Post your conlang's phonology

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Re: Post your conlang's phonology

Post by Birdlang »

Ambrisio wrote:Based on Ubykh:

h hʷ hʲ ɦ ɦʷ ɦʲ ʔ ʔʷ ʔʲ ʔʰ ʔʰʷ ʔʰʲ ʔˤ ʔˤʷ ʔˤʰ ʔˤʰʷ ħ ħʷ ʕ ʕʷ q qʰ q’ ɢ ɢ̤ ɢ͡qʼ qʲ qʰʲ qʲ’ ɢʲ ɢ̤ʲ ɢ͡qʼʲ qʷ qʰʷ q’ʷ ɢʷ ɢ̤ʷ ɢ͡qʼʷ qˤ qʰˤ q’ˤ ɢˤ ɢ̤ˤ ɢ͡qʼˤ qʷˤ qʷʰˤ qʷ’ˤ ɢʷˤ ɢ̤ʷˤ ɢ͡qʼʷˤ qʷʲ qʰʷʲ q’ʷʲ ɢʷʲ ɢ̤ʷʲ ɢ͡qʼʷʲ ɴ ɴ̤ ɴʲ ɴ̤ʲ ɴʷ ɴ̤ʷ ɴʷʲ ɴ̤ʷʲ ɴˤ ɴ̤ˤ ɴʷˤ ɴ̤ʷˤ χ χʲ χʷ χˤ χˤʷ χʲʷ qχ qχʲ qχʷ qχˤ qχʷˤ qχʲʷ qχ’ qχ’ʲ qχ’ʷ qχ’ˤ qχ’ʷˤ qχ’ʲʷ ʁ ʁʲ ʁʷ ʁʲʷ ʁˤ ʁˤʷ ɢʁ ɢʁʲ ɢʁʷ ɢʁʷʲ ɢʁˤ ɢʁˤʷ ɢqχ’ ɢqχ’ʲ ɢqχ’ʷ ɢqχ’ˤ ɢqχ’ʷˤ ɢqχ’ʲʷ ʀ ʀʷ ʀ̥ ʀ̥ʷ ʀ͡ʐ ʀ̥͡ʂ ʀ͡ʐʷ ʀ̥͡ʂʷ k kʰ kʼ g g̤ g͡kʼ kʷ kʰʷ kʼʷ gʷ g̤ʷ g͡kʼʷ x xʷ kx kxʷ kxʼ kxʼʷ ɣ ɣʷ gɣ gɣʷ gkxʼ gkxʼʷ ŋ ŋ̈ ŋʷ ŋ̈ʷ c cʰ cʼ ɟ ɟ̤ ɟ͡cʼ cʷ cʰʷ cʼʷ ɟʷ ɟ̤ʷ ɟ͡cʼʷ ç çʷ cç cçʷ cçʼ cçʼʷ ʝ ʝʷ ɟʝ ɟʝʷ ɟcçʼ ɟcç’ʷ ɲ ɲ̈ ɲʷ ɲ̈ʷ t̠ t̠ʰ t̠’ d̠ d̠̤ d̠t̠’ t̠ʷ t̠ʰʷ t̠’ʷ d̠ʷ d̠̤ʷ d̠t̠’ʷ s̠ s̠ʷ t̠s̠ t̠s̠ʷ t̠s̠’ t̠s̠’ʷ z̠ z̠ʷ d̠z̠ d̠z̠ʷ d̠t̠s̠’ d̠t̠s̠’ʷ n̠ n̠̤ n̠̤ʷ n̠ʷ t̪ t̪ʰ t̪’ d̪ d̪̤ d̪t̪’ t̪ʷ t̪ʰʷ t̪’ʷ d̪ʷ d̪̤ʷ d̪t̪’ʷ s̪ s̪ʷ t̪s̪ t̪s̪ʷ t̪s̪’ t̪s̪’ʷ z̪ z̪ʷ d̪z̪ d̪z̪ʷ d̪t̪s̪’ d̪t̪s̪’ʷ n̪ n̪̤ n̪̤ʷ n̪ʷ p pʰ p’ b b̤ bp’ pʷ pʰʷ p’ʷ bʷ b̤ʷ bp’ʷ ɸ ɸʷ pɸ pɸʷ pɸ’ pɸ’ʷ β βʷ bβ bβʷ bpɸ’ bpɸ’ʷ m m̤ m̤ʷ mʷ t̠ʲ t̠ʰʲ t̠’ʲ d̠ʲ d̠̤ʲ d̠t̠’ʲ t̠ʷʲ t̠ʰʷʲ t̠’ʷʲ d̠ʷʲ d̠̤ʷʲ d̠t̠’ʷʲ s̠ʲ s̠ʷʲ t̠s̠ʲ t̠s̠ʷʲ t̠s̠’ʲ t̠s̠’ʷʲ z̠ʲ z̠ʷʲ d̠z̠ʲ d̠z̠ʷʲ d̠t̠s̠’ʲ d̠t̠s̠’ʷʲ n̠ʲ n̠̤ʲ n̠̤ʷʲ n̠ʷʲ t̪ʲ t̪ʰʲ t̪’ʲ d̪ʲ d̪̤ʲ d̪t̪’ʲ t̪ʷʲ t̪ʰʷʲ t̪’ʷʲ d̪ʷʲ d̪̤ʷʲ d̪t̪’ʷʲ s̪ʲ s̪ʷʲ t̪s̪ʲ t̪s̪ʷʲ t̪s̪’ʲ t̪s̪’ʷʲ z̪ʲ z̪ʷʲ d̪z̪ʲ d̪z̪ʷʲ d̪t̪s̪’ʲ d̪t̪s̪’ʷʲ n̪ʲ n̪̤ʲ n̪̤ʷʲ n̪ʷʲ pʲ pʰʲ p’ʲ bʲ b̤ʲ bp’ʲ pʷʲ pʰʷʲ p’ʷʲ bʷʲ b̤ʷʲ bp’ʷʲ ɸʲ ɸʷʲ pɸʲ pɸʷʲ pɸ’ʲ pɸ’ʷʲ βʲ βʷʲ bβʲ bβʷʲ bpɸ’ʲ bpɸ’ʷʲ mʲ m̤ʲ m̤ʷʲ mʷʲ t̠ˤ t̠ʰˤ t̠’ˤ d̠ˤ d̠̤ˤ d̠t̠’ˤ t̠ʷˤ t̠ʰʷˤ t̠’ʷˤ d̠ʷˤ d̠̤ʷˤ d̠t̠’ʷˤ s̠ˤ s̠ʷˤ t̠s̠ˤ t̠s̠ʷˤ t̠s̠’ˤ t̠s̠’ʷˤ z̠ˤ z̠ʷˤ d̠z̠ˤ d̠z̠ʷˤ d̠t̠s̠’ˤ d̠t̠s̠’ʷˤ n̠ˤ n̠̤ˤ n̠̤ʷˤ n̠ʷˤ t̪ˤ t̪ʰˤ t̪’ˤ d̪ˤ d̪̤ˤ d̪t̪’ˤ t̪ʷˤ t̪ʰʷˤ t̪’ʷˤ d̪ʷˤ d̪̤ʷˤ d̪t̪’ʷˤ s̪ˤ s̪ʷˤ t̪s̪ˤ t̪s̪ʷˤ t̪s̪’ˤ t̪s̪’ʷˤ z̪ˤ z̪ʷˤ d̪z̪ˤ d̪z̪ʷˤ d̪t̪s̪’ˤ d̪t̪s̪’ʷˤ n̪ˤ n̪̤ˤ n̪̤ʷˤ n̪ʷˤ pˤ pʰˤ p’ˤ bˤ b̤ˤ bp’ˤ pʷˤ pʰʷˤ p’ʷˤ bʷˤ b̤ʷˤ bp’ʷˤ ɸˤ ɸʷˤ pɸˤ pɸʷˤ pɸ’ˤ pɸ’ʷˤ βˤ βʷˤ bβˤ bβʷˤ bpɸ’ˤ bpɸ’ʷˤ mˤ m̤ˤ m̤ʷˤ mʷˤ r r̥ rʷ r̥ʷ ɾʲ ɾ̥ʲ ɾʲʷ ɾ̥ʲʷ r͡ʒ r̥͡ʃ r͡ʒʷ r̥͡ʃʷ rˤ r̥ˤ rʷˤ r̥ʷˤ r͡ʒˤ r̥͡ʃˤ r͡ʒʷˤ r̥͡ʃʷˤ ɬ̠ ɬ̠ʷ t̠ɬ̠ t̠ɬ̠ʷ t̠ɬ̠’ t̠ɬ̠’ʷ ɮ̠ ɮ̠ʷ d̠ɮ̠ d̠ɮ̠ʷ d̠t̠ɬ̠’ d̠t̠ɬ̠’ʷ ɬ̠ʲ ɬ̠ʷʲ t̠ɬ̠ʲ t̠ɬ̠ʷʲ t̠ɬ̠’ʲ t̠ɬ̠’ʷʲ ɮ̠ʲ ɮ̠ʷʲ d̠ɮ̠ʲ d̠ɮ̠ʷʲ d̠t̠ɬ̠’ʲ d̠t̠ɬ̠’ʷʲ ɬ̠ˤ ɬ̠ʷˤ t̠ɬ̠ˤ t̠ɬ̠ʷˤ t̠ɬ̠’ˤ t̠ɬ̠’ʷˤ ɮ̠ˤ ɮ̠ʷˤ d̠ɮ̠ˤ d̠ɮ̠ʷˤ d̠t̠ɬ̠’ˤ d̠t̠ɬ̠’ʷˤ ɬ̪ ɬ̪ʷ t̪ɬ̪ t̪ɬ̪ʷ t̪ɬ̪’ t̪ɬ̪’ʷ ɮ̪ ɮ̪ʷ d̪ɮ̪ d̪ɮ̪ʷ d̪t̪ɬ̪’ d̪t̪ɬ̪’ʷ ɬ̪ʲ ɬ̪ʷʲ t̪ɬ̪ʲ t̪ɬ̪ʷʲ t̪ɬ̪’ʲ t̪ɬ̪’ʷʲ ɮ̪ʲ ɮ̪ʷʲ d̪ɮ̪ʲ d̪ɮ̪ʷʲ d̪t̪ɬ̪’ʲ d̪t̪ɬ̪’ʷʲ ɬ̪ˤ ɬ̪ʷˤ t̪ɬ̪ˤ t̪ɬ̪ʷˤ t̪ɬ̪’ˤ t̪ɬ̪’ʷˤ ɮ̪ˤ ɮ̪ʷˤ d̪ɮ̪ˤ d̪ɮ̪ʷˤ d̪t̪ɬ̪’ˤ d̪t̪ɬ̪’ʷˤ, each in fortis and lenis versions

a e i o u a: e: i: o: u:



consonants: /t k/
vowels: /u a u: a:/
syllable structure: CV(V)(C)
Both of these conlangs are awesome, I wonder how you would romanize the hyper Ubykh.
Hello there. Chirp chirp chirp.

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Re: Post your conlang's phonology

Post by Bristel »

Unnamed Phonology
/p b t d k g q ʔ/ <p b t d c g q ‘>
/f v s z θ ð x ɣ h/ <ph bh s z th dh ch gh h>
/*N/ [m n ŋ ɴ] <n>
/ʁ l j w/ <r l y w>

/a e i o u/ <a e i o u>
/aː eː iː oː uː/ <ā ē ī ō ū> with stress <â ê î ô û>


Acute would mark stress, so a macron plus stress would be a circumflex.

*N is a generic nasal that has 4 allophones depending on the environment (dental before/after dentals, velar before/after velars, etc)
Nōn quālibet inīquā cupiditāte illectus hoc agō
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Re: Post your conlang's phonology

Post by WeepingElf »

Ambrisio wrote:Based on Ubykh:

h hʷ hʲ ɦ ɦʷ ɦʲ ʔ ʔʷ ʔʲ ʔʰ ʔʰʷ ʔʰʲ ʔˤ ʔˤʷ ʔˤʰ ʔˤʰʷ ħ ħʷ ʕ ʕʷ q qʰ q’ ɢ ɢ̤ ɢ͡qʼ qʲ qʰʲ qʲ’ ɢʲ ɢ̤ʲ ɢ͡qʼʲ qʷ qʰʷ q’ʷ ɢʷ ɢ̤ʷ ɢ͡qʼʷ qˤ qʰˤ q’ˤ ɢˤ ɢ̤ˤ ɢ͡qʼˤ qʷˤ qʷʰˤ qʷ’ˤ ɢʷˤ ɢ̤ʷˤ ɢ͡qʼʷˤ qʷʲ qʰʷʲ q’ʷʲ ɢʷʲ ɢ̤ʷʲ ɢ͡qʼʷʲ ɴ ɴ̤ ɴʲ ɴ̤ʲ ɴʷ ɴ̤ʷ ɴʷʲ ɴ̤ʷʲ ɴˤ ɴ̤ˤ ɴʷˤ ɴ̤ʷˤ χ χʲ χʷ χˤ χˤʷ χʲʷ qχ qχʲ qχʷ qχˤ qχʷˤ qχʲʷ qχ’ qχ’ʲ qχ’ʷ qχ’ˤ qχ’ʷˤ qχ’ʲʷ ʁ ʁʲ ʁʷ ʁʲʷ ʁˤ ʁˤʷ ɢʁ ɢʁʲ ɢʁʷ ɢʁʷʲ ɢʁˤ ɢʁˤʷ ɢqχ’ ɢqχ’ʲ ɢqχ’ʷ ɢqχ’ˤ ɢqχ’ʷˤ ɢqχ’ʲʷ ʀ ʀʷ ʀ̥ ʀ̥ʷ ʀ͡ʐ ʀ̥͡ʂ ʀ͡ʐʷ ʀ̥͡ʂʷ k kʰ kʼ g g̤ g͡kʼ kʷ kʰʷ kʼʷ gʷ g̤ʷ g͡kʼʷ x xʷ kx kxʷ kxʼ kxʼʷ ɣ ɣʷ gɣ gɣʷ gkxʼ gkxʼʷ ŋ ŋ̈ ŋʷ ŋ̈ʷ c cʰ cʼ ɟ ɟ̤ ɟ͡cʼ cʷ cʰʷ cʼʷ ɟʷ ɟ̤ʷ ɟ͡cʼʷ ç çʷ cç cçʷ cçʼ cçʼʷ ʝ ʝʷ ɟʝ ɟʝʷ ɟcçʼ ɟcç’ʷ ɲ ɲ̈ ɲʷ ɲ̈ʷ t̠ t̠ʰ t̠’ d̠ d̠̤ d̠t̠’ t̠ʷ t̠ʰʷ t̠’ʷ d̠ʷ d̠̤ʷ d̠t̠’ʷ s̠ s̠ʷ t̠s̠ t̠s̠ʷ t̠s̠’ t̠s̠’ʷ z̠ z̠ʷ d̠z̠ d̠z̠ʷ d̠t̠s̠’ d̠t̠s̠’ʷ n̠ n̠̤ n̠̤ʷ n̠ʷ t̪ t̪ʰ t̪’ d̪ d̪̤ d̪t̪’ t̪ʷ t̪ʰʷ t̪’ʷ d̪ʷ d̪̤ʷ d̪t̪’ʷ s̪ s̪ʷ t̪s̪ t̪s̪ʷ t̪s̪’ t̪s̪’ʷ z̪ z̪ʷ d̪z̪ d̪z̪ʷ d̪t̪s̪’ d̪t̪s̪’ʷ n̪ n̪̤ n̪̤ʷ n̪ʷ p pʰ p’ b b̤ bp’ pʷ pʰʷ p’ʷ bʷ b̤ʷ bp’ʷ ɸ ɸʷ pɸ pɸʷ pɸ’ pɸ’ʷ β βʷ bβ bβʷ bpɸ’ bpɸ’ʷ m m̤ m̤ʷ mʷ t̠ʲ t̠ʰʲ t̠’ʲ d̠ʲ d̠̤ʲ d̠t̠’ʲ t̠ʷʲ t̠ʰʷʲ t̠’ʷʲ d̠ʷʲ d̠̤ʷʲ d̠t̠’ʷʲ s̠ʲ s̠ʷʲ t̠s̠ʲ t̠s̠ʷʲ t̠s̠’ʲ t̠s̠’ʷʲ z̠ʲ z̠ʷʲ d̠z̠ʲ d̠z̠ʷʲ d̠t̠s̠’ʲ d̠t̠s̠’ʷʲ n̠ʲ n̠̤ʲ n̠̤ʷʲ n̠ʷʲ t̪ʲ t̪ʰʲ t̪’ʲ d̪ʲ d̪̤ʲ d̪t̪’ʲ t̪ʷʲ t̪ʰʷʲ t̪’ʷʲ d̪ʷʲ d̪̤ʷʲ d̪t̪’ʷʲ s̪ʲ s̪ʷʲ t̪s̪ʲ t̪s̪ʷʲ t̪s̪’ʲ t̪s̪’ʷʲ z̪ʲ z̪ʷʲ d̪z̪ʲ d̪z̪ʷʲ d̪t̪s̪’ʲ d̪t̪s̪’ʷʲ n̪ʲ n̪̤ʲ n̪̤ʷʲ n̪ʷʲ pʲ pʰʲ p’ʲ bʲ b̤ʲ bp’ʲ pʷʲ pʰʷʲ p’ʷʲ bʷʲ b̤ʷʲ bp’ʷʲ ɸʲ ɸʷʲ pɸʲ pɸʷʲ pɸ’ʲ pɸ’ʷʲ βʲ βʷʲ bβʲ bβʷʲ bpɸ’ʲ bpɸ’ʷʲ mʲ m̤ʲ m̤ʷʲ mʷʲ t̠ˤ t̠ʰˤ t̠’ˤ d̠ˤ d̠̤ˤ d̠t̠’ˤ t̠ʷˤ t̠ʰʷˤ t̠’ʷˤ d̠ʷˤ d̠̤ʷˤ d̠t̠’ʷˤ s̠ˤ s̠ʷˤ t̠s̠ˤ t̠s̠ʷˤ t̠s̠’ˤ t̠s̠’ʷˤ z̠ˤ z̠ʷˤ d̠z̠ˤ d̠z̠ʷˤ d̠t̠s̠’ˤ d̠t̠s̠’ʷˤ n̠ˤ n̠̤ˤ n̠̤ʷˤ n̠ʷˤ t̪ˤ t̪ʰˤ t̪’ˤ d̪ˤ d̪̤ˤ d̪t̪’ˤ t̪ʷˤ t̪ʰʷˤ t̪’ʷˤ d̪ʷˤ d̪̤ʷˤ d̪t̪’ʷˤ s̪ˤ s̪ʷˤ t̪s̪ˤ t̪s̪ʷˤ t̪s̪’ˤ t̪s̪’ʷˤ z̪ˤ z̪ʷˤ d̪z̪ˤ d̪z̪ʷˤ d̪t̪s̪’ˤ d̪t̪s̪’ʷˤ n̪ˤ n̪̤ˤ n̪̤ʷˤ n̪ʷˤ pˤ pʰˤ p’ˤ bˤ b̤ˤ bp’ˤ pʷˤ pʰʷˤ p’ʷˤ bʷˤ b̤ʷˤ bp’ʷˤ ɸˤ ɸʷˤ pɸˤ pɸʷˤ pɸ’ˤ pɸ’ʷˤ βˤ βʷˤ bβˤ bβʷˤ bpɸ’ˤ bpɸ’ʷˤ mˤ m̤ˤ m̤ʷˤ mʷˤ r r̥ rʷ r̥ʷ ɾʲ ɾ̥ʲ ɾʲʷ ɾ̥ʲʷ r͡ʒ r̥͡ʃ r͡ʒʷ r̥͡ʃʷ rˤ r̥ˤ rʷˤ r̥ʷˤ r͡ʒˤ r̥͡ʃˤ r͡ʒʷˤ r̥͡ʃʷˤ ɬ̠ ɬ̠ʷ t̠ɬ̠ t̠ɬ̠ʷ t̠ɬ̠’ t̠ɬ̠’ʷ ɮ̠ ɮ̠ʷ d̠ɮ̠ d̠ɮ̠ʷ d̠t̠ɬ̠’ d̠t̠ɬ̠’ʷ ɬ̠ʲ ɬ̠ʷʲ t̠ɬ̠ʲ t̠ɬ̠ʷʲ t̠ɬ̠’ʲ t̠ɬ̠’ʷʲ ɮ̠ʲ ɮ̠ʷʲ d̠ɮ̠ʲ d̠ɮ̠ʷʲ d̠t̠ɬ̠’ʲ d̠t̠ɬ̠’ʷʲ ɬ̠ˤ ɬ̠ʷˤ t̠ɬ̠ˤ t̠ɬ̠ʷˤ t̠ɬ̠’ˤ t̠ɬ̠’ʷˤ ɮ̠ˤ ɮ̠ʷˤ d̠ɮ̠ˤ d̠ɮ̠ʷˤ d̠t̠ɬ̠’ˤ d̠t̠ɬ̠’ʷˤ ɬ̪ ɬ̪ʷ t̪ɬ̪ t̪ɬ̪ʷ t̪ɬ̪’ t̪ɬ̪’ʷ ɮ̪ ɮ̪ʷ d̪ɮ̪ d̪ɮ̪ʷ d̪t̪ɬ̪’ d̪t̪ɬ̪’ʷ ɬ̪ʲ ɬ̪ʷʲ t̪ɬ̪ʲ t̪ɬ̪ʷʲ t̪ɬ̪’ʲ t̪ɬ̪’ʷʲ ɮ̪ʲ ɮ̪ʷʲ d̪ɮ̪ʲ d̪ɮ̪ʷʲ d̪t̪ɬ̪’ʲ d̪t̪ɬ̪’ʷʲ ɬ̪ˤ ɬ̪ʷˤ t̪ɬ̪ˤ t̪ɬ̪ʷˤ t̪ɬ̪’ˤ t̪ɬ̪’ʷˤ ɮ̪ˤ ɮ̪ʷˤ d̪ɮ̪ˤ d̪ɮ̪ʷˤ d̪t̪ɬ̪’ˤ d̪t̪ɬ̪’ʷˤ, each in fortis and lenis versions

a e i o u a: e: i: o: u:
Danny Wier would love you ;)
...brought to you by the Weeping Elf
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Re: Post your conlang's phonology

Post by Birdlang »

I think kitchen sink languages are awesome, and they have a lot of sounds. So that makes Tech amazing. And this hyper Ubykh has 980+ consonants, if I am counting right.
Hello there. Chirp chirp chirp.

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Re: Post your conlang's phonology

Post by vokzhen »

Eh, there's a lot of consonants but it breaks believability for me because it's ignoring naturalistic restrictions. /c(ʰ)~cç/ /ɟ~ɟʝ/ /ɮ~dɮ/ /qʰ~qχ/ /ɢ~ʁ~ʀ/ never contrast in human language, and there's very good reason to think it's inability to remain acoustically distinct and not chance, unlike say retroflex ejectives, which is simply a result of non-overlapping areas where the two are common. Lateral fricatives, as far as I'm aware, never participate in POA contrasts, with the exception of two languages (Toda's dental-retroflex and Dahalo's coronal-palatal), where they still have the smallest number of contrasts of the coronals, plus a few instances of /kx'/ [kʟ'] alongside coronals, and often don't participate in labialization or phargynealization even when it's present elsewhere. Meanwhile, despite the intense density in dentals and alveolars, there's zero independent shibilants (12 exist, but they occur exclusively as the "affricate" release of a rhotic), unless e.g. /s̪ʲ s̠ʲ/ is in fact [ɕ ʃ].

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Re: Post your conlang's phonology

Post by Pabappa »

Danny Wier would love you ;)
@WeepingElf You worked on a similar language called Quetch that had every word be one phoneme long; did you ever come to completion with the phonology?
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Re: Post your conlang's phonology

Post by KathTheDragon »

vokzhen wrote:Eh, there's a lot of consonants but it breaks believability for me because it's ignoring naturalistic restrictions. /c(ʰ)~cç/ /ɟ~ɟʝ/ /ɮ~dɮ/ /qʰ~qχ/ /ɢ~ʁ~ʀ/ never contrast in human language, and there's very good reason to think it's inability to remain acoustically distinct and not chance, unlike say retroflex ejectives, which is simply a result of non-overlapping areas where the two are common. Lateral fricatives, as far as I'm aware, never participate in POA contrasts, with the exception of two languages (Toda's dental-retroflex and Dahalo's coronal-palatal), where they still have the smallest number of contrasts of the coronals, plus a few instances of /kx'/ [kʟ'] alongside coronals, and often don't participate in labialization or phargynealization even when it's present elsewhere. Meanwhile, despite the intense density in dentals and alveolars, there's zero independent shibilants (12 exist, but they occur exclusively as the "affricate" release of a rhotic), unless e.g. /s̪ʲ s̠ʲ/ is in fact [ɕ ʃ].
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Re: Post your conlang's phonology

Post by WeepingElf »

Publipis wrote:
Danny Wier would love you ;)
@WeepingElf You worked on a similar language called Quetch that had every word be one phoneme long; did you ever come to completion with the phonology?
No, I didn't; the project is currently dormant, and I don't know when I shall reawaken it, if at all.
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Re: Post your conlang's phonology

Post by Nortaneous »

vokzhen wrote: Lateral fricatives, as far as I'm aware, never participate in POA contrasts, with the exception of two languages (Toda's dental-retroflex and Dahalo's coronal-palatal)
Wahgi and Melpa have dental/alveolar/velar. Nii has dental/velar.
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Re: Post your conlang's phonology

Post by vokzhen »

KathAveara wrote:Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.
I didn't intend to make it quite that strong, there was supposed to be an "as far as I know" or some other qualifier. I'm prepared to defend most of those, though, and others with qualifications, I just need a few days to get a chance to.
Nortaneous wrote:Wahgi and Melpa have dental/alveolar/velar. Nii has dental/velar.
Yep, that's one of the "with qualifications." Latfrics distinguish multiple POAs in two isolated languages, plus a single family in the Papuan highlands (which I discovered myself between my post and now). Wouldn't happen to have any sources on any of them, would you?

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Re: Post your conlang's phonology

Post by ol bofosh »

Been a while since I've done this. Just brushing the dust off the old phonology neurons.

/m n/ <m n>
/p pʰ b t tʰ d k kʰ g/ <p ph b t th d k kh g>
/tʃ tʃʰ dʒ/ <c ch j>
/f s/ <f s>
/w j/ <w y>
/l/ <l>
/r/ <r>

Phonemic gemination for nasals, plosives and affricates between vowels
Written <mm nn pp pph bb tt tth dd kk kkh gg cc cch jj>

/i i: u u:/ <i ì u ù>
/ʊ ɪ/ <û î>
/e eː o oː/ <e è o ò>
/ɛ ɔ/ <ê ô>
/a aː ɑ/ <a à â>

Dipthongs: /wV jV/

Stress: first syllable

Syllable structure: CFVN
(F = w j, N = m n l r)

Have at it! :evil:

Edit: some provisional examples of one or two syllables using Awkwords (replaced <â ê î ô û> with <aa ee ii oo uu>)
oo atjó ál phwu dwuum cil baan feetté á pwel iir wanno jiiluu dapphi júl al úrceen caagó wun jeenphé noomthá phaam kel phággi jílchi wúl jaatthol ukhir pwu chó aa roo phálnúm óm tin swo jitthá wá gjópphuu chiithjé ee phjápphuun thúddi khuul thuunniil wo koo lweekkuu weelkjiir njul jú oon suu soon ge kím julpoor pérkee mi kjoddoon joochwul cjaamnjeem jéddúm woo khwí phjíbiil u uun oppaa wiippin lúl oocchól wettoo khun wajji oom phi jechí ul chaa jaa ándwam jibii chí úm pjaa rjiir chémbí jettór mwi waacchér weecchuun bwootjii jéddó thwe ajje
It was about time I changed this.

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Re: Post your conlang's phonology

Post by احمکي ارش-ھجن »

The crazy Vrkhazhian phonolgy:
/m ʰm~m̥ n ʰn~n̥ ɴ/
/p ʰp pʶ b t ʰt tʶ d k ʰk g q ʰq ʔ/
/t͡s c͡ç ɟ͡ʝ/
/ɸ β s z ç ʝ x ɣ χ h/
/ɹ~ɾ ʰɹ~ɹ̥ j w/
/r ʀ/
/l ʰl~l̥ lʶ ʎ̝̊/

/a ɛ e̞ I ɔ o̞ ə u/


Palatal consonants don't get enough love...
ʾAšol ḵavad pulqam ʾifbižen lav ʾifšimeḻ lit maseḡrad lav lit n͛ubad. ʾUpulasim ṗal sa-panžun lav sa-ḥadṇ lav ṗal šarmaḵeš lit ʾaẏṭ waẏyadanun wižqanam.
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Re: Post your conlang's phonology

Post by Birdlang »

אקֿמך ארש-הגִנו wrote:The crazy Vrkhazhian phonolgy:
/m ʰm~m̥ n ʰn~n̥ ɴ/
/p ʰp pʶ b t ʰt tʶ d k ʰk g q ʰq ʔ/
/t͡s c͡ç ɟ͡ʝ/
/ɸ β s z ç ʝ x ɣ χ h/
/ɹ~ɾ ʰɹ~ɹ̥ j w/
/r ʀ/
/l ʰl~l̥ lʶ ʎ̝̊/

/a ɛ e̞ I ɔ o̞ ə u/


Palatal consonants don't get enough love...
I made a language with a palatal trill once without knowing the phonetic symbol.
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Re: Post your conlang's phonology

Post by Dezinaa »

’iiŋìm phonology (inspired by Pirahã and Rotokas):

/p t k ʔ/ <p t k ’>
/m n ŋ/ <m n ŋ>
/i u a/ <i u a>

/V˥ V˧ V˩/ <á a à>

Syllable structure: (C)V(C).


Between vowels, /p t k/ become [β ɾ ɣ].
After a nasal, /p t k/ become .
After a pause, /m n ŋ/ become .
Next to /i/ in the same syllable, /k ŋ/ become [c ɲ]. Between two vowels, if the second one is /i/, /k/ becomes [ʝ].
Vowels are nasalized before nasals.
In closed syllables, /i u a/ become [ɪ ʊ ɐ].
Next to /i/, /a/ becomes [e].
Next to /u/, /a/ becomes [o].
If two non-identical high vowels are in the same syllable, the first one becomes a semivowel.
Two identical vowels next to each other become a long vowel.
Two identical consonants next to each other become a geminated consonant.
When /i u/ become semivowels, their tone is moved onto the other vowel in the same syllable. For example, ŋáánaù /ŋa˥.a˥.na˧.u˩/ is really pronounced [ŋãː˥.now˧˩].

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Re: Post your conlang's phonology

Post by Birdlang »

Post ten gleb phonologies and these are your newest Conworld languages. Then, make up an auxlang. This is a challenge from the CBB.
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Re: Post your conlang's phonology

Post by Birdlang »

Dezinaa wrote:’iiŋìm phonology (inspired by Pirahã and Rotokas):

/p t k ʔ/ <p t k ’>
/m n ŋ/ <m n ŋ>
/i u a/ <i u a>

/V˥ V˧ V˩/ <á a à>

Syllable structure: (C)V(C).


Between vowels, /p t k/ become [β ɾ ɣ].
After a nasal, /p t k/ become .
After a pause, /m n ŋ/ become .
Next to /i/ in the same syllable, /k ŋ/ become [c ɲ]. Between two vowels, if the second one is /i/, /k/ becomes [ʝ].
Vowels are nasalized before nasals.
In closed syllables, /i u a/ become [ɪ ʊ ɐ].
Next to /i/, /a/ becomes [e].
Next to /u/, /a/ becomes [o].
If two non-identical high vowels are in the same syllable, the first one becomes a semivowel.
Two identical vowels next to each other become a long vowel.
Two identical consonants next to each other become a geminated consonant.
When /i u/ become semivowels, their tone is moved onto the other vowel in the same syllable. For example, ŋáánaù /ŋa˥.a˥.na˧.u˩/ is really pronounced [ŋãː˥.now˧˩].

Wow! No fricatives. Is this an alien language?
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Re: Post your conlang's phonology

Post by Hallow XIII »

australian aborigines are from mars
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Re: Post your conlang's phonology

Post by Dezinaa »

Birdlang wrote:Wow! No fricatives. Is this an alien language?
Nope. It doesn't have a conworld setting.

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Re: Post your conlang's phonology

Post by ObsequiousNewt »

Hallow XIII wrote:australian aborigines are from mars
What Hallow means is that about 10% of languages lack fricatives[1], most of which are Australian.

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Re: Post your conlang's phonology

Post by finlay »

It does have fricatives, though, they're just not "phonemic". It does annoy me when linguists use their theoretical phoneme constructs to score brownie points on these minority languages lacking certain sounds.

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Re: Post your conlang's phonology

Post by Dezinaa »

finlay wrote:It does have fricatives, though, they're just not "phonemic". It does annoy me when linguists use their theoretical phoneme constructs to score brownie points on these minority languages lacking certain sounds.
Like Pirahã's /hi/ [k].

The only reason I decided /p t k/ to be the phonemic realizations instead of [β ɾ ɣ] is because /β ɾ ɣ/ :> [p t k] doesn't make as much sense.

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Re: Post your conlang's phonology

Post by Birdlang »

Dezinaa wrote:
finlay wrote:It does have fricatives, though, they're just not "phonemic". It does annoy me when linguists use their theoretical phoneme constructs to score brownie points on these minority languages lacking certain sounds.
Like Pirahã's /hi/ [k].

The only reason I decided /p t k/ to be the phonemic realizations instead of [β ɾ ɣ] is because /β ɾ ɣ/ :> [p t k] doesn't make as much sense.
So it does have fricatives, they are just allophones.
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Re: Post your conlang's phonology

Post by Mausr »


/m n ɲ/
/p pʰ t tʰ k kʰ/
/p' t' k'/
/ts tsʰ ʨ ʨʰ/
/ts' ʨ'/
/f v s z ɕ ʑ x h/
/l r/

/i i: y y: u u: e e: ø ø: o o: æ æ: ɑ ɑ:/

Nasal vowels:
[ãN],[ɨ̃N], [ʉ̃N]

/æj oj øj uj yj ɑw ew iw/

Syllabic consonants:
[ r̩ l̩ ]

Syllable structure:
(C) V (C) (C) (where V = monophthong)
(C) L (C) (where L = long vowel)
CD (m, n, ɲ, r, l) (where D = diphthong)
CR (C) (where R = syllabic consonant)

Vowel harmony:
The system of vowel harmony is controlled by the feature [±front]. Close and mid front unrounded vowels are neutral.

In general, stress is placed on the leftmost heavy syllable in the word. If the word has no heavy syllables, stress falls on the first syllable.

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Re: Post your conlang's phonology

Post by Bristel »

I like your phonology, Maus. Looks like good proto-language material.
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Re: Post your conlang's phonology

Post by Herr Dunkel »

Derived from Proto-Germanic:

/p pp t tt k kk/
/b bb d dd g gg/
/f v θ s ss x/
/m m n nn ŋ/
/r ɻ rr l ll j/

Stressed vowels:

/i i: ĩ ĩ: y y: ỹ ỹ: u u: ũ ũ:/
/e e: ẽ ẽ: ø ø: ø̃ ø̃: o o: õ õ:/
/a a: ã ã: ɒ ɒ: ɒ̃ ɒ̃:/

Unstressed vowels:
/a ã i ĩ u ũ/

b :> v / !#_
{d θ} :> ð / !#_
g :> [ɣ] / !#_

vðɣ :> [-voice] / _C[-voice]

V :> [+nasal] / C[+nasal]_, _C[+nasal]
e :> a / v_
v :> 0 / _{y u o (ɒ)}
a :> ɒ / _$u
ɒ :> u / !#$_

Strong stress on the first syllable on the root, prefixes are unstressed.
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