Taras /'tɑ.rɑs/: Goddess of nature and the hunt
Tarushkain /'tɑ.ruʃ.kɑin/(above + yn nounal affix): hunter
Edit three: Tarasapf /tɑ.ʁ̞ɑ'sɑp̪͡f/: Daughter of Taras
Edit four: Taras-tut-ankh /tɑ.ʁ̞ɑ'si 'ɑnx/: Living image of Taras (Technically, "ankh" is borrowed from Ancient Egyptian. However, Intergalactic Standard descends from the Sphinx language, which used the word.)
Edit six: Ru'a /'ʀu.ʔɑ/: Water
Ru'akhi /'ʀu.ʔɑ.xi/ (above + khi suffix): Aquatic
Superlatives form by inserting extra letters in the middle of a word, like diminutives. The major issue here are phrases like "tall hunter" because the superlative would, technically, negate the existing negative and "short hunter" because of a double negative. How to your conlangs deal with superlatives and diminutives?
Known additives
-(a)pf [(ɑ)p̪͡f]: Daughter of; attached to a deity's name by the Empress
-tut ankh [tut anx]: Living image of; attached to a deity's name by the Empress
-ia(r)- [jɑ(ɹ)]: Changes certain Deity's names into their nounal and/or verbal forms
Edit six: -khi [xi]: similar to some uses of "-ar" and "-tic" in English
Altrunian Conlang Scratchpad: a Companion Index
Inventory questions
Edit one: Added index linking to associated topics.
Edit two: Added a list of known additives.
Edit three: Added an additive
Edit four: Added an additive
Edit five: Spelling updates
Edit six: Spelling reversions and new additive