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Re: How to design a non-European phonology

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2016 9:22 pm
by cromulant
Chengjiang wrote:How are people generally counting affricates in questions that are concerned with the ratios of different MOAs? Are they counted as stops, or as another category?
Questions 6, 16, 47 and S8 provide instructions about that, which are contradictory. 6 and 16 tell us that are stops are affricates for the purposes of those questions; 47 and S8 tell us they are different MOAs. I interpret the fact that instructions are provided at all, as evidence that the author considers affricates to be non-stops. And I think this has been true for most previous versions of this test. The authors can c/d this, but I am just drawing an inference from the four corners of the text. The test considers them separate by default, so for the purpose of the test, so did I. But it's not cut-and-dry.

Re: How to design a non-European phonology

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2016 12:10 am
by vokzhen
Affricates are usually phonemically indistinguishable from stops, having the same contrasts and appearing in the same contexts, though there's exceptions (Basque where they're only voiceless like fricatives; Avar where they can be both fortis like fricatives and ejective like stops). I don't know how that translates into the creator's intentions, but if they're not supposed to be counted as stops that seems like another point of contention to add to others brought up elsewhere in the thread.

Re: How to design a non-European phonology

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2016 12:22 am
by Travis B.
A common difference between stops and affricates is that there is often fewer series of affricates than stops, and the series of affricates there are correspond to more fortis stop series.

Re: How to design a non-European phonology

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2016 2:01 am
by Pogostick Man

/m ɲ ŋ/
/b c ɟ k g ʔ/
/v ç ʝ x ɣ h/
/ʎ ʟ/
/w j/

/u ɯ o ɤ a e i/
/oɪ̯ aʊ̯ aɪ̯ eʊ̯/

1. Absence of any phonemic POA for stops further back than velar [half mark for only one stop-POA behind velar, or for prominent allophonic stops behind velar] – 0.5
2. Phonemic voicing – 1
3. Phonemic voicing only on stops and fricatives – 1
4. Voicing distinction on fricatives but only labial and/or coronal fricatives – 0
5. /v/ but no /w/ – 0
6. One fewer phonemic POA for nasals than for stops and affricates combined – 1
7. No single MOA found at all POAs [half mark if only one MOA at all POAs] – 0
8. At least one non-glottal POA with at least one fricative but no stops (not counting affricates as stops) – 0
9. Fricatives distinguish more POAs than (non-nasal) stops [half mark if they distinguish the same number] – 0.5
10. More non-stops than stops (not counting nasals as either stops or non-stops) – 1
11. Between 20 and 30 consonant phonemes [half mark if between 15 and 40] – 0.5
12. One phonemic lateral, distinguished from rhotics [half mark if more than one] – 0.5
13. No lateral obstruents – 1
14. One phonemic rhotic [half mark if more than one] – 0
15. 5-7 POAs [half mark if at least 4 POAs] – 0.5
16. 4 stop/affricate POAs – 1
17. No systematic secondary articulation at more than one POA and no double articulation [half mark if there is systematic palatal secondary articulation] – 0
18. Voicing as the only phonation distinction – 1
19. No clicks, ejectives, or ingressive consonants of any kind [half mark if one of these categories occurs not as a series] – 1
20. 7 or more vowel qualities [half mark for 5 or more] – 1
21. Three or more diphthongs – 1
22. No non-low back unrounded vowels [half mark if no high back unrounded vowels] – 0
23. One front rounded vowel – 0
24. Two or more front rounded vowels – 0
25. No vowel harmony – 0
26. Vowels distinguished solely by height, frontness, roundedness and length. (i.e. no voice distinctions, rhotic vowels, ATR, nasal vowels, etc) [half mark for nasal vowels not occuring at all vowel qualities] – 1
27. More than three degrees of vowel height – 0
28. Phonemic stress – 0
29. No phonemic tone [half mark for two-tone languages] – 1
30. Syllables without onset consonants allowed – 1
31. CVL syllables allowed (L = lateral or rhotic) – 1
32. CVN syllables allowed (N = nasal) – 1
33. CVF syllables allowed (F = fricative) – 1
34. CVS syllables allowed (S = stop) – 1
35. CVCC syllables allowed – 0 (I'm not counting geminates as CVCC)
36. CVCCC syllables not allowed other than CVCCF [half mark if CVCCCC syllables not allowed other than CVCCCF] [no mark if CVCCC syllables not allowed] – 0
37. CLV syllables allowed – 0
38. FCV syllables allowed (F = fricative), where C is not a glide or a liquid. [but only half mark if C cannot be a member of a particular series (eg nasal, voiced, ejective, fricative etc) or POA] – 0
39. CCCV syllables allowed – 0
40. CCV syllables allowed but SSV or SSCV syllables not allowed (not including geminates) – 0
41. CCCV syllables allowed but CCNV syllables not allowed – 0
42. CCV syllables allowed but SNV syllables not allowed – 0
43. Sonority hierarchy violation in consonant clusters allowed only for fricatives (stops -> fricatives -> liquids -> approximants) – 0
44. One syllabic consonant, a rhotic [half mark if lateral or both] – 0
45. (At least some) affricates treated as phonemes – 0
46. No non-glottal POA with only one MOA, and that MOA isn't fricative [not counting /w/ as labial-velar or whatever] – 0
47. No more than four POAs for stops (affricates not counted) [half mark for five, or counting affricates] – 1
48. No initial nasal other than /m/ or /n/ (half mark if other initial nasals but not initial velar or uvular nasal) – 0
49. No phonemic distinction of consonant length, or gemination, except across morpheme boundaries – 0
50. Presence of an approximant/non-alveolar rhotic – 0
51. 9 or more vowel POAs AND no vowel harmony – 0
52. No velar (or uvular, etc) nasals at all – 0
53. Words can end in any consonant [half mark if 1-2 exceptions found] – 0 (words cannot end in a palatal obstruent, I think)
54. Vowel mergers in unstressed syllables – 0 (in the standard language, anyway)
55. More phonemes at a single coronal POA than at any other single POA (if you don't count velar and labiovelar separately) – 0

The following special questions are each worth 5 marks (in addition to any they may have gained in the above):
S1. No initial velar nasal – 0
S2. No tone system with more than two tones – 5
S3. Syllables of both CCV and CVC form appear (not necessarily for all C), where all Cs can be non-glides [2.5 marks if this is true but some Cs must be glides] – 0
S4. At least 10 vowels in total (including length and quality, but not syllable-specific tone or phonation) – 5 (assuming diphthongs count as vowels)
S5. No non-pulmonic consonants – 5
S6. No phonation distinctions other than voiced/voiceless – 5
S7. Phonemic voice distinction [2.5 marks if it is only one aspect of a distinction] – 5
S8. Fricatives and affricates, added together, outnumber plain non-nasal stops [2.5 marks if fricatives, affricates, liquids and glides together outnumber (nasals + stops), OR if the fricatives+affricates EQUALS non-nasal stops] – 2.5
S9. Ignoring stops and nasals: more fricatives than non-fricative consonants [2.5 marks if equal] – 5

If I did this right, that's 48%.

Re: How to design a non-European phonology

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2016 2:10 am
by Αυτοβοτα
Re: 12 & 14, how do you count a single liquid that has prominent lateral and rhotic allophones? For example, there's Korean, with [l] or [ɾ] depending on position.

Re: How to design a non-European phonology

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2016 2:43 am
by Chengjiang

/m n/
/p b t d k g q/
/s z ʃ ʒ x ʁ ɦ/
/ʋ l j/

/ɪ ʊ ɛ ɔ ɐ/
/i u e o æ ɒ/

1. Absence of any phonemic POA for stops further back than velar [half mark for only one stop-POA behind velar, or for prominent allophonic stops behind velar] 0.5
2. Phonemic voicing 1
3. Phonemic voicing only on stops and fricatives 1
4. Voicing distinction on fricatives but only labial and/or coronal fricatives 1
5. /v/ but no /w/ 0
6. One fewer phonemic POA for nasals than for stops and affricates combined 0
7. No single MOA found at all POAs [half mark if only one MOA at all POAs 1
8. At least one non-glottal POA with at least one fricative but no stops 1
9. Fricatives distinguish more POAs than (non-nasal) stops [half mark if they distinguish the same number] 1
10. More non-stops than stops (not counting nasals as either stops or non-stops) 1
11. Between 20 and 30 consonant phonemes [half mark if between 15 and 40] 1
12. One phonemic lateral, distinguished from rhotics [half mark if more than one] 1
13. No lateral obstruents 1
14. One phonemic rhotic [half mark if more than one] 1
15. 5-7 POAs [half mark if at least 4 POAs] 1
16. 4 stop/affricate POAs 0
17. No systematic secondary articulation at more than one POA and no double articulation [half mark if there is systematic palatal secondary articulation] 1
18. Voicing as the only phonation distinction 1
19. No clicks, ejectives, or ingressive consonants of any kind [half mark if one of these categories occurs not as a series] 1
20. 7 or more vowel qualities [half mark for 5 or more] 1
21. Three or more diphthongs 0
22. No non-low back unrounded vowels [half mark if no high back unrounded vowels] 1
23. One front rounded vowel 0
24. Two or more front rounded vowels 0
25. No vowel harmony 1
26. Vowels distinguished solely by height, frontness, roundedness and length. (i.e. no voice distinctions, rhotic vowels, ATR, nasal vowels, etc) [half mark for nasal vowels not occuring at all vowel qualities] 1
27. More than three degrees of vowel height 1
28. Phonemic stress 1
29. No phonemic tone [half mark for two-tone languages] 1
30. Syllables without onset consonants allowed 1
31. CVL syllables allowed (L = lateral or rhotic) 1
32. CVN syllables allowed (N = nasal) 1
33. CVF syllables allowed (F = fricative) 1
34. CVS syllables allowed (S = stop) 1
35. CVCC syllables allowed 1
36. CVCCC syllables not allowed other than CVCCF [half mark if CVCCCC syllables not allowed other than CVCCCF] [no mark if CVCCC syllables not allowed] 0
37. CLV syllables allowed 1
38. FCV syllables allowed (F = fricative), where C is not a glide or a liquid. [but only half mark if C cannot be a member of a particular series (eg nasal, voiced, ejective, fricative etc) or POA] 1
39. CCCV syllables allowed 1
40. CCV syllables allowed but SSV or SSCV syllables not allowed (not including geminates) 0
41. CCCV syllables allowed but CCNV syllables not allowed 0
42. CCV syllables allowed but SNV syllables not allowed 0
43. Sonority hierarchy violation in consonant clusters allowed only for fricatives (stops -> fricatives -> liquids -> approximants) 0
44. One syllabic consonant, a rhotic [half mark if lateral or both] 0
45. (At least some) affricates treated as phonemes 1
46. No non-glottal POA with only one MOA, and that MOA isn't fricative [not counting /w/ as labial-velar or whatever] 1
47. No more than four POAs for stops (affricates not counted) [half mark for five, or counting affricates] 1
48. No initial nasal other than /m/ or /n/ (half mark if other initial nasals but not initial velar or uvular nasal) 1
49. No phonemic distinction of consonant length, or gemination, except across morpheme boundaries 0
50. Presence of an approximant/non-alveolar rhotic 0
51. 9 or more vowel POAs AND no vowel harmony 1
52. No velar (or uvular, etc) nasals at all 1
53. Words can end in any consonant [half mark if 1-2 exceptions found] 0.5
54. Vowel mergers in unstressed syllables 1
55. More phonemes at a single coronal POA than at any other single POA (if you don't count velar and labiovelar separately) 1

The following special questions are each worth 5 marks (in addition to any they may have gained in the above):
S1. No initial velar nasal 5
S2. No tone system with more than two tones 5
S3. Syllables of both CCV and CVC form appear (not necessarily for all C), where all Cs can be non-glides [2.5 marks if this is true but some Cs must be glides] 5
S4. At least 10 vowels in total (including length and quality, but not syllable-specific tone or phonation) 5
S5. No non-pulmonic consonants 5
S6. No phonation distinctions other than voiced/voiceless 5
S7. Phonemic voice distinction [2.5 marks if it is only one aspect of a distinction] 5
S8. Fricatives and affricates, added together, outnumber plain non-nasal stops [2.5 marks if fricatives, affricates, liquids and glides together outnumber (nasals + stops), OR if the fricatives+affricates EQUALS non-nasal stops] 5
S9. Ignoring stops and nasals: more fricatives than non-fricative consonants [2.5 marks if equal] 5

Total: 85%. More or less what I expected, since its sound is primarily based on features of various satem IE languages.

Re: How to design a non-European phonology

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2016 3:39 am
by Chengjiang

Nasals: /m n ɲ ŋ/ <m n ny ng'>
Prenasalized stops: /ᵐb ⁿd ᶮɟ ᵑɡ/ <mb nd nj ng>
Stops/Affricate: /p t tʃ k ʔ/ <p t ch k '>
Fricatives: /f s h/ <f s h>
Other: /β ɾ j/ <v/w r y>

Vowels: /i u e o a/

1. Absence of any phonemic POA for stops further back than velar [half mark for only one stop-POA behind velar, or for prominent allophonic stops behind velar] 0.5
2. Phonemic voicing 0.5 (Half mark since the voiced stops are prenasalized and the voiced fricative is bilabial rather than labiodental and is treated phonologically as a sonorant)
3. Phonemic voicing only on stops and fricatives 0.5 (For the same reason as above)
4. Voicing distinction on fricatives but only labial and/or coronal fricatives 0.5
5. /v/ but no /w/ 0 ([w] occurs as an allophone of /β/; I don't think this counts)
6. One fewer phonemic POA for nasals than for stops and affricates combined 1
7. No single MOA found at all POAs [half mark if only one MOA at all POAs 1
8. At least one non-glottal POA with at least one fricative but no stops 0 (I'm not treating labiodental as distinct from bilabial here)
9. Fricatives distinguish more POAs than (non-nasal) stops [half mark if they distinguish the same number] 0
10. More non-stops than stops (not counting nasals as either stops or non-stops) 0
11. Between 20 and 30 consonant phonemes [half mark if between 15 and 40] 0.5
12. One phonemic lateral, distinguished from rhotics [half mark if more than one] 0
13. No lateral obstruents 1
14. One phonemic rhotic [half mark if more than one] 1
15. 5-7 POAs [half mark if at least 4 POAs] 1
16. 4 stop/affricate POAs 0
17. No systematic secondary articulation at more than one POA and no double articulation [half mark if there is systematic palatal secondary articulation] 1
18. Voicing as the only phonation distinction 0.5 (See #2)
19. No clicks, ejectives, or ingressive consonants of any kind [half mark if one of these categories occurs not as a series] 1
20. 7 or more vowel qualities [half mark for 5 or more] 0.5
21. Three or more diphthongs 0
22. No non-low back unrounded vowels [half mark if no high back unrounded vowels] 1
23. One front rounded vowel 0
24. Two or more front rounded vowels 0
25. No vowel harmony 1
26. Vowels distinguished solely by height, frontness, roundedness and length. (i.e. no voice distinctions, rhotic vowels, ATR, nasal vowels, etc) [half mark for nasal vowels not occuring at all vowel qualities] 1
27. More than three degrees of vowel height 0
28. Phonemic stress 0
29. No phonemic tone [half mark for two-tone languages] 1
30. Syllables without onset consonants allowed 1
31. CVL syllables allowed (L = lateral or rhotic) 0
32. CVN syllables allowed (N = nasal) 0
33. CVF syllables allowed (F = fricative) 0
34. CVS syllables allowed (S = stop) 0
35. CVCC syllables allowed 0
36. CVCCC syllables not allowed other than CVCCF [half mark if CVCCCC syllables not allowed other than CVCCCF] [no mark if CVCCC syllables not allowed] 0
37. CLV syllables allowed 1
38. FCV syllables allowed (F = fricative), where C is not a glide or a liquid. [but only half mark if C cannot be a member of a particular series (eg nasal, voiced, ejective, fricative etc) or POA] 0
39. CCCV syllables allowed 0
40. CCV syllables allowed but SSV or SSCV syllables not allowed (not including geminates) 1
41. CCCV syllables allowed but CCNV syllables not allowed 0
42. CCV syllables allowed but SNV syllables not allowed 0
43. Sonority hierarchy violation in consonant clusters allowed only for fricatives (stops -> fricatives -> liquids -> approximants) 0
44. One syllabic consonant, a rhotic [half mark if lateral or both] 0
45. (At least some) affricates treated as phonemes 1
46. No non-glottal POA with only one MOA, and that MOA isn't fricative [not counting /w/ as labial-velar or whatever] 1
47. No more than four POAs for stops (affricates not counted) [half mark for five, or counting affricates] 0.5
48. No initial nasal other than /m/ or /n/ (half mark if other initial nasals but not initial velar or uvular nasal) 0
49. No phonemic distinction of consonant length, or gemination, except across morpheme boundaries 1
50. Presence of an approximant/non-alveolar rhotic 0
51. 9 or more vowel POAs AND no vowel harmony 0
52. No velar (or uvular, etc) nasals at all 0
53. Words can end in any consonant [half mark if 1-2 exceptions found] 0
54. Vowel mergers in unstressed syllables 0
55. More phonemes at a single coronal POA than at any other single POA (if you don't count velar and labiovelar separately) 1

The following special questions are each worth 5 marks (in addition to any they may have gained in the above):
S1. No initial velar nasal 0
S2. No tone system with more than two tones 5
S3. Syllables of both CCV and CVC form appear (not necessarily for all C), where all Cs can be non-glides [2.5 marks if this is true but some Cs must be glides] 0
S4. At least 10 vowels in total (including length and quality, but not syllable-specific tone or phonation) 0
S5. No non-pulmonic consonants 5
S6. No phonation distinctions other than voiced/voiceless 5
S7. Phonemic voice distinction [2.5 marks if it is only one aspect of a distinction] 2.5 (See #2)
S8. Fricatives and affricates, added together, outnumber plain non-nasal stops [2.5 marks if fricatives, affricates, liquids and glides together outnumber (nasals + stops), OR if the fricatives+affricates EQUALS non-nasal stops] 0
S9. Ignoring stops and nasals: more fricatives than non-fricative consonants [2.5 marks if equal] 5

Total: 44.5%. Actually lower than I expected. Granted, simple syllable structure seems to count for a lot in this.

Re: How to design a non-European phonology

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2016 6:29 am
by Matrix
Man, I haven't done this for a while. Probably because most of my newer conlangs have been explicitly Indo-European.

I'll do my newest conlang, Tavmashanese.

1. Absence of any phonemic POA for stops further back than velar [half mark for only one stop-POA behind velar, or for prominent allophonic stops behind velar]
2. Phonemic voicing
3. Phonemic voicing only on stops and fricatives (There is a voicing distinction on fricatives, but not stops or affricates.)
4. Voicing distinction on fricatives but only labial and/or coronal fricatives
5. /v/ but no /w/ (Don't even have /v/. I do have /β/, however. But I also have /w/, so there you go.)
6. One fewer phonemic POA for nasals than for stops and affricates combined (Haha, kinda fell ass-backwards into this one from a rather non-SAE way: nasals distinguish labial, alveolar, and palatal, while stops distinguish alveolar, palatal, velar, and glottal.)
7. No single MOA found at all POAs [half mark if only one MOA at all POAs] (Welp, it's the uvulars. I really like uvular fricatives and trills, but I hate uvular stops...)
8. At least one non-glottal POA with at least one fricative but no stops (Ah, yeah... That'd be the uvulars again.)
9. Fricatives distinguish more POAs than (non-nasal) stops [half mark if they distinguish the same number] (They both distinguish four. Not the same four, mind you...)
10. More non-stops than stops (not counting nasals as either stops or non-stops) (Oh yeah, between the voicing distinction on the fricatives and the labialization distinction on the velars/uvulars...)
11. Between 20 and 30 consonant phonemes [half mark if between 15 and 40] (24)
12. One phonemic lateral, distinguished from rhotics [half mark if more than one] (Five laterals, no rhotics!)
13. No lateral obstruents (Three of them!)
14. One phonemic rhotic [half mark if more than one]
15. 5-7 POAs [half mark if at least 4 POAs] (Six)
16. 4 stop/affricate POAs (Oh hey, that lack of labial stops is biting me in the ass...)
17. No systematic secondary articulation at more than one POA and no double articulation [half mark if there is systematic palatal secondary articulation] (Uh, well, there is labialization on the velars and uvulars... But there isn't any double articulation.)
18. Voicing as the only phonation distinction (Yeah, the other kinds of phonation are just weird.)
19. No clicks, ejectives, or ingressive consonants of any kind [half mark if one of these categories occurs not as a series]
20. 7 or more vowel qualities [half mark for 5 or more] (Uh, I think I have 5. I forget exactly how to count this.)
21. Three or more diphthongs (Nope, only the two.)
22. No non-low back unrounded vowels [half mark if no high back unrounded vowels] (I mean, I don't have any back unrounded vowels...)
23. One front rounded vowel
24. Two or more front rounded vowels
25. No vowel harmony
26. Vowels distinguished solely by height, frontness, roundedness and length. (i.e. no voice distinctions, rhotic vowels, ATR, nasal vowels, etc) [half mark for nasal vowels not occuring at all vowel qualities]
27. More than three degrees of vowel height (Only two.)
28. Phonemic stress
29. No phonemic tone [half mark for two-tone languages]
30. Syllables without onset consonants allowed
31. CVL syllables allowed (L = lateral or rhotic)
32. CVN syllables allowed (N = nasal)
33. CVF syllables allowed (F = fricative)
34. CVS syllables allowed (S = stop)
35. CVCC syllables allowed
36. CVCCC syllables not allowed other than CVCCF [half mark if CVCCCC syllables not allowed other than CVCCCF] [no mark if CVCCC syllables not allowed]
37. CLV syllables allowed
38. FCV syllables allowed (F = fricative), where C is not a glide or a liquid. [but only half mark if C cannot be a member of a particular series (eg nasal, voiced, ejective, fricative etc) or POA]
39. CCCV syllables allowed
40. CCV syllables allowed but SSV or SSCV syllables not allowed (not including geminates)
41. CCCV syllables allowed but CCNV syllables not allowed
42. CCV syllables allowed but SNV syllables not allowed
43. Sonority hierarchy violation in consonant clusters allowed only for fricatives (stops -> fricatives -> liquids -> approximants)
44. One syllabic consonant, a rhotic [half mark if lateral or both]
45. (At least some) affricates treated as phonemes (Yeah, but they're all lateral...)
46. No non-glottal POA with only one MOA, and that MOA isn't fricative [not counting /w/ as labial-velar or whatever]
47. No more than four POAs for stops (affricates not counted) [half mark for five, or counting affricates] (Oh hey, that lack of labial stops is biting me in the ass again...)
48. No initial nasal other than /m/ or /n/ (half mark if other initial nasals but not initial velar or uvular nasal) (/ɲ/)
49. No phonemic distinction of consonant length, or gemination, except across morpheme boundaries
50. Presence of an approximant/non-alveolar rhotic (No rhotics at all...)
51. 9 or more vowel POAs AND no vowel harmony (Only five, but still no harmony.)
52. No velar (or uvular, etc) nasals at all
53. Words can end in any consonant [half mark if 1-2 exceptions found] (No words ending with a labialized consonant or an affricate - they all derive from onset clusters.)
54. Vowel mergers in unstressed syllables
55. More phonemes at a single coronal POA than at any other single POA (if you don't count velar and labiovelar separately) (This is one that I specifically set out to avoid - the alveolar, my only coronal POA, has only four phonemes, equal to the labial and less than the palatal and velar, which each have five.)

The following special questions are each worth 5 marks (in addition to any they may have gained in the above):
S1. No initial velar nasal
S2. No tone system with more than two tones
S3. Syllables of both CCV and CVC form appear (not necessarily for all C), where all Cs can be non-glides [2.5 marks if this is true but some Cs must be glides]
S4. At least 10 vowels in total (including length and quality, but not syllable-specific tone or phonation)
S5. No non-pulmonic consonants
S6. No phonation distinctions other than voiced/voiceless
S7. Phonemic voice distinction [2.5 marks if it is only one aspect of a distinction]
S8. Fricatives and affricates, added together, outnumber plain non-nasal stops [2.5 marks if fricatives, affricates, liquids and glides together outnumber (nasals + stops), OR if the fricatives+affricates EQUALS non-nasal stops]
S9. Ignoring stops and nasals: more fricatives than non-fricative consonants [2.5 marks if equal]

61.5% SAE
Huh. That's more than I expected. But with a voicing distinction on fricatives and only fricatives... I probably should have.

Re: How to design a non-European phonology

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2016 1:16 pm
by Dezinaa

/m n ŋ/
/p t k/
/v s z h/
/l ʀ/
/i u ɛ ɔ ɑ/

1. Absence of any phonemic POA for stops further back than velar [half mark for only one stop-POA behind velar, or for prominent allophonic stops behind velar]
2. Phonemic voicing
3. Phonemic voicing only on stops and fricatives
4. Voicing distinction on fricatives but only labial and/or coronal fricatives
5. /v/ but no /w/
6. One fewer phonemic POA for nasals than for stops and affricates combined
7. No single MOA found at all POAs [half mark if only one MOA at all POAs
8. At least one non-glottal POA with at least one fricative but no stops
9. Fricatives distinguish more POAs than (non-nasal) stops [half mark if they distinguish the same number]
10. More non-stops than stops (not counting nasals as either stops or non-stops)
11. Between 20 and 30 consonant phonemes [half mark if between 15 and 40]
12. One phonemic lateral, distinguished from rhotics [half mark if more than one]
13. No lateral obstruents
14. One phonemic rhotic [half mark if more than one]
15. 5-7 POAs [half mark if at least 4 POAs]
16. 4 stop/affricate POAs
17. No systematic secondary articulation at more than one POA and no double articulation [half mark if there is systematic palatal secondary articulation]
18. Voicing as the only phonation distinction
19. No clicks, ejectives, or ingressive consonants of any kind [half mark if one of these categories occurs not as a series]
20. 7 or more vowel qualities [half mark for 5 or more]
21. Three or more diphthongs
22. No non-low back unrounded vowels [half mark if no high back unrounded vowels]
23. One front rounded vowel
24. Two or more front rounded vowels
25. No vowel harmony
26. Vowels distinguished solely by height, frontness, roundedness and length. (i.e. no voice distinctions, rhotic vowels, ATR, nasal vowels, etc) [half mark for nasal vowels not occuring at all vowel qualities]
27. More than three degrees of vowel height
28. Phonemic stress
29. No phonemic tone [half mark for two-tone languages]
30. Syllables without onset consonants allowed
31. CVL syllables allowed (L = lateral or rhotic)
32. CVN syllables allowed (N = nasal)
33. CVF syllables allowed (F = fricative)
34. CVS syllables allowed (S = stop)

35. CVCC syllables allowed
36. CVCCC syllables not allowed other than CVCCF [half mark if CVCCCC syllables not allowed other than CVCCCF] [no mark if CVCCC syllables not allowed]
37. CLV syllables allowed
38. FCV syllables allowed (F = fricative), where C is not a glide or a liquid. [but only half mark if C cannot be a member of a particular series (eg nasal, voiced, ejective, fricative etc) or POA]
39. CCCV syllables allowed
40. CCV syllables allowed but SSV or SSCV syllables not allowed (not including geminates)
41. CCCV syllables allowed but CCNV syllables not allowed
42. CCV syllables allowed but SNV syllables not allowed

43. Sonority hierarchy violation in consonant clusters allowed only for fricatives (stops -> fricatives -> liquids -> approximants)
44. One syllabic consonant, a rhotic [half mark if lateral or both]
45. (At least some) affricates treated as phonemes
46. No non-glottal POA with only one MOA, and that MOA isn't fricative [not counting /w/ as labial-velar or whatever]
47. No more than four POAs for stops (affricates not counted) [half mark for five, or counting affricates]
48. No initial nasal other than /m/ or /n/ (half mark if other initial nasals but not initial velar or uvular nasal)
49. No phonemic distinction of consonant length, or gemination, except across morpheme boundaries
50. Presence of an approximant/non-alveolar rhotic
51. 9 or more vowel POAs AND no vowel harmony
52. No velar (or uvular, etc) nasals at all
53. Words can end in any consonant [half mark if 1-2 exceptions found]
54. Vowel mergers in unstressed syllables
55. More phonemes at a single coronal POA than at any other single POA

The following special questions are each worth 5 marks (in addition to any they may have gained in the above):
S1. No initial velar nasal
S2. No tone system with more than two tones
S3. Syllables of both CCV and CVC form appear (not necessarily for all C), where all Cs can be non-glides [2.5 marks if this is true but some Cs must be glides]
S4. At least 10 vowels in total (including length and quality, but not syllable-specific tone or phonation)
S5. No non-pulmonic consonants
S6. No phonation distinctions other than voiced/voiceless
S7. Phonemic voice distinction [2.5 marks if it is only one aspect of a distinction]
S8. Fricatives and affricates, added together, outnumber plain non-nasal stops [2.5 marks if fricatives, affricates, liquids and glides together outnumber (nasals + stops), OR if the fricatives+affricates EQUALS non-nasal stops]
S9. Ignoring stops and nasals: more fricatives than non-fricative consonants [2.5 marks if equal]


Re: How to design a non-European phonology

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2016 4:03 pm
by Nortaneous

This is going to depend heavily on the analysis. With the minimal analysis:
/p ɓ t k/
/f s ʂ/
/w l j/
/m n ŋ/
/a e o/

1. Absence of any phonemic POA for stops further back than velar [half mark for only one stop-POA behind velar, or for prominent allophonic stops behind velar]
2. Phonemic voicing
3. Phonemic voicing only on stops and fricatives
4. Voicing distinction on fricatives but only labial and/or coronal fricatives
5. /v/ but no /w/

6. One fewer phonemic POA for nasals than for stops and affricates combined

7. No single MOA found at all POAs [half mark if only one MOA at all POAs
8. At least one non-glottal POA with at least one fricative but no stops

9. Fricatives distinguish more POAs than (non-nasal) stops [half mark if they distinguish the same number]
10. More non-stops than stops (not counting nasals as either stops or non-stops)
11. Between 20 and 30 consonant phonemes [half mark if between 15 and 40]
12. One phonemic lateral, distinguished from rhotics [half mark if more than one]
13. No lateral obstruents
14. One phonemic rhotic [half mark if more than one]

15. 5-7 POAs [half mark if at least 4 POAs]
16. 4 stop/affricate POAs
17. No systematic secondary articulation at more than one POA and no double articulation [half mark if there is systematic palatal secondary articulation]
18. Voicing as the only phonation distinction
19. No clicks, ejectives, or ingressive consonants of any kind [half mark if one of these categories occurs not as a series]
20. 7 or more vowel qualities [half mark for 5 or more]
21. Three or more diphthongs

22. No non-low back unrounded vowels [half mark if no high back unrounded vowels]
23. One front rounded vowel
24. Two or more front rounded vowels

25. No vowel harmony
26. Vowels distinguished solely by height, frontness, roundedness and length. (i.e. no voice distinctions, rhotic vowels, ATR, nasal vowels, etc) [half mark for nasal vowels not occuring at all vowel qualities]
27. More than three degrees of vowel height
[/color]28. Phonemic stress
29. No phonemic tone [half mark for two-tone languages]
30. Syllables without onset consonants allowed
31. CVL syllables allowed (L = lateral or rhotic)
32. CVN syllables allowed (N = nasal)
33. CVF syllables allowed (F = fricative)
34. CVS syllables allowed (S = stop)
35. CVCC syllables allowed

36. CVCCC syllables not allowed other than CVCCF [half mark if CVCCCC syllables not allowed other than CVCCCF] [no mark if CVCCC syllables not allowed]
37. CLV syllables allowed
38. FCV syllables allowed (F = fricative), where C is not a glide or a liquid. [but only half mark if C cannot be a member of a particular series (eg nasal, voiced, ejective, fricative etc) or POA]
39. CCCV syllables allowed

40. CCV syllables allowed but SSV or SSCV syllables not allowed (not including geminates)
41. CCCV syllables allowed but CCNV syllables not allowed
42. CCV syllables allowed but SNV syllables not allowed

43. Sonority hierarchy violation in consonant clusters allowed only for fricatives (stops -> fricatives -> liquids -> approximants)
44. One syllabic consonant, a rhotic [half mark if lateral or both]
45. (At least some) affricates treated as phonemes
46. No non-glottal POA with only one MOA, and that MOA isn't fricative [not counting /w/ as labial-velar or whatever]
47. No more than four POAs for stops (affricates not counted) [half mark for five, or counting affricates]
48. No initial nasal other than /m/ or /n/ (half mark if other initial nasals but not initial velar or uvular nasal)
49. No phonemic distinction of consonant length, or gemination, except across morpheme boundaries
50. Presence of an approximant/non-alveolar rhotic
51. 9 or more vowel POAs AND no vowel harmony
52. No velar (or uvular, etc) nasals at all

53. Words can end in any consonant [half mark if 1-2 exceptions found]
54. Vowel mergers in unstressed syllables

55. More phonemes at a single coronal POA than at any other single POA

The following special questions are each worth 5 marks (in addition to any they may have gained in the above):
S1. No initial velar nasal
S2. No tone system with more than two tones
S3. Syllables of both CCV and CVC form appear (not necessarily for all C), where all Cs can be non-glides [2.5 marks if this is true but some Cs must be glides]
S4. At least 10 vowels in total (including length and quality, but not syllable-specific tone or phonation)
S5. No non-pulmonic consonants
S6. No phonation distinctions other than voiced/voiceless
S7. Phonemic voice distinction [2.5 marks if it is only one aspect of a distinction]

S8. Fricatives and affricates, added together, outnumber plain non-nasal stops [2.5 marks if fricatives, affricates, liquids and glides together outnumber (nasals + stops), OR if the fricatives+affricates EQUALS non-nasal stops]
S9. Ignoring stops and nasals: more fricatives than non-fricative consonants [2.5 marks if equal]


And under the maximal analysis:

/p ɓ pʲ ɓʲ t ts tʂ tɕ k/
/f fʲ s ʂ ɕ/
/w wʲ l ɾ ʑ j/
/m n ɲ ŋ/
/a ɒ e ə o i u/
+ vowel and consonant length

1. Absence of any phonemic POA for stops further back than velar [half mark for only one stop-POA behind velar, or for prominent allophonic stops behind velar]
2. Phonemic voicing
3. Phonemic voicing only on stops and fricatives
4. Voicing distinction on fricatives but only labial and/or coronal fricatives

5. /v/ but no /w/
6. One fewer phonemic POA for nasals than for stops and affricates combined

7. No single MOA found at all POAs [half mark if only one MOA at all POAs
8. At least one non-glottal POA with at least one fricative but no stops
9. Fricatives distinguish more POAs than (non-nasal) stops [half mark if they distinguish the same number]
10. More non-stops than stops (not counting nasals as either stops or non-stops)
11. Between 20 and 30 consonant phonemes [half mark if between 15 and 40]
12. One phonemic lateral, distinguished from rhotics [half mark if more than one]
13. No lateral obstruents
14. One phonemic rhotic [half mark if more than one]
15. 5-7 POAs [half mark if at least 4 POAs]

16. 4 stop/affricate POAs
17. No systematic secondary articulation at more than one POA and no double articulation [half mark if there is systematic palatal secondary articulation]
18. Voicing as the only phonation distinction
19. No clicks, ejectives, or ingressive consonants of any kind [half mark if one of these categories occurs not as a series]
20. 7 or more vowel qualities [half mark for 5 or more]
21. Three or more diphthongs
22. No non-low back unrounded vowels [half mark if no high back unrounded vowels]
23. One front rounded vowel
24. Two or more front rounded vowels
25. No vowel harmony

26. Vowels distinguished solely by height, frontness, roundedness and length. (i.e. no voice distinctions, rhotic vowels, ATR, nasal vowels, etc) [half mark for nasal vowels not occuring at all vowel qualities]
27. More than three degrees of vowel height
28. Phonemic stress
29. No phonemic tone [half mark for two-tone languages]
30. Syllables without onset consonants allowed
31. CVL syllables allowed (L = lateral or rhotic)
32. CVN syllables allowed (N = nasal)
33. CVF syllables allowed (F = fricative)
34. CVS syllables allowed (S = stop)
35. CVCC syllables allowed

36. CVCCC syllables not allowed other than CVCCF [half mark if CVCCCC syllables not allowed other than CVCCCF] [no mark if CVCCC syllables not allowed]
37. CLV syllables allowed
38. FCV syllables allowed (F = fricative), where C is not a glide or a liquid. [but only half mark if C cannot be a member of a particular series (eg nasal, voiced, ejective, fricative etc) or POA]
39. CCCV syllables allowed

40. CCV syllables allowed but SSV or SSCV syllables not allowed (not including geminates)
41. CCCV syllables allowed but CCNV syllables not allowed
42. CCV syllables allowed but SNV syllables not allowed

43. Sonority hierarchy violation in consonant clusters allowed only for fricatives (stops -> fricatives -> liquids -> approximants)
44. One syllabic consonant, a rhotic [half mark if lateral or both]

45. (At least some) affricates treated as phonemes
46. No non-glottal POA with only one MOA, and that MOA isn't fricative [not counting /w/ as labial-velar or whatever]
47. No more than four POAs for stops (affricates not counted) [half mark for five, or counting affricates]
48. No initial nasal other than /m/ or /n/ (half mark if other initial nasals but not initial velar or uvular nasal)
49. No phonemic distinction of consonant length, or gemination, except across morpheme boundaries
50. Presence of an approximant/non-alveolar rhotic
51. 9 or more vowel POAs AND no vowel harmony
52. No velar (or uvular, etc) nasals at all
53. Words can end in any consonant [half mark if 1-2 exceptions found]
54. Vowel mergers in unstressed syllables

55. More phonemes at a single coronal POA than at any other single POA

The following special questions are each worth 5 marks (in addition to any they may have gained in the above):
S1. No initial velar nasal
S2. No tone system with more than two tones
S3. Syllables of both CCV and CVC form appear (not necessarily for all C), where all Cs can be non-glides [2.5 marks if this is true but some Cs must be glides]
S4. At least 10 vowels in total (including length and quality, but not syllable-specific tone or phonation)

S5. No non-pulmonic consonants
S6. No phonation distinctions other than voiced/voiceless
S7. Phonemic voice distinction [2.5 marks if it is only one aspect of a distinction]

S8. Fricatives and affricates, added together, outnumber plain non-nasal stops [2.5 marks if fricatives, affricates, liquids and glides together outnumber (nasals + stops), OR if the fricatives+affricates EQUALS non-nasal stops]
S9. Ignoring stops and nasals: more fricatives than non-fricative consonants [2.5 marks if equal]


Re: How to design a non-European phonology

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2016 6:49 pm
by Αυτοβοτα
Repost question because it got lost.
Αυτοβοτα wrote:Re: 12 & 14, how do you count a single liquid that has prominent lateral and rhotic allophones? For example, there's Korean, with [l] or [ɾ] depending on position.
Would it be 0 and 0?

Re: How to design a non-European phonology

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2016 7:41 pm
by Chengjiang
Αυτοβοτα wrote:Repost question because it got lost.
Αυτοβοτα wrote:Re: 12 & 14, how do you count a single liquid that has prominent lateral and rhotic allophones? For example, there's Korean, with [l] or [ɾ] depending on position.
Would it be 0 and 0?
Definitely 0 for #12 because it says "distinguished from rhotics". I think I'd handle #14 on a case-by-case basis. I usually see the Korean phone analyzed as a lateral, so I'd probably have a 0 for #14 for Korean.

Re: How to design a non-European phonology

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2016 3:22 am
by CatDoom
Thinking about tinkering with a slightly silly mixed language I've toyed with for a while, so why not subject it to the test?

U Bol

/p b t d k g/
/tʃ dʒ/
/s ʃ/
/m n ŋ/
/w l j/
/i iː e eː a aː o oː u uː/

1. Absence of any phonemic POA for stops further back than velar [half mark for only one stop-POA behind velar, or for prominent allophonic stops behind velar]
2. Phonemic voicing

3. Phonemic voicing only on stops and fricatives
4. Voicing distinction on fricatives but only labial and/or coronal fricatives
5. /v/ but no /w/

6. One fewer phonemic POA for nasals than for stops and affricates combined
7. No single MOA found at all POAs [half mark if only one MOA at all POAs
8. At least one non-glottal POA with at least one fricative but no stops

9. Fricatives distinguish more POAs than (non-nasal) stops [half mark if they distinguish the same number]
10. More non-stops than stops (not counting nasals as either stops or non-stops)
11. Between 20 and 30 consonant phonemes [half mark if between 15 and 40]
12. One phonemic lateral, distinguished from rhotics [half mark if more than one]
13. No lateral obstruents
14. One phonemic rhotic [half mark if more than one]
15. 5-7 POAs [half mark if at least 4 POAs]
16. 4 stop/affricate POAs
17. No systematic secondary articulation at more than one POA and no double articulation [half mark if there is systematic palatal secondary articulation]
18. Voicing as the only phonation distinction
19. No clicks, ejectives, or ingressive consonants of any kind [half mark if one of these categories occurs not as a series]

20. 7 or more vowel qualities [half mark for 5 or more]
21. Three or more diphthongs
22. No non-low back unrounded vowels [half mark if no high back unrounded vowels]
23. One front rounded vowel
24. Two or more front rounded vowels

25. No vowel harmony
26. Vowels distinguished solely by height, frontness, roundedness and length. (i.e. no voice distinctions, rhotic vowels, ATR, nasal vowels, etc) [half mark for nasal vowels not occuring at all vowel qualities]

27. More than three degrees of vowel height
28. Phonemic stress
29. No phonemic tone [half mark for two-tone languages]
30. Syllables without onset consonants allowed
31. CVL syllables allowed (L = lateral or rhotic)
32. CVN syllables allowed (N = nasal)

33. CVF syllables allowed (F = fricative)
34. CVS syllables allowed (S = stop)
35. CVCC syllables allowed
36. CVCCC syllables not allowed other than CVCCF [half mark if CVCCCC syllables not allowed other than CVCCCF] [no mark if CVCCC syllables not allowed]
37. CLV syllables allowed
38. FCV syllables allowed (F = fricative), where C is not a glide or a liquid. [but only half mark if C cannot be a member of a particular series (eg nasal, voiced, ejective, fricative etc) or POA]
39. CCCV syllables allowed
40. CCV syllables allowed but SSV or SSCV syllables not allowed (not including geminates)
41. CCCV syllables allowed but CCNV syllables not allowed
42. CCV syllables allowed but SNV syllables not allowed
43. Sonority hierarchy violation in consonant clusters allowed only for fricatives (stops -> fricatives -> liquids -> approximants)
44. One syllabic consonant, a rhotic [half mark if lateral or both]

45. (At least some) affricates treated as phonemes
46. No non-glottal POA with only one MOA, and that MOA isn't fricative [not counting /w/ as labial-velar or whatever]
47. No more than four POAs for stops (affricates not counted) [half mark for five, or counting affricates]
48. No initial nasal other than /m/ or /n/ (half mark if other initial nasals but not initial velar or uvular nasal)
49. No phonemic distinction of consonant length, or gemination, except across morpheme boundaries
50. Presence of an approximant/non-alveolar rhotic
51. 9 or more vowel POAs AND no vowel harmony
52. No velar (or uvular, etc) nasals at all
53. Words can end in any consonant [half mark if 1-2 exceptions found]
54. Vowel mergers in unstressed syllables

55. More phonemes at a single coronal POA than at any other single POA

The following special questions are each worth 5 marks (in addition to any they may have gained in the above):
S1. No initial velar nasal
S2. No tone system with more than two tones
S3. Syllables of both CCV and CVC form appear (not necessarily for all C), where all Cs can be non-glides [2.5 marks if this is true but some Cs must be glides]
S4. At least 10 vowels in total (including length and quality, but not syllable-specific tone or phonation)
S5. No non-pulmonic consonants
S6. No phonation distinctions other than voiced/voiceless
S7. Phonemic voice distinction [2.5 marks if it is only one aspect of a distinction]

S8. Fricatives and affricates, added together, outnumber plain non-nasal stops [2.5 marks if fricatives, affricates, liquids and glides together outnumber (nasals + stops), OR if the fricatives+affricates EQUALS non-nasal stops]
S9. Ignoring stops and nasals: more fricatives than non-fricative consonants [2.5 marks if equal]


Re: How to design a non-European phonology

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2016 2:38 pm
by Hallow XIII

Code: Select all

m    n        ŋ
p    t        k    q
b    d
     s             χ
     z    ʐ        ʁ

i ɯ u e ɤ o æ a
ie ɯɤ uo iæ ɯa ua ɯi ei ɤi ɤu ou æi aɯ

1. Absence of any phonemic POA for stops further back than velar [half mark for only one stop-POA behind velar, or for prominent allophonic stops behind velar]
2. Phonemic voicing
3. Phonemic voicing only on stops and fricatives
4. Voicing distinction on fricatives but only labial and/or coronal fricatives
5. /v/ but no /w/
6. One fewer phonemic POA for nasals than for stops and affricates combined

7. No single MOA found at all POAs [half mark if only one MOA at all POAs]
8. At least one non-glottal POA with at least one fricative but no stops
9. Fricatives distinguish more POAs than (non-nasal) stops [half mark if they distinguish the same number]
10. More non-stops than stops (not counting nasals as either stops or non-stops)
11. Between 20 and 30 consonant phonemes [half mark if between 15 and 40]
12. One phonemic lateral, distinguished from rhotics [half mark if more than one]
13. No lateral obstruents
14. One phonemic rhotic [half mark if more than one]
15. 5-7 POAs [half mark if at least 4 POAs]
16. 4 stop/affricate POAs
17. No systematic secondary articulation at more than one POA and no double articulation [half mark if there is systematic palatal secondary articulation]
18. Voicing as the only phonation distinction
19. No clicks, ejectives, or ingressive consonants of any kind [half mark if one of these categories occurs not as a series]
20. 7 or more vowel qualities [half mark for 5 or more]
21. Three or more diphthongs
22. No non-low back unrounded vowels [half mark if no high back unrounded vowels]
23. One front rounded vowel
24. Two or more front rounded vowels
25. No vowel harmony
26. Vowels distinguished solely by height, frontness, roundedness and length. (i.e. no voice distinctions, rhotic vowels, ATR, nasal vowels, etc) [half mark for nasal vowels not occuring at all vowel qualities]
27. More than three degrees of vowel height
28. Phonemic stress
29. No phonemic tone [half mark for two-tone languages]
30. Syllables without onset consonants allowed
31. CVL syllables allowed (L = lateral or rhotic)
32. CVN syllables allowed (N = nasal)
33. CVF syllables allowed (F = fricative)
34. CVS syllables allowed (S = stop)
35. CVCC syllables allowed
36. CVCCC syllables not allowed other than CVCCF [half mark if CVCCCC syllables not allowed other than CVCCCF] [no mark if CVCCC syllables not allowed]
37. CLV syllables allowed

38. FCV syllables allowed (F = fricative), where C is not a glide or a liquid. [but only half mark if C cannot be a member of a particular series (eg nasal, voiced, ejective, fricative etc) or POA]
39. CCCV syllables allowed
40. CCV syllables allowed but SSV or SSCV syllables not allowed (not including geminates)
41. CCCV syllables allowed but CCNV syllables not allowed
42. CCV syllables allowed but SNV syllables not allowed
43. Sonority hierarchy violation in consonant clusters allowed only for fricatives (stops -> fricatives -> liquids -> approximants)
44. One syllabic consonant, a rhotic [half mark if lateral or both]
45. (At least some) affricates treated as phonemes
46. No non-glottal POA with only one MOA, and that MOA isn't fricative [not counting /w/ as labial-velar or whatever]
47. No more than four POAs for stops (affricates not counted) [half mark for five, or counting affricates]
48. No initial nasal other than /m/ or /n/ (half mark if other initial nasals but not initial velar or uvular nasal)
49. No phonemic distinction of consonant length, or gemination, except across morpheme boundaries
50. Presence of an approximant/non-alveolar rhotic
51. 9 or more vowel POAs AND no vowel harmony
52. No velar (or uvular, etc) nasals at all
53. Words can end in any consonant [half mark if 1-2 exceptions found]
54. Vowel mergers in unstressed syllables
55. More phonemes at a single coronal POA than at any other single POA

The following special questions are each worth 5 marks (in addition to any they may have gained in the above):
S1. No initial velar nasal
S2. No tone system with more than two tones
S3. Syllables of both CCV and CVC form appear (not necessarily for all C), where all Cs can be non-glides [2.5 marks if this is true but some Cs must be glides]
S4. At least 10 vowels in total (including length and quality, but not syllable-specific tone or phonation)
S5. No non-pulmonic consonants
S6. No phonation distinctions other than voiced/voiceless
S7. Phonemic voice distinction [2.5 marks if it is only one aspect of a distinction]
S8. Fricatives and affricates, added together, outnumber plain non-nasal stops [2.5 marks if fricatives, affricates, liquids and glides together outnumber (nasals + stops), OR if the fricatives+affricates EQUALS non-nasal stops]
S9. Ignoring stops and nasals: more fricatives than non-fricative consonants [2.5 marks if equal]


Re: How to design a non-European phonology

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2016 9:30 pm
by CatDoom
Just for fun, here's another NatLang: Northern Hmu, a Hmongic language spoken in Guizhou province, China. I'll spare you the full phonology here; as you can see from the link, it's very large.

1. Absence of any phonemic POA for stops further back than velar [half mark for only one stop-POA behind velar, or for prominent allophonic stops behind velar]
2. Phonemic voicing
3. Phonemic voicing only on stops and fricatives
4. Voicing distinction on fricatives but only labial and/or coronal fricatives

5. /v/ but no /w/
6. One fewer phonemic POA for nasals than for stops and affricates combined
7. No single MOA found at all POAs [half mark if only one MOA at all POAs
8. At least one non-glottal POA with at least one fricative but no stops

9. Fricatives distinguish more POAs than (non-nasal) stops [half mark if they distinguish the same number]
10. More non-stops than stops (not counting nasals as either stops or non-stops)
11. Between 20 and 30 consonant phonemes [half mark if between 15 and 40]
12. One phonemic lateral, distinguished from rhotics [half mark if more than one]
13. No lateral obstruents
14. One phonemic rhotic [half mark if more than one]
15. 5-7 POAs [half mark if at least 4 POAs]
16. 4 stop/affricate POAs
17. No systematic secondary articulation at more than one POA and no double articulation [half mark if there is systematic palatal secondary articulation]
18. Voicing as the only phonation distinction
19. No clicks, ejectives, or ingressive consonants of any kind [half mark if one of these categories occurs not as a series]
20. 7 or more vowel qualities [half mark for 5 or more]
21. Three or more diphthongs
22. No non-low back unrounded vowels [half mark if no high back unrounded vowels]
23. One front rounded vowel
24. Two or more front rounded vowels

25. No vowel harmony
26. Vowels distinguished solely by height, frontness, roundedness and length. (i.e. no voice distinctions, rhotic vowels, ATR, nasal vowels, etc) [half mark for nasal vowels not occuring at all vowel qualities]

27. More than three degrees of vowel height
28. Phonemic stress
29. No phonemic tone [half mark for two-tone languages]

30. Syllables without onset consonants allowed
31. CVL syllables allowed (L = lateral or rhotic)
32. CVN syllables allowed (N = nasal)
33. CVF syllables allowed (F = fricative)
34. CVS syllables allowed (S = stop)
35. CVCC syllables allowed
36. CVCCC syllables not allowed other than CVCCF [half mark if CVCCCC syllables not allowed other than CVCCCF] [no mark if CVCCC syllables not allowed]
37. CLV syllables allowed
38. FCV syllables allowed (F = fricative), where C is not a glide or a liquid. [but only half mark if C cannot be a member of a particular series (eg nasal, voiced, ejective, fricative etc) or POA]
39. CCCV syllables allowed
40. CCV syllables allowed but SSV or SSCV syllables not allowed (not including geminates)
41. CCCV syllables allowed but CCNV syllables not allowed
42. CCV syllables allowed but SNV syllables not allowed
43. Sonority hierarchy violation in consonant clusters allowed only for fricatives (stops -> fricatives -> liquids -> approximants)
44. One syllabic consonant, a rhotic [half mark if lateral or both]

45. (At least some) affricates treated as phonemes
46. No non-glottal POA with only one MOA, and that MOA isn't fricative [not counting /w/ as labial-velar or whatever]
47. No more than four POAs for stops (affricates not counted) [half mark for five, or counting affricates]
48. No initial nasal other than /m/ or /n/ (half mark if other initial nasals but not initial velar or uvular nasal)
49. No phonemic distinction of consonant length, or gemination, except across morpheme boundaries
50. Presence of an approximant/non-alveolar rhotic
51. 9 or more vowel POAs AND no vowel harmony
52. No velar (or uvular, etc) nasals at all
53. Words can end in any consonant [half mark if 1-2 exceptions found]
54. Vowel mergers in unstressed syllables
55. More phonemes at a single coronal POA than at any other single POA

The following special questions are each worth 5 marks (in addition to any they may have gained in the above):
S1. No initial velar nasal
S2. No tone system with more than two tones

S3. Syllables of both CCV and CVC form appear (not necessarily for all C), where all Cs can be non-glides [2.5 marks if this is true but some Cs must be glides]
S4. At least 10 vowels in total (including length and quality, but not syllable-specific tone or phonation)

S5. No non-pulmonic consonants
S6. No phonation distinctions other than voiced/voiceless
S7. Phonemic voice distinction [2.5 marks if it is only one aspect of a distinction]
S8. Fricatives and affricates, added together, outnumber plain non-nasal stops [2.5 marks if fricatives, affricates, liquids and glides together outnumber (nasals + stops), OR if the fricatives+affricates EQUALS non-nasal stops]
S9. Ignoring stops and nasals: more fricatives than non-fricative consonants [2.5 marks if equal]


Also, I decided it would be fun to do Ndak-Ta, the flagship conlang of the Akana collaborative conworld.

/p t k kʷ/
/b bʷ d g/
/m n ŋ ŋʷ/
/l r w/

/a e i ɑi au o u/
/ɐ̃ ɛ̃ ɪ̃ ɐɪ̃ ɐʊ̃/

1. Absence of any phonemic POA for stops further back than velar [half mark for only one stop-POA behind velar, or for prominent allophonic stops behind velar]
2. Phonemic voicing

3. Phonemic voicing only on stops and fricatives
4. Voicing distinction on fricatives but only labial and/or coronal fricatives
5. /v/ but no /w/
6. One fewer phonemic POA for nasals than for stops and affricates combined
7. No single MOA found at all POAs [half mark if only one MOA at all POAs]
8. At least one non-glottal POA with at least one fricative but no stops
9. Fricatives distinguish more POAs than (non-nasal) stops [half mark if they distinguish the same number]
10. More non-stops than stops (not counting nasals as either stops or non-stops)

11. Between 20 and 30 consonant phonemes [half mark if between 15 and 40]
12. One phonemic lateral, distinguished from rhotics [half mark if more than one]
13. No lateral obstruents
14. One phonemic rhotic [half mark if more than one]

15. 5-7 POAs [half mark if at least 4 POAs]
16. 4 stop/affricate POAs
17. No systematic secondary articulation at more than one POA and no double articulation [half mark if there is systematic palatal secondary articulation]

18. Voicing as the only phonation distinction
19. No clicks, ejectives, or ingressive consonants of any kind [half mark if one of these categories occurs not as a series]

20. 7 or more vowel qualities [half mark for 5 or more]
21. Three or more diphthongs
22. No non-low back unrounded vowels [half mark if no high back unrounded vowels]

23. One front rounded vowel
24. Two or more front rounded vowels

25. No vowel harmony
26. Vowels distinguished solely by height, frontness, roundedness and length. (i.e. no voice distinctions, rhotic vowels, ATR, nasal vowels, etc) [half mark for nasal vowels not occuring at all vowel qualities]
27. More than three degrees of vowel height
28. Phonemic stress (pretty marginal, but a relatively few words do have unpredictable stress)
29. No phonemic tone [half mark for two-tone languages]
30. Syllables without onset consonants allowed
31. CVL syllables allowed (L = lateral or rhotic)
32. CVN syllables allowed (N = nasal)
33. CVF syllables allowed (F = fricative)
34. CVS syllables allowed (S = stop)
35. CVCC syllables allowed

36. CVCCC syllables not allowed other than CVCCF [half mark if CVCCCC syllables not allowed other than CVCCCF] [no mark if CVCCC syllables not allowed]
37. CLV syllables allowed
38. FCV syllables allowed (F = fricative), where C is not a glide or a liquid. [but only half mark if C cannot be a member of a particular series (eg nasal, voiced, ejective, fricative etc) or POA]
39. CCCV syllables allowed

40. CCV syllables allowed but SSV or SSCV syllables not allowed (not including geminates)
41. CCCV syllables allowed but CCNV syllables not allowed
42. CCV syllables allowed but SNV syllables not allowed
43. Sonority hierarchy violation in consonant clusters allowed only for fricatives (stops -> fricatives -> liquids -> approximants)
44. One syllabic consonant, a rhotic [half mark if lateral or both]

45. (At least some) affricates treated as phonemes
46. No non-glottal POA with only one MOA, and that MOA isn't fricative [not counting /w/ as labial-velar or whatever]
47. No more than four POAs for stops (affricates not counted) [half mark for five, or counting affricates]

48. No initial nasal other than /m/ or /n/ (half mark if other initial nasals but not initial velar or uvular nasal)
49. No phonemic distinction of consonant length, or gemination, except across morpheme boundaries
50. Presence of an approximant/non-alveolar rhotic
51. 9 or more vowel POAs AND no vowel harmony
52. No velar (or uvular, etc) nasals at all

53. Words can end in any consonant [half mark if 1-2 exceptions found]
54. Vowel mergers in unstressed syllables
55. More phonemes at a single coronal POA than at any other single POA

The following special questions are each worth 5 marks (in addition to any they may have gained in the above):
S1. No initial velar nasal
S2. No tone system with more than two tones
S3. Syllables of both CCV and CVC form appear (not necessarily for all C), where all Cs can be non-glides [2.5 marks if this is true but some Cs must be glides]
S4. At least 10 vowels in total (including length and quality, but not syllable-specific tone or phonation)
S5. No non-pulmonic consonants
S6. No phonation distinctions other than voiced/voiceless
S7. Phonemic voice distinction [2.5 marks if it is only one aspect of a distinction]

S8. Fricatives and affricates, added together, outnumber plain non-nasal stops [2.5 marks if fricatives, affricates, liquids and glides together outnumber (nasals + stops), OR if the fricatives+affricates EQUALS non-nasal stops]
S9. Ignoring stops and nasals: more fricatives than non-fricative consonants [2.5 marks if equal]


Re: How to design a non-European phonology

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2016 9:49 pm
by Nortaneous

/b t d k ʔ/
/s h/
/m n ŋ/
/a e @ o i 1 u/
+ five tones, diphthongs

Yes: ||||| ||||| ||||| | 5555
No: ||||| ||||| ||||| ||||| ||||| ||||| ||||| | 55555
Half: |||


The dialect that preserves *f and shifted ŋ > k > ʔ scores higher.

Re: How to design a non-European phonology

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2016 3:43 am
by Chengjiang
Common Gnomish

(A language with non-human primate speakers, albeit with an entirely human-pronounceable phonology.)

/n̥ n ŋ̥ ŋ/
/t d ȶ ȡ k ɡ q/
/t͈ ȶ͈ k͈ q͈/
/ts dz kʟ̝̊ ɡʟ̝/
/s z ʃ χ ʁ h/
/s͈ ɬ͈/
/l j w̜/

/ɪ ʊ̜ æ ɒ̜/
/ɛɪ ɔ̜ʊ̜/

1. Absence of any phonemic POA for stops further back than velar [half mark for only one stop-POA behind velar, or for prominent allophonic stops behind velar] 0.5
2. Phonemic voicing 1
3. Phonemic voicing only on stops and fricatives 0
4. Voicing distinction on fricatives but only labial and/or coronal fricatives 0
5. /v/ but no /w/ 0
6. One fewer phonemic POA for nasals than for stops and affricates combined 0
7. No single MOA found at all POAs [half mark if only one MOA at all POAs 1
8. At least one non-glottal POA with at least one fricative but no stops 0
9. Fricatives distinguish more POAs than (non-nasal) stops [half mark if they distinguish the same number] 0
10. More non-stops than stops (not counting nasals as either stops or non-stops) 1
11. Between 20 and 30 consonant phonemes [half mark if between 15 and 40] 1
12. One phonemic lateral, distinguished from rhotics [half mark if more than one] 0
13. No lateral obstruents 0
14. One phonemic rhotic [half mark if more than one] 0
15. 5-7 POAs [half mark if at least 4 POAs] 1
16. 4 stop/affricate POAs 1
17. No systematic secondary articulation at more than one POA and no double articulation [half mark if there is systematic palatal secondary articulation] 1
18. Voicing as the only phonation distinction 0.5 (I'm not sure what the "tense" consonants actually are, so I'm hedging here)
19. No clicks, ejectives, or ingressive consonants of any kind [half mark if one of these categories occurs not as a series] 0.5 (Again, not sure what the tense consonants are)
20. 7 or more vowel qualities [half mark for 5 or more] 0 (It's only more than 4 if you count the diphthongs as distinct qualities, and even then it's less than 7)
21. Three or more diphthongs 0
22. No non-low back unrounded vowels [half mark if no high back unrounded vowels] 0.5 (The rounding is pretty weak and may just be absent for some speakers)
23. One front rounded vowel 0
24. Two or more front rounded vowels 0
25. No vowel harmony 1
26. Vowels distinguished solely by height, frontness, roundedness and length. (i.e. no voice distinctions, rhotic vowels, ATR, nasal vowels, etc) [half mark for nasal vowels not occuring at all vowel qualities] 1
27. More than three degrees of vowel height 0
28. Phonemic stress 0
29. No phonemic tone [half mark for two-tone languages] 1
30. Syllables without onset consonants allowed 0
31. CVL syllables allowed (L = lateral or rhotic) 1
32. CVN syllables allowed (N = nasal) 1
33. CVF syllables allowed (F = fricative) 1
34. CVS syllables allowed (S = stop) 1
35. CVCC syllables allowed 0
36. CVCCC syllables not allowed other than CVCCF [half mark if CVCCCC syllables not allowed other than CVCCCF] [no mark if CVCCC syllables not allowed] 0
37. CLV syllables allowed 0
38. FCV syllables allowed (F = fricative), where C is not a glide or a liquid. [but only half mark if C cannot be a member of a particular series (eg nasal, voiced, ejective, fricative etc) or POA] 0
39. CCCV syllables allowed 0
40. CCV syllables allowed but SSV or SSCV syllables not allowed (not including geminates) 1
41. CCCV syllables allowed but CCNV syllables not allowed 0
42. CCV syllables allowed but SNV syllables not allowed 1
43. Sonority hierarchy violation in consonant clusters allowed only for fricatives (stops -> fricatives -> liquids -> approximants) 0
44. One syllabic consonant, a rhotic [half mark if lateral or both] 0
45. (At least some) affricates treated as phonemes 1
46. No non-glottal POA with only one MOA, and that MOA isn't fricative [not counting /w/ as labial-velar or whatever] 1
47. No more than four POAs for stops (affricates not counted) [half mark for five, or counting affricates] 1
48. No initial nasal other than /m/ or /n/ (half mark if other initial nasals but not initial velar or uvular nasal) 0
49. No phonemic distinction of consonant length, or gemination, except across morpheme boundaries 0.5 (The tense consonants almost certainly are longer than their non-tense counterparts, but I'm not sure if it's the only or even the primary differentiating factor)
50. Presence of an approximant/non-alveolar rhotic 0
51. 9 or more vowel POAs AND no vowel harmony 0
52. No velar (or uvular, etc) nasals at all 0
53. Words can end in any consonant [half mark if 1-2 exceptions found] 0.5 (No word-final glides)
54. Vowel mergers in unstressed syllables 0
55. More phonemes at a single coronal POA than at any other single POA (if you don't count velar and labiovelar separately) 1

The following special questions are each worth 5 marks (in addition to any they may have gained in the above):
S1. No initial velar nasal 0
S2. No tone system with more than two tones 5
S3. Syllables of both CCV and CVC form appear (not necessarily for all C), where all Cs can be non-glides [2.5 marks if this is true but some Cs must be glides] 2.5
S4. At least 10 vowels in total (including length and quality, but not syllable-specific tone or phonation) 0
S5. No non-pulmonic consonants 2.5 (Again, not sure about those tense consonants)
S6. No phonation distinctions other than voiced/voiceless 2.5 (Ditto)
S7. Phonemic voice distinction [2.5 marks if it is only one aspect of a distinction] 5
S8. Fricatives and affricates, added together, outnumber plain non-nasal stops [2.5 marks if fricatives, affricates, liquids and glides together outnumber (nasals + stops), OR if the fricatives+affricates EQUALS non-nasal stops] 5
S9. Ignoring stops and nasals: more fricatives than non-fricative consonants [2.5 marks if equal] 5

Total: A very uncertain 50.5%. I'm uncomfortable with just how much of this rests on the exact phonetic nature of the tense consonants. It makes me wonder if, say, Korean gets dramatically different scores depending on which source you use.

Re: How to design a non-European phonology

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2016 6:53 pm
by Nortaneous
Qoouuuuoooooouuuuud Nnnnnnuud [qʷɯ̄˞ʡʷːɯ́˞ ɴːɯ́]

/tɬ tɬʼ k q qʼ qʷ ʡ ʡʷ/ <t to 0 q qo qoo o ooo>
/n ŋ ɴ ʕ̃/ <n ng nnn g>
/ɯ ɯ˞/ <uu uuu> + rhotacism-dominant harmony
three tones: high, mid, low <d 0 m>
kVkV sequences dissimilate to kVqV

1. Absence of any phonemic POA for stops further back than velar [half mark for only one stop-POA behind velar, or for prominent allophonic stops behind velar]
2. Phonemic voicing
3. Phonemic voicing only on stops and fricatives
4. Voicing distinction on fricatives but only labial and/or coronal fricatives
5. /v/ but no /w/
6. One fewer phonemic POA for nasals than for stops and affricates combined
7. No single MOA found at all POAs [half mark if only one MOA at all POAs
8. At least one non-glottal POA with at least one fricative but no stops
9. Fricatives distinguish more POAs than (non-nasal) stops [half mark if they distinguish the same number]
10. More non-stops than stops (not counting nasals as either stops or non-stops)
11. Between 20 and 30 consonant phonemes [half mark if between 15 and 40]
12. One phonemic lateral, distinguished from rhotics [half mark if more than one]
13. No lateral obstruents
14. One phonemic rhotic [half mark if more than one]

15. 5-7 POAs [half mark if at least 4 POAs]
16. 4 stop/affricate POAs
17. No systematic secondary articulation at more than one POA and no double articulation [half mark if there is systematic palatal secondary articulation]
18. Voicing as the only phonation distinction
19. No clicks, ejectives, or ingressive consonants of any kind [half mark if one of these categories occurs not as a series]
20. 7 or more vowel qualities [half mark for 5 or more]
21. Three or more diphthongs
22. No non-low back unrounded vowels [half mark if no high back unrounded vowels]
23. One front rounded vowel
24. Two or more front rounded vowels
25. No vowel harmony
26. Vowels distinguished solely by height, frontness, roundedness and length. (i.e. no voice distinctions, rhotic vowels, ATR, nasal vowels, etc) [half mark for nasal vowels not occuring at all vowel qualities]
27. More than three degrees of vowel height
28. Phonemic stress
29. No phonemic tone [half mark for two-tone languages]
30. Syllables without onset consonants allowed
31. CVL syllables allowed (L = lateral or rhotic)
32. CVN syllables allowed (N = nasal)
33. CVF syllables allowed (F = fricative)
34. CVS syllables allowed (S = stop)
35. CVCC syllables allowed
36. CVCCC syllables not allowed other than CVCCF [half mark if CVCCCC syllables not allowed other than CVCCCF] [no mark if CVCCC syllables not allowed]
37. CLV syllables allowed
38. FCV syllables allowed (F = fricative), where C is not a glide or a liquid. [but only half mark if C cannot be a member of a particular series (eg nasal, voiced, ejective, fricative etc) or POA]
39. CCCV syllables allowed
40. CCV syllables allowed but SSV or SSCV syllables not allowed (not including geminates)
41. CCCV syllables allowed but CCNV syllables not allowed
42. CCV syllables allowed but SNV syllables not allowed
43. Sonority hierarchy violation in consonant clusters allowed only for fricatives (stops -> fricatives -> liquids -> approximants)
44. One syllabic consonant, a rhotic [half mark if lateral or both]
45. (At least some) affricates treated as phonemes
46. No non-glottal POA with only one MOA, and that MOA isn't fricative [not counting /w/ as labial-velar or whatever]
47. No more than four POAs for stops (affricates not counted) [half mark for five, or counting affricates]
48. No initial nasal other than /m/ or /n/ (half mark if other initial nasals but not initial velar or uvular nasal)
49. No phonemic distinction of consonant length, or gemination, except across morpheme boundaries
50. Presence of an approximant/non-alveolar rhotic
51. 9 or more vowel POAs AND no vowel harmony
52. No velar (or uvular, etc) nasals at all
53. Words can end in any consonant [half mark if 1-2 exceptions found]
54. Vowel mergers in unstressed syllables
55. More phonemes at a single coronal POA than at any other single POA

The following special questions are each worth 5 marks (in addition to any they may have gained in the above):
S1. No initial velar nasal
S2. No tone system with more than two tones
S3. Syllables of both CCV and CVC form appear (not necessarily for all C), where all Cs can be non-glides [2.5 marks if this is true but some Cs must be glides]
S4. At least 10 vowels in total (including length and quality, but not syllable-specific tone or phonation)
S5. No non-pulmonic consonants
S6. No phonation distinctions other than voiced/voiceless
S7. Phonemic voice distinction [2.5 marks if it is only one aspect of a distinction]
S8. Fricatives and affricates, added together, outnumber plain non-nasal stops [2.5 marks if fricatives, affricates, liquids and glides together outnumber (nasals + stops), OR if the fricatives+affricates EQUALS non-nasal stops]
S9. Ignoring stops and nasals: more fricatives than non-fricative consonants [2.5 marks if equal]


Re: How to design a non-European phonology

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2016 7:38 pm
by Vijay
I love the repeated letters. :D

Re: How to design a non-European phonology

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2016 8:03 pm
by mèþru
agefaqeg (search the name on the romanisation thread):

1. Absence of any phonemic POA for stops further back than velar [half mark for only one stop-POA behind velar, or for prominent allophonic stops behind velar
2. Phonemic voicing
3. Phonemic voicing only on stops and fricatives
4. Voicing distinction on fricatives but only labial and/or coronal fricatives
5. /v/ but no /w/
6. One fewer phonemic POA for nasals than for stops and affricates combined
7. No single MOA found at all POAs [half mark if only one MOA at all POAs
8. At least one non-glottal POA with at least one fricative but no stops
9. Fricatives distinguish more POAs than (non-nasal) stops [half mark if they distinguish the same number]
10. More non-stops than stops (not counting nasals as either stops or non-stops)
11. Between 20 and 30 consonant phonemes [half mark if between 15 and 40]
12. One phonemic lateral, distinguished from rhotics [half mark if more than one]
13. No lateral obstruents
14. One phonemic rhotic [half mark if more than one]
15. 5-7 POAs [half mark if at least 4 POAs]
16. 4 stop/affricate POAs
17. No systematic secondary articulation at more than one POA and no double articulation [half mark if there is systematic palatal secondary articulation]
18. Voicing as the only phonation distinction
19. No clicks, ejectives, or ingressive consonants of any kind [half mark if one of these categories occurs not as a series]
20. 7 or more vowel qualities [half mark for 5 or more]
21. Three or more diphthongs
22. No non-low back unrounded vowels [half mark if no high back unrounded vowels]
23. One front rounded vowel
24. Two or more front rounded vowels
25. No vowel harmony
26. Vowels distinguished solely by height, frontness, roundedness and length. (i.e. no voice distinctions, rhotic vowels, ATR, nasal vowels, etc) [half mark for nasal vowels not occuring at all vowel qualities]
27. More than three degrees of vowel height
28. Phonemic stress
29. No phonemic tone [half mark for two-tone languages]
30. Syllables without onset consonants allowed
31. CVL syllables allowed (L = lateral or rhotic)
32. CVN syllables allowed (N = nasal)
33. CVF syllables allowed (F = fricative)
34. CVS syllables allowed (S = stop)
35. CVCC syllables allowed
36. CVCCC syllables not allowed other than CVCCF [half mark if CVCCCC syllables not allowed other than CVCCCF] [no mark if CVCCC syllables not allowed]
37. CLV syllables allowed
38. FCV syllables allowed (F = fricative), where C is not a glide or a liquid. [but only half mark if C cannot be a member of a particular series (eg nasal, voiced, ejective, fricative etc) or POA]
39. CCCV syllables allowed
40. CCV syllables allowed but SSV or SSCV syllables not allowed (not including geminates)
41. CCCV syllables allowed but CCNV syllables not allowed
42. CCV syllables allowed but SNV syllables not allowed
43. Sonority hierarchy violation in consonant clusters allowed only for fricatives (stops -> fricatives -> liquids -> approximants)
44. One syllabic consonant, a rhotic [half mark if lateral or both]
45. (At least some) affricates treated as phonemes
46. No non-glottal POA with only one MOA, and that MOA isn't fricative [not counting /w/ as labial-velar or whatever]
47. No more than four POAs for stops (affricates not counted) [half mark for five, or counting affricates]
48. No initial nasal other than /m/ or /n/ (half mark if other initial nasals but not initial velar or uvular nasal)
49. No phonemic distinction of consonant length, or gemination, except across morpheme boundaries
50. Presence of an approximant/non-alveolar rhotic
51. 9 or more vowel POAs AND no vowel harmony (I'm guessing POA is equivalent to height? On front to back scale I have front, near-front, center, near-back, back. Do diphthongs count?)
52. No velar (or uvular, etc) nasals at all
53. Words can end in any consonant [half mark if 1-2 exceptions found]
54. Vowel mergers in unstressed syllables
55. More phonemes at a single coronal POA than at any other single POA

The following special questions are each worth 5 marks (in addition to any they may have gained in the above):
S1. No initial velar nasal
S2. No tone system with more than two tones
S3. Syllables of both CCV and CVC form appear (not necessarily for all C), where all Cs can be non-glides [2.5 marks if this is true but some Cs must be glides]
S4. At least 10 vowels in total (including length and quality, but not syllable-specific tone or phonation)
S5. No non-pulmonic consonants
S6. No phonation distinctions other than voiced/voiceless
S7. Phonemic voice distinction [2.5 marks if it is only one aspect of a distinction]
S8. Fricatives and affricates, added together, outnumber plain non-nasal stops [2.5 marks if fricatives, affricates, liquids and glides together outnumber (nasals + stops), OR if the fricatives+affricates EQUALS non-nasal stops]
S9. Ignoring stops and nasals: more fricatives than non-fricative consonants [2.5 marks if equal]

If I'm right about 51: 85%
If I'm wrong about 51: 86%
Wow! This is so SAE. I knew when I started designing the language that the phonology was like this: it is counterbalanced by a non-SAE morphology and syntax. Related languages varikèvi (parent) and brazi (sister of varikèvi) have lower scores.

Re: How to design a non-European phonology

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2016 8:49 pm
by mèþru
1. Absence of any phonemic POA for stops further back than velar [half mark for only one stop-POA behind velar, or for prominent allophonic stops behind velar
2. Phonemic voicing
3. Phonemic voicing only on stops and fricatives
4. Voicing distinction on fricatives but only labial and/or coronal fricatives
5. /v/ but no /w/
6. One fewer phonemic POA for nasals than for stops and affricates combined
7. No single MOA found at all POAs [half mark if only one MOA at all POAs
8. At least one non-glottal POA with at least one fricative but no stops
9. Fricatives distinguish more POAs than (non-nasal) stops [half mark if they distinguish the same number]
10. More non-stops than stops (not counting nasals as either stops or non-stops)
11. Between 20 and 30 consonant phonemes [half mark if between 15 and 40]
12. One phonemic lateral, distinguished from rhotics [half mark if more than one]
13. No lateral obstruents
14. One phonemic rhotic [half mark if more than one]
15. 5-7 POAs [half mark if at least 4 POAs]
16. 4 stop/affricate POAs
17. No systematic secondary articulation at more than one POA and no double articulation [half mark if there is systematic palatal secondary articulation]
18. Voicing as the only phonation distinction
19. No clicks, ejectives, or ingressive consonants of any kind [half mark if one of these categories occurs not as a series]
20. 7 or more vowel qualities [half mark for 5 or more]
21. Three or more diphthongs
22. No non-low back unrounded vowels [half mark if no high back unrounded vowels]
23. One front rounded vowel
24. Two or more front rounded vowels
25. No vowel harmony
26. Vowels distinguished solely by height, frontness, roundedness and length. (i.e. no voice distinctions, rhotic vowels, ATR, nasal vowels, etc) [half mark for nasal vowels not occuring at all vowel qualities]
27. More than three degrees of vowel height
28. Phonemic stress
29. No phonemic tone [half mark for two-tone languages]
30. Syllables without onset consonants allowed
31. CVL syllables allowed (L = lateral or rhotic)
32. CVN syllables allowed (N = nasal)
33. CVF syllables allowed (F = fricative)
34. CVS syllables allowed (S = stop)
35. CVCC syllables allowed
36. CVCCC syllables not allowed other than CVCCF [half mark if CVCCCC syllables not allowed other than CVCCCF] [no mark if CVCCC syllables not allowed]
37. CLV syllables allowed
38. FCV syllables allowed (F = fricative), where C is not a glide or a liquid. [but only half mark if C cannot be a member of a particular series (eg nasal, voiced, ejective, fricative etc) or POA]
39. CCCV syllables allowed
40. CCV syllables allowed but SSV or SSCV syllables not allowed (not including geminates)
41. CCCV syllables allowed but CCNV syllables not allowed
42. CCV syllables allowed but SNV syllables not allowed
43. Sonority hierarchy violation in consonant clusters allowed only for fricatives (stops -> fricatives -> liquids -> approximants)
44. One syllabic consonant, a rhotic [half mark if lateral or both]
45. (At least some) affricates treated as phonemes
46. No non-glottal POA with only one MOA, and that MOA isn't fricative [not counting /w/ as labial-velar or whatever]
47. No more than four POAs for stops (affricates not counted) [half mark for five, or counting affricates]
48. No initial nasal other than /m/ or /n/ (half mark if other initial nasals but not initial velar or uvular nasal)
49. No phonemic distinction of consonant length, or gemination, except across morpheme boundaries
50. Presence of an approximant/non-alveolar rhotic
51. 9 or more vowel POAs AND no vowel harmony (I'm guessing POA is equivalent to height? On front to back scale I have front, near-front, center, near-back, back. Do diphthongs count?)
52. No velar (or uvular, etc) nasals at all
53. Words can end in any consonant [half mark if 1-2 exceptions found]
54. Vowel mergers in unstressed syllables
55. More phonemes at a single coronal POA than at any other single POA

The following special questions are each worth 5 marks (in addition to any they may have gained in the above):
S1. No initial velar nasal
S2. No tone system with more than two tones
S3. Syllables of both CCV and CVC form appear (not necessarily for all C), where all Cs can be non-glides [2.5 marks if this is true but some Cs must be glides]
S4. At least 10 vowels in total (including length and quality, but not syllable-specific tone or phonation)
S5. No non-pulmonic consonants
S6. No phonation distinctions other than voiced/voiceless
S7. Phonemic voice distinction [2.5 marks if it is only one aspect of a distinction]
S8. Fricatives and affricates, added together, outnumber plain non-nasal stops [2.5 marks if fricatives, affricates, liquids and glides together outnumber (nasals + stops), OR if the fricatives+affricates EQUALS non-nasal stops]
S9. Ignoring stops and nasals: more fricatives than non-fricative consonants [2.5 marks if equal]

If I'm right about 51: 82%
If I'm wrong about 51: 83%

1. Absence of any phonemic POA for stops further back than velar [half mark for only one stop-POA behind velar, or for prominent allophonic stops behind velar
2. Phonemic voicing
3. Phonemic voicing only on stops and fricatives
4. Voicing distinction on fricatives but only labial and/or coronal fricatives
5. /v/ but no /w/
6. One fewer phonemic POA for nasals than for stops and affricates combined
7. No single MOA found at all POAs [half mark if only one MOA at all POAs
8. At least one non-glottal POA with at least one fricative but no stops
9. Fricatives distinguish more POAs than (non-nasal) stops [half mark if they distinguish the same number]
10. More non-stops than stops (not counting nasals as either stops or non-stops)
11. Between 20 and 30 consonant phonemes [half mark if between 15 and 40]
12. One phonemic lateral, distinguished from rhotics [half mark if more than one]
13. No lateral obstruents
14. One phonemic rhotic [half mark if more than one]
15. 5-7 POAs [half mark if at least 4 POAs]
16. 4 stop/affricate POAs
17. No systematic secondary articulation at more than one POA and no double articulation [half mark if there is systematic palatal secondary articulation]
18. Voicing as the only phonation distinction
19. No clicks, ejectives, or ingressive consonants of any kind [half mark if one of these categories occurs not as a series]
20. 7 or more vowel qualities [half mark for 5 or more]
21. Three or more diphthongs
22. No non-low back unrounded vowels [half mark if no high back unrounded vowels]
23. One front rounded vowel
24. Two or more front rounded vowels
25. No vowel harmony
26. Vowels distinguished solely by height, frontness, roundedness and length. (i.e. no voice distinctions, rhotic vowels, ATR, nasal vowels, etc) [half mark for nasal vowels not occuring at all vowel qualities]
27. More than three degrees of vowel height
28. Phonemic stress
29. No phonemic tone [half mark for two-tone languages]
30. Syllables without onset consonants allowed
31. CVL syllables allowed (L = lateral or rhotic)
32. CVN syllables allowed (N = nasal)
33. CVF syllables allowed (F = fricative)
34. CVS syllables allowed (S = stop)
35. CVCC syllables allowed
36. CVCCC syllables not allowed other than CVCCF [half mark if CVCCCC syllables not allowed other than CVCCCF] [no mark if CVCCC syllables not allowed]
37. CLV syllables allowed
38. FCV syllables allowed (F = fricative), where C is not a glide or a liquid. [but only half mark if C cannot be a member of a particular series (eg nasal, voiced, ejective, fricative etc) or POA]
39. CCCV syllables allowed
40. CCV syllables allowed but SSV or SSCV syllables not allowed (not including geminates)
41. CCCV syllables allowed but CCNV syllables not allowed
42. CCV syllables allowed but SNV syllables not allowed
43. Sonority hierarchy violation in consonant clusters allowed only for fricatives (stops -> fricatives -> liquids -> approximants)
44. One syllabic consonant, a rhotic [half mark if lateral or both]
45. (At least some) affricates treated as phonemes
46. No non-glottal POA with only one MOA, and that MOA isn't fricative [not counting /w/ as labial-velar or whatever]
47. No more than four POAs for stops (affricates not counted) [half mark for five, or counting affricates]
48. No initial nasal other than /m/ or /n/ (half mark if other initial nasals but not initial velar or uvular nasal)
49. No phonemic distinction of consonant length, or gemination, except across morpheme boundaries
50. Presence of an approximant/non-alveolar rhotic
51. 9 or more vowel POAs AND no vowel harmony (I'm guessing POA is equivalent to height? On front to back scale I have front, near-front, center, near-back, back. Do diphthongs count?)
52. No velar (or uvular, etc) nasals at all
53. Words can end in any consonant [half mark if 1-2 exceptions found]
54. Vowel mergers in unstressed syllables
55. More phonemes at a single coronal POA than at any other single POA

The following special questions are each worth 5 marks (in addition to any they may have gained in the above):
S1. No initial velar nasal
S2. No tone system with more than two tones
S3. Syllables of both CCV and CVC form appear (not necessarily for all C), where all Cs can be non-glides [2.5 marks if this is true but some Cs must be glides]
S4. At least 10 vowels in total (including length and quality, but not syllable-specific tone or phonation)
S5. No non-pulmonic consonants
S6. No phonation distinctions other than voiced/voiceless
S7. Phonemic voice distinction [2.5 marks if it is only one aspect of a distinction]
S8. Fricatives and affricates, added together, outnumber plain non-nasal stops [2.5 marks if fricatives, affricates, liquids and glides together outnumber (nasals + stops), OR if the fricatives+affricates EQUALS non-nasal stops]
S9. Ignoring stops and nasals: more fricatives than non-fricative consonants [2.5 marks if equal]

If I'm right about 51: 82.5%
If I'm wrong about 51: 83.5%

Re: How to design a non-European phonology

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2016 10:01 pm
by Chengjiang
Nortaneous wrote:Qoouuuuoooooouuuuud Nnnnnnuud [qʷɯ̄˞ʡʷːɯ́˞ ɴːɯ́]

/tɬ tɬʼ k q qʼ qʷ ʡ ʡʷ/ <t to 0 q qo qoo o ooo>
/n ŋ ɴ ʕ̃/ <n ng nnn g>
/ɯ ɯ˞/ <uu uuu> + rhotacism-dominant harmony
three tones: high, mid, low <d 0 m>
kVkV sequences dissimilate to kVqV


I was considering designing a phonology to get the lowest score possible (while still being naturalistic) for shiggles, but it would appear you've beaten me to the punch. I was also half considering designing one to get the highest score possible, but it occurred to me that standard German is already pretty close to as high as you can get.

Re: How to design a non-European phonology

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2016 2:35 am
by Nortaneous
Ba̧siemlx Ghtërpws [bʀ̩siə̯mlχ ħtæʀpˠs]
/p b pˠ bˠ t̪θ d̪ð t d k/ <p b pw bw th dh t d k>
/f v fˠ vˠ s z χ ħ h/ <f v fw vw s z x gh h>
/m mˠ n̪ n/ <m mw nh n>
/l ʀ j/ <l r y>

/i y u/ <i û u>
/e ø o/ <e ô o>
/ɛ ɔ/ <ê â>
/æ a/ <ë a>
/ʀ̩/ <a̧>
/iə uə eə/ <ie ua ea>

phonemic stress, vowel reduction, phonotactics as specified by the test


Re: How to design a non-European phonology

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2016 7:26 pm
by Nortaneous
or a *realistic* one:

Pánssaní [pɑ̃́sːɑ̄ní]
/p ɓ t ɗ k q ʔ/ <p b t d k q x>
/s ɬ/ <s r>
/m n ŋ/ <m n g>
/w l j/ <w l y>
/a e i ɨ/ + nasality <a e i u> + <n>
CV, with gemination allowed between vowels
three tones: high, mid, low
i~ɨ vowel harmony, voiceless plosives voice intervocally and implosives devoice word-finally in environments where the following vowel devoices (to make sure there's no voice contrast)
More: show
1. Absence of any phonemic POA for stops further back than velar [half mark for only one stop-POA behind velar, or for prominent allophonic stops behind velar
2. Phonemic voicing
3. Phonemic voicing only on stops and fricatives
4. Voicing distinction on fricatives but only labial and/or coronal fricatives
5. /v/ but no /w/
6. One fewer phonemic POA for nasals than for stops and affricates combined
7. No single MOA found at all POAs [half mark if only one MOA at all POAs
8. At least one non-glottal POA with at least one fricative but no stops
9. Fricatives distinguish more POAs than (non-nasal) stops [half mark if they distinguish the same number]
10. More non-stops than stops (not counting nasals as either stops or non-stops)

11. Between 20 and 30 consonant phonemes [half mark if between 15 and 40]
12. One phonemic lateral, distinguished from rhotics [half mark if more than one]
13. No lateral obstruents
14. One phonemic rhotic [half mark if more than one]

15. 5-7 POAs [half mark if at least 4 POAs]
16. 4 stop/affricate POAs
17. No systematic secondary articulation at more than one POA and no double articulation [half mark if there is systematic palatal secondary articulation]
18. Voicing as the only phonation distinction
19. No clicks, ejectives, or ingressive consonants of any kind [half mark if one of these categories occurs not as a series]
20. 7 or more vowel qualities [half mark for 5 or more]
21. Three or more diphthongs
22. No non-low back unrounded vowels [half mark if no high back unrounded vowels]
23. One front rounded vowel
24. Two or more front rounded vowels

25. No vowel harmony
26. Vowels distinguished solely by height, frontness, roundedness and length. (i.e. no voice distinctions, rhotic vowels, ATR, nasal vowels, etc) [half mark for nasal vowels not occuring at all vowel qualities]
27. More than three degrees of vowel height
28. Phonemic stress
29. No phonemic tone [half mark for two-tone languages]
30. Syllables without onset consonants allowed
31. CVL syllables allowed (L = lateral or rhotic)
32. CVN syllables allowed (N = nasal)
33. CVF syllables allowed (F = fricative)
34. CVS syllables allowed (S = stop)
35. CVCC syllables allowed
36. CVCCC syllables not allowed other than CVCCF [half mark if CVCCCC syllables not allowed other than CVCCCF] [no mark if CVCCC syllables not allowed]
37. CLV syllables allowed
38. FCV syllables allowed (F = fricative), where C is not a glide or a liquid. [but only half mark if C cannot be a member of a particular series (eg nasal, voiced, ejective, fricative etc) or POA]
39. CCCV syllables allowed
40. CCV syllables allowed but SSV or SSCV syllables not allowed (not including geminates)
41. CCCV syllables allowed but CCNV syllables not allowed
42. CCV syllables allowed but SNV syllables not allowed
43. Sonority hierarchy violation in consonant clusters allowed only for fricatives (stops -> fricatives -> liquids -> approximants)
44. One syllabic consonant, a rhotic [half mark if lateral or both]
45. (At least some) affricates treated as phonemes
46. No non-glottal POA with only one MOA, and that MOA isn't fricative [not counting /w/ as labial-velar or whatever]
47. No more than four POAs for stops (affricates not counted) [half mark for five, or counting affricates]
48. No initial nasal other than /m/ or /n/ (half mark if other initial nasals but not initial velar or uvular nasal)
49. No phonemic distinction of consonant length, or gemination, except across morpheme boundaries
50. Presence of an approximant/non-alveolar rhotic
51. 9 or more vowel POAs AND no vowel harmony
52. No velar (or uvular, etc) nasals at all
53. Words can end in any consonant [half mark if 1-2 exceptions found]
54. Vowel mergers in unstressed syllables

55. More phonemes at a single coronal POA than at any other single POA

S1. No initial velar nasal
S2. No tone system with more than two tones
S3. Syllables of both CCV and CVC form appear (not necessarily for all C), where all Cs can be non-glides [2.5 marks if this is true but some Cs must be glides]
S4. At least 10 vowels in total (including length and quality, but not syllable-specific tone or phonation)
S5. No non-pulmonic consonants
S6. No phonation distinctions other than voiced/voiceless
S7. Phonemic voice distinction [2.5 marks if it is only one aspect of a distinction]
S8. Fricatives and affricates, added together, outnumber plain non-nasal stops [2.5 marks if fricatives, affricates, liquids and glides together outnumber (nasals + stops), OR if the fricatives+affricates EQUALS non-nasal stops]
S9. Ignoring stops and nasals: more fricatives than non-fricative consonants [2.5 marks if equal]


Kpánssalín [kpɑ̃́sːɑ̄nĩ́]
/ɓ t ɗ k kp q ʔ/ <b t d k kp q x>
/ɸ ɬ/ <f r>
/m ŋ/ <m n g>
/w l j/ <w l y>
More: show
1. Absence of any phonemic POA for stops further back than velar [half mark for only one stop-POA behind velar, or for prominent allophonic stops behind velar
2. Phonemic voicing
3. Phonemic voicing only on stops and fricatives
4. Voicing distinction on fricatives but only labial and/or coronal fricatives
5. /v/ but no /w/
6. One fewer phonemic POA for nasals than for stops and affricates combined
7. No single MOA found at all POAs [half mark if only one MOA at all POAs
8. At least one non-glottal POA with at least one fricative but no stops
9. Fricatives distinguish more POAs than (non-nasal) stops [half mark if they distinguish the same number]
10. More non-stops than stops (not counting nasals as either stops or non-stops)
11. Between 20 and 30 consonant phonemes [half mark if between 15 and 40]
12. One phonemic lateral, distinguished from rhotics [half mark if more than one]
13. No lateral obstruents
14. One phonemic rhotic [half mark if more than one]
15. 5-7 POAs [half mark if at least 4 POAs]
16. 4 stop/affricate POAs
17. No systematic secondary articulation at more than one POA and no double articulation [half mark if there is systematic palatal secondary articulation]
18. Voicing as the only phonation distinction
19. No clicks, ejectives, or ingressive consonants of any kind [half mark if one of these categories occurs not as a series]
20. 7 or more vowel qualities [half mark for 5 or more]
21. Three or more diphthongs
22. No non-low back unrounded vowels [half mark if no high back unrounded vowels]
23. One front rounded vowel
24. Two or more front rounded vowels
25. No vowel harmony
26. Vowels distinguished solely by height, frontness, roundedness and length. (i.e. no voice distinctions, rhotic vowels, ATR, nasal vowels, etc) [half mark for nasal vowels not occuring at all vowel qualities]
27. More than three degrees of vowel height
28. Phonemic stress
29. No phonemic tone [half mark for two-tone languages]
30. Syllables without onset consonants allowed
31. CVL syllables allowed (L = lateral or rhotic)
32. CVN syllables allowed (N = nasal)
33. CVF syllables allowed (F = fricative)
34. CVS syllables allowed (S = stop)
35. CVCC syllables allowed
36. CVCCC syllables not allowed other than CVCCF [half mark if CVCCCC syllables not allowed other than CVCCCF] [no mark if CVCCC syllables not allowed]
37. CLV syllables allowed
38. FCV syllables allowed (F = fricative), where C is not a glide or a liquid. [but only half mark if C cannot be a member of a particular series (eg nasal, voiced, ejective, fricative etc) or POA]
39. CCCV syllables allowed
40. CCV syllables allowed but SSV or SSCV syllables not allowed (not including geminates)
41. CCCV syllables allowed but CCNV syllables not allowed
42. CCV syllables allowed but SNV syllables not allowed
43. Sonority hierarchy violation in consonant clusters allowed only for fricatives (stops -> fricatives -> liquids -> approximants)
44. One syllabic consonant, a rhotic [half mark if lateral or both]
45. (At least some) affricates treated as phonemes
46. No non-glottal POA with only one MOA, and that MOA isn't fricative [not counting /w/ as labial-velar or whatever]
47. No more than four POAs for stops (affricates not counted) [half mark for five, or counting affricates]
48. No initial nasal other than /m/ or /n/ (half mark if other initial nasals but not initial velar or uvular nasal)
49. No phonemic distinction of consonant length, or gemination, except across morpheme boundaries
50. Presence of an approximant/non-alveolar rhotic
51. 9 or more vowel POAs AND no vowel harmony
52. No velar (or uvular, etc) nasals at all
53. Words can end in any consonant [half mark if 1-2 exceptions found]
54. Vowel mergers in unstressed syllables
55. More phonemes at a single coronal POA than at any other single POA

S1. No initial velar nasal
S2. No tone system with more than two tones
S3. Syllables of both CCV and CVC form appear (not necessarily for all C), where all Cs can be non-glides [2.5 marks if this is true but some Cs must be glides]
S4. At least 10 vowels in total (including length and quality, but not syllable-specific tone or phonation)
S5. No non-pulmonic consonants
S6. No phonation distinctions other than voiced/voiceless
S7. Phonemic voice distinction [2.5 marks if it is only one aspect of a distinction]
S8. Fricatives and affricates, added together, outnumber plain non-nasal stops [2.5 marks if fricatives, affricates, liquids and glides together outnumber (nasals + stops), OR if the fricatives+affricates EQUALS non-nasal stops]
S9. Ignoring stops and nasals: more fricatives than non-fricative consonants [2.5 marks if equal]

Re: How to design a non-European phonology

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2016 11:07 pm
by Travis B.

[tɻap̚ ʑe ʔak̚ ɕɛjʔ leŋ]
You win the thread.