Writing system - help needed

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Writing system - help needed

Post by Eunara »

Greetings ZBB.

I am Eunara. I have been a conlanger for a while now, but have only been on ZBB for (checks watch) around 1 hour.
Anyway, I consider myself an average to high average conlanger, but not a very good calligrapher.
Yeah. Try as I might, the only good writing system I have ever made was the Atka Alphabet used in my profile picture to the right.
However, it is quite clunky, difficult to write, and rather confusing.
It isn't the features of writing which I find hard to create. I have created a basic list of rules for another theoretical conscript which I will include below.
It is simply that I have trouble making aesthetically appealing shapes of writing. I could probably make a good enough picture if tasked, but writing, that is another league for me.
Now, I could very easily use another conscript, or even nat-script for my conlang, but then it wouldn't feel like, well, mine.

Now, a bit about the language I am going to use it for:

Name: Eunaram
Vowel to consonant ratio: About 1:2
Vowel frequency: Very high - think slightly Finnish
Consonant clusters: Also very many.

Now, I have designated a few rules for whatever conscript I shall make.

I am thinking an Abugida, written right to left, with syllables separated by an apostrophe-like symbol, and words by a line. A horizontal line connects consonants without a vowel in between. Horizontally written.
When written in isolation, possibly with a symbol before it, each 'letter' represents a concept or idea, almost like a logography.
When writing an affricate (only Plosive then fricative) or consonant and semivowel, the first letter merges with the second. Proper names are written with a symbol before the first letter.

Now, I don't want someone to make a writing system for me, but I was wondering is anyone had any inspiration/tips for making a good conscript along these lines.



It is fine. I have created one which I believe to be just the thing I am looking for. The crisis is averted.
Last edited by Eunara on Tue Mar 04, 2014 6:22 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Writing system - help needed

Post by Sakir »

It's a very broad style of help you seem to be requesting here, so it's hard to suggest any particular course of action. you might get more help if you come up with a an example (even if you hate the result, a work-in-progress thing). For example, do "make a good enough picture": I'm not much of a con-scripter, but folks who are seem to pop up in threads that have a sample to work with, and I'm sure all the apostrophes and word-separating dashes you mention would draw comment.

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