Romanization challenge thread

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Re: Romanization challenge thread

Post by Nortaneous »

/p b t d k kʷ ɡ ɡʷ/ <p b t d k q g c>
/m n ŋ ŋʷ/ <m n r v>
/β s ɣ h/ <f s x h>
/l j/ <l j>

/i e ʌ ɑ o u/ <i e y a o u>

Cendune jekyp kukumyk. Jykuturkyt. Fandotde kahit typy kopbumyk. Tyko Jykuturu Mytyn dupine teke ny kupilyne nyty gymyk kopbum. Koru kupahargymynune kylafu typytu kakum. Nomgymyn kake, tosu typa ihifyn, kuhitname mapa pukukut.
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Re: Romanization challenge thread

Post by mèþru »

Name of the conlang: /tʰʕ̞ä.ju.wʕ̞.i/ [tʰə.ju.wə.i]

/nm mn tm̥ pʰ p tʰ t kʰ k kʷʰ kʷ m̥ m n̥ n ŋ̊ ŋ ŋ̊ʷ ŋʷ r ɸʰ ɸ θʰ θ xʰ x xʷʰ xʷ sʰ s pɸʰ pɸ tθʰ tθ kxʰ kx kʷ xʷʰ kʷxʷ ʔh tsʰ ts tɬʰ tɬ j ɰ w l/
/i~ɨ~e u~ʉ~o ä~e~o/
The sequence /ʕ̞ä/ is variously realised as [ɑ̈ ə o ɑ.ä ɑ.e ɑ.o]
The sequence /rʕ̞ä/ is realised as [ɑ̈˞ə˞ ro]
/ʕ̞/ elides before aspirates. It also elides and devoices voiced nasals.
Any consonant can be in the onset, as well as consonant + /ʕ̞/ or just /ʕ̞/. Any vowel or /ʕ̞/ can be in the nucleus. Any aspirate can be in the coda. The onset is optional and most syllables do not have a coda.
All syllables with /ʕ̞/ are heavy syllables and vice versa. Stress placement on a word changes according to the mood of the sentence and, if the word is a noun or adjective, its case.

Words - /tʰʕ̞ä.ju.wʕ̞.i/ [tʰə.ju.wə.i]
/tʕ̞ä.päkʰ/ [tɑ̈.päkʰ]
Last edited by mèþru on Tue May 03, 2016 5:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
ìtsanso, God In The Mountain, may our names inspire the deepest feelings of fear in urkos and all his ilk, for we have saved another man from his lies! I welcome back to the feast hall kal, who will never gamble again! May the eleven gods bless him!

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Re: Romanization challenge thread

Post by Travis B. »

You know, /ʕ/ indicates voiced pharyngeal approximants as well as voiced pharyngeal fricatives; there is no need to constantly mark it as /ʕ̞/, especially when it does not contrast with any voiced pharyngeal fricative (I am not aware of any languages with this contrast anyways). Also, why does it devoice nasals, as it is voiced itself?
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Re: Romanization challenge thread

Post by mèþru »

I don't actually know. I just came up with this system by jumbling random stuff together, whereas normally I give it more thought.
ìtsanso, God In The Mountain, may our names inspire the deepest feelings of fear in urkos and all his ilk, for we have saved another man from his lies! I welcome back to the feast hall kal, who will never gamble again! May the eleven gods bless him!

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Re: Romanization challenge thread

Post by Nortaneous »

/tʰʕ̞ä.ju.wʕ̞.i/ Taeyuoai

/nm mn tm̥/ <~ & !>
/pʰ p tʰ t kʰ k kʷʰ kʷ/ <p b t d k g q j>
/m̥ m n̥ n ŋ̊ ŋ ŋ̊ʷ ŋʷ/ <{ m } n [ ] ( )>
/r j ɰ w l/ <r y w o l>
/ɸʰ ɸ θʰ θ xʰ x xʷʰ xʷ sʰ s/ <f v $ # x c s z>
/pɸʰ pɸ tθʰ tθ kxʰ kx kʷxʷʰ kʷxʷ ʔh tsʰ ts tɬʰ tɬ/ <1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ? h ^ 9 0>
/i~ɨ~e u~ʉ~o ä~e~o/ <i u e>
/ʕ̞~ɑ~ə~o~ʔh/ <a>
Siöö jandeng raiglin zåbei tandiüłåd;
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Re: Romanization challenge thread

Post by Frislander »

/pʰ p pˡʰ pˡ tʰ t ʈʰ t cʰ c kʰ k qʰ q ʔ/ <<p b pl bl t d tr dr ky gy q gq '>>
/ᵐpʰ ᵐb ᵐpˡʰ ᵐbˡ ⁿtʰ ⁿd ᶯʈʰ ᶯɖ ᶮcʰ ᶮɟ ᵑkʰ ᵑɡ ᶰqʰ ᶰɢ/ <<mp mb mpl mbl nt nd ntr ndr nky ngy nk ng nq ngq>>
/tsʰ ts tʂʰ tʂ/ <<c j cr jr>
/ⁿtsʰ ⁿdz ⁿtʂʰ ⁿdʐ/ <<nc nj ncr njr>>
/f v s ɬ ʂ ʐ ç ʝ h/ <<f v s hl sr r hy y h>>
/m̥ m m̥ˡ mˡ n̥ n ɲ̥ ɲ/ <<hm m hml ml hn n hny ny>>
/a e ẽ~ʌŋ ɔ ɔ̃~oŋ i ɨ u/ <<a e en o on i ü u>>
/ai aɨ au iə uə/ <<ai aü au ie ue>>
Tones: high, mid, low, high falling, mid rising, low creaky, mid-falling breathy (pɔ́ pɔ pɔ̀ pɔ̂ pɔ̌ pɔ̰̀ pɔ̤̂) << ´, 0, `, ``, ´´, -V', -h>>
Low creaky tone is realized phrase-finally as a long low rising tone.

Example: taau' còò pé kyauh laaü' sááü dàü tììe tau hnáá káu nkyàü crieh. yaa' ron cràà plàü má, nèè yúúe jruu' mù ntrííe nùù hyùe sái lueh mùùe kéé pá hoo' dá jri nyó ngyih í kyén jraa' ndaaü' nèè.

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Re: Romanization challenge thread

Post by Nortaneous »

/pʰ p pˡʰ pˡ tʰ t ʈʰ t cʰ c kʰ k qʰ q ʔ/ <p b 9 6 t d 1 7 c j k g q '>
/ᵐpʰ ᵐb ᵐpˡʰ ᵐbˡ ⁿtʰ ⁿd ᶯʈʰ ᶯɖ ᶮcʰ ᶮɟ ᵑkʰ ᵑɡ ᶰqʰ ᶰɢ/ <! @ # $ % ^ & * + = 0 2 { }>
/tsʰ ts tʂʰ tʂ/ <# x ; :>
/ⁿtsʰ ⁿdz ⁿtʂʰ ⁿdʐ/ <( ) [ ]>
/f v s ɬ ʂ ʐ ç ʝ h/ <f v s \ 5 r / y h>
/m̥ m m̥ˡ mˡ n̥ n ɲ̥ ɲ/ <3 m < > 4 n " ~>
/l/ <l>
/a e ẽ~ʌŋ ɔ ɔ̃~oŋ i ɨ u/ <a e n o m i y u>
/ai aɨ au iə uə/ <z g w j v>
Tones: high, mid, low, high falling, mid rising, low creaky, mid-falling breathy (pɔ́ pɔ pɔ̀ pɔ̂ pɔ̌ pɔ̰̀ pɔ̤̂) <1 0 2 3 4 5 6>

Example: tʰa̰u˩ tsɔ̤˧˩ pe˥ ca̤u˧˩ la̰ɨ˩ saɨ˧˦ daɨ˩ tʰiə˥˧ tau˧ n̥a˧˦ kʰau˥ ᶮcaɨ˩ tʂʰi̤ə˧˩. ʝa̰˩ ʐɔ̃˧ tʂʰa˥˧ pˡaɨ˩ ma˩, ne˥˧ ʝuə˧˦ tʂṵ˩ mu˩ ᶯʈʰiə˧˦ nṳ˧˩ çuə˩ sai˥ lṳə˧˩ muə˥˧ ke˧˦ pa˥ hɔ̰˩ da˥ tʂi˧ ɲo˥ ᶮɟi̤˧˩ i˥ cʰẽ˥ tʂa̰˩ ⁿda̰ɨ˩ ne˥˧.

Tw2 xo6 be1 cw6 lg5 sg4 dg2 tj3 dw0 4a4 kw1 +g2 ;j6. Ya5 rm0 ;a3 6g2 ma2, ne3 yv4 :u5 mu2 &j5 nu6 /v2 sz1 lv6 mv3 ge4 ba1 ho5 da1 :i0 "o1 =i6 'i1 cn1 :a5 ^g5 ne3.

Or, since every word is three characters long:

/pʰ p pˡʰ pˡ tʰ t ʈʰ t cʰ c kʰ k qʰ q ʔ/ <p b a u t d w i c j k g q '>
/ᵐpʰ ᵐb ᵐpˡʰ ᵐbˡ ⁿtʰ ⁿd ᶯʈʰ ᶯɖ ᶮcʰ ᶮɟ ᵑkʰ ᵑɡ ᶰqʰ ᶰɢ/ <P B A U T D W I C J K G Q ">
/tsʰ ts tʂʰ tʂ/ <v x $ z>
/ⁿtsʰ ⁿdz ⁿtʂʰ ⁿdʐ/ <V X S Z>
/f v s ɬ ʂ ʐ ç ʝ h/ <F f s L R r Y y h>
/m̥ m m̥ˡ mˡ n̥ n ɲ̥ ɲ/ <M m O o N n E e>
/l/ <l>
/a e ẽ~ʌŋ ɔ ɔ̃~oŋ i ɨ u/ <a e n o m i y u>
/ai aɨ au iə uə/ <z g w j v>
Tones: high, mid, low, high falling, mid rising, low creaky, mid-falling breathy (pɔ́ pɔ pɔ̀ pɔ̂ pɔ̌ pɔ̰̀ pɔ̤̂) <1 0 2 3 4 5 6>

tw2xo6be1cw6lg5sg4dg2tj3dw0Na4kw1Cg2$j6. ya5rm0$a3ug2ma2, ne3yv4zu5mu2Wj5nu6Yv2sz1lv6mv3ge4ba1ho5da1zi0eo1Ji6'i1cn1za5Dg5ne3.
Siöö jandeng raiglin zåbei tandiüłåd;
nää džunnfin kukuch vklaivei sivei tåd.
Chei. Chei. Chei. Chei. Chei. Chei. Chei.

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Re: Romanization challenge thread

Post by mèþru »

Nort, you can stop with the challenge now.

I seriously want a better orthography for /tʰʕ̞ä.ju.wʕ̞.i/. Here is my current one:
<nm mn tm ph p th t kh k kvh kv m mz n nz g gz gv gvz r fh f þh þ xh x xvh xv sh s pfh pf tþh tþ kxh kx kvxvh kvxv ʔh tsh ts tlh tl j w v~u l>
<i o a>
/w/ is <u> after <k g x> and <v> otherwise.
ìtsanso, God In The Mountain, may our names inspire the deepest feelings of fear in urkos and all his ilk, for we have saved another man from his lies! I welcome back to the feast hall kal, who will never gamble again! May the eleven gods bless him!

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Pole, the
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Re: Romanization challenge thread

Post by Pole, the »

mèþru wrote:Name of the conlang: /tʰʕ̞ä.ju.wʕ̞.i/ [tʰə.ju.wə.i]

/nm mn tm̥ pʰ p tʰ t kʰ k kʷʰ kʷ m̥ m n̥ n ŋ̊ ŋ ŋ̊ʷ ŋʷ r ɸʰ ɸ θʰ θ xʰ x xʷʰ xʷ sʰ s pɸʰ pɸ tθʰ tθ kxʰ kx kʷ xʷʰ kʷxʷ ʔh tsʰ ts tɬʰ tɬ j ɰ w l/
/i~ɨ~e u~ʉ~o ä~e~o/
The sequence /ʕ̞ä/ is variously realised as [ɑ̈ ə o ɑ.ä ɑ.e ɑ.o]
The sequence /rʕ̞ä/ is realised as [ɑ̈˞ə˞ ro]
/ʕ̞/ elides before aspirates. It also elides and devoices voiced nasals.
Any consonant can be in the onset, as well as consonant + /ʕ̞/ or just /ʕ̞/. Any vowel or /ʕ̞/ can be in the nucleus. Any aspirate can be in the coda. The onset is optional and most syllables do not have a coda.
All syllables with /ʕ̞/ are heavy syllables and vice versa. Stress placement on a word changes according to the mood of the sentence and, if the word is a noun or adjective, its case.

Words - /tʰʕ̞ä.ju.wʕ̞.i/ [tʰə.ju.wə.i]
/tʕ̞ä.päkʰ/ [tɑ̈.päkʰ]
/nm mn tm̥/ «nm mn tm»
/pʰ p tʰ t kʰ k kʷʰ kʷ/ «p b t d k g kw gw»
/m̥ m n̥ n ŋ̊ ŋ ŋ̊ʷ ŋʷ/ «mh m nh n ñh ñhw ñw»
/r/ «r»
/ɸʰ ɸ θʰ θ xʰ x xʷʰ xʷ sʰ s/ «fh f ch c xh x xhw xw sh s»
/pɸʰ pɸ tθʰ tθ kxʰ kx kʷxʷʰ kʷxʷ ʔh tsʰ ts tɬʰ tɬ/ «pf bf tc dc kx gx kxw gxw qh ts ds tl dl»
/j ɰ w l/ «j y w l»
/kʰ.w k.w tʰ.l t.l/ &c. «k’w g’w t’l d’l» &c.

/i~ɨ~e u~ʉ~o ä~e~o/ «i u a»
/ʕ̞~ɑ~ə~o~ʔh/ «q» (non-syllabic), «qo» (syllabic), «o» (syllabic, with [ʕ] elided)
/ʕ̞ä rʕ̞ä/ «oa roa»

/tʰʕ̞ä.ju.wʕ̞.i/ [tʰə.ju.wə.i] «toajuwoi»
/tʕ̞ä.päkʰ/ [tɑ̈.päkʰ] «doabak»
The conlanger formerly known as “the conlanger formerly known as Pole, the”.

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Re: Romanization challenge thread

Post by Travis B. »


Nasals: /m mʲ n nʷ nʲ ɲ ŋ ŋʷ ɴ/
Voiced stops: /b bʲ d dʷ dʲ g gʷ/
Unaspirated voiceless stops: /p pʲ t tʷ tʲ k kʷ ʔ ʔʷ ʔʲ/
Aspirated voiceless stops: /pʰ pʲʰ tʰ tʷʰ tʲʰ kʰ kʷʰ/
Voiced affricates: /dz dzʷ dzʲ dʐ dʐʷ dʑ/
Unaspirated voiceless africates: /ts tsʷ tsʲ tʂ tʂʷ tɕ/
Aspirated voiceless affricates: /tsʰ tsʷʰ tsʲʰ tʂʰ tʂʷʰ tɕʰ/
Fricatives: /ʍ s sʷ sʲ ʂ ʂʷ ɕ ɬ ɬʷ h/
Voiceless liquids: /ɻ̥ ɻ̥ʷ/
Voiced liquids: /ɻ ɻʷ ɻʲ l lʷ lʲ/
Semivowels: /w j/




Close: /i y ɨ ʉ ɯ u/
Close-mid: /e ø ɤ o/
Open-mid: /ɛ/
Open: /a ɑ/


Close: /i˞ y˞ ɨ˞ ʉ˞ ɯ˞ u˞/
Close-mid: /e˞ ø˞ ɤ˞ o˞/
Open-mid: /ɛ˞/
Open: /a˞ ɑ˞/


Close-mid: /eˤ øˤ ɘˤ ɵˤ ɤˤ oˤ/
Open-mid: /ɛˤ œˤ ʌˤ ɔˤ/
Near-open: /æˤ/
Open: /ɑˤ/



/ie yø ɯɤ uo/


/ie˞ yø˞ ɯɤ˞ uo˞/


/iɛˤ yœˤ ɯʌˤ uɔˤ/


High, mid-rising, mid, low.


CV({ʔ ɴ w j})

Coda /w/ can only be preceded by /ɑ ɤ o ɯ u ɯɤ uo ɑ˞ ɤ˞ o˞ ɯ˞ u˞ ɯɤ˞ uo˞ ɑˤ ʌˤ ɔˤ ɤˤ oˤ ɯʌˤ uɔˤ/*. Coda /j/ can only be preceded by /ɛ e ø i y ie yø ɛ˞ e˞ ø˞ i˞ y˞ ie˞ yø˞ æˤ ɛˤ œ eˤ øˤ iɛˤ yœˤ/*. Open syllables can only end in /a e o i u ɨ ʉ a˞ e˞ o˞ i˞ u˞ ɨ˞ ʉ˞ ɑˤ ɛˤ ɔˤ eˤ oˤ ɘˤ ɵˤ/*. /ɴ/ may only occur in coda position.


Coda /ʔ/ alternates with open syllables and following syllables starting in /p pʲ t tʷ tʲ tɕ k kʷ/ when suffixes that historically started with approximants or *ʔ are attached, reflecting *p for /p pʲ/, *t for /t tʷ tʲ/, and *k for /tɕ k kʷ/. Coda /ɴ/ alternates with open syllables and following syllables starting in /m mʲ n nʷ nʲ ɲ ŋ ŋʷ/ when suffixes that historically started with approximants or *ʔ are attached, reflecting *m for /m mʲ/, *n for /n nʷ nʲ/ and *ŋ for /ɲ ŋ ŋʷ/ . Rhoticized vowels in frequently alternate with non-rhoticized vowels and following syllables starting in /ɻ ɻʷ ɻʲ l lʷ lʲ/ when suffixes that historically started with approximants or *ʔ are attached, reflecting *ɻ for /ɻ ɻʷ ɻʲ/ and *l for /l lʷ lʲ/. Syllables that ended in *p and *m may only contain /a e o i u ɨ ʉ a˞ e˞ o˞ i˞ u˞ ɨ˞ ʉ˞ ɑˤ ɛˤ ɔˤ eˤ oˤ ɘˤ ɵˤ/*. Syllables that ended in *t and *n may only contain /ɛ e ø i y ie yø ɛ˞ e˞ ø˞ i˞ y˞ ie˞ yø˞ æˤ ɛˤ œ eˤ øˤ iɛˤ yœˤ/*. Syllables that ended in *k and *ŋ may only contain /ɑ ɤ o ɯ u ɯɤ uo ɑ˞ ɤ˞ o˞ ɯ˞ u˞ ɯɤ˞ uo˞ ɑˤ ʌˤ ɔˤ ɤˤ oˤ ɯʌˤ uɔˤ/*.

* In these sets of vowels, the vowels in the same positions in each set reflect the same proto-phoneme(s) before they were modified by the following consonant.
Last edited by Travis B. on Thu May 05, 2016 9:22 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Dibotahamdn duthma jallni agaynni ra hgitn lakrhmi.
Amuhawr jalla vowa vta hlakrhi hdm duthmi xaja.
Irdro. Irdro. Irdro. Irdro. Irdro. Irdro. Irdro.

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Re: Romanization challenge thread

Post by mèþru »

Revitalize this thread!
ìtsanso, God In The Mountain, may our names inspire the deepest feelings of fear in urkos and all his ilk, for we have saved another man from his lies! I welcome back to the feast hall kal, who will never gamble again! May the eleven gods bless him!

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Re: Romanization challenge thread

Post by opipik »

Nasals: /m mʲ n nʷ nʲ ɲ ŋ ŋʷ ɴ/ <m my n nw ny ñ ng ngw ṅ>
Glottalized nasals: /ʔm ʔmʲ ʔn ʔnʷ ʔnʲ ʔɲ ʔŋ ʔŋʷ/ <'m 'my 'n 'nw 'ny 'ñ 'ng 'ngw>
Voiced stops: /b bʲ d dʷ dʲ g gʷ/ <b by d dw dy g gw>
Implosive stops: /ɓ ɓʲ ɗ ɗʷ ɗʲ/ <'b 'by 'd 'dw 'dy>
Unaspirated voiceless stops: /p pʲ t tʷ tʲ k kʷ ʔ ʔʷ ʔʲ/ <p py t tw ty k kw ʔ ʔw ʔy>
Aspirated voiceless stops: /pʰ pʲʰ tʰ tʷʰ tʲʰ kʰ kʷʰ/ <ph phy th thw thy kh khw>
Ejective stops: /pʼ pʲʼ tʼ tʷʼ tʲʼ kʼ kʷʼ/ <p' py' t' tw' k' kw'>
Voiced affricates: /dz dzʷ dzʲ dʐ dʐʷ dʑ/ <dz dzw dzy dẓ dẓw j>
Unaspirated voiceless africates: /ts tsʷ tsʲ tʂ tʂʷ tɕ/ <ts tsw tsy tṣ tṣw c>
Aspirated voiceless affricates: /tsʰ tsʷʰ tsʲʰ tʂʰ tʂʷʰ tɕʰ/ <tsh tshw tshy tṣh tṣhw ch>
Ejective affricates: /tsʼ tsʷʼ tsʲʼ tʂʼ tʂʷʼ tɕʼ tɬʼ tɬʷʼ/ <ts' tsw' tsy' tṣ' tṣw' c' tl' tlw'>
Fricatives: /ʍ s sʷ sʲ ʂ ʂʷ ɕ ɬ ɬʷ h/ <hw s sw sy ṣ ṣw š ƚ ƚw h>
Voiceless liquids: /ɻ̥ ɻ̥ʷ/ <rh rhw>
Voiced liquids: /ɻ ɻʷ ɻʲ l lʷ lʲ/ <r rw ry l lw ly>
Semivowels: /w j/ <w~ụ y~ị>


Close: /i y ɨ ʉ ɯ u/ <i ü ɨ ʉ ɯ u>
Close-mid: /e ø ɤ o/ <e ö ə o>
Open-mid: /ɛ/ <ɛ>
Open: /a ɑ/ <a ɑ>

Close: /i˞ y˞ ɨ˞ ʉ˞ ɯ˞ u˞/ <i̱ ü̱ ɨ̱ ʉ̱ ɯ̱ u̱>
Close-mid: /e˞ ø˞ ɤ˞ o˞/ <e̱ ö̱ ə̱ o̱>
Open-mid: /ɛ˞/ <ɛ̱>
Open: /a˞ ɑ˞/ <a̱ ɑ̱>

/ie yø ɯɤ uo/ <ie üö ɯə uo>
/ie˞ yø˞ ɯɤ˞ uo˞/ <i̱e̱ ü̱ö̱ ɯ̱ə̱ u̱o̱>


High, mid-rising, mid, low. <á ǎ a à>

/ʔá sɻuǒtʲátsú nā ɻʷū mò nī pēj ɡǐkkē. nīŋtsá nā tɕám lākākē, nī wǎŋ lātákē, kálʲáʍǒ, sɻuǒtʲátsú jō lātábʲā. ɻʷū wǒŋkʷʰów ɻʷūŋā lēŋ kʷʰówábʲā pó, ʔín ɻʷūlī pómɻuōl ɻʷūdʑǎ lāklěj, ɻʷūdʑǎ símɻuōl nā tsʰéj cǎ klǒjbʲā. ʔín ɻʷū ʔuókjòlè ŋētmīté, ʔín ɻʷū póbɻōwjuō lāɡjiēnmī./

ʔÁ sruǒtyátsú na rwu mò ni peị gǐkke. Ningtsá na cám lakake, ni wǎng latáke, kályáhwǒ, sruǒtyátsú yo latábya. Rwu wǒngkhwóụ rwunga leng khwówábya pó, ʔín rwuli pómruol rwujǎ laklěị, rwujǎ símruol na tshéị cǎ klǒịbya. ʔÍn rwu ʔuókyòlè ngetmité, ʔín rwu póbroụyuo lagyienmi.

Travis B.
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Re: Romanization challenge thread

Post by Travis B. »

opipik wrote:/ʔá sɻuǒtʲátsú nā ɻʷū mò nī pēj ɡǐkkē. nīŋtsá nā tɕám lākākē, nī wǎŋ lātákē, kálʲáʍǒ, sɻuǒtʲátsú jō lātábʲā. ɻʷū wǒŋkʷʰów ɻʷūŋā lēŋ kʷʰówábʲā pó, ʔín ɻʷūlī pómɻuōl ɻʷūdʑǎ lāklěj, ɻʷūdʑǎ símɻuōl nā tsʰéj cǎ klǒjbʲā. ʔín ɻʷū ʔuókjòlè ŋētmīté, ʔín ɻʷū póbɻōwjuō lāɡjiēnmī./

ʔÁ sruǒtyátsú na rwu mò ni peị gǐkke. Ningtsá na cám lakake, ni wǎng latáke, kályáhwǒ, sruǒtyátsú yo latábya. Rwu wǒngkhwóụ rwunga leng khwówábya pó, ʔín rwuli pómruol rwujǎ laklěị, rwujǎ símruol na tshéị cǎ klǒịbya. ʔÍn rwu ʔuókyòlè ngetmité, ʔín rwu póbroụyuo lagyienmi.
Umm, that is the wrong language. That's Old Mkroh, whereas my challenge above was for Middle Mkroh. Old Mkroh preserves the old codas whereas they have been reduced to {ʔ ɴ w j} in Middle Mkroh, Old Mkroh does not have rhoticized vowels and rather has rhotic and lateral preinitials, medials, and finals, unlike Middle Mkhroh, Old Mkroh has a much simpler vowel system than Middle Mkroh, and Old Mkroh does not have glottalized/ejective/implosive consonants, unlike Middle Mkroh.

(Note: I changed Middle Mkroh so it no longer has glottalized/ejective/implosive consonants but instead has pharyngealized vowels.)
Dibotahamdn duthma jallni agaynni ra hgitn lakrhmi.
Amuhawr jalla vowa vta hlakrhi hdm duthmi xaja.
Irdro. Irdro. Irdro. Irdro. Irdro. Irdro. Irdro.

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Re: Romanization challenge thread

Post by Travis B. »

I would really like to see how to represent pharyngealized vowels. I am aiming at an orthography that can be written with bog-standard Latin script with the typical diacritics found in Latin-script orthographies devised earlier than, say, 1950. In my own orthography I'm marking pharyngealized vowels with an apostrophe after the vowel, and the vowel being marked so as to parallel the vowels in the regular and the rhoticized series (e.g. /eˤ/ is , paralleling /i/ i and /i˞/ ir), but I am not entirely satisfied with this. I want to avoid diacritics for pharyngealization, because I am already using diacritics for tone, and do not want to mark vowels with more than one diacritic.
Dibotahamdn duthma jallni agaynni ra hgitn lakrhmi.
Amuhawr jalla vowa vta hlakrhi hdm duthmi xaja.
Irdro. Irdro. Irdro. Irdro. Irdro. Irdro. Irdro.

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Re: Romanization challenge thread

Post by Matrix »

The Vietnamese alphabet is as old as you're looking for, and it's full of diacritics.

Adúljôžal ônal kol ví éža únah kex yaxlr gmlĥ hôga jô ônal kru ansu frú.
Ansu frú ônal savel zaš gmlĥ a vek Adúljôžal vé jaga čaþ kex.
Ônal zeh. Ônal zeh. Ônal zeh. Ônal zeh. Ônal zeh. Ônal zeh. Ônal zeh.

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Re: Romanization challenge thread

Post by Nortaneous »

Nasals: /m mʲ n nʷ nʲ ɲ ŋ ŋʷ ɴ/ <m my n nw ny ngy ng ngw n(')>
Voiced stops: /b bʲ d dʷ dʲ g gʷ/ <b by d dw dy g gw>
Unaspirated voiceless stops: /p pʲ t tʷ tʲ k kʷ ʔ ʔʷ ʔʲ/ <p py t tw ty k kw v vw vy>
Aspirated voiceless stops: /pʰ pʲʰ tʰ tʷʰ tʲʰ kʰ kʷʰ/ <ph phy th thw thy kh khw>
Voiced affricates: /dz dzʷ dzʲ dʐ dʐʷ dʑ/ <z zw zy zh zhw j>
Unaspirated voiceless africates: /ts tsʷ tsʲ tʂ tʂʷ tɕ/ <ts tsw tsy c cw q>
Aspirated voiceless affricates: /tsʰ tsʷʰ tsʲʰ tʂʰ tʂʷʰ tɕʰ/ <tsh tshw tshy ch chw qh>
Fricatives: /ʍ s sʷ sʲ ʂ ʂʷ ɕ ɬ ɬʷ h/ <f s sw sy sh shw x lh lhw h>
Voiceless liquids: /ɻ̥ ɻ̥ʷ/ <hr hrw>
Voiced liquids: /ɻ ɻʷ ɻʲ l lʷ lʲ/ <r rw ry l lw ly>
Semivowels: /w j/ <w y>




Close: /i y ɨ ʉ ɯ u/ <i u(i) e(a) u ee u(u)>
Close-mid: /e ø ɤ o/ <e(i) o(i) e o>
Open-mid: /ɛ/ <ae>
Open: /a ɑ/ <a aa>


Close: /i˞ y˞ ɨ˞ ʉ˞ ɯ˞ u˞/ <ir u(i)r...>
Close-mid: /e˞ ø˞ ɤ˞ o˞/ <e(i)r...>
Open-mid: /ɛ˞/ <aer>
Open: /a˞ ɑ˞/ <ar aar>


Close-mid: /eˤ øˤ ɘˤ ɵˤ ɤˤ oˤ/ <ig u(i)g...>
Open-mid: /ɛˤ œˤ ʌˤ ɔˤ/ <e(i)g o(i)g eg og>
Near-open: /æˤ/ <aeg>
Open: /ɑˤ/ <ag>



/ie yø ɯɤ uo/ <ie io ue uo>


/ie˞ yø˞ ɯɤ˞ uo˞/ <ier...>


/iɛˤ yœˤ ɯʌˤ uɔˤ/ <ieg...>


High, mid-rising, mid, low.


CV({ʔ ɴ w j})

Coda /w/ can only be preceded by /ɑ ɤ o ɯ u ɯɤ uo ɑ˞ ɤ˞ o˞ ɯ˞ u˞ ɯɤ˞ uo˞ ɑˤ ʌˤ ɔˤ ɤˤ oˤ ɯʌˤ uɔˤ/*. Coda /j/ can only be preceded by /ɛ e ø i y ie yø ɛ˞ e˞ ø˞ i˞ y˞ ie˞ yø˞ æˤ ɛˤ œ eˤ øˤ iɛˤ yœˤ/*. Open syllables can only end in /a e o i u ɨ ʉ a˞ e˞ o˞ i˞ u˞ ɨ˞ ʉ˞ ɑˤ ɛˤ ɔˤ eˤ oˤ ɘˤ ɵˤ/*. /ɴ/ may only occur in coda position.


Coda /ʔ/ alternates with open syllables and following syllables starting in /p pʲ t tʷ tʲ tɕ k kʷ/ when suffixes that historically started with approximants or *ʔ are attached, reflecting *p for /p pʲ/, *t for /t tʷ tʲ/, and *k for /tɕ k kʷ/. Coda /ɴ/ alternates with open syllables and following syllables starting in /m mʲ n nʷ nʲ ɲ ŋ ŋʷ/ when suffixes that historically started with approximants or *ʔ are attached, reflecting *m for /m mʲ/, *n for /n nʷ nʲ/ and *ŋ for /ɲ ŋ ŋʷ/ . Rhoticized vowels in frequently alternate with non-rhoticized vowels and following syllables starting in /ɻ ɻʷ ɻʲ l lʷ lʲ/ when suffixes that historically started with approximants or *ʔ are attached, reflecting *ɻ for /ɻ ɻʷ ɻʲ/ and *l for /l lʷ lʲ/. Syllables that ended in *p and *m may only contain /a e o i u ɨ ʉ a˞ e˞ o˞ i˞ u˞ ɨ˞ ʉ˞ ɑˤ ɛˤ ɔˤ eˤ oˤ ɘˤ ɵˤ/*. Syllables that ended in *t and *n may only contain /ɛ e ø i y ie yø ɛ˞ e˞ ø˞ i˞ y˞ ie˞ yø˞ æˤ ɛˤ œ eˤ øˤ iɛˤ yœˤ/*. Syllables that ended in *k and *ŋ may only contain /ɑ ɤ o ɯ u ɯɤ uo ɑ˞ ɤ˞ o˞ ɯ˞ u˞ ɯɤ˞ uo˞ ɑˤ ʌˤ ɔˤ ɤˤ oˤ ɯʌˤ uɔˤ/*.

/bʲè tɕáʔʲá lāmàɕēʔǎk. sʷyøj.álī tsǐe̯j.á jūo̯ nā jō tsǐe̯j.álè na ʂòra dʑékhúo̯./
Byè qávyá lamàxēvǎk. Swioyáli cieyá yuo na yo cieyálè na shòra jéikhúo.


Nasals: /m mʲ n nʷ nʲ ɲ ŋ ŋʷ ɴ/ <m my n nw ny ngy ng ngw n(')>
Voiced stops: /b bʲ d dʷ dʲ g gʷ/ <bb bby dd ddw ddy gg ggw>
Unaspirated voiceless stops: /p pʲ t tʷ tʲ k kʷ ʔ ʔʷ ʔʲ/ <b by d dw dy g gw ' 'w 'y>
Aspirated voiceless stops: /pʰ pʲʰ tʰ tʷʰ tʲʰ kʰ kʷʰ/ <p py t tw ty k kw>
Voiced affricates: /dz dzʷ dzʲ dʐ dʐʷ dʑ/ <zz zzw zzy rh rhw jj>
Unaspirated voiceless africates: /ts tsʷ tsʲ tʂ tʂʷ tɕ/ <z zw zy zh zhw j>
Aspirated voiceless affricates: /tsʰ tsʷʰ tsʲʰ tʂʰ tʂʷʰ tɕʰ/ <c cw cy ch chw q>
Fricatives: /ʍ s sʷ sʲ ʂ ʂʷ ɕ ɬ ɬʷ h/ <f s sw sy sh shw x lh lhw h>
Voiceless liquids: /ɻ̥ ɻ̥ʷ/ <hr hrw>
Voiced liquids: /ɻ ɻʷ ɻʲ l lʷ lʲ/ <r rw ry l lw ly>
Semivowels: /w j/ <w y>

Close: /i y ɨ ʉ ɯ u/ <i ü e eü ee u>
Close-mid: /e ø ɤ o/ <ei eo eu o>
Open-mid: /ɛ/ <ae>
Open: /a ɑ/ <a aa>
/ie yø ɯɤ uo/ <ie üe ea uo>

/bʲè tɕáʔʲá lāmàɕēʔǎk. sʷyøj.álī tsǐe̯j.á jūo̯ nā jō tsǐe̯j.álè nā ʂòrā dʑékhúo̯./
Bbyè jáiá lāmàxēǎk. Swǖeyálī zǐeyá yūo nā yō zǐeyálè nā shòrā jjéikúo.
Siöö jandeng raiglin zåbei tandiüłåd;
nää džunnfin kukuch vklaivei sivei tåd.
Chei. Chei. Chei. Chei. Chei. Chei. Chei.

Travis B.
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Re: Romanization challenge thread

Post by Travis B. »

Matrix wrote:The Vietnamese alphabet is as old as you're looking for, and it's full of diacritics.
I hadn't thought of Vietnamese orthography, but what I meant is that I would want the set of diacritics to be limited to, say, acute, grave, circumflex, caron, tilde, macron, breve, ogonek, cedilla, and like.
Dibotahamdn duthma jallni agaynni ra hgitn lakrhmi.
Amuhawr jalla vowa vta hlakrhi hdm duthmi xaja.
Irdro. Irdro. Irdro. Irdro. Irdro. Irdro. Irdro.

Travis B.
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Re: Romanization challenge thread

Post by Travis B. »

Nortaneous wrote:/bʲè tɕáʔʲá lāmàɕēʔǎk. sʷyøj.álī tsǐe̯j.á jūo̯ nā jō tsǐe̯j.álè nā ʂòrā dʑékhúo̯./
Bbyè jáiá lāmàxēǎk. Swǖeyálī zǐeyá yūo nā yō zǐeyálè nā shòrā jjéikúo.
I have not posted any examples of Middle Mkroh anywhere... so what are you getting that from (it isn't Old Mkroh, since it has rounded front vowels, but it isn't Middle Mkroh either), going and taking one of my Old Mkroh examples and applying the changes on my Middle Mkroh page to it (even though if you did that you made some mistakes, namely not changing ɕ to ʂ in all places, having ūo̯ where it should be ʉ̄, having ǎ where it should be ɑ̌, and not reducing coda stops to ʔ)?
Dibotahamdn duthma jallni agaynni ra hgitn lakrhmi.
Amuhawr jalla vowa vta hlakrhi hdm duthmi xaja.
Irdro. Irdro. Irdro. Irdro. Irdro. Irdro. Irdro.

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Re: Romanization challenge thread

Post by opipik »

Nasals: /m mʲ n nʷ nʲ ɲ ŋ ŋʷ ɴ/ <m my n nw ny ṇ ṇw ṅ>
Voiced stops: /b bʲ d dʷ dʲ g gʷ/ <b by d dw dy g gw>
Unaspirated voiceless stops: /p pʲ t tʷ tʲ k kʷ ʔ ʔʷ ʔʲ/ <p py t tw ty k kw q qw qy>
Aspirated voiceless stops: /pʰ pʲʰ tʰ tʷʰ tʲʰ kʰ kʷʰ/ <ph phy th thw thy kh khw>
Voiced affricates: /dz dzʷ dzʲ dʐ dʐʷ dʑ/ <dz dzw dzy dẓ dẓw j>
Unaspirated voiceless africates: /ts tsʷ tsʲ tʂ tʂʷ tɕ/ <ts tsw tsy tṣ tṣw c>
Aspirated voiceless affricates: /tsʰ tsʷʰ tsʲʰ tʂʰ tʂʷʰ tɕʰ/ <tsh tshw tshy tṣh tṣhw ch>
Fricatives: /ʍ s sʷ sʲ ʂ ʂʷ ɕ ɬ ɬʷ h/ <wh s sw sy ṣ ṣw š ł łw h>
Voiceless liquids: /ɻ̥ ɻ̥ʷ/ <rh rhw>
Voiced liquids: /ɻ ɻʷ ɻʲ l lʷ lʲ/ <r rw ry l lw ly>
Semivowels: /w j/ <w y>

Close: /i y ɨ ʉ ɯ u/ <i ui ie uo iu u>
Close-mid: /e ø ɤ o/ <e oe eo o>
Open-mid: /ɛ/ <ae>
Open: /a ɑ/ <a au>

Close: /i˞ y˞ ɨ˞ ʉ˞ ɯ˞ u˞/ <ir .....>
Close-mid: /e˞ ø˞ ɤ˞ o˞/
Open-mid: /ɛ˞/
Open: /a˞ ɑ˞/

Close-mid: /eˤ øˤ ɘˤ ɵˤ ɤˤ oˤ/ <ix uix....>
Open-mid: /ɛˤ œˤ ʌˤ ɔˤ/
Near-open: /æˤ/
Open: /ɑˤ/

/ie yø ɯɤ uo/ <ie uoi iuo uo>
/ie˞ yø˞ ɯɤ˞ uo˞/ <ier...>
/iɛˤ yœˤ ɯʌˤ uɔˤ/ <iex...>

High, mid-rising, mid and low tones. <á ā a à>

/ʔá sʉ̌˞tʲátsú nā ɻʷū mò nī pēj ɡɯ̌kɛ̄ˤ. nīɴtsá nā tʂáɴ lɑ̄kɑ̄kē, nī wɑ̌ɴ lɛ̄tɑ́kē, kálʲáʍǒ, sʉ̌˞tʲátsú jō lātábʲā. ɻʷū wǒɴkʷʰów ɻʷūŋā lēɴ kʷʰówábʲā pó, ʔíɴ ɻʷūlī póɴʉ̄˞ ɻʷūdʐǎ lɑ̄ʔě˞j, ɻʷūdʐǎ síɴʉ̄˞ nā tsʰéj tɕǎ kø̌˞jbʲā. ʔíɴ ɻʷū ʔʉ́tɕòlè ŋēmēˤté, ʔíɴ ɻʷū póbō˞wjʉ̄ lādʑiēɴmī./

Qá suōrtyátsú na rwu mò ni pey giǔkex. Niṅtsá na tṣáṅ laukauke, ni waǔṅ laetáke, kályáwhō, suortyátsú yo latábya. Rwu wōṅkhwów leṅ khwówábya pó, qíṅ rwuli póṅuor rwudẓā lauqěyr, rwudẓā síṅuor na tshéy cā koēyrbya. Qíṅ rwu quócòlè ṇemexté, qíṅ rwu póbowryuo lajieṅmi.

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Re: Romanization challenge thread

Post by Travis B. »

Okay, now you have put in a real effort to make Middle Mkroh text from my Old Mkroh text. While it is not entirely correct w.r.t. what I envisioned phonologically, that only is because I did not make my detailed sound changes fully reflect what I wanted, namely that pharyngealization and loss of glottal stops before consonants would only apply word-initially. Of course it isn't going to be syntactically or morphologically correct necessarily, but that's because the syntax and morphology of Middle Mkroh is nowhere near nailed down yet.
Dibotahamdn duthma jallni agaynni ra hgitn lakrhmi.
Amuhawr jalla vowa vta hlakrhi hdm duthmi xaja.
Irdro. Irdro. Irdro. Irdro. Irdro. Irdro. Irdro.

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Re: Romanization challenge thread

Post by Nortaneous »

Vá sǔtyátsóu na rwou mò ni pey ɡěekaeg. Nintsá na cán laakaakei, ni wǎan laetáakei, kályáfǒ, sǔrtyátsóu yo latábya. Rwou wǒnkhwów rwounga lein kwhówábya pó, vín rwouli pón'ur rwouzhǎ laavěry, rwouzhǎ sín'ur na tshéy qǎ kǒybya. Vín rwou vúqòlè ngeimigtéi, vín rwou póborwyu lajienmi.

'A sǚdiázú nā ruū mò nī bēiy ɡgěegāeg. Nīnzá nā zhán lāagāagēi, nī wǎan lāedáagēi, gáliáfǒ, sǚdiázú yō lādábbiā. Ruū wǒnkuóu ruūngā lēin kuówábbiā bó, ín ruūlī bón'ǖr ruūdhǎ lāaěry, ruūdhǎ sín'ǚr nā céiy jǎ gěoybbiā. In ruū ǖjòlè ngēimīgdé, ín ruū bóbbōrwiü lājjīenmī.
Siöö jandeng raiglin zåbei tandiüłåd;
nää džunnfin kukuch vklaivei sivei tåd.
Chei. Chei. Chei. Chei. Chei. Chei. Chei.

Travis B.
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Re: Romanization challenge thread

Post by Travis B. »


Nasals: /m mʲ n nʷ nʲ ɲ ŋ ŋʷ ɴ/ m my n nw ny ŋy ŋ ŋw ŋ
Voiced stops: /b bʲ d dʷ dʲ g gʷ/ b by d dw dy g gw
Unaspirated voiceless stops: /p pʲ t tʷ tʲ k kʷ ʔ ʔʷ ʔʲ/ p py t tw ty k kw ʔ ʔw ʔy
Aspirated voiceless stops: /pʰ pʲʰ tʰ tʷʰ tʲʰ kʰ kʷʰ/ ph phy th thw thy kh khw
Voiced affricates: /dz dzʷ dzʲ dʐ dʐʷ dʑ/ dz dzw dzy dž džw dź
Unaspirated voiceless africates: /ts tsʷ tsʲ tʂ tʂʷ tɕ/ ts tsw tsy tš tšw tś
Aspirated voiceless affricates: /tsʰ tsʷʰ tsʲʰ tʂʰ tʂʷʰ tɕʰ/ tsh tshw tshy tšh tšhw tśh
Fricatives: /ʍ s sʷ sʲ ʂ ʂʷ ɕ ɬ ɬʷ h/ hw s sw sy š šw ś hl hlw h
Voiceless liquids: /ɻ̥ ɻ̥ʷ/ hr hrw
Voiced liquids: /ɻ ɻʷ ɻʲ l lʷ lʲ/ r rw ry l lw ly
Semivowels: /w j/ w y




Close: /i y ɨ ʉ ɯ u/ i ui ie uo iu u
Close-mid: /e ø ɤ o/ e oi eu o
Open-mid: /ɛ/ ai
Open: /a ɑ/ a au

(Note: /ɛ ø y/ are written a o u before coda /j/, and /ɑ ɤ ɯ/ are written a e i before coda /w/.)


Close: /i˞ y˞ ɨ˞ ʉ˞ ɯ˞ u˞/ ir uir ier uor iur ur
Close-mid: /e˞ ø˞ ɤ˞ o˞/ wr oir eur or
Open-mid: /ɛ˞/ air
Open: /a˞ ɑ˞/ ar aur

(Note: /ɛ˞ ø˞ y˞/ are written ar or ur before coda /j/, and /ɑ˞ ɤ˞ ɯ˞/ are written ar er ir before coda /w/.)


Close-mid: /eˤ øˤ ɘˤ ɵˤ ɤˤ oˤ/ iʼ uiʼ ieʼ uoʼ iuʼ uʼ
Open-mid: /ɛˤ œˤ ʌˤ ɔˤ/ eʼ oiʼ euʼ oʼ
Near-open: /æˤ/ aiʼ
Open: /ɑˤ/

(Note: /æˤ œˤ øˤ/ are written aʼ oʼ uʼ before coda /j/, and /ʌˤ ɤˤ/ are written eʼ iʼ before coda /w/.)



/ie yø ɯɤ uo/ iei uoi ieu uou

(Note: /ie yø/ are written ie ou before coda /j/, and /ɯɤ uo/ are written ie ou before coda /w/.)


/ie˞ yø˞ ɯɤ˞ uo˞/ ieir uour ieur uour

(Note: /ie˞ yø˞/ are written ier our before coda /j/, and /ɯɤ˞ uo˞/ are written ier our before coda /w/.)


/iɛˤ yœˤ ɯʌˤ uɔˤ/ ieiʼ uouʼ ieiʼ uouʼ

(Note: /iɛˤ yœˤ/ are written ieʼ ouʼ before coda /j/, and /ɯʌˤ uɔˤ/ are written ieʼ ouʼ before coda /w/.)


High: í úi é ói ái á áu éu ó íu ú ié uó iéi uói iéu uóu ír úir ér óir áir ár áur éur ór íur úr iér uór iéir uóir iéur uóur íʼ úiʼ éʼ óiʼ áiʼ áʼ áuʼ éuʼ óʼ íuʼ úʼ iéʼ uóʼ iéiʼ uóiʼ iéuʼ uóuʼ
Mid-rising: ǐ ǔi ě ǒi ǎi ǎ ǎu ěu ǒ ǐu ǔ iě uǒ iěi uǒi iěu uǒu ǐr ǔir ěr ǒir ǎir ǎr ǎur ěur ǒr ǐur ǔr iěr uǒr iěir uǒir iěur uǒur ǐʼ ǔiʼ ěʼ ǒiʼ ǎiʼ ǎʼ ǎuʼ ěuʼ ǒʼ ǐuʼ ǔʼ iěʼ uǒʼ iěiʼ uǒiʼ iěuʼ uǒuʼ
Mid: i ui e oi ai a au eu o iu u ie uo iei uoi ieu uou ir uir er oir air ar aur eur or iur ur ier uor ieir uoir ieur uour iʼ uiʼ eʼ oiʼ aiʼ aʼ auʼ euʼ oʼ iuʼ uʼ ieʼ uoʼ ieiʼ uoiʼ ieuʼ uouʼ
Low: ì ùi è òi ài à àu èu ò ìu ù iè uò ièi uòi ièu uòu ìr ùir èr òir àir àr àur èur òr ìur ùr ièr uòr ièir uòir ièur uòur ìʼ ùiʼ èʼ òiʼ àiʼ àʼ àuʼ èuʼ òʼ ìuʼ ùʼ ièʼ uòʼ ièiʼ uòiʼ ièuʼ uòuʼ
Dibotahamdn duthma jallni agaynni ra hgitn lakrhmi.
Amuhawr jalla vowa vta hlakrhi hdm duthmi xaja.
Irdro. Irdro. Irdro. Irdro. Irdro. Irdro. Irdro.

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Re: Romanization challenge thread

Post by xroox »


Nasals: /m mʲ n nʷ nʲ ɲ ŋ ŋʷ ɴ/ m my n nw ny ñ ŋ ŋw ń>
Voiced stops: /b bʲ d dʷ dʲ g gʷ/ <b by d dw g gw>
Unaspirated voiceless stops: /p pʲ t tʷ tʲ k kʷ ʔ ʔʷ ʔʲ/ <p py t tw tj k kw 7 7w 7y>
Aspirated voiceless stops: /pʰ pʲʰ tʰ tʷʰ tʲʰ kʰ kʷʰ/ <p' py' t' tw' ty' k' kw'>
Voiced affricates: /dz dzʷ dzʲ dʐ dʐʷ dʑ/ <z zw zy zr zrw ź>
Unaspirated voiceless africates: /ts tsʷ tsʲ tʂ tʂʷ tɕ/ <c cw cy cr crw ć>
Aspirated voiceless affricates: /tsʰ tsʷʰ tsʲʰ tʂʰ tʂʷʰ tɕʰ/ <c' cw' cy' cr' crw' ć'>
Fricatives: /ʍ s sʷ sʲ ʂ ʂʷ ɕ ɬ ɬʷ h/ <w' s sw sy sr srw ś l' lw' h>
Voiceless liquids: /ɻ̥ ɻ̥ʷ/ <r' rw'>
Voiced liquids: /ɻ ɻʷ ɻʲ l lʷ lʲ/ <r rw ry l lw ly>
Semivowels: /w j/ <w y>



Close: /i y ɨ ʉ ɯ u/ <i Ï y ÿ u ü>
Close-mid: /e ø ɤ o/ <e ë o ö>
Open-mid: /ɛ/ <ai>
Open: /a ɑ/ <a ä>

Close: /i˞ y˞ ɨ˞ ʉ˞ ɯ˞ u˞/ <ir ïr yr ÿr ur ür>
Close-mid: /e˞ ø˞ ɤ˞ o˞/ <er ër or ör>
Open-mid: /ɛ˞/ <air>
Open: /a˞ ɑ˞/ <ar är>


Close-mid: /eˤ øˤ ɘˤ ɵˤ ɤˤ oˤ/ <ix ïx yx ÿx ux üx>
Open-mid: /ɛˤ œˤ ʌˤ ɔˤ/ <ex ëx ox öx>
Near-open: /æˤ/ <ax>
Open: /ɑˤ/ <äx>



/ie yø ɯɤ uo/ <ii ïï uu üü>


/ie˞ yø˞ ɯɤ˞ uo˞/ <iir ïïr uu üür>


/iɛˤ yœˤ ɯʌˤ uɔˤ/ <iix ïÏx uux üüx>


High <a´>, mid-rising <a·>, mid <a>, low <a`>.
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Re: Romanization challenge thread

Post by opipik »


/p t k/
/ᵐp ⁿt ᵑk/
/ᵖm ᵗn ᵏŋ/
/m n/
/ɸ s ⁿz (h)/
/w l j/

/i ɪ ɨ ɛ ɑ o u/
/ei̯ ɑi̯/

/kuᵐpuei̯p kuᵐpuei̯p ɛl ɑi̯ᵖm pulmiɛn ɑᵐpuei̯p piɛn tɨwiɛ kɑroᵏŋ nukuɑp nɑpol ɛl. ɑr ɑniᵑkɛl kɨlpɛ tɨwiɛ nɑᵖmok, "ɑⁿtiɛ roᵏŋ jɛᵗn kɨtɑᵖm sop lɨkɛᵏŋɛl. ɪᵏŋ ɑ lɑ kei̯ᵖm ɛl ɑᵖm ɑ mɨlɑ kɨtɑᵖm." tɨwiɛ nɑk nɑk ɛpɛ ɑi̯ᵖm pulmiɛn kɨlpɛ nɑkiᵖm piɛn, "ɛt ɪᵏŋ ɑᵐpu ikɪᵐp no sɪl lo tɪᵏŋɑᵑk jɛr kei̯ᵖm isɛr lo tɪᵏŋɑᵑk itɪp ɪᵏŋ ɑroᵏŋ." kɨl kɨlpɛ ɑkiᵐp no sɪl kei̯ᵖm. kɨl jukukurp jukukurp iⁿzɪl lo tɪᵏŋɑᵑk ɑsɛr lo tɪᵏŋɑᵑk ɑtɪp kɨl. "ɛt ɪᵏŋ jo kɨtɑᵖm. ɑᵖm ɑᵐpu ikɪᵖm no sɪl lo tɪᵏŋɑᵑk sɛr lo tɪᵏŋɑᵑk itɪp ɑᵖm ɑroᵏŋ."/

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Re: Romanization challenge thread

Post by Frislander »

/p t k/ <<p t k>>
/ᵐp ⁿt ᵑk/ <<mp nt nk>>
/ᵖm ᵗn ᵏŋ/ <<pm tn kn>>
/m n/ <<m n>>
/ɸ s ⁿz (h)/ <<f s ns (h)>>
/w l j/ <<w l j>>

/i ɪ ɨ ɛ ɑ o u/ <<i ì y e a o u>>
/ei̯ ɑi̯/ <<ei ai>>

/kumpueip kumpueip el aipm pulmien ampueip pien tywie karokn nukuap napol el. ar aninkel kylpe tywie napmok, "antie rokn jetn kytapm sop lykeknel. ìkn a la keipm el apm a myla kytapm." tywie nak nak epe aipm pulmien kylpe nakiepm pien, "et ìkn ampu ikìmp no sìl lo tìknank jer keipm iser lo tìknank itìp ìkn arokn." kyl kylpe akimp no sìl keipm. kyl jukukurp jukukurp insìl lo tìknank aser lo tìknank atìp kyl. "et ìkn jo kytapm. apm ampu ikìpm no sìl lo tìknank ser lo tìknank itìp apm arokn."/



/t k ʔ/
/b~m d~n/
/ɓ ɗ/
/s ʃ ɬ χ h/
/w l j/

/i ɨ u e ẽ ə ə̃ o õ a ã ɑ/

There is also a three-way high-mid-low tone system. The nasal allophones of the voiced stops only appear before nasalised vowels.

First known on here as Karero

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