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Re: Romanization challenge thread

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2016 11:57 am
by KathTheDragon
Did you know that this thread isn't just for conlangs?

Re: Romanization challenge thread

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2016 12:09 pm
by mèþru
I know. Hawaiian isn't a conlang. I was just joking.

Re: Romanization challenge thread

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2016 3:31 pm
by mèþru
This was part of a two-phonology series of bizarre phonologies.
/pʼ t’ c’/
/ɓ̥ ɗ̥ ʄ̥/
/p t c/
/ɸ β θ̠ ɦ/
/tɬ cʎ̝̥ cʎ̝̥ʼ/
/ḭ̘ i̘ ḭ i ṵ̘ u̘ ṵ u ə̰̘ ə̘ ə̰ ə a̰̘ a̘ a̰ a ɒ̰̘ ɒ̘ ɒ̰ ɒ/
I might develop this into a conlang invented by elders of a tribe, like Damin among the Lardil.
Edit: Here's the other part:
t̪ d̪ t d kʲ ɡʲ k ɡ k̲ kʷ ɡʷ q ɢ
/r ʀ/
/s z xʲ ɣʲ x xʷ χ ʁ/
/cç ɟʝ ɡɣ k̲χ qχ/
/ɪ ʊ ɤ̞ ɑ ɒ/
This conlang has no future.

Re: Romanization challenge thread

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2016 8:58 am
by mèþru
I have no idea about how to romanise creaky voice and root tongue.
<p' t' c'>
<b d g>
<p t c>
<f v þ h>
<t cʎ cʎ'>
<ĩ́ ĩ í i ṹ ũ ú u ẽ́ ẽ é e ṍ õ ó o ã́ ã á a>

<ṭ ḍ t d kj gj k g q p b q' g'
<r r'>
<s z xj ǧj x ǧ f x' ǧ'>
<c ź gǧ qx' q'x'>
<i u o ò a>

Re: Romanization challenge thread

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2016 12:19 pm
by mèþru
varikèvi uses an orthography based off of brazi. It is a sister language of brazi:
/p b t̪ d̪ c k ɡ q/ <p b t d ť k g q>
/m n ŋ/ <m n ŋ>
/ɸ β v θ ð s z ʃ ʒ h/ <f w v þ ð s z š ž h>
/ts dz tʃ dʒ/ <ts dz tš dž>
/ɹ j l/ <r j l>
/i y ɯ u ʊ e ø ɤ o ɛ ɔ a aʊ/ <i y ɨ u ù e ö ɇ o è ò a å>
<ŕ> for foreign sound /r/
/p b t̪ d̪ c k ɡ q/ <p b t d ť k q>
/m n ŋ/ <m n ŋ>
/r/ <ŕ> in the coda, <r> otherwise. /r/ cannot precede any vowels other than front vowels.
/f v θ ð s z ʃ ʒ h/ <f v þ ð s z š ž h>
/t̪θ d̪ð ts dz/ <tþ dð ts dz>
/w ɹʲ j l/ <w r j l> /ɹʲ/ cannot precede front vowels.
/i iː ʏ ɯ ɯː u uː ʊ e eː ø øː o ə ɔ ɔː æ æː a aː ɑ aʊ ei oi/ <i ii y ɨ ɨɨ u uu ù e ee ö öö o~ɇ ê ò òò è èè a aa ȍ å ei oi>
agefaqeg is a daughter language of varikèvi:
/p b t d k ɡ q/ <p b t d k q>
/m n ŋ/ <m n ng~ŋ>
/r/ <ŕ> in the coda, <r> otherwise. /r/ cannot occur before any vowels other than front vowels.
/f v θ̟ ð̟ s z ʃ h/ <f v þ ð s z š h>
/t̪θ ts tʃ dʒ/ <tþ ts ť ž>
/ɹ j l/ <r j l> /ɹ/ cannot precede front vowels.
/i y u ɪ~ɨ ʏ ʊ~ʉ e ø o ə ɛ œ ɔ eɪ ɔɪ ai aʊ aʊ̱ aʊ.ə/ <i y u ì oo ù e ö~a ou ê è a o~ɇ ei oi ai aù å aùê>
I don't have much of brazi and varikèvi worked out.
agefaqeg has a second romanisation based one three things:
  • There must be at least one corresponding romanisation for each conscript letter/digraph.
  • There must be at least one corresponding romanisation letter for each sound.
  • Make the as easier for English speakers. (The other ones were for a general Latin script romanisation).
/p b t d k ɡ q/ <p b t d k q>
/m n ŋ/ <m n ng~ŋ>
/r/ <ŕ> in all cases
/f v θ̟ ð̟ s z ʃ h/ <f v þ ð s z š h>
/t̪θ ts tʃ dʒ/ <tþ ts tš dž>
/ɹ j l/ <r j l>
/i y u ɪ~ɨ ʏ ʊ~ʉ e ø o ə ɛ œ ɔ eɪ ɔɪ ai aʊ aʊ̱ aʊ.ə/ <i y u ì ỳ ù é ö~œ́ ou ə e œ o~oo éì oì ai aù au aùə>
I want feedback on my romanisation.
Feel free to make alternatives!

Re: Romanization challenge thread

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2016 1:36 pm
by opipik
/pʼ t’ c’/ <ṗ ṫ ċ>
/ɓ̥ ɗ̥ ʄ̥/ <ḃ ḋ j>
/p t c/ <p t c>
/ʙ/ <b>
/ɸ β θ̠ ɦ/ <f v d h>
/ɬ/ <ḷ>
/tɬ cʎ̝̥ cʎ̝̥ʼ/ <ʎ ƈ ƈ̇>

/ḭ̘ i̘ ḭ i ṵ̘ u̘ ṵ u ə̰̘ ə̘ ə̰ ə a̰̘ a̘ a̰ a ɒ̰̘ ɒ̘ ɒ̰ ɒ/ <ɨ̰ ɨ ḭ i ʉ̰ ʉ ṵ u ɇ̰ ɇ ḛ e ⱥ̰ ⱥ a̰ a ø̰ ø o̰ o>


/krɪxɑt/ <krixat>

/t̪ d̪ t d kʲ ɡʲ k ɡ k̲ kʷ ɡʷ q ɢ/ <ṯ ḏ t d c j k g ḵ k̊ g̊ q ḡ>
/r ʀ/ <r r̄>
/s z xʲ ɣʲ x xʷ χ ʁ/ <s z x̃ ỹ x x̊ x̄ ȳ>
/cç ɟʝ ɡɣ k̲χ qχ/ <cc jj gg k̲k̲ qq>

/ɪ ʊ ɤ̞ ɑ ɒ/ <i u ø a o>

Re: Romanization challenge thread

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2016 9:35 pm
by mèþru
The Cyrillic to my Latin based transcriptions: ... c9Jfk/edit
As you can see, I'm working on Greek.
I keep flickering between <r̀> and <ŕ>. Which is better?

Re: Romanization challenge thread

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2016 9:48 pm
by Chengjiang
/pʼ t’ c’/ p' t' c'
/ɓ̥ ɗ̥ ʄ̥/ b d j
/p t c/ p t c
/ʙ/ w
/ɸ β θ̠ ɦ/ f v s h
/ɬ/ l
/tɬ cʎ̝̥ cʎ̝̥ʼ/ tl cl cl'
/ḭ̘ i̘ ḭ i ṵ̘ u̘ ṵ u ə̰̘ ə̘ ə̰ ə a̰̘ a̘ a̰ a ɒ̰̘ ɒ̘ ɒ̰ ɒ/ ị̀ ị ì i ụ̀ ụ ù u ẹ̀ ẹ è e ạ̀ ạ à a ọ̀ ọ ò o

An alternate possibility for the vowels if you don't like underdots or having two diacritics on one character and don't mind having multiple similar diacritics possible for a character:
/ḭ̘ i̘ ḭ i ṵ̘ u̘ ṵ u ə̰̘ ə̘ ə̰ ə a̰̘ a̘ a̰ a ɒ̰̘ ɒ̘ ɒ̰ ɒ/ ì i î í ù u û ú è e ê é à a â á ò o ô ó

/krɪxɑt/ krixat
/t̪ d̪ t d kʲ ɡʲ k ɡ k̲ kʷ ɡʷ q ɢ/ th dh t d kj gj k g q kw gw kh gh
/r ʀ/ r rh
/s z xʲ ɣʲ x xʷ χ ʁ/ s z xj ğj x xw xh ğh
/cç ɟʝ ɡɣ k̲χ qχ/ tj dj gğ qxh kxh
/ɪ ʊ ɤ̞ ɑ ɒ/ i u e a o

Honestly distinguishing all four of /kʲ k k̲ q/ strikes me as even weirder than anything in the first of these two.

Re: Romanization challenge thread

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2016 10:14 pm
by mèþru
As I said that language has no future. No one would ever want to speak it. It just sounds awesome. I made it while thinking "I just can't get enough of gutteral fricatives." I found another member of the weird phonologies-languages:
/ʈ c ɟ q ɢ ɳ ɲ ɴ/
/ⱱ ɽ/
/ɸ β/
/ʐ ç ʝ χ ʁ ħ ʕ ɦ/
/ɻ ɰ/
/ɭ ʎ ʟ/
/i u e o ä/

Re: Romanization challenge thread

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2016 10:45 pm
by Chengjiang
/ʈ c ɟ q ɢ ɳ ɲ ɴ/ t c j k g n ny ng
/ʀ/ rr
/ⱱ ɽ/ v d
/ɸ β/ f b
/ʐ ç ʝ χ ʁ ħ ʕ ɦ/ z x y kh gh ħ għ h
/ɻ ɰ/ r w
/ɭ ʎ ʟ/ l ly lw
/i u e o ä/ i u e o a

Re: Romanization challenge thread

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2016 12:59 am
by Nortaneous
Jagaimo w, naska nas zok n xokbc. Çkakei o xokhin t xte riyō sr. Jagaimo w çka no kki no bbŋ (kaikei) o xokuyō ni sr. Kanec çōri xte tabe rarer hoka ni, deŋpuŋ genryō t xte mo riyō sa rer. Hikakteki hozon ga kik xokzaidearga, krakte mo oŋd n takai tkoro ni hozoŋ sr t hacga x yasui tame, szxī baxo de n hokaŋ ga nzomaxī. Me ya ryokka xta kaikei ni w dksei seibŋ potetgrikoarkaroid (soraniŋ nad) ga ōk fkma re çūdk n geŋ ni nar.

Re: Romanization challenge thread

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2016 9:47 am
by opipik
/ʈ c ɟ q ɢ ɳ ɲ ɴ/ <t c j q g n ñ ƞ>
/ʀ/ <ꞧ>
/ⱱ ɽ/ <ꞗ r>
/ɸ β/ <f b>
/ʐ ç ʝ χ ʁ ħ ʕ ɦ/ <z ꞓ ɉ x ẋ ħ a h>
/ɻ ɰ/ <ɾ w>
/ɭ ʎ ʟ/ <l ɫ ḡ>

/i u e o ä/ <i u e o ä>

Re: Romanization challenge thread

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2016 12:24 pm
by KathTheDragon

/p tʰ t tʃ dʒ k/
/f s ʃ ʒ x/
/m n r l/
/i u/
/e ɛ: o/

Allophony: /p t k/ are /b d g/ in fully voiced environments. /i u/ are long in open syllables. Hiatus is broken by epenthetic [j] after /i e/, [w] after /u o/ and [ʔ] after /a ɛ:/

/sorɛ:reteʃas aneskas krim nu ne xal | ʃane sal nom rɛ:pireas ne || tʃar xɛ: | ʃani meno kras | teno ni || kekar dʒetum sotʃoleʃu kras/

Re: Romanization challenge thread

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2016 1:14 pm
by Nortaneous
/p tʰ t tʃ dʒ k/ <b t d j z g>
/f s ʃ ʒ x/ <f s c y k>
/m n r l/ <m n r l>
/i u/ <i u>
/e ɛ: o/ <e æ o>
/a/ <a>

/sorɛ:reteʃas aneskas krim nu ne xal | ʃane sal nom rɛ:pireas ne || tʃar xɛ: | ʃani meno kras | teno ni || kekar dʒetum sotʃoleʃu kras/
Soræredecas anesgas grim nu ne kal. Cane sal nom ræbireas ne. Jar kæ. Cani meno gras. Deno ni. Gegar zedum sojolecu gras.


/p tʰ t tʃ dʒ k/ <p rx z q c g>
/f s ʃ ʒ x/ <v s ç y x>
/m n r l/ <m n r rr>
/i u/ <y u>
/e ɛ: o/ <e æ o>
/a/ <a>
Sorærezeças anesgas grym nu ne xarr. Çane sarr nom ræpyreas ne. Qar xæ. Çany meno gras. Zeno ny. Gegar cezum soqorreçu gras.


/p tʰ t tʃ dʒ k/ <b t d xh x k>
/f s ʃ ʒ x/ <f s sh z h>
/m n r l/ <m n r l>
/i u/ <i u>
/e ɛ: o/ <e ê o>
/a/ <a>

Sorêredeshas aneskas krim nu ne hal. Shane sal nom rêbireas ne. Xhar hê. Shani meno kras. Deno ni. Kekar xedum soxholeshu kras.

Re: Romanization challenge thread

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2016 3:25 pm
by ivazaéun
/aneska/ Aneska

/p tʰ t tʃ dʒ k/ <p tt t tsz tzs k>
/f s ʃ ʒ x/ <f s sz zs h>
/m n r l/ <m n r l>
/i u/ <i u>
/e ɛ: o/ <e é o>
/a/ <a>

Soréreteszas aneskas krim nu ne hal, szane sal nom répireas ne. Tszar hé, szani meno kras, teno ni. Kekar tzsetum sotszoleszu kras.

Re: Romanization challenge thread

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2016 4:17 pm
by KathTheDragon
Nortaneous wrote:/ʒ/ <y>
/i/ <y>
Is that intentional?

Re: Romanization challenge thread

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2016 4:23 pm
by Travis B.
/aneska/ ⟨aneska⟩

/p tʰ t tʃ dʒ k/ ⟨p th t c j k⟩
/f s ʃ ʒ x/ ⟨f s x y h⟩
/m n r l/ ⟨m n r l⟩
/i u/ ⟨i u⟩
/e ɛ: o/ ⟨e ē o⟩
/a/ ⟨a⟩

Allophony: /p t k/ are /b d g/ in fully voiced environments. /i u/ are long in open syllables. Hiatus is broken by epenthetic [j] after /i e/, [w] after /u o/ and [ʔ] after /a ɛ:/

/sorɛ:reteʃas aneskas krim nu ne xal | ʃane sal nom rɛ:pireas ne || tʃar xɛ: | ʃani meno kras | teno ni || kekar dʒetum sotʃoleʃu kras/
⟨Sorēretexas aneskas krim nu ne hal, xane sal nom rēpireas ne. Car hē, xani meno kras, teno ni. Kekar jetum socolexu kras.⟩

Re: Romanization challenge thread

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2016 1:30 am
by Chengjiang
/aneska/ Anesga

/p tʰ t tʃ dʒ k/ b t d dx dj g
/f s ʃ ʒ x/ f s x j h
/m n r l/ m n r l
/i u/ i u
/e ɛ: o/ e ea o
/a/ a

/sorɛ:reteʃas aneskas krim nu ne xal | ʃane sal nom rɛ:pireas ne || tʃar xɛ: | ʃani meno kras | teno ni || kekar dʒetum sotʃoleʃu kras/

Sorearedexas Anesgas grim nu ne hal, xane sal nom reabireäs ne. Dxar hea, xani meno gras, deno ni. Gegar djedum sodxolexu gras.

Re: Romanization challenge thread

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2016 3:42 am
by Nannalu
/aneska/ Aneszga

/p tʰ t tʃ dʒ k/ <b t d cs dzs g>
/f s ʃ ʒ x/ <f sz s zs h>
/m n r l/ <m n r l>
/i u/ <i u>
/e ɛ: o/ <e é o>
/a/ <a>

/sorɛ:reteʃas aneskas krim nu ne xal | ʃane sal nom rɛ:pireas ne || tʃar xɛ: | ʃani meno kras | teno ni || kekar dʒetum sotʃoleʃu kras/
Soréredesasz aneszgasz grim nu ne hal, sane szal nom répireasz ne. Csar hé, sani meno grasz, teno ni. Gegar dzsetum szocsolesu grasz.

Re: Romanization challenge thread

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2016 1:33 pm
by mèþru

<b t d dš dž g>
<f s š ž x>
<m n r l>
<i u>
<e è o>

Sorèredešas anesgas grim nu ne xal, šane sal nom rèbireas ne. Dšar xè, šani meno gras, deno ni. Gegar džetum sodšolešu gras.


<p tt t ť dž k>
<f s š ž kh>
<m n ŕ l>
<i u>
<e èè o>

<b d g r w>

soŕèèŕedešas aneskas krim nu ne khal, šane sal nom ŕèèbireras ne, ťaŕ khèè, šani meno kŕas, deno ni, gegaŕ džetum soťolešu kŕas,

Re: Romanization challenge thread

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2016 1:54 pm
by opipik
/aneska/ <Aneska>

/p tʰ t tʃ dʒ k/ <p t d ch j k>
/f s ʃ ʒ x/ <f s sh zh x>
/m n r l/ <m n r l>

/i u/ <i u>
/e ɛ: o/ <e ae o>
/a/ <a>

Allophony: /p t k/ are /b d g/ in fully voiced environments. /i u/ are long in open syllables. Hiatus is broken by epenthetic [j] after /i e/, [w] after /u o/ and [ʔ] after /a ɛ:/

/sorɛ:reteʃas aneskas krim nu ne xal | ʃane sal nom rɛ:pireas ne || tʃar xɛ: | ʃani meno kras | teno ni || kekar dʒetum sotʃoleʃu kras/

Soraeredeshas aneskas krim nu ne xal, shane sal nom raepireas ne. Char xae, shani meno kras, deno ni. Kekar jedum socholeshu kras.

Re: Romanization challenge thread

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2016 10:02 pm
by mèþru
Nasal vowels are indicated by <~>
/p b t d k ɡ f v s z ʃ ʒ x ʁ l j ʎ ɥ w/
<p t d k g f v s z š ž x r l j ľ w̌ w>
/i y u e ø ə o ɛ œ ɔ̜ a ɑ/
<i y u e ö ê o è œ ò a ⱥ/
<è, ò, ö> only appears in words that form minimal pairs with <e, o, œ>. Diphthongs use <i> after another vowel. Diaereses are used to distinguish syllabic <i> after another vowel. <-> is used to indicate the sound is added by liaison.
Original orthography: On a laissé la porte ouverte.
In isolation: /ɔ̃ ɑ lɛse la pɔʁt uvɛʁt/
With liaison: [ɔ̃.nɑ.lɛɔʁ.tʁu.vɛʁt]
Reform: O-n ⱥ lese la pòrt-r uvert.

I once made an attempt to reform English. It was for an alternate history with a POD of 1950. The idea behind this reform was that the former British Empire, renamed and restructured as the Federal Empire (British is one of the many Federati nationalites), wanted to educate its many illiterate citizens (formerly known as savages), so it made a special reform. Two alphabetic systems are standard: British spellings used in OTL and "Federal Spelling". Whenever I look at it today, I laugh and marvel at how much I have learned since then. Here it is, in its full (lack of) glory:
International Spelling:
In the Federal Empire two different orthographies are taught: the International System and the Federal Spelling. The International System is basically the current spelling system used throughout the Anglosphere. The Federal Spelling System is described in this document. The International System is dominant among native English speakers, and Federal Spelling among others. The Federal Spelling is also the sole orthography for English in India. In France both systems are used, with American spellings being preferred in business, science, and other formal environments and Federal Spelling everywhere else. In other countries Federal Spelling is neither recognised or taught.
Fedrəl Speling:
In dhə Fedrəl Empair tue difrənt awrthogrəfees aor tawt: dhə Intrnashənəl Sistəm and Fedrəl Speling. Dhə Intrnashənəl Sistəm iz baysikliee dhə krrənt speling sistəm yuezd thrueaoot dhə Angləsfir. Dhə Fedrəl Speling Sistəm iz dəskraibd in dhis daokyooment. Dhə Fedrəl Speling iz awlsou dhə soul awrthogrəfee fawr Ingglish in Indiə. In Fraons bouth sistəmz aor yuezd, widh Əmerəcən spelingz bieeing prifrd in biznəs, saiens, and udhr fawrməl invairnmints and Fedrəl Speling evreewer els. In udhr cuntrees Fedrəl Speling iz naidhr rekəgnaizd awr tawt.
I met a traveller from an antique land
Who said: "Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them and the heart that fed:
And on the pedestal these words appear:
'My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!'
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away."
Ai met ay travəlr frum an anteek land
Hue sed: "Tue vaost and trungkles legz uv stoun
Stand in dhə dizrt. Neer dhem, on dhə sand,
Haof sungk, ay shatrd vizij laiz, huez fraoon,
And ringkəld lip, and sneer uv kould kəmaond,
Tel dhat its skulptr wel dhouz pashəns red
Wic yet srvaiv, stampt on dhieez laifles thingz,
Dhə hand dhat mokt dhem and dhə hərt dhat fed:
And on dhə pədestəl dhieez wrdz əpeer:
'Mai naym iz Ozeemandeeəs, king uv kingz:
Look on mai wrks, yiee Maitee, and disper!'
Nuthing bieesid reemaynz. Raoond dhə dikay
Uv dhat kəlosəl rek, baoondles and ber
Dhə loun and levəl sandz strec faor əway."
No, I did not mean that France was an English speaking country. Here's a list of sound to spelling correspondences (Federal Spelling, General American, New Zealand English, Received Pronunciation):
a - æ~eə~ɛə, ɛ, æ~a
ai - aɪ~ɐɪ~ʌɪ, ɐe, ɑɪ
ao - æ~eə~ɛə, ɑ~ä, ɐː ɑː
aor - ɑɹ ɐː(ɹ) ɑː(ɹ)
aoo - äʊ~æʊ, æɔ, au
aw - ɒ~ɔ~ɑ, , ɔː
awi - ɔɪ~oɪ, ,
awr - ɔɹ~oɹ, oː(ɹ), oː(ɹ)
ay - æe, æɪ, eɪ~e
b - b, b, b
c - , ,
d - d~ɾ, d, d
dh - ð, ð, ð
e - ɛ, e, e~ɛ
ee - ɪj, i, i
er - ɛ(ə)ɹ~eɹ, iə(ɹ)~eə(ɹ), ɛə(ɹ)~ɛː(ɹ)
ə - ə, ɪ̈, ɘ, ə, ɪ
f - f, f, f
g - ɡ, ɡ, ɡ
h - h~ɦ~ç, h, h
i - ɪ, ɘ, ɪ
iee - i, ɘi, i
ir - iɹ~iəɹ, iə(ɹ)~ɪə(ɹ)~eə, ɪə̯(ɹ)~ɪː(ɹ)
j - , ,
k - k, k, k
l - l~ɫ, ɫ, l
m - m, m, m
n - n, n, n
o - ɑ~ä, ɒ~ɔ~ɑ, ɔ, ɒ~ɔ
oo - ʊ, ʊ~ɵ̠, ʊ~ɵ̠
oor - ʊɹ~ɔɹ~oɹ, ʊɐ(ɹ)~ʉː.ɐ(ɹ), ɵː(ɹ)~oː(ɹ)
ou - oʊ~o, o~oə~oʊ, ɑʉ, ɔʊ, əʊ, əʊ~ɒʊ~ɔʊ
p - p, p, p
r - ɹ~ɻ, ɚ~ɹ̩, ɝ~ɹ̩, ɹ, ə(ɹ), ɵː(ɹ)~ø̞̈ː(ɹ)~œ̈ː(ɹ), ɹ~ʋ, ə(ɹ), əː(ɹ)~ɜː(ɹ)
s - s, s, s
sh - ʃ, ʃ, ʃ
t - t, t, t
th - θ, θ, θ
u - ʌ̈~ɐ̝, ä, ə~ʌ~ɑ
ue - , ʉː, ɵu̯
v - v, v, v
w - w, w, w
x - h, #k, h, #k, h, #k
y - j, j, j
yoor - jʊɹ~jɝ, jʊɐ̯(ɹ)~jʉː.ɐ(ɹ), jɵː(ɹ)~joː(ɹ)
yue - ju̟ jʉː, ju̟ː~jʉː
z - z, z, z
zh - ʒ ʒ ʒ

Re: Romanization challenge thread

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2016 10:33 pm
by Chengjiang
/ˈdbirɐ ʐɐnˈɦɐrʋɔ/

/m n/
/p b t d ʈʂ k g q/
/s z ʂ ʐ x ʁ ɦ/ (No, it's not an accident that this has /x/ but /ʁ/.)
/ʋ ɫ r j/

/ɐ ɛ ɪ ɔ ʊ/ (lax vowels)
/æ ɒ e i o u/ (tense vowels)

Before front vowels, as well as in codas after front vowels, retroflexes become alveopalatal, velars become palatal, and /ɫ/ becomes plain [l]. /æ/ is treated as front, /ɐ/ is not. This palatalization spreads through a sequence of palatalizable consonants until it reaches a vowel or a non-palatalizable consonant.
Tense vowels lengthen in open syllables. They only contrast with lax vowels when they are stressed or word-final; in non-word-final unstressed syllables, the contrast is neutralized in favor of lax vowels.
Obstruents assimilate in voicing to a following obstruent. /ʋ/ becomes [v] when followed by a voiced consonant and [f] when followed by a voiceless one.

The syllable structure can be summed up here as "entirely too many consonants and combinations thereof are allowed wherever", although /j/ cannot end a syllable. Vowel-vowel hiatus may sometimes happen across word boundaries but almost never does word-internally, and most grammatical particles that can end in a vowel have alternate consonant-final forms to reduce hiatus.

Sorry, I abandoned this one for a while and most of the material related to it has been lost, so I don't have a proper sample text. Enjoy this near-gibberish quasi-sentence:
/ɪ krɪˈsu ˈʋʈʂtruɫʊzɛ nɐʋ ɪˈʂɛk mɛ ʐgɪrɪˈsæm ˈʈʂo/
[ɪ krɪˈsuː ˈfʈʂtruːɫʊzɛ nɐʋ ɪˈɕɛc mɛ ʑɟɪrɪˈsæm ˈʈʂoː]

Re: Romanization challenge thread

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2016 10:58 pm
by Travis B.
/ˈdbirɐ ʐɐnˈɦɐrʋɔ/ ⟨dbíra zanhàrvo⟩

/m n/ ⟨m n⟩
/p b t d ʈʂ k g q/ ⟨p b t d č k g q⟩
/s z ʂ ʐ x ʁ ɦ/ (No, it's not an accident that this has /x/ but /ʁ/.) ⟨s z š ž x ġ h⟩
/ʋ ɫ r j/ ⟨v l r y⟩

/ɐ ɛ ɪ ɔ ʊ/ (lax vowels) ⟨a e i o u⟩ when unstressed, ⟨à è ì ò ù⟩ when stressed
/æ ɒ e i o u/ (tense vowels) ⟨ā â ē ī ō ū⟩ when unstressed, ⟨á å é í ó ú⟩ when stressed

/ɪ krɪˈsu ˈʋʈʂtruɫʊzɛ nɐʋ ɪˈʂɛk mɛ ʐgɪrɪˈsæm ˈʈʂo/
[ɪ krɪˈsuː ˈfʈʂtruːɫʊzɛ nɐʋ ɪˈɕɛc mɛ ʑɟɪrɪˈsæm ˈʈʂoː]
⟨i krisú včtrúluze nav isèk me žgirisám čó⟩

Re: Romanization challenge thread

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2016 11:36 am
by opipik
/ˈdbirɐ ʐɐnˈɦɐrʋɔ/ <Dbi̤ra Ẓanharvo>

/m n/ <m n>
/p b t d ʈʂ k g q/ <p b t d c̣ k g ḳ>
/s z ʂ ʐ x ʁ ɦ/ <s z ṣ ẓ x g̣ h>
/ʋ ɫ r j/ <v l r y>

/ɐ ɛ ɪ ɔ ʊ/ (lax vowels) <a e i o u>, <á é í ó ú> if stressed
/æ ɒ e i o u/ (tense vowels) <a̤ ò e̤ i̤ o̤ ṳ>, <á̤ ô é̤ í̤ ó̤ ṳ́> if stressed

/ɪ krɪˈsu ˈʋʈʂtruɫʊzɛ nɐʋ ɪˈʂɛk mɛ ʐgɪrɪˈsæm ˈʈʂo/
[ɪ krɪˈsuː ˈfʈʂtruːɫʊzɛ nɐʋ ɪˈɕɛc mɛ ʑɟɪrɪˈsæm ˈʈʂoː]

I krisṳ́ vc̣trṳluze nav iṣek me ẓgirisa̤m c̣o̤.