Page 160 of 173

Re: Lexicon Building

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2016 7:40 pm
by WanderlustKoko
Next: shepherd
Karuslnko: Tamfårdžin /tamfo:rdʒin/ (Lit- Sheep person)

Next: Fortune-teller

Re: Lexicon Building

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2016 11:46 am
by spanick
WanderlustKoko wrote:Next: Fortune-teller
khulíqu /xu.liː.qu/ "shaman" (lit. spirit-instrument) There is no direct word for fortune teller in Dnukta'u but there closest thing is terms of role in society and archetype is the shaman. Once an integral part of Fi'd religion, the shaman was largely supplanted by the khilg̃g̃u (priest) in later days and took on a much more folksy, backwoods connotation. The shamans are now more associated with fortune telling, magic, and potions than they are with mainstream Fi'd religion.

khal /xal/ "to tell a fortune, to divine" from the same root (xVl) as khulíqu. From this word it is possible to derive khalmu "fortune teller" but this is not at all in use by the Fui'd.

Next: bride and groom

Re: Lexicon Building

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2016 12:20 pm
by hwhatting
spanick wrote:Next: bride and groom
Tautisca; westor "groom", weduma "bride", both derived from westen "marry, take a wife"; westor is the agent noun, weduma originally a present passive participle, so the bride is "the one being married". Tautisca encodes marriage as an act the man as agent performs on the wife as passive object.

Next: cloth, fabric

Re: Lexicon Building

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2016 9:42 am
by Markski
aderu- to weave, spin
adesov- verbal noun of aderu, i.e. "stuff that is woven, fabric, cloth"
adewek- to weave + substantive suffix, same meaning

Next word: banana (or any funny-sounding yellow fruit in your conworld)

Re: Lexicon Building

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2016 1:41 pm
by Pedant
Hūam Pōu Gīu "banana" (Yugam Pōul Gigut, from Kroldistani Jinjut "long fruit")
Vāu Pǒ "banana"
Hùŋ Pò Ḥū "banana; native of Filaipo"

And in tribute, the next is:
Servant, minion, assistant

Re: Lexicon Building

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2016 2:39 pm
by spanick
Pedant wrote:And in tribute, the next is:
Servant, minion, assistant
úhu /ʔuː.hu/ "servant, slave" noun formed from the root ʔVh with the general meaning of serving, slavery
áhmu /ʔaː "servant, server, waiter/waitress" from the same root as above, agentive noun from the verb ʔaːh "to serve"
pallmu /palː.mu/ "helper, assistant" agentive noun from the verbpall "to help, lend assistance, assist"

Next: to interrogate, to question

Re: Lexicon Building

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2016 6:35 am
by hwhatting
spanick wrote:Next: to interrogate, to question
Tautisca: parpruchten "question, interrogate, test (knowledge)" (intensifying prefix par- + prochten "ask")

Next: prepare

Re: Lexicon Building

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2016 4:02 pm
by Carolina Conlanger
hwhatting wrote: Next: prepare
Orisiyan: Aheo "to prepare, to make ready, to fortify"

Next: fire

Re: Lexicon Building

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2016 2:53 am
by Jonlang
Carolina Conlanger wrote:Next: fire
Quebric: Taffnos "fire (masculine noun)" /'taf.nɒs/

Next: to lie, to speak an untruth

Re: Lexicon Building

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2016 6:41 am
by hwhatting
dyolf wrote:Next: to lie, to speak an untruth
Tautisca: luchiten (cognate with Enflish lie)

Next: lake

Re: Lexicon Building

Posted: Sun Jul 03, 2016 11:04 pm
by Pedant
Hūam Pōu
"freshwater lake"
Gìam "saltwater lake"

Next: golem

Re: Lexicon Building

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2016 2:30 am
by Soap
Pedant wrote:Hūam Pōu
"freshwater lake"
Gìam "saltwater lake"

Next: golem
Poswa: bammae

Pabappa: pamaburta

I adopted this word from a video game called Mystic Quest back in 1992 without really knowing what it meant. Thus, it has been floating around for 25 years as a "basic word" in every conlang Ive made since then, except for examples like Pabappa where sound changes have made it necessary to replace it with a compound. Thus, unlike most words I post here, there is no etymology. But Hebrew "golem" seems to just be their word for pupa, so that's not so bad?



health, medical state of one's body

Re: Lexicon Building

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2016 2:47 am
by Jonlang
Soap wrote: Poswa: bammae

Pabappa: pamaburta

health, medical state of one's body
Quebric: lheren "health" masculine noun /ˈɬɛr.ɛn/

Next: to shine, sparkle, glimmer etc.

Re: Lexicon Building

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2016 3:09 pm
by din

outtha ˈuːθːa (v) to glitter, to sparkle
- ouh- (pref of motion) all over, all around, all over the place, here and there, scattered, sporadic, diffuse
- tha θa (v) to shimmer, to glimmer

- - -



Re: Lexicon Building

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2016 2:41 am
by Pedant
Hūam Pōu
Antéu Gobau "book-binder, maker of books" (AM 'person'+TÉU 'make', GOBAU "book")
Anhou ja "bookmaker, turf accountant" (AM 'person'+HOU 'promise', JA 'bet, wager')

Business sense, shrewdness

Re: Lexicon Building

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2016 4:14 pm
by din
@Pedant: A bookmaker isn't usually 'a maker of books', but one of these: You translated 'bookbinder'

- - -


odanuocce ˈoðɪˌnwokːə (v) to be cunning, to be shrewd, to be crafty, to be wily
- oda- ˈoðə (pref) similar to, like
- nuocce ˈnwokːə (n) fox

piacchaden ˈpiakxɪðən (n) business sense
- piac- pjak (pref) study of..., skill of..., (corpus of) knowledge about...
- chaden ˈxɛðən (n) merchant, vendor, seller
- - chen xən (v) to give; to sell (to disambiguate also o coper chen, lit. to give by making use of money); to exist (there is, there are; only if used in existential clauses together with the impersonal pronoun)

- - -

nextː tablecloth

Re: Lexicon Building

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2016 2:01 am
by Pedant
Hūam Pōu:
Gáotal "tablecloth" (GÁO 'bench, table (for eating)' TAL 'cloth, fabric')

Thanks for the correction, Din! Duly noted and corrected!

Next: fluff

Re: Lexicon Building

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2016 2:35 am
by HerljosScheindorf
In Xerossu :

inanuak and inanun
lot of furry, furry, fluffy

soft fur, fluff

rought fur

balls of fluff

next word : momentum

Re: Lexicon Building

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2016 2:55 am
by Imralu

ni zombo - momentum (from ni "air", also used to form abstracta, zo 'move' and mbo 'stay')

Next: caterpillar

Re: Lexicon Building

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2016 6:38 pm
by din

cadaindorh ˈkɛðɛːndəɹ (n) caterpillar
- cadain ˈkɛðɛːn (n) fang
- - cain kɛːn (v) to grab; to clutch; to clasp onto, to attach, to link up
- dorh doɹ (n) bug, insect; critter; small demon

Literally, fang bug

- - -

next: earthquake

Re: Lexicon Building

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2016 8:02 am
by Soap
din wrote:Tormiott:

cadaindorh ˈkɛðɛːndəɹ (n) caterpillar
- cadain ˈkɛðɛːn (n) fang
- - cain kɛːn (v) to grab; to clutch; to clasp onto, to attach, to link up
- dorh doɹ (n) bug, insect; critter; small demon

Literally, fang bug

- - -

next: earthquake
Poswa: laptapustila, from lapta "gravity, earth, what lies below" and pustila "to shake, to cause something to vibrate". One might expect the reflexive form of the verb, pustilap, to be used instead, but it is understood that the Earth is what is shaking because they view the ground as an inanimate object, incapable of acting on any other entity.

The verb form is
Lapta pustižaža., which is a passive verb. A similar construction is used to describe weather, so this can be thought of as analogous to an English speaker saying "it is earthquaking now". It would still be acceptable to just scream "Laptapustila!" by itself without using a verb, just as in English one can say "Earthquake!" by itself without a verb.

laptapustila Kind of a disappointment, as the word is spelled the same and the morpheme breakdown is the same. Pabappa has no passive verbs so I am not sure yet how this would be used in an ordinary sentence with a verb.



plateau, large raised area of land

Re: Lexicon Building

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2016 9:52 am
by HerljosScheindorf
Xerossu :

radical : ixtoßa (ix-to-ss-ah)
void tonality : ixtoß (ix-tos)
dont know how to form the other 14 tonalities yet

"plateau","superior part of a cliff"

next word : black hole
(it's sholhuatl in xerossu, and also the name of the 15th letter)

pronunciations :

Re: Lexicon Building

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2016 10:53 am
by hwhatting
HerljosScheindorf wrote:next word : black hole
The Tautínai don't know the concept, but if in contact with modern Terran astronomy, they could calque it as cornun caulun (cornus "black", caulun "hole)

Same calque in the other languages of Tarra:
Lemba Romana: ['kavu 'negru]
Məda:n: [su:r 'negrə]
Ilan: baf neir

Next: heart

Re: Lexicon Building

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2016 12:23 am
by Pedant
Hūam Pōu:

Lōnam "heart (organ that pumps blood)"
Gàoyam "liver (organ associated with positive emotion)" (note that the -(y)am suffix denotes bodily organs)

Keyler equivalents: Lwanäm /lunam/, ʔyakäm /ʔiəkam/

Next: eyesocket

Re: Lexicon Building

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2016 7:47 am
by HerljosScheindorf
Xerossu :


lexical field :
ayin eye
bayin to see
ayincoytl eyelids

next word : hyena