Kool map game

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Kool map game

Post by patiku »

Basically this is the same as cunningham's thread, only this is explicitly a forum game whereas his thread was vague, and we'll use .png. The original can be found here. Let's get started!


Ubungu, a land of savage jungles and savager people! Despite its strategic location and great mineral wealth, its development has been greatly hindered by two civil wars and six coups in the last thirty years. General Mbzeki, the current Supreme Commander of Ubungu, has managed to hold things down everywhere that matters, i.e. the coasts. The government is acutely aware of the fact that piracy occurring on the Equatorial Strait would lead to an unwanted military intervention by more advanced countries. Civilization fades away as one travels south from the capital, Ngomboyo; hip cafés, the Statue of Thog, sandy beaches, and other tourist draws are replaced with dirt roads and malaria.

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Re: Kool map game

Post by Kereb »


Pirates control the red bit. There are a lot of pirates. My pirates and your malaria people fight over the purple bit.
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Re: Kool map game

Post by patiku »

Don't do that.

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Re: Kool map game

Post by Kereb »

Why not? I didn't put the pirates in the equatorial strait!
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Re: Kool map game

Post by clawgrip »

Yiyenmenyon, founded by Emperor Rosenrotan Tehamumon after the conquest and annexation of the kingdoms of Kinhewimi and Ritinso and other, minor states. Has been controlled by the Tehamumon dynasty ever since. Primary export is beets.

The government attempted to contain a malaria epidemic in the northern Kentanwan Kusinyaye region by burning a strip of jungle bare between the infected area and the populous southern region, and forbidding travel between regions. This helped to stem the spread of the disease southward, but left Kentawan Kusinyaye separated from the central government and open to piracy and corruption. Kentawan Kusinyaye is under the control of Proconsul Roki Waki.
Last edited by clawgrip on Thu Jul 11, 2013 12:26 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Kool map game

Post by Vuvuzela »

The Glorious People's Republic of R was founded in ∞ B.C.E., when the country's Most Beloved Leader Fred Francis Frum I created reality. Unlike its filthy capitalist neighbors, the people of R experience no poverty or disease or piracy or oppression and are constantly happy. I hope our leader, Fred promises such unity to you, as well!
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Re: Kool map game

Post by Radius Solis »

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The Glorious People's United Teenage Mutant Ninja Republic of Ougistaki, No U, and Underwhelma, also known as Hÿÿjattataouiakptat for short, is the best country of all! The current king of No U and emperor of the Holy Hÿÿj is called Momuyumb, and boy does this theocrat know how to party! In Hÿÿjetc, they hate the booga-boogas down in the yellow places and refuse to go within a hundred miles! Oh and they also like building racetracks because racism is aweseome and also parlments and thec olor purpole not yellow ilke those shitguzzlegeorgebushwankstickfagdsegggls\


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Re: Kool map game

Post by clawgrip »


The Dominion of Bolvurd has been a major nation state in the central continent in the few hundred years following Derkur Derdurk Gung's dramatic organization of the numerous city states that previously existed in that area. Bolvurd was one of Yiyenmenyon's targets during the expansionist reign of Rosenrotan Tehamumon and a war was fought between them. A significant portion of the Konoslen peninsula was lost to Yiyenmenyon, but Bolvurd expanded northward to capture lake Sinyu, or Sinil as it is called in Bolvurdian, and the lands northeast of it.

A peace envoy sent to R from Bolvurd in order to establish friendly ties and find an ally against Yiyenmenyon was unsuccessful. The current Bolvurdian King Burmur Dlazulo Find Krerkaro does not trust Fred Francis Frum I, but recognizes the potential blow to the Bolvurd economy if the Rish government were to raise tariffs on Bolvurdian imports, and thus is in a real pickle.

Primary exports are taro potatoes and pottery with pictures of snakes on them.

Also I fixed up Pirate-Topia's borders to be consistent with the rest of the map.

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Re: Kool map game

Post by cunningham »

I hate you.

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Re: Kool map game

Post by clawgrip »

Do you want us to destroy your map too?

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Re: Kool map game

Post by Burke »

Introducing the Member States of the Overly Egalitarian Islands and Shores of Jaawi Ruusih, or simply Jaawi Ruusih to those not so pretentious, by which we mean those not involved with the legal system. Jaawi Ruusih means Joy's Birth in the native language of the majority ethnicity, the Gomah, though smaller groups still thrive on many of the islands, notably the Kwamz. Being and island nation on a strait, the biggest industries are trade and tourism. The Northern Islands, mainly controlled by the Gomah, are well known for their diverse cuisine, mainly evolving from the fishing traditions, and their vibrant musical scores designed for expressive dance. The two main lands, Dip Peninsula in the north, which walls itself up to the nearby mountains, and Runner's Ridge in the south, which is very flat and edged in by a wide river, are cultural and urban hubs. The north of Dip Peninsula is not only mountanous, but the largest tourist location due to its abundant geysers and hotsprings, which has developed a culture of warm hospitality around those.

Politically, each province, normally an island or group of small islands or one of the main lands, is allowed to reasonably govern themselves within their own means, including how they choose their representative. This leads to some of the poor islands sending the most educated, Runner's strip having hotly contested elections, and Dip Peninsula sending a reluctant "King" affectionately reffered to as "The Victim." The legal system is very loose, with lawyers being almost inexistent in this Holidayland. Jaawi Ruusih strives to maintain happy relations with its neighbors, by means of gifts, happy Christmas cards, and an endless supply of barbeque pork.

Generally, the people love strangers, but look on them odd for differing customs. There exist little military interest beyond the simple Navy, and the country rarely sees the need for military intervention.

A favorite past time for all the people's is tea, which is a minor export. Hundreds of varieties grow and are processed, and it is a large topic of local pride.

{}TEMP EDIT{}Map didn't post, brb

2: Hope this does it
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Re: Kool map game

Post by clawgrip »

The Federated Segments of Kluk is an expansive country located primarily between Yiyenmenyon and The GPUTMNRONU. It is led by president Alfonso Ribeiro and its main exports are high quality cooking knives and inclined planes.

The nation is separated into five distinct segments: Umur Island, Wabag, O, New Alsace, and Mt. Delempladiwalatisam. This means that until recently, it took long time to travel from one end of the country to the other, requiring the use of slow and unreliable ferries. However, twenty years ago, President Ribeiro's predecessor, President DJ Jazzy Jeff, having learned of the amazing race tracks in The GPUTMNRONU, decided to use this idea to aid his country. He spearheaded the Kluk Train, a trunk line running from one end of the country to the other. This trunk line employed a new technology, known as train jumps. These jumps allow high-speed trains to jump across the open water between segments. Particularly impressive is the train jump between Wabag and O, which has a floating train jump platform that allows the train to make a 90 degree turn, since Yiyenmenyon would not allow trains to jump over Kentanwan Kusinyaye airspace.

The recent malaria scare in Wabag frightened the population, and some protesters in O blocked the train jump from Wabag.
Last edited by clawgrip on Sun Jul 28, 2013 7:36 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Kool map game

Post by Burke »

Quick interbang in the thread. I noticed I accidentally made an archipelago in the shape of my county's name. I had a brain droop.

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Re: Kool map game

Post by clawgrip »

Maybe your country made it as a monument filled with luxury villas, like that stuff they do in the water in Dubai, but then pirates took it over and made it another pirate country. Your country is highly embarrassed, but the pirates are too powerful and your country has not been able to remove them from the archipelago.
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Re: Kool map game

Post by Burke »

Maybe they will be pirate friends who import rum! If the TV has taught me anything, it is that pirates always have Rum, and that Puerto Rico has Rum that helps in Cuban battle.
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Re: Kool map game

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Re: Kool map game

Post by ---- »

Áaa is an island nation which has been ruled by a military dictatorship for the last several generations. The current ruler of the country is General É XVI, along with his cohorts, the É Waa Oo, who are basically his personal butlers. They follow all of his commands without question, it's pretty much completely totalitarian. Every year on the summer solstice (or whatever the equivalent is in this world) the populace of Áaa offer a human sacrifice who is ruling at the time in thanks for keeping them safe with the glorious and undefeated Áaa armed forces, natively known as the Wooaa.

Since none of the other countries offer human sacrifices to their leaders, the Áaaians consider them to be rude, silly, and ungrateful heathens, and they don't like talking to them or interacting with them in any way. When foreigners are around they just yell nonsense at each other so they can't learn the language, and it sounds almost exactly like the real thing so no one can tell the difference. However, not everything that is necessary for proper life is present on an island nation, so the Áaaian merchants will usually talk to foreigners long enough to trade resources. Common exports are guns, sand, and palm trees, and imports are either gold coins or giant blocks of ice. Sculptures of the general are made in this ice and then put in people's houses, where nearly everybody has a walk in freezer (the penalty for letting a statue of the general decompose is beheading and excommunication from the state religion, Wooaaism).

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Re: Kool map game

Post by Sevly »


The Bay countries are a thouroughly corporate pair of countries that despise their socialist pig neighbours to the south. The confusingly named Upper Bay (to the south) and Lower Bay (to the north) are run by a few conglomorate companies who would like nothing better than to drive the others out of business, and who put particular emphasis on ruining the fortunes of their crossbay counterparts.

Given the recent increase in pirating along the coast, the once bustling ports of west Lower Bay have seen a dramatic decrease in competitveness, and while the northern ports are not nearly as affected, those are frozen over nine months of the year. As a result, Lower Bay shipping companies have been forced to run their orders through the thankfully friendly city-state of Yupp. Yupp, which is officially the capital of both Upper and Lower Bay, is the seat of the democratic government that once administered the unified Bay; today, however, the authority of that government spreads little farther than city limits and Upper and Lower Bay are de facto, though not de jure, independent. While Yupp has long been the go-to connection point for shipments coming from Jaawi Ruusih and other eastern countries, it is now also gobbling up trade from the western continent and Áaa, with which Lower Bay trades its northern ice for exotic southern sand.

Although there are plenty of port cities in Upper Bay which are far closer, and thus theoretically cheaper, to send western shipments through, the continued rivalry between the Bay countries means that Yupp continues to benefit the most from Lower Bay's pirating difficulties. However, there have now been a number of surreptitious explosions on Yupp-bound cargo ships near Umur Island, which have forced a few unfortunate Lower Bay companies to run their shipments through Upper Bay's safer ports at an even more unfortunate surcharge. Upper Bay has of course blamed these unfortunate events on the socialist terrorists that infest the desolate lands accross the pond, but Kluk is one of the friendlier southern countries and many wonder where these terrorists, if they even exist, are getting their funding from.

In the midst of these antics, Lower Bay also has to deal with continual uprisings on Soap Island that have persisted ever since the island was annexed by Yummy Oil Incorporated (stylized Yo!) some twenty years ago. Yo! never did find oil on the island, but they maintain their claim to the land because their corporate intelligence shows that Upper Bay's Straits Up! knows something about the shores around it and they're sticking around until they find out what. In the meantime, Yo! and the mercenary forces of the Lower Bay Security Coalition (LBSC), of which it is a member, spray some tear gas every Friday to keep the pesky Soapers in line.

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Re: Kool map game

Post by Nortaneous »

The Qftgdx Slnds are the most densely populated region in the world, and one of the most populous states despite their small size. In order to fit so many people into such a small space, they compress their inhabitants by removing all their vowels. Except for the smallest island, Eaeiaoaayi, where they do the same but with consonants.
qftgdx.png (34.84 KiB) Viewed 13011 times
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Re: Kool map game

Post by Colonel Cathcart »

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The Kroh people of Kroh Island are a secretive and deeply superstitious hunter-gatherer society. They are divided among seventeen tribes, each of which utterly despises all the others, and they have no economic activity to speak of, though Kroh Island is fantastically rich in natural resources. The Kroh have never had any contact with the outside world, so they are highly vulnerable to infectious diseases and modern weaponry. They are also physically weak and fragile due to millenia of tribal endogamy and their religiously mandated vegan diet, and they have unusually high rates of narcolepsy. The Kroh's political system is a decentralized absolute barbocracy, in which supreme executive power within each tribe is vested in the person with the most impressive beard. The current ruler of Kroh Island, Chief of Chiefs Grah Mongo Steinberg, seized power by shaving his predecessor, Junga Moh Rothstein.
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Re: Kool map game

Post by Radius Solis »

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Federation of Fakisaki Faidala Foyujiai

The FFFF is a populous but poor nation between Kluk and Jaawi Ruusih. Most of the banana republic's income, which is almost entirely kept by a handful of extremely rich men called the Madafakas, who tend to spend it on expensive foreign booze. The state's chief export is whores sent to serve soldiers of foreign wars. Such soldiers often wake up, hung over, next to a crazy Faidala woman they do not recognize - who proudly proclaims "I your wife!" and his life only goes downhill from there. The FFFF has thus been a major contributor to world peace (against its own self interest), and so far, despite its complete lack of conventional military forces, none of its neighbors have dared invade it.

The ruler of the FFFF is styled "Chairman for Life" and is always elected from among the Madafakas. By law, all women who refuse to be exported are his personal property, and he and the Madafakas have exclusive rights to father children upon them.

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Re: Kool map game

Post by clawgrip »

Super Mario World is a country that spans both the central continent and the eastern continent. Super Mario World is divided up into seven distinct areas: Yoshi's Island in the northeast, Donut Plains to the southwest of Yoshi's Island, Vanilla Dome further south, Mountain and Bridge Zone to the west, the Forest of Illusion on the northwestern Peninsula, Chocolate Island on the eastern continent (which, like Rhode Island, is not really an island), and the underground Bowser's Valley. Super Mario World is led by King Dennis Hopper, who lives in a castle in Bowser's Valley. King Hopper often kidnaps women from Runner's Ridge in Jaawi Ruusih, but they are usually rescued by civilian acquaintances. This is very costly for Super Mario World, because these vigilantes typically travel throughout the country, destroying all government buildings and stealing all items of value.

The straight is difficult for ships to navigate, as it is filled with mines and underwater torpedo launchers. Additionally, a stone face sometimes emerges from the water and sinks passing ships for no discernible reason.

Primary exports are mushrooms and vanilla. One of Super Mario World's biggest problems is the number of people who enter the country illegally in an attempt to reach the lake in the middle of Donut Plains, which is said to be able to grant people 99 lives. As this lake has been designated an aquatic wildlife preserve, the damage done by these eco-terrorists is significant, as they tend to attack any animal they encounter with fire.

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Re: Kool map game

Post by maıráí »

The country of Paagmiin was founded by nomads and religious refugees, and is in fact still made up of largely the same type of people. It is almost entirely of desert, with the majority of the population living along the coast or around one of four oases. Paagmiin people are excessively superstitious, and live in constant fear of the spirits of the dead. This is thought to be a hallucination brought on by obsessive consumption of tiny white and yellow fruit, a Paagmiin staple.
Trade, and in fact all entering and exiting, occur at only two points in the country: the northern port at the end of the Paagmiin Sea and southern port in the tail or, in Paagmiinian, the Lefte and the Riat Siadoftehskriin. The primary export of Paagmiin is cherries.

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Re: Kool map game

Post by vampireshark »

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Vórmósjimolót is a small-ish nation state situated in the south. Its main industries include firearms, missiles, and nuclear weapons production; making textiles and clothing with emphasis on military gear; synthesizing slightly dangerous nerve agents, pesticides, and weapons-grade chemicals; and making fine china. It is run by a council of thirteen individuals chosen through séances, tarot card divinations, and hallucinogen-induced visions who decide that they will generally export to the highest bidder without considering the consequences of said actions. Fort better or for worse, though, the policies of the council otherwise are incredibly laissez-faire, enabling companies to come to the country and run potentially dangerous tests and research with their only concern being the size and state of their coffers and mitigating any threats to it. Police and judicial presences are kept to a minimum, and very few (if any) laws and regulations exist.
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Re: Kool map game

Post by Matrix »

In the land now called The Dead Wastes once resided a collection of states that, claiming a common descent and civilization, had been warring with eachother for practically their entire existence. They all started buying Vórmósjimolótese armaments when that country came into its modern form, and they then proceeded to completely obliterate eachother, leaving only barren wasteland filled with ruins, radiation, chemical storms, fine china, and if you believe certain accounts, zombie-mutants. The Vórmósjimolótese only lamented the loss of such a major market, and have evacuated all corporate managers within 50 miles of the eastern border. Super Mario World has been the place from which sightings of radioactive zombie-mutants from The Dead Wastes have been most frequent, with both rescuers from Jaawi Ruusih and King Hopper's military having claimed to have fought them.


Adúljôžal ônal kol ví éža únah kex yaxlr gmlĥ hôga jô ônal kru ansu frú.
Ansu frú ônal savel zaš gmlĥ a vek Adúljôžal vé jaga čaþ kex.
Ônal zeh. Ônal zeh. Ônal zeh. Ônal zeh. Ônal zeh. Ônal zeh. Ônal zeh.

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