probably wanted to know dept.

Post by zompist »

The national flags on the Plain have developed out of the military banners of Cadhinorian nobles and commanders. The S?luer dynasty, once it was firmly in control of the Lordship of Verduria, very naturally chose a green standard. This became associated with the city, so that when the Yan took over (2704), they added their own colors (light and dark blue) as a set of vertical stripes in the middle of the flag. The Prezheons had a white flag with a sword, which they substituted into the flag.

The Prezheons were in power so long (over three centuries) that this green-white-green tricolor was simply seen as the Verdurian flag; subsequent dynasties have changed the emblems in the middle but made no dramatic changes.

A similar story can be told for other states of the Plain-- though not all of them have made the transition from dynastic to national colors.

The Dhekhnami tradition is to use kites, usually in the shape of glowering monsters, and often outfitted with devices to roar or shriek when the wind blows through them.

The Xurnese also have a national flag-- deep blue with a red border. This was a mark of the revolutionaries during the Revaudo civil war, as against the royalist red and black.

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Post by Mecislau »

There are three letters on the Verdurian flag shown on the Virtual Verduria page (A.V.D., I think). What do these stand for?

Where did you see the flag of Kebri?

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Post by butsuri »

Maknas wrote: Where did you see the flag of Kebri?
It's in the top right corner, with "Kebri" written on it.

So what is the origin of this flag?

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Post by Mecislau »

butsuri wrote:It's in the top right corner, with "Kebri" written on it.
Does that mean Kebri has a square-shaped flag and Verduria has a rectangular one? How are the other flags shaped then, like the Xurnese flag?

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Post by Glenn »

Maknas wrote:There are three letters on the Verdurian flag shown on the Virtual Verduria page (A.V.D., I think). What do these stand for?
If I'm not mistaken, Mark wrote in a previous vexillological thread that A.V.D. stands for Alric Vleteon Dalu (King Alric Vleteon, the current ruler of Verduria), and that--if this was a traditional feature and not an innovation by Alric--the initials probably changed with each new king.


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Post by zompist »

Indeed-- this is the remnant of the old tradition of changing the flag with the dynasties.

The Kebreni flag (which is square when used as a decoration in peacetime; the military banner is long and pennant-shaped) is technically that of the royal family.

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Post by Raphael »

butsuri wrote: So what is the origin of this flag?
Perhaps the blue stands for the sea around Kebri, and the green and yellow stand for the Kebreni landscape?

Mark, you seem to have quiet a lot of stuff on Xurno that I don't know yet! How many details do you have, actually? Do these two flags have some special meaning, other than that the latter was introduced in opposition to the former? I thought that one of this flags might feature a simplyfied path, and that the Royalist one might contain some symbol of military strength.

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Post by zompist »

Raphael wrote:Mark, you seem to have quiet a lot of stuff on Xurno that I don't know yet! How many details do you have, actually? Do these two flags have some special meaning, other than that the latter was introduced in opposition to the former? I thought that one of this flags might feature a simplyfied path, and that the Royalist one might contain some symbol of military strength.
It's a writer's and programmer's trick, actually. When designing a graphics system, a programming guru mentioned that one can put off calculating details till the user zooms in on a region. So, whenever and wherever she zooms in, she sees great detail; naturally she concludes that the entire virtual image is rendered in that amount of detail. But it's not; only the sections she's actually zoomed in on were fully rendered.

The board functions as a zoom-in device. :)

In this case, the Revaudo colors derive from an icon I made for my Xurnese documents, back when I discovered that the Mac supported customizable document icons. And I invented the royalist colors when the question was asked.

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