So... who're ewemi?

Questions or discussions about Almea or Verduria-- also the Incatena. Also good for postings in Almean languages.

Your Axunemi gender

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Post by Rory »

Anyone think the Ewez picture on Mark's page looks a little like an effeminate Nuntar?
The man of science is perceiving and endowed with vision whereas he who is ignorant and neglectful of this development is blind. The investigating mind is attentive, alive; the mind callous and indifferent is deaf and dead. - 'Abdu'l-Bahá

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Post by Brel »

Rory wrote:Anyone think the Ewez picture on Mark's page looks a little like an effeminate Nuntar?
Uh... no. I had actually thought it looked like me before I got my hair cut.
Io wrote:Seriously, do you take it as an obligation to be the sort of cunt you are?

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Post by Brel »

So zomp, one thing I can't help wondering is how far the ewemi went (and were expected to go) to hide their biological sex, and additionally, whether physical appearance had any bearing on a person's šešedu in the first place? For example, would a male with a very masculine build be given a male šešedu even if he had some feminine personality traits? Or does personality always trump physical appearance?

If so, were female ewemi with larger breasts expected to practice binding? Did tall male ewemi have to hunch down to hide their height? Did they have to wear any sort of garment to hide their Adam's apples? I would assume they would have to train their voices; what did they sound like? Did speech in general differ considerably between the sexes?
Io wrote:Seriously, do you take it as an obligation to be the sort of cunt you are?

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Post by zompist »

Brel wrote:So zomp, one thing I can't help wondering is how far the ewemi went (and were expected to go) to hide their biological sex, and additionally, whether physical appearance had any bearing on a person's šešedu in the first place? For example, would a male with a very masculine build be given a male šešedu even if he had some feminine personality traits? Or does personality always trump physical appearance?
Personality is most important-- to be a warrior, it's more important to have a warrior mindset than to look like a warrior. But appearance could be a factor; so could external factors-- e.g. some boy is on the borderline, but the family really really needs a male heir...
If so, were female ewemi with larger breasts expected to practice binding? Did tall male ewemi have to hunch down to hide their height? Did they have to wear any sort of garment to hide their Adam's apples? I would assume they would have to train their voices; what did they sound like? Did speech in general differ considerably between the sexes?
Almean women (of the Taëse race at least) are not very busty, so that was rarely an issue. One could be a tall ewez just as one can be a tall woman. In general, some effort was made to achieve the proper unisex look; but then it wasn't that hard a look to maintain. Long robes can hide a lot. :) Of the three sexes, ewemi were considered the least concerned with clothes.

There was an attempt to use at least a middle voice register. A low baritone or high soprano ewez would have been perceived as a little comic.

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Radius Solis
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Post by Radius Solis »

Hmm, let's see...
Dominated by intellectual pursuits: check.
Uninterested in having/raising children: check.
Gay: check.

On the masculine side, I:
  • * spend a maximum of 10 seconds per day on my hair
    * will cut my fingernails and toenails with whatever happens to be handy even if it's scissors
    * hardly eat vegatables (shhhh, I've been cheating on that one lately)
    * freely burp, pick my nose, scratch, and cuss
    * could care less if my clothes match or look like anything; I just grab whatever's clean
    * smack things that don't work properly
On the feminine side, I:
  • * keep the bathroom clean (usually)
    * like poetry, painting, cooking, and various handicrafts (I've even tried needlepoint)
    * stop and ask for directions
    * can't stand most sports
    * intricately analyze social interactions, and often get overly emotional
    * don't bother pretending my endowment is above average if the subject comes up
All the above would appear to land me squarely in the ewez category.

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