Romanization challenge thread

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Re: Romanization challenge thread

Post by Nortaneous »

hmm i guess i could take another shot at my own lang

/pʰ tʰ cʰ kʰ ʔ/ <p t c k ->
/ts ʈʂ/ <ts tj>
/b d ɟ g/ <b d j g>
/s ʂ ç x xʷ χ h/ <s sh ch h f kh h>
/v~ⱱ l j ɣ r̥ r ʀ/ <v l y gh rh r x>
/a ɛ ɞ ʌ ɔ ø ʊ i y u/ <a e o u au oe i u ou>
/aɔ̯ ʊi̯ ɛa̯ ɛɔ̯~ɛu̯ ʌi̯ œy̯ ɔu̯ ie̯ yø̯ uo̯/ <ao oi ea eo ui oeu aou ia ua oua>
/ɐ ɪ ʏ ʊ/ <a i u ou>

ˈʈʂʌi̯s gʊn ˈkʰuo̯ʂ vɪç ˈcʰaɔ̯n mʏˈtsah vɪç ˈgɛa̯rɐs, ˈkʰuo̯ʂ tsɪç ˈmaɔ̯l ɪn ˌxʷaɔ̯lʔˈmɛa̯r̥ɐmɪl, ˈjɔu̯xʷ r̥ɪç ˌʈʂʌi̯s ˈtsɔu̯ɪl tsɪç tsɪˈxʷaɔ̯l.
Tjuis goun kouash vich caon mutsah vich gearas, kuash tsich maol in faol-mearhamil, yaouf rhech tjuis tsaouel tsich tsifaol.

ˈtʰie̯χɪn die̯ ˈçʌn ʊtʰ dɪn ˈxʷɛu̯tsɪr dɪm ˈlʊi̯kʰɐr ˈʈʂøts ˈɛdɪ die̯ ˈmɛa̯tsɐ ˈxʷɔlɐh.
Tiakhin dia chun out din feotsir dim loikar tjoets edi dia meatsa folah.

ˈtʰɛŋɐr ˈxʷaɔ̯dun ˈjɛa̯r̥ʏh ʏ ˈmie̯ʂ cʰɐn ˈmɛç.
Tengar faodun yearhuh u miash can mech.
Siöö jandeng raiglin zåbei tandiüłåd;
nää džunnfin kukuch vklaivei sivei tåd.
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Re: Romanization challenge thread

Post by Ser »

That works nicely, but the etymological German-like spelling was such a special touch of Arve...

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Re: Romanization challenge thread

Post by Nortaneous »

Serafín wrote:That works nicely, but the etymological German-like spelling was such a special touch of Arve...
yeah, and everything else for it turns out ugly, probably because of the odd phoneme frequency.
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Re: Romanization challenge thread

Post by Click »

My tries at Arve:

/pʰ tʰ cʰ kʰ ʔ/ ‹p t tch k -›
/ts ʈʂ/ ‹tz tsch›
/b d ɟ g/ ‹b d dg g›
/s ʂ ç x xʷ χ h/ ‹s sch ch h hv rch h›
/v~ⱱ l j ɣ r̥ r ʀ/ ‹v l j gh rh r rg›
/a ɛ ɞ ʌ ɔ ø ʊ i y u/ ‹a e ae äo o ö uö i ü u›
/aɔ̯ ʊi̯ ɛa̯ ɛɔ̯~ɛu̯ ʌi̯ œy̯ ɔu̯ ie̯ yø̯ uo̯/ ‹ä üi ea aö ei äu öi ë üe äe›
/ɐ ɪ ʏ ʊ/ ‹a i ü u›
/m n ŋ/ ‹m n gn›

Tscheis guön käesch vich tchän mützah vich gearas, käesch tzich mäl in hväl-mearhamil, jöihv rhich tscheis tzöil tzich tzi hväl.
ˈʈʂʌi̯s gʊn ˈkʰuo̯ʂ vɪç ˈcʰaɔ̯n mʏˈtsah vɪç ˈgɛa̯rɐs, ˈkʰuo̯ʂ tsɪç ˈmaɔ̯l ɪn ˌxʷaɔ̯lʔˈmɛa̯r̥ɐmɪl, ˈjɔu̯xʷ r̥ɪç ˌʈʂʌi̯s ˈtsɔu̯ɪl tsɪç tsɪˈxʷaɔ̯l.

Tërchin dë chäon ut din hvaötzir dim lüikar tschötz edi dë meatsa hvolah.
ˈtʰie̯χɪn die̯ ˈçʌn ʊtʰ dɪn ˈxʷɛu̯tsɪr dɪm ˈlʊi̯kʰɐr ˈʈʂøts ˈɛdɪ die̯ ˈmɛa̯tsɐ ˈxʷɔlɐh.

Tegnar hvädun jearüh ü mësch tchan mech.
ˈtʰɛŋɐr ˈxʷaɔ̯dun ˈjɛa̯r̥ʏh ʏ ˈmie̯ʂ cʰɐn ˈmɛç.

/pʰ tʰ cʰ kʰ ʔ/ ‹p t ch q -›
/ts ʈʂ/ ‹d tr›
/b d ɟ g/ ‹b đ gi g›
/s ʂ ç x xʷ χ h/ ‹x s c gh w h h›
/v~ⱱ l j ɣ r̥ r ʀ/ ‹v l y k r d rh›
/a ɛ ɞ ʌ ɔ ø ʊ i y u/ ‹a e ê â o ơ ô i ư u›
/aɔ̯ ʊi̯ ɛa̯ ɛɔ̯~ɛu̯ ʌi̯ œy̯ ɔu̯ ie̯ yø̯ uo̯/ ‹ả ổ ẻ ể ẳ ở ỏ ỉ ử ủ›
/ɐ ɪ ʏ ʊ/ ‹ằ ì ừ ù›
/m n ŋ/ ‹m n ngh›

Trẳix gùn qủs vìc chản mừdah vic gẻrằs qủs dìc mảl ìn wảl-mẻrằnìl yỏw rìc trẳix dỏìl dìc dì wảl.
ˈʈʂʌi̯s gʊn ˈkʰuo̯ʂ vɪç ˈcʰaɔ̯n mʏˈtsah vɪç ˈgɛa̯rɐs, ˈkʰuo̯ʂ tsɪç ˈmaɔ̯l ɪn ˌxʷaɔ̯lʔˈmɛa̯r̥ɐmɪl, ˈjɔu̯xʷ r̥ɪç ˌʈʂʌi̯s ˈtsɔu̯ɪl tsɪç tsɪˈxʷaɔ̯l.

Tỉhìn dỉ cân ôt đìn wểdìd đìm lổqằd trơd eđì đỉ mẻdằ wolằh.
ˈtʰie̯χɪn die̯ ˈçʌn ʊtʰ dɪn ˈxʷɛu̯tsɪr dɪm ˈlʊi̯kʰɐr ˈʈʂøts ˈɛdɪ die̯ ˈmɛa̯tsɐ ˈxʷɔlɐh.

Tenghằr wảđun yẻdừh ừ mỉs chằn mec.
ˈtʰɛŋɐr ˈxʷaɔ̯dun ˈjɛa̯r̥ʏh ʏ ˈmie̯ʂ cʰɐn ˈmɛç.

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Re: Romanization challenge thread

Post by Haplogy »

ʙø̞˥˩.çe̞˩ :

/m ɱ ɲ ŋ ɲᶣ ŋʷ/
/ɸ β f v ç ʝ x ɣ çᶣ ʝᶣ xʷ ɣʷ/
/β͡ʀ ɬ ɮ r͡ʀ/
/ʙ̥ ʙ r̥ r/
/j ʎ ɰ ɥ ʎᶣ w/
/k͡ʘ ŋ͡ʘ k͡ʘ̪ ŋ͡ʘ̪ k͡ǃ ŋ͡ǃ k͡ǁ ŋ͡ǁ/
/k͡ǃʷ ŋ͡ǃʷ k͡ǁʷ ŋ͡ǁʷ/
/i/ [i y ɯ u]
/e̞/ [e̞ ø̞ ɤ̞ o̞]
/a/ [a ɶ ɑ ɒ]

/˥ ˧ ˩/, which can be combined an indefinite amount of times on any syllable nucleus, although strings of more than three are uncommon.
/i e̞ a m ɱ ɲ ŋ ɬ ɮ/ Can be used as syllable nuclei.

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Re: Romanization challenge thread

Post by Qwynegold »

/ɲᶣ/ etc, are you sure palatals can be labio-palatalized?
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Re: Romanization challenge thread

Post by spats »

Qwynegold wrote:/ɲᶣ/ etc, are you sure palatals can be labio-palatalized?
The alternative would be /ɲʷ/, which might imply labio-velarization. If you're looking for something that is very definitely /ɲ/ + /y/, I don't see the problem with using /ɲᶣ/.

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Re: Romanization challenge thread

Post by Nortaneous »

/m ɱ ɲ ŋ ɲᶣ ŋʷ/ <m mv ny ng nyw ngw>
/ɸ β f v ç ʝ x ɣ çᶣ ʝᶣ xʷ ɣʷ/ <fh vh f v ch j x g chw jw xw gw>
/β͡ʀ ɬ ɮ r͡ʀ/ <vr hl l gr>
/ʙ̥ ʙ r̥ r/ <bh b hr r>
/j ʎ ɰ ɥ ʎᶣ w/ <y ly gh yw lyw w>
/k͡ʘ ŋ͡ʘ k͡ʘ̪ ŋ͡ʘ̪ k͡ǃ ŋ͡ǃ k͡ǁ ŋ͡ǁ/ <p mp pf mpf t nt tl ntl>
/k͡ǃʷ ŋ͡ǃʷ k͡ǁʷ ŋ͡ǁʷ/ <tw ntw tlw ntlw>
/i/ [i y ɯ u] <i u i u>
/e̞/ [e̞ ø̞ ɤ̞ o̞] <e o e o>
/a/ [a ɶ ɑ ɒ] <a a a a>

˥ 1
˧ 2
˩ 3
˥˧ 4
˥˩ 5
˧˥ 6
˧˩ 7
˩˥ 8
˩˧ 9

/k͡ǃa˥.ɮɲ̩˩.ɣra˥˧ɮ/ ta1 lny3 gral4
/mø̞˩˩ŋ.xʷɒ˥.k͡ǃɱ˩˧/ mong3 xwa1 tmv9
/ji˥˧.mŋ̩˩/ yi4 mng3
/xɑ˥˧ɬ/ xahl4
/fi˩.ɬi˩.ɮe̞˥˧˥ɬ.ɸy˩x/ fi3 hli3 lehl41 fhux3
/r̥͡ʀ̥o̞˥ŋ͡ǁ.va˧˩ɮ/ grhontl1 val7
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Re: Romanization challenge thread

Post by Haplogy »

Qwynegold wrote:/ɲᶣ/ etc, are you sure palatals can be labio-palatalized?
ŋʷ for example, is used for a labialized velar, so it would only make sense to me to use ɲᶣ to represent a labialized palatal.


/m ɱ ɲ ŋ ɲᶣ ŋʷ/ <mh m nȷ n ny nu>
/ɸ β f v ç ʝ x ɣ çᶣ ʝᶣ xʷ ɣʷ/ <fh vh f v hȷ gȷ h g hy gy hu gu>
/β͡ʀ ɬ ɮ r͡ʀ/ <x s z gr>
/ʙ̥ ʙ r̥ r/ <pr br hr r>
/j ʎ ɰ ɥ ʎᶣ w/ <ȷ lȷ w y ly u>
/k͡ʘ ŋ͡ʘ k͡ʘ̪ ŋ͡ʘ̪ k͡ǃ ŋ͡ǃ k͡ǁ ŋ͡ǁ/ <p mp pf mpf kl nkl k nk>
/k͡ǃʷ ŋ͡ǃʷ k͡ǁʷ ŋ͡ǁʷ/ <klu nklu k nku>
/i/ [i y ɯ u] <ı>
/e̞/ [e̞ ø̞ ɤ̞ o̞] <e>
/a/ [a ɶ ɑ ɒ] <a>
<'> to separate things which would otherwise be digraphs.

/a˥ a˧ a˩/ <á a à>

Sample words:
/k͡ǃa˥.ɮɲ̩˩.ɣra˥˧ɮ/ klázǹȷg'ráaz
/mø̞˩˩ŋ.xʷɒ˥.k͡ǃɱ˩˧/ mhòònhuáklm̀m
/ji˥˧.mŋ̩˩/ ȷíımǹ
/xɑ˥˧ɬ/ háas
/fi˩.ɬi˩.ɮe̞˥˧˥ɬ.ɸy˩x/ fìsìzéeésfhìh
/r͡ʀo̞˥ŋ͡ǁ.va˧˩ɮ/ grénkvaàz

With the allophones /i/ has, I finally have a somewhat decent excuse to use <ı> instead of <i> :D
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Re: Romanization challenge thread

Post by Nortaneous »

actually i think i could do better


/m ɱ ɲ ŋ ɲᶣ ŋʷ/ <m ɱ n ŋ nw ŋw>
/ɸ β f v ç ʝ x ɣ çᶣ ʝᶣ xʷ ɣʷ/ <fh vh f v s j h g cw jw hw ghw>
/β͡ʀ ɬ ɮ r͡ʀ/ <br ll l gr>
/ʙ̥ ʙ r̥ r/ <bh b hr r>
/j ʎ ɰ ɥ ʎᶣ w/ <yi~iy ly y yw lyw w>
/k͡ʘ ŋ͡ʘ k͡ʘ̪ ŋ͡ʘ̪ k͡ǃ ŋ͡ǃ k͡ǁ ŋ͡ǁ/ <p mp pf mpf t nt c nc>
/k͡ǃʷ ŋ͡ǃʷ k͡ǁʷ ŋ͡ǁʷ/ <tw ntw cw ncw>
/i/ [i y ɯ u] <i u i u>
/e̞/ [e̞ ø̞ ɤ̞ o̞] <e o e o>
/a/ [a ɶ ɑ ɒ] <a a a a>

˥ acute
˧ macron
˩ null
˥˧ breve
˥˩ hook
˧˥ ogonek
˧˩ underdot
˩˥ tilde
˩˧ circumflex

Sample words:
/k͡ǃa˥.ɮɲ̩˩.ɣra˥˧ɮ/ tálngrăl
/mø̞˩˩ŋ.xʷɒ˥.k͡ǃɱ˩˧/ moŋhwátɱ̂
/ji˥˧.mŋ̩˩/ yĭmŋ
/xɑ˥˧ɬ/ hăll
/fi˩.ɬi˩.ɮe̞˥˧˥ɬ.ɸy˩x/ fillilĕéllfhuh
/r̥͡ʀ̥o̞˥ŋ͡ǁ.va˧˩ɮ/ grhóncvạl
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Re: Romanization challenge thread

Post by Qwynegold »

Okay. There is ◌̫ (not to be confused with ◌̼) for labialization without velarization, but I've never seen anyone use it. :/
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Re: Romanization challenge thread

Post by Click »

So I have problems romanising this consonant inventory, preferably without digraphs indicating palatalisation/velarisation/labialisation.

/mʲ mˠ nʲ nˠ ŋ ŋʷ/
/pʲ pˠ tʲ tˠ k kʷ/
/rʲ rˠ/

The current romanisation is below.
/mʲ mˠ nʲ nˠ ŋ ŋʷ/ ‹j m y n k q
/pʲ pˠ tʲ tˠ k kʷ/ ‹b p d t g c
/rʲ rˠ/ ‹r l

A sample sentence:

Jekati qi rede yaja pegi ki beta caje de mi.
/mʲəkatˠɨ ŋʷɨ rʲətʲə nʲamʲa pˠəkʲɨ kɨ pʲətˠa kʷamʲə tʲə mˠi/

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Re: Romanization challenge thread

Post by tezcatlip0ca »

2-4 wrote:So I have problems romanising this consonant inventory, preferably without digraphs indicating palatalisation/velarisation/labialisation.

/mʲ mˠ nʲ nˠ ŋ ŋʷ/
/pʲ pˠ tʲ tˠ k kʷ/
/rʲ rˠ/

The current romanisation is below.
/mʲ mˠ nʲ nˠ ŋ ŋʷ/ ‹j m y n k q
/pʲ pˠ tʲ tˠ k kʷ/ ‹b p d t g c
/rʲ rˠ/ ‹r l

A sample sentence:

Jekati qi rede yaja pegi ki beta caje de mi.
/mʲəkatˠɨ ŋʷɨ rʲətʲə nʲamʲa pˠəkʲɨ kɨ pʲətˠa kʷamʲə tʲə mˠi/
Carry the secondary articulation onto the vowel, as I see it, you have a vertical three vowel system.
Mekeaty ŋu rete neamea poki ku peta kame te my. Looks vaguely Polynesian...
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Re: Romanization challenge thread

Post by Haplogy »

Aiďos wrote:Mekeaty ŋu rete neamea poki ku peta kame te my.
Aren't you effectively creating digraphs there? What with <neamea> /nʲamʲa/ and such?

Anyways, as to what I would do:
/mʲ mˠ nʲ nˠ ŋ ŋʷ/ <m◌́ m n◌́ n ŋ◌́ ŋ> or <m m◌̀ n n◌̀ ŋ ŋ◌̀>
/pʲ pˠ tʲ tˠ k kʷ/ <p◌́ p t◌́ t k◌́ k> or <p p◌̀ t t◌̀ k k◌̀>
/rʲ rˠ/ <r◌́ r> or <r r◌̀>
/ɨ ə a/ <i e a>

/mʲəkatˠɨ ŋʷɨ rʲətʲə nʲamʲa pˠəkʲɨ kɨ pʲətˠa kʷamʲə tʲə mˠi/
Mékáti ŋi rété námá pekí kí péta kamé té mi.
Mekatì ŋì rete nama pèki ki petà kàme te mì.
Which one, depends on which of the two is more common.
Last edited by Haplogy on Wed Feb 27, 2013 9:45 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Romanization challenge thread

Post by Nortaneous »

I'm going to base this off my conlang Cherun and its inspiration Marshallese, since they have somewhat similar inventories. Cherun uses <my ny> instead of <m̃ ñ>, but Cherun avoids nonstandard characters entirely, whereas you don't want digraphs. It also uses <j> for the palatal stop and <g> for the velar nasal. Marshallese also uses <j> for /tʲ/, and it writes the rhotics the same way I have them there.

/mʲ mˠ nʲ nˠ ŋ ŋʷ/ <m/m̃ m n/ñ n g g/gw> -- use tildes and <w> only when necessary to disambiguate (that is, before <a>)
/pʲ pˠ tʲ tˠ k kʷ/ <p b j t k q>
/rʲ rˠ/ <r d>
/a ə ɨ/ <a e i> or <a o u> or <a e y> depending on the previous consonant: the first set if palatalized, the second set if labialized or velarized labial, the third set if velarized coronal or velar

/mʲəkatˠɨ ŋʷɨ rʲətʲə nʲamʲa pˠəkʲɨ kɨ pʲətˠa kʷamʲə tʲə mˠi/
Mekaty gu reje ñam̃a boki ky peta qame je mu.

You could replace <a o u> for velarized labials with <a o y> if they're not rounded in that context.

Also, you have /kʲ/ in your example sentence, but not in your inventory.
Last edited by Nortaneous on Tue Oct 30, 2012 1:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Romanization challenge thread

Post by sangi39 »

I think Aiďos might be on to something there, but I wonder if using y differently might work better at stopping digraphs (and diacritics):

/m n ŋ/ ‹m m n n g g›
/p t k/ ‹p p t t k k›
/r/ ‹r r›

/(ʲ)ɨ/ vs /ˠ/ʷɨ/ - <i> vs <u>
/(ʲ)ə/ vs /ˠ/ʷə/ - <y> vs <o>
/(ʲ)a/ vs /ˠ/ʷa/ - <e> vs <a>


/(ʲ)ɨ/ vs /ˠ/ʷɨ/ - <i> vs <y>
/(ʲ)ə/ vs /ˠ/ʷə/ - <e> vs <u>
/(ʲ)a/ vs /ˠ/ʷa/ - <a> vs <o>


/(ʲ)ɨ/ vs /ˠ/ʷɨ/ - <i> vs <u>
/(ʲ)ə/ vs /ˠ/ʷə/ - <e> vs <y>
/(ʲ)a/ vs /ˠ/ʷa/ - <a> vs <o>

/mʲəkatˠɨ ŋʷɨ rʲətʲə nʲamʲa pˠəkʲɨ kɨ pʲətˠa kʷamʲə tʲə mˠi/
<myketi gu ryty neme poki ki pyta kamy ty mu>
<mekati gy rete nama puki ki peto kome te my>
<mekati gu rete nama pyki ki peto kome te mu>

Or you could do:

/(ʲ)ɨ/ vs /ˠ/ʷɨ/ - <i> vs <w>
/(ʲ)ə/ vs /ˠ/ʷə/ - <e> vs <u>
/(ʲ)a/ vs /ˠ/ʷa/ - <a> vs <o>

<mekati gw rete nama puki ki peto kome te mw>

I think that's the only way you could go with <w> except maybe:

/(ʲ)ɨ/ vs /ˠ/ʷɨ/ - <y> vs <w>
/(ʲ)ə/ vs /ˠ/ʷə/ - <i> vs <u>
/(ʲ)a/ vs /ˠ/ʷa/ - <e> vs <a>

<mikety gw riti neme puky ky pita kami ti mw>

But that looks a tad messy.
You can tell the same lie a thousand times,
But it never gets any more true,
So close your eyes once more and once more believe
That they all still believe in you.
Just one time.

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Re: Romanization challenge thread

Post by GrinningManiac »

I'm looking for an interesting romanisation.

/m n ŋ/
/p b f v t d θ ð ɫ r ʈ͜ʂ ɖ͜ʐ ʂ ʐ k g x ʀ j w h/
/i ɪ ʏ ɛ e a u ɔ ɑ ʉ y/
/jɪ jɛ ja jæ ju jʉ jɔ jɑ/
/wu wʉ wɛ we wa wæ wɔ wɑ/
/aɪ ɛɪ eɪ ɔɪ uɪ/
/jaɪ jɛɪ/
/waɪ wɛɪ/

/ɑ/ is /a/ next to velar consonants.
/x ʀ/ are a voiceless/voiced pair
/ʀ/ and /j/ are the same consonant but after front and back vowels respectively

Do what you want with it. Go mad.

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Re: Romanization challenge thread

Post by Ser »

GrinningManiac wrote:I'm looking for an interesting romanisation.

/m n ŋ/
/p b f v t d θ ð ɫ r ʈ͜ʂ ɖ͜ʐ ʂ ʐ k g x ʀ j w h/
/i ɪ ʏ ɛ e a u ɔ ɑ ʉ y/
/jɪ jɛ ja jæ ju jʉ jɔ jɑ/
/wu wʉ wɛ we wa wæ wɔ wɑ/
/aɪ ɛɪ eɪ ɔɪ uɪ/
/jaɪ jɛɪ/
/waɪ wɛɪ/

/ɑ/ is /a/ next to velar consonants.
/x ʀ/ are a voiceless/voiced pair
/ʀ/ and /j/ are the same consonant but after front and back vowels respectively

Do what you want with it. Go mad.
It's hard to go creative if you don't tell us more about the phonology (syllable structure, if there's any phonemes that aren't allowed at the beginning/end of a syllable/word), and if you don't give a sample text to play with.
/ʀ/ and /j/ are the same consonant but after front and back vowels respectively
Then don't write them inside slashes. Use a single phoneme, say, /ʀ/, and then show [j] as an allophone in square brackets.
Last edited by Ser on Tue Oct 30, 2012 8:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Romanization challenge thread

Post by tezcatlip0ca »

Esmelthien wrote:
Aiďos wrote:Mekeaty ŋu rete neamea poki ku peta kame te my.
Aren'y you effectively creating digraphs there? What with <neamea> /nʲamʲa/ and such?
Well, I am, but only for /ʲa/. Otherwise, every other secondary/vowel pair has its own letter: /ˠa ʲə ˠə ʲɨ ˠɨ/ a e o i y. You could use an a with some diacritic instead.

One of my languages, a Satheira descendant, Ceambrien, does something similar, only that there is contrastive palatalization and labialization, and a four vowel system. I get around it like this: /ʲaʲ ʲa ʲaʷ aʲ a aʷ ʷaʲ ʷa ʷaʷ/ eai ea eao ai a ao uai ua uao /ʲəʲ ʲə ʲəʷ əʲ ə əʷ ʷəʲ ʷə ʷəʷ/ iei ie ieo ei e eo uei ue ueo /ʲiʲ ʲi ʲiʷ iʲ i iʷ ʷiʲ ʷi ʷiʷ/ ij i io yi y yo uij ui uio /ʲuʲ ʲu ʲuʷ uʲ u uʷ ʷuʲ ʷu ʷuʷ/ eui eo eu oi o ou ui uo u. Also, since all consonant clusters assimilate in secondary articulation, the combinations with a final /ʲ ʷ/ are only necessary in the final syllable of a word.
The Conlanger Formerly Known As Aiďos

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Re: Romanization challenge thread

Post by GrinningManiac »

Serafín wrote:
GrinningManiac wrote:I'm looking for an interesting romanisation.

/m n ŋ/
/p b f v t d θ ð ɫ r ʈ͜ʂ ɖ͜ʐ ʂ ʐ k g x ʀ j w h/
/i ɪ ʏ ɛ e a u ɔ ɑ ʉ y/
/jɪ jɛ ja jæ ju jʉ jɔ jɑ/
/wu wʉ wɛ we wa wæ wɔ wɑ/
/aɪ ɛɪ eɪ ɔɪ uɪ/
/jaɪ jɛɪ/
/waɪ wɛɪ/

/ɑ/ is /a/ next to velar consonants.
/x ʀ/ are a voiceless/voiced pair
/ʀ/ and /j/ are the same consonant but after front and back vowels respectively

Do what you want with it. Go mad.
It's hard to go creative if you don't tell us more about the phonology (syllable structure, if there's any phonemes that aren't allowed at the beginning/end of a syllable/word), and if you don't give a sample text to play with.
/ʀ/ and /j/ are the same consonant but after front and back vowels respectively
Then don't write them inside slashes. Use a single phoneme, say, /ʀ/, and then show [j] as an allophone in square brackets.
Ah, right.
/ʀ/ [j]
/b/ [β]
/p/ [ɸ]

[r], [n]and [ɫ] possess an epenthetic and vocalic quality wherein they insert an epenthetic vowel between themselves and other consonants in clusters.(e.g. kln is kɫə̆n)

(fricative)(C)(liquid)(glide)V(C)(liquid)(nasal)(r) is a rough syllable thingydoodle (e.g. Shklyuklmr (ʂkɫju.kɫə̆.mə̆r))

Fricatives do not appear in clusters – they appear only initially and between vowels. The glottal fricative (h) appears only initially before vowels.

Vowels are lengthened prior to aspirated* or voiceless fricative consonants regardless of stress. Voiceless fricatives are germinate in initial position.

*word-finally voiced consonants are devoiced and voiceless consonants are aspirated (or, bilabially, fricativised)

t̪a.d̪r̩ va ɛŋ st̪u.bɑx gɔ.kʉm ke.əɫ t̪u.xəf ɔ.ɬəkʰ. ʐɑ.gɫɪθ: a:.wɪ, ɪr ɪs vɔ.d̪ɔ.gwɑn va xra.fej st̪uɸ ɫɪŋ.ŋu gɔx ʂ:ɫɔm ɑ.gən.

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Re: Romanization challenge thread

Post by Vuvuzela »

You said I could do whatever I wanted. So I did Welsh. Except worse.
/m n ŋ/<m n ng>
/p b f v t d θ ð ɫ r ʈ͜ʂ ɖ͜ʐ ʂ ʐ k g x ʀ j w h/<p b ff f t d tt dd l r tz dz s z c g ch gh j v h>
/i ɪ ʏ ɛ e a u ɔ ɑ ʉ y/<i î û ê e a u o ô w y>
/jɪ jɛ ja jæ ju jʉ jɔ jɑ/<ii ie ia iê iu iw io iô>
/wu wʉ wɛ we wa wæ wɔ wɑ/<wu ww we wi wa wê wo wô>
/aɪ ɛɪ eɪ ɔɪ uɪ/<ai êi oi ui>
/jaɪ jɛɪ/<iai iei>
/waɪ wɛɪ/<wai wei>

Tadr fa êng stubôch gocwm cel tuchff olec zôglîtt avî îr îs vodogwôn fa chrafei stup lîngu goch slom agn

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Re: Romanization challenge thread

Post by Nortaneous »

/m n ŋ/ <m n ng>
/p b f v t d θ ð ɫ r ʈ͜ʂ ɖ͜ʐ ʂ ʐ k g x ʀ j w h/ <p b f v t d th dh l r tch j sh zh k g ch gh y w h>
/i ɪ ʏ ɛ e a u ɔ ɑ ʉ y/ <ee i û e ei a oo o â ou u>
/jɪ jɛ ja jæ ju jʉ jɔ jɑ/ <yi ye ya yea yoo yu yo ya>
/wu wʉ wɛ we wa wæ wɔ wɑ/ <woo wu we wei wa wea wo wâ>
/aɪ ɛɪ eɪ ɔɪ uɪ/ <ai ey êy oi ui>
/jaɪ jɛɪ/ <yai yey>
/waɪ wɛɪ/ <wai wey>
<h> = hiatus, <e> = schwa, <ll> = ɬ

t̪a.d̪r̩ va ɛŋ st̪u.bɑx gɔ.kʉm ke.əɫ t̪u.xəf ɔ.ɬəkʰ. ʐɑ.gɫɪθ: a:.wɪ, ɪr ɪs vɔ.d̪ɔ.gwɑn va xra.fej st̪uɸ ɫɪŋ.ŋu gɔx ʂ:ɫɔm ɑ.gən.
Tadr va eng stubach gokoum keihel toochef ollek. Zhaglith awi, ir is vodogwân va chrafêy stup lingngoo goch shlom âgen.
Siöö jandeng raiglin zåbei tandiüłåd;
nää džunnfin kukuch vklaivei sivei tåd.
Chei. Chei. Chei. Chei. Chei. Chei. Chei.

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Re: Romanization challenge thread

Post by tezcatlip0ca »

Going with a Western European feel to this, but with <w>.
/m p b f v n t d θ ð ɬ ɫ r ʈ͜ʂ ɖ͜ʐ ʂ ʐ ŋ k g x ɣ* w h/ <m p b f v n t d th dh lh l r ç/c** ge/g** s z ng c/qu** g/gu** ch gh w h>

/i ɪ y ʏ e ɛ (æ) a u ɔ ɑ ʉ ə/ <i i*** ü ü*** ei è (à) a ou o â u a>
/jɪ jɛ ja jæ ju jʉ jɔ jɑ/ <yi iè ia ià iou iu io iâ>
/wu wʉ wɛ we wa wæ wɔ wɑ/ <wou wu uè uei ua uà uo uâ>
/aɪ ɛɪ eɪ ɔɪ uɪ/ <ai èi éi oi oi>****
/jaɪ jɛɪ/ <iai ièi>****
/waɪ wɛɪ/ <uai uèi>****
Are you sure about this vowel system? You have /jæ/ and /wæ/, but no /æ/.

*[ʀ] and [j] are the same consonant but after front and back vowels respectively (calling it /ɣ/ to be safe)
**second option before /i ɪ ʏ ɛ e y j/, first elsewhere
***Consonant is doubled when in intervocalic after /ɪ ʏ/.
****These diphthongs are spelled with <y> word-finally.
Medial <h> represents hiatus.

Tadr va èng stoubâch gocum keihal touchaf olhec. Zaglith awi, ir is vodoguân va chrafey stoup linngu goch slom âgen.
Last edited by tezcatlip0ca on Wed Oct 31, 2012 3:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
The Conlanger Formerly Known As Aiďos

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Re: Romanization challenge thread

Post by GrinningManiac »

Crap! I completely forgot about /æ/. It's now just /a/.

I also forgot about /s/ and /z/ but now I look at it I suppose they're more allophones of the retroflex. But whatever. I'll re-include them just because my current orthography accommodates them.

and ɬ was a typo. Sorry everyone for all that nonsense.

Here's my current orthography
/m p b f v n t d θ ð ɫ r s z ʈ͜ʂ ɖ͜ʐ ʂ ʐ ŋ k g x ʀ~j w h/ <m p b f/ph bh n t d th dh l r s z tsch dzgh nn c g ch gh w h/
/i ɪ y ʏ e ɛ a u ɔ ɑ ʉ ə/ <i y y y* e e ai* w o a u a>
/jɪ jɛ ja ju jʉ jɔ jɑ/ <yy ye ya yw yu yo ya>
/wu wʉ wɛ we wa wɔ wɑ/ <ww wu we we wai* wo wa>
/aɪ ɛɪ eɪ ɔɪ uɪ/ <ai ai ai oi wi>
/jaɪ jɛɪ/ <yai yai>
/waɪ wɛɪ/ <wai wai>

t̪a.d̪r̩ va ɛŋ st̪u.bɑx gɔ.kʉm ke.əɫ t̪u.xəf ɔ.ɬəkʰ. ʐɑ.gɫɪθ: a:.wɪ, ɪr ɪs vɔ.d̪ɔ.gwɑn va xra.fej st̪uɸ ɫɪŋ.ŋu gɔx ʂ:ɫɔm ɑ.gən.
Tadr bha enn stwbbach gocum cael twchuff oloc. Zghaglyth awi, yr is bhodogwan bha ghrafaigh stwb linnw goch schlom agan.

*As you can see there are a lot of exceptions-to-the-rules and ambiguity in it owing to having made this crap up over the course of a few years.

I might have another crack at it now -

/m p b f v n t d θ ð ɫ r s z ʈ͜ʂ ɖ͜ʐ ʂ ʐ ŋ k g x ʀ~j w h/ <m p b f f n t d tt dd l r s z tz dz sc zg nn c g ch gh w h/
/i ɪ y ʏ e ɛ a u ɔ ɑ ʉ ə/ <i y ŷ ÿ ê e a û o â u a>
/jɪ jɛ ja ju jʉ jɔ jɑ/ <ïy ïe ïa ïû ïu ïo ïâ>
/wu wʉ wɛ we wa wɪ wɔ wɑ/ <üû üu üe üê üa üy üo üâ>
/aɪ ɛɪ eɪ ɔɪ uɪ/ <ai ei êi oi ûi>
/jaɪ jɛɪ/ <ïai ïei>
/waɪ wɛɪ/ <üai üei>

t̪a.d̪r̩ va ɛŋ st̪u.bɑx gɔ.kʉm ke.əɫ t̪u.xəf ɔ.ɬəkʰ. ʐɑ.gɫɪθ: a:.wɪ, ɪr ɪs vɔ.d̪ɔ.gwɑn va xra.fej st̪uɸ ɫɪŋ.ŋu gɔx ʂ:ɫɔm ɑ.gən.
tadr fa enn stûbâch gocum cêal tûchaff olac zgâglytt aüy yr yz fodogüân fa chraffêi stûb lynnû goch sclom âgn

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Re: Romanization challenge thread

Post by Nortaneous »

/m n ŋ/ <m n ng>
/p b f v t d θ ð ɫ r ʈ͜ʂ ɖ͜ʐ ʂ ʐ k g x ʀ j w h/ <p b f v t d th dh l r tch j sh zh k g ch gh y w h>
/i ɪ ʏ ɛ e a u ɔ ɑ ʉ y/ <ee i ö e ê a u o â û ü>
/jɪ jɛ ja ju jʉ jɔ jɑ/ <yi ye ya yu yû yo ya>
/wu wʉ wɛ we wa wɔ wɑ/ <wu wû we wê wa wo wâ>
/aɪ ɛɪ eɪ ɔɪ uɪ/ <ai ei êi oi ui>
/jaɪ jɛɪ/ <yai yei>
/waɪ wɛɪ/ <wai wei>
<h> = hiatus, <e> = schwa

t̪a.d̪r̩ va ɛŋ st̪u.bɑx gɔ.kʉm ke.əɫ t̪u.xəf ɔ.ɬəkʰ. ʐɑ.gɫɪθ: a:.wɪ, ɪr ɪs vɔ.d̪ɔ.gwɑn va xra.fej st̪uɸ ɫɪŋ.ŋu gɔx ʂ:ɫɔm ɑ.gən.
Tadr va eng stubach gokûm kehel tuchef olek. Zhaglith awi, ir is vodogwân va chrafêi stup ling·ngu goch shlom agen.
Siöö jandeng raiglin zåbei tandiüłåd;
nää džunnfin kukuch vklaivei sivei tåd.
Chei. Chei. Chei. Chei. Chei. Chei. Chei.

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