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Re: 2L Monumental Style Conscript: Herp Derp

Posted: Fri Aug 02, 2013 8:22 am
by Anguipes
I am taking note of criticism, but I've decided to plow ahead and get the animals done before I go back and rework things. :wink:


gvv̄rg - Ungulates

xrr̀r - Antelope (Kinesis)

Represented by a Thomson's Gazelle, includes antelopes and gazelles.

xrj̄r - Deer (Metamorphosis)
Represented by a red deer, includes all species with antlers.

xrv́j - Elephant (Crisis)

xr̀j - Giraffe (Anthesis)
Represented by a giraffe, includes the okapi.

xj̄j - Tapir (Genesis)
Represented by a Malayan Tapir.

nv̀n - Musk Deer (Nemesis)
Fanged deer, includes the water deer.

nr̄n - Chevrotain (Synthesis)

nj́n - Horse (Telesis)
Represented by a horse, includes zebra, donkeys etc.

njv̀jn- Pig (Analysis)
Represented by a wild boar, includes peccaries and warthogs.

njr̄jn - Rhinoceros (Ascesis)

njŕvg - Cow (Physis)
Represented by an Auroch, includes bison, buffalo, yak etc.

gvj̀vg - Goat (Noesis)
Represented by a bighorn sheep, includes sheep and goats.

gvj́rg - Hippopotamus (Gnosis)

grv̀g - Camel (Stasis)
Represented by a dromedary camel, includes camels, llamas, vicuña, guanaco and alpaca.

Re: 2L Monumental Style Conscript: Snel Hest

Posted: Fri Aug 02, 2013 6:33 pm
by clawgrip
Great images as always. I noticed the beaver has no ear, was this intentional?
Also I like your choice of having the lizards have their body pointed to the right, with the head looking back.

Re: 2L Monumental Style Conscript: Snel Hest

Posted: Tue Aug 06, 2013 12:43 pm
by anacharis
I was just looking back over this thread and noticed something- are primates absent from your world?

Re: 2L Monumental Style Conscript: Snel Hest

Posted: Tue Aug 06, 2013 1:40 pm
by Anguipes
anacharis wrote:I was just looking back over this thread and noticed something- are primates absent from your world?
I'm not quite sure what to do about them, and humans. Logically (well, Vana-logic) they should be sixteenth set (angels being the first, then the 14 here plus primates), but due to Vana cosmic history anything associated with that Goddess (including humans) has been corrupted and/or removed from the universe. I'm also not entirely sure where I want to place humans: at the bottom of the angels, or the top of the primates.

Re: 2L Monumental Style Conscript

Posted: Tue Aug 06, 2013 2:32 pm
by Chuma
Ooh, I want to see the angels.

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2013 8:20 am
by Anguipes
Shit, I edited rather than quoted and lost the fish :|


sjr̄ʔ - Stasiforms

fŕvk - Hydra (Kinesis)

frj̀vk - Tunicate (Metamorphosis)
Represented by a predatory tunicate.

frv̄rk - Sea Urchin (Crisis)

frj́rk - Sea Anenome (Anthesis)

fjv̀k - Tube Worm (Genesis)
Represented by a Christmas Tree Worm.

fjr̄k - Barnacle (Nemesis)

fjj́k - Coral (Synthesis)

svr̀vʔ - Sea Lily (Telesis)

svj̄vʔ - Razor Shell (Analysis)

svv́rʔ - Bivalve (Ascesis)
Represented by a scallop, includes bivalves and brachiopods.

sj̀rʔ - Sand Dollar (Physis)

sv̄jʔ - Limpet (Noesis)

sŕjʔ - Sea Fan (Gnosis)

sjv̀ʔ - Sponge (Stasis)

....and that's the main portion of the animals done!

Re: 2L Monumental Style Conscript: Off The Deep End

Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2013 6:47 pm
by Anguipes
Well, I accidentally ate my fish post, but ANIMALS DONE. You can see the entire lot HERE (zoom for full size)

I've also cleaned up a lot of the lines, added a hornbill to the birds (replacing the hoopoe), and corrected some details (like the beaver's ear).

Any comments/criticism welcome :)

There are two more animals that should be in each set: the ones belonging to Hypostasis and Hubris. I'll probably leave out the latter, but I still need to work out what to do with the former. I was thinking about using mythical creatures, or extinct megafauna. They need to fit with the broad group though.

There are also two more sets, the angels (Hypostasis) and the demons (Hubris). Again I need to sort out my ideas on these, and again the Hubris set will probably be left out of the script.

Re: 2L Monumental Style Conscript: 14x14 Animal Glyphs Compl

Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2013 8:01 pm
by clawgrip
Great as always. I really like the distinctive style you seem to have captured for all of these animals, and I look forward to seeing how it can be used as a script.

I tried recovering the fish post from Google's cache, but it looks like it hadn't been recorded before it got deleted. Too bad. I hope you saved it elsewhere.

Re: 2L Monumental Style Conscript: 14x14 Animal Glyphs Compl

Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2013 11:51 pm
by kanejam
These are very awesome! Very impressive that you have finished. But I too haven't forgotten that you advertised this post as a conscript, so I'm interested as to how this will be used as such.

Also curious about the starfish? Was it under fish or molluscs maybe?

Re: 2L Monumental Style Conscript: 14x14 Animal Glyphs Compl

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 12:00 am
by clawgrip
kanejam wrote:Also curious about the starfish? Was it under fish or molluscs maybe?
It's under qvr̀ʔ - Worms

Re: 2L Monumental Style Conscript: 14x14 Animal Glyphs Compl

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 2:19 am
by Jipí

Re: 2L Monumental Style Conscript: 14x14 Animal Glyphs Compl

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 8:24 am
by Anguipes
Indeed, while it's nice to have all these done, this isn't a conscript yet. I explained a rough idea of how things will work in this post.

My current task is some boring number-crunching, to see how well what I've got covers the sets of initials and finals. Then I'll decide how many more glyphs I need to cover phonetic characters. Then I need to decide what to do about determiners and combining glyphs, make cursive versions of everything, do more work on the conlang and lexicon...

Re: 2L Monumental Style Conscript: 14x14 Animal Glyphs Compl

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2013 4:32 pm
by Halian
Any chance we'll get to see the mythical creatures assigned to Hubris and Hypostasis?

Re: 2L Monumental Style Conscript: 14x14 Animal Glyphs Compl

Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2013 3:20 pm
by Anguipes
CJMiller wrote:Any chance we'll get to see the mythical creatures assigned to Hubris and Hypostasis?
Hypostasis: probably. Hubris: probably not. Hubris is left out of the script for cosmological reasons, but I will still need to define her stuff for conworlding purposes. (Though a strong possibility is to have her animals undefined by nature, and have the words refer to any kind of vaguely avian demon, ursine demon, insectiod demon etc...)

Number crunch results are interesting. The pattern causes me to be missing two finals, -vrg and -rʔ. These show up only as hypernyms, which don't have an associated glyph. Adding Hypostatic animals (the angels) would give me one entry for -vrg, but none for -rʔ, and adding Hubristic animals wouldn't fix anything. So I will be adding the plants.

With the two 14x14 grids, plants and animals, I will full coverage of the finals and good coverage of the initials. There would be between 4 and 9 glyphs for each final, averaging just over 7 each.

Provisional plan for the plants is:

Conifers - Kinesis
Ferns - Metamorphosis
Broadleaf Tree - Crisis
Herbaceous - Anthesis
Root Plants - Genesis
Epiphytes - Nemesis
Water Plants - Synthesis
Vine/Creeper - Telesis
Fungus - Analysis
Succulent/Cactus - Ascesis
Shrub/Bush - Physis
Grass/Graminoid - Noesis
Seaweed/Algae - Gnosis
Moss/Cushion Plant/Lichen/Liverwort - Stasis

Re: 2L Monumental Style Conscript: 14x14 Animal Glyphs Compl

Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2013 4:04 pm
by dhok
Your fish are here, I don't know if they were still lost.

Re: 2L Monumental Style Conscript: 14x14 Animal Glyphs Compl

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 7:38 am
by Halian
Anguipes wrote:
CJMiller wrote:Any chance we'll get to see the mythical creatures assigned to Hubris and Hypostasis?
Hypostasis: probably. Hubris: probably not. Hubris is left out of the script for cosmological reasons, but I will still need to define her stuff for conworlding purposes. (Though a strong possibility is to have her animals undefined by nature, and have the words refer to any kind of vaguely avian demon, ursine demon, insectiod demon etc...)

Number crunch results are interesting. The pattern causes me to be missing two finals, -vrg and -rʔ. These show up only as hypernyms, which don't have an associated glyph. Adding Hypostatic animals (the angels) would give me one entry for -vrg, but none for -rʔ, and adding Hubristic animals wouldn't fix anything. So I will be adding the plants.
Why can't Hubris be -rʔ?

Re: 2L Monumental Style Conscript: 14x14 Animal Glyphs Compl

Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2013 4:30 pm
by Anguipes
This script is going to take me a million years, and I'm cool with that.

These are quite elaborate for script purposes. Outside of very formal use they'd be simplified considerably, probably down to a single branch and/or other distinguishing feature.


hvj̀rg - Conifers

xv́rg - Spruce (Kinesis)

hvv̄g - Larch (Metamorphosis)

hvŕg - Redwood (Crisis)

hrj̀g - Ginkgo (Anthesis)

hrv̄q - Cycad (Genesis)

hrŕq - Yew (Nemesis)

hjj̀q - Pine (Synthesis)

hjv̄p - Kauri (Telesis)

hjŕp - Cedar (Analysis)

hj̀p - Fir (Ascesis)

hv̄rp - Celery-Pine (Physis)

hj́rp - Stone Pine (Noesis)

ʔvv̀jp - Swamp Cypress (Gnosis)

ʔvr̄jp - Juniper (Stasis)

Re: 2L Monumental Style Conscript: Plants Started: Conifers

Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2013 7:15 pm
by clawgrip
Looks good as always. I don't think it's unrealistic for the glyphs to be so detailed and complex, because people who would be using this as their writing system don't strike me as the type who would be especially concerned with writing quickly. Based on its appearance I assume this is a monumental script like Egyptian or Mayan, with a primary emphasis on aesthetics rather than ease of writing. Of course I know you plan to make a handwritten version as well.

Re: 2L Monumental Style Conscript: Plants Started: Conifers

Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2013 7:20 pm
by ObsequiousNewt
Now, see, I need to use that for my Elmin languages.

Re: 2L Monumental Style Conscript: Plants Started: Conifers

Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2013 7:59 am
by hwhatting

Re: 2L Monumental Style Conscript: Plants Started: Conifers

Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2013 5:09 pm
by masako
hwhatting wrote:Beautiful.

Re: 2L Monumental Style Conscript: Plants Started: Conifers

Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2013 2:00 pm
by Anguipes

ʔjj̀t - Ferns

ʔrv̄t - Umbrella Fern (Kinesis)

ʔrŕt - Ostrich Fern (Metamorphosis)

ʔjv̄jt - Tree Fern (Crisis)

ʔjŕjt - Maidenhair Fern (Anthesis)

ʔr̀vk - Whisk Fern (Genesis)

ʔj̄vk - Staghorn Fern (Nemesis)

ʔv́rk - Hart's Tongue Fern (Synthesis)

nvj̀rk - Lygodium flexuosum (Telesis)

nvv̄k - Bracken (Analysis)

nvŕk - Moonwort (Ascesis)

nj̀k - Bladder Fern (Physis)

nr̄vʔ - Horsetail (Noesis)

nj́vʔ - Filmy Fern (Gnosis)

njv̀rʔ - Button Fern (Stasis)

Re: 2L Monumental Style Conscript: 14x14 Animal Glyphs Compl

Posted: Thu Dec 05, 2013 1:38 am
by Halian
Halian wrote:Why can't Hubris be -rʔ?
Still hanging here :(

Re: 2L Monumental Style Conscript: Ferns

Posted: Thu Dec 05, 2013 1:46 am
by patiku
Any Christmas trees? :)

Re: 2L Monumental Style Conscript: 14x14 Animal Glyphs Compl

Posted: Thu Dec 05, 2013 5:01 am
by Anguipes
Halian wrote:
Halian wrote:Why can't Hubris be -rʔ?
Still hanging here :(
Oops, sorry!

Because I can't just assign things like that, they're predefined. I have a list of all the roots in a specifically derived order, and a list of all the meanings (or rather god/god/god subsets, as most meanings aren't yet assigned). Put them together and I've got the whole (single-syllable root) vocabulary set up already. So I pretty much have no choice as to semantic-phonetic match-up if I want to keep the whole structure intact.

Yes, it's completely non-naturalistic and You Don't Conlang That Way.
patiku wrote:Any Christmas trees? :)
I refer you to hvj̀rg, particularly xv́rg and hj̀p