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CCC - Drama round - thru 5/11 TODAY

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2014 2:44 pm
by zompist
Time to shake things up! The idea is to introduce some event which

* changes your culture dramatically, or introduces a new culture, and
* which, if it wins the vote, can become a widespread event.

Some examples might be:

* A barbarian invasion that destroys the existing power structures.
* Magic becomes temporarily more powerful.
* Someone invents the printing press. Or a capitalist economy.
* A nasty disease affects one species.
* Ancient golems awake, instruct the people, then solidify.

So, if everyone votes for the barbarian invasion, it becomes a mega-massive barbarian empire. If everyone votes increased magic, then there's a period when magic is powerful over most of the planet. And so on. So, you would want to come up with something that can be generalized.

We have histories up to about 4000, and spotty histories beyond that, as we were working on languages and religions. So I'd like to get histories filled out for about 4000 - 5500.

However, for ease of voting, just present your Dramatic Event here. It should be something that happens to your (old or new) culture, but which if it wins other people can adopt.

Re: CCC - Drama round - thru 5/11

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2014 3:08 pm
by zompist
As an example and as my event, I submit... The Tree Golems.

The Threat Empire explored and colonized widely, and was particularly interested in ancient ruins, which for them had religious significance.

In a deep cavern on a remote island there was discovered (c. 4500) a set of stone engravings; the pictures alone made it clear that they were made by golems— that is, the rock golems we know and love (or fear)— to warn of another type of golem. They were brought to the capital, where many travelers saw them, and these in turn distributed the images. Thus the images made their way to Salmonea, where those with greater expertise in magic realized (c. 4800) that the engravings also contained a recipe or invocation... with glyphs that were the equivalent of NEVER DO THIS.

Rock golems may respect such warnings, but they were too much for munkee curiosity. The invocations were performed (c. 4900), and the first Tree Golems for many millennia were produced.

They were ten-foot things that looked like statues of munkees made out of bark and leaves... moving statues, of course. They were agreeable creatures, loyal to the Torcs who created them, though they never got the hang of their creators' Raoism. The Torcs were able to use many of them as fearsome shock troops, creating a late resurgence (c. 5050) for an empire that had looked like it was heading downhill (or to use the Torc metaphor, that seemed to be tossed from the canopy, hitting all the branches on the way down).

The problem was that the tree golems ate wood, and in large quantities. Worse yet, their loyalty to their creators did not extend to their creators' children— and they knew how to reproduce themselves. By 5500 large parts of the Torc empire were deforested and the empire had collapsed, and an army of tree golems wandered the perimeter, eating more and more trees.

(Note: tree golems are formidable opponents to most species, but not rock golems or Ksinesir. They live only about a hundred years, and much less than that if no trees are available— they can't eat other types of plant. They are, as one would expect, vulnerable to fire. They don't consume forests out of malice; it's their food and their response to an excess of food is to eat it and reproduce in order to eat even more.)

Re: CCC - Drama round - thru 5/11

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2014 4:18 pm
by Matrix
I already have my history from 4000-5000 as weaved into my religion post, so I'm only gonna talk about the history from 5000-5500 here.

I submit... The Bomb

In the early 5000s, Leinopheon scientists were once again at the task of inventing weapons using their magical engineering, and once again it exploded in their faces... or, well, all the way over there, because by now they knew to be very careful with these things. Once such scientist in particular, by the name of Noppeu ([noˈp’ɛʟ]), after having watched so many of these failures, found a pattern in the engineering that produced such a result, and isolated it. However, instead of simply engineering a weapon without it, he embraced it and developed a powerful explosive device. When the soldier caste found out what the bomb could do, they organized the mass production of them. In 5021, with the morale boost from the power of the bomb, Leinopheon once again invaded Mecolen, this time to disastrous results. The walls could not hold against explosives, nor could golems. Furthermore, the Mecolenese governmental system, not unlike a representative democracy, made them a bit too slow to act. Mecolen was under Leinopheonese control within half a year. However, the soldier caste could not keep this technology to themselves forever. Some of the workers the soldiers had gotten to make the bombs leaked the information on how to construct them. Meanwhile, the Mecongai interpretation of Swiiva Ngizwaayadri was spreading like wildfire, and the majority of Mecongai found the soldier caste to be lacking in Unending Love. Thus the Love Revolts started in 5034, and the "little Phurswas", as the bombs came to be euphemistically known, flew everywhere the soldier caste's influence was felt. By 5074, the city of Leinopheon was sacked and utterly destroyed. The members of the soldier caste had been either killed or made to flee. So ended Leinopheon, and the Imperial Period of Mecongai history.

The Republican Period started, with Mecongai all across their lands picking up the pieces and starting over, with nearby cities banding together under Mecolen-inspired systems, forming the various Mecongai Republics. Despite being culturally unified in name by Unending Love, the bombs made them paranoid. Furthermore, the major Philosophies of Abstractism, Calligraphism, and Landscapism had not been disrupted by Swiiva Ngizwaayadri. What if another republic - especially one of a differing Philosophy - failed to properly Love Unendingly and got ideas of conquest? This tense period lasted for about a century, when in 5180, representatives from most of the republics came together to discuss getting rid of the bombs. However, this treaty was disrupted by a suicide bomber - a soldier golem, by their carvings. The tense period started to break out into skirmishes. Not only did the Mecongai have to be paranoid about neighbouring republics, soldier caste holdouts could be anywhere. For the next centuries, border skirmishes were a common occurrence, but they never broke out into war - everyone was terrified of war, and nobody wanted to start one. The Republics had closed their borders to eachother, which seriously disrupted the Lyranian trade routes, considering the Mecongai's central location on the continent. History towers all across the Republics deplored the era, noting a decline in the making of art.

Re: CCC - Drama round - thru 5/11

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2014 7:05 pm
by Hydroeccentricity
Tremble in fear! Quake in terror! Wriggle in trepidation! It's
Cerebromorbus irrumpans, the Brain-Infesting Terror Amoeba!


_C irrumpans is a protozoan that infects the central nervous system of several species. The creature spreads primarily through contact through the mucus membranes, either through the air or contact with infected surfaces and bodies. Occasionally ingestion may lead to disease transmission, and the creature can survive for some time on the skin and then be transferred to some place where it can enter the bloodstream. Once there it latches on to the interior of the meninges and very slowly reproduces. Once the colony reaches a critical size it will send offspring into the bloodstream where they may exit through the skin, anus, nasal membranes, genitals, lungs and tracheal mucus, lips, or urethra. Eruption through the skin is only observed in Humans and Munkees and usually only happens in extreme cases.
_In a small number of cases the patient shows life-threatening symptoms soon after infection, including fever, stroke, or swelling of the brain. About half of these cases are fatal. However, the vast majority of hosts do not show any physical symptom or weakness at all, and most do not even notice they are infected. Many other cases may be asymptomatic entirely. The remainder show a variety of psychological symptoms. These symptoms, and the number of hosts demonstrating them, varies from one species to another, but in severe cases they can easily be classified as debilitating mental illness.
_Golems appear to be immune to the effects of C irrumpans, and cannot be carriers. All other species are susceptible, to varying degrees. Dragons, for example, seem to show a high degree of immunity. It is estimated that about half the population has an inherent immunity to the protozoan, and another large fraction can host it without showing symptoms. However, symptomatic dragons demonstrate extreme psychosis. Sudden, unexplainable fits of rage may occur, often with the victim retaining no memory of the outbreak. High levels of aggression, short term memory loss, and diminished language capacity are typical.
_Humans and Munkees show a curious relationship with the disease, marked by an especially long dormancy period. It seems that infection rates are extremely high among Humans and Munkees, but the spread of the disease is hard to detect because the parasite may remain in an asymptomatic state for five to ten years. Once the host shows symptoms, the most common result is depression, suicidal tendencies, and eventually catatonia. Many hosts only reach the stage of depression, but the disease is fatal in the majority of cases.
_Sexies are even stranger in their symptoms. Again their vulnerability to the disease is high, but instead of depression the prevailing symptom is docility and suggestibility. It is not uncommon for a victim to be manipulated beyond their ability to resist by quick verbal commands. The subject will perform the command and only afterward have the presence of mind to consider it. Even then his or her resistance to the suggestion will be diminished. Additionally, many Sexies will display the usual range of symptoms associated with the disease, like memory and language loss, depression, loss of empathy or other emotions, and occasional psychosis.
_Other sentients show a variety of symptoms, but in most cases there is a large minority of the population that is immune, or asymptomatic. One curious symptom found especially among the Ksinesir is the perception of command hallucinations and an inability to recognize reality. Orcs are more prone to memory loss and aggression, while Cynocephali and Amphibimorphs are more prone to nervous ticks and self-harm. In all cultures, the symptoms are similar to pre-existing maladies like senility, stress-onset dementia, or run-of-the-mill madness.
_Regardless of species, early diagnosis is difficult, and cure is impossible. Except among Humans, Munkees, and Sexies, the ease with which the protozoan spreads through a population is limited, so quarantining may be effective for some communities. Among the Ksinesir and Dragons spontaneous remission has been occasionally noted, and for most species the disease itself rarely leads directly to a fatality. Many hosts will exhibit only minor symptoms that allow them to function at a significant fraction of their previous productivity, or even at full capacity. Many more may go unnoticed if the disease corresponds with old age, mental impairment, or social isolation. Despite a slow rate of spread between individuals, one carrier can infect an entire community in time.
_Author's note: I've tried to make it so that even if the disease becomes completely global, it will not be capable of making society collapse entirely. However, it could do serious harm. The prevalence of the disease across the globe will probably be determined by the drama vote, so that's to be determined. Hopefully a king somewhere will get it, or one ethnic group will get it, or something like that, and then we can have some really bloody nonsense going on.

Re: CCC - Drama round - thru 5/11

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2014 3:16 am
by KathTheDragon
Where does it originate?

Re: CCC - Drama round - thru 5/11

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2014 3:18 am
by Hydroeccentricity
I want to keep open the possibility that it becomes a global disease at whatever speed people want, so I think the best source is migratory birds. Let's say some migratory seabird carries it, and suddenly it mutates to jump to sentients.

Re: CCC - Drama round - thru 5/11

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2014 9:41 am
by HandsomeRob

Potatoes everywhere awaken from their slumber and walk the earth, devouring the flesh of the living.

Re: CCC - Drama round - thru 5/11

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2014 10:21 am
by احمکي ارش-ھجن
Mine wil involve the create of Golems made of Mercury metal...

Re: CCC - Drama round - thru 5/11

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2014 11:00 am
by KathTheDragon
You do know that Mercury is liquid at room temperature...

Re: CCC - Drama round - thru 5/11

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2014 12:03 pm
by Aili Meilani
So what? Liquid golems. I can totally see that.

Re: CCC - Drama round - thru 5/11

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2014 12:26 pm
by CaesarVincens
Aino Meilani wrote:So what? Liquid golems. I can totally see that.
It worked for Terminator 2 and 3.

Re: CCC - Drama round - thru 5/11

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2014 1:17 pm
by KathTheDragon
In which case, where's the mercury gonna come from? It doesn't exactly grow on trees.

Re: CCC - Drama round - thru 5/11

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2014 2:29 pm
by احمکي ارش-ھجن
KathAveara wrote:You do know that Mercury is liquid at room temperature...
Sometimes I think you doubt my intelligence when you ask questions like that...
I knew full well that mercury is a liquid at room temperature when I sprung the idea, though, I was thinking more gaseous in form if the golems lived in areas hotter than 350 centigrade, like volcanoes.
KathAveara wrote:In which case, where's the mercury gonna come from? It doesn't exactly grow on trees.
Out of the ground of course! Where else do you find mercury on earth then in the earth?
Notably where cinnabar is found, because pure mercury does not exist on its own.

And there are easy ways to extract mwrcury from it: ... of_mercury

Re: CCC - Drama round - thru 5/11

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2014 4:17 pm
by ol bofosh
Inspired by this description:
Orcs have one magical ability: with training, they can slip into a parallel world. It's described as cold, dark, and inhabited by fearsome spiritual monsters. It's mostly accessed for spiritual training, though it can be useful for hidden travel and espionage (of other orcs-- the otherworld is not accessible if there are too many non-orcs around).
Forbidden Pyramids and the Shadow Monster Plague
The earliest discovery of magic was the one that brought golems to life. Upon further investigation they found ways to give sentience to animals (monkees and amphibimorphs), then they began tampering with their own forms (sexies and nightpeople). Then some accessed the realm of magic, by "phasing" into it (orcs) or merging their very substance with it (ksinesir) , but with their forms radically changed. It would seem that some of these events centred around the Forbidden Pyramids of the Guop Desert. But this is just speculation and heresay, the truth is lost in the mists of time.

The Forbidden Pyramids have been forbidden to all orcs for thousands of years. All except those with the ability to phase in and out of the Otherworld. There has been a long history of "phasers" associated witht he Pyramids, using the place to secretly train and refine their skill. No one knows if the Pyramds affect this skill, and no one has discovered the secrets lying therein, if any.

In the early days, shamans would go there to train; in recent millenia, an elite assassin cult, the Hurgr has sprung up around it, using it as a base of operations. Most orcs have an inbuilt impulse to avoid this place, perfect for secrets. It is also thought that in the Otherworld the area around the Pyramids is generally clear of the monsters and demons that dwell there.

One flaw was found with the Hurgr ability, that with other species that occasionally visited from across seas, they could not phase. They could be in one world or the other around humans, sexies or monkees, but they could not phase in their vicinity, so they sought to overcome this, and decided to seek out the secrets of the pyramids.

The most elite of the Hurgr formed a cabal, thirteen of the best assassins came together and entered the largest of the Pyramids, entering its tunnels, down and down, into the earth. They discovered a chamber with thirteen thrones. Each member of the cabal sat down in a throne, perfectly shaped for each of them, and, miraculously, something happened: the thones fitted around the orcs, enclosing them in a shell that only exposed their faces and torsos. Their skins turned black, and their eyes took on a souless quality. To look into them was to see pure, intelligent emptiness.

These Golem-Orcs arose and marched from the chamber, out of the Pyramid to show their new form to their followers and tell them "they had found the secret". Inspired, the Hurgr assassins followed the orders of the Golem-Orcs to gather within and around the pyramids, whilst the Golem-Orcs took up equilateral positions around the Pyramids. At dusk, they began chanting and a quiet vibration filled the atmosphere the darker it got. Spontaneously, orcs began phasing in and out, and with increasing frequency. Near midnight, they were flicking in and out many times a second, and when midnight struck their abiltiy was so unstable that each orc disintegrated and became a portal, ripping holes in the fabric of space. Pyramids, Golem-Orcs and Hurnr assassins all disapeared in one big hole, and from this hole sprang monsters, hungry for the flesh of the living. They spread across the desert, consuming nomad tribes and reaching the fishing villages, leaving nothing in their wake.

Few orcs remained, fleeing in all directions. Some stayed behind and scratched a living in the desert, protected only because they were invisible to the monsters, possibly because they were the least likely to develop powers of phasing. In fact, there are no longer orcs in the Guop Desert with this ability, and any that do are the first ones to attract these creatures and their voracious appetite.

The Shadow Monsters are mindless creatures, content only to consume the souls of sapient creatures. During the day they hide in the dark places of the world and merge with the shadows, but during the night they are free to roam and consume. The portal has since collapsed, leaving empty desert, but these creatures are spreading and multiplying whereever they find sapient creatures. And any sapient creature, whether human or golem, dragon or orc, can be consumed, becoming temporary portals through which more creatures may pour through. They seem specially attracted to magic-senitive individuals, leaving the magically "numb" behind. There is no known way for them to be destroyed, their number continue to increase, though it appears that they have a sensitivity to and fear of any form of light and fire.

Re: CCC - Drama round - thru 5/11

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2014 5:16 pm
by احمکي ارش-ھجن
ol bofosh wrote:Inspired by this description:
Orcs have one magical ability: with training, they can slip into a parallel world. It's described as cold, dark, and inhabited by fearsome spiritual monsters. It's mostly accessed for spiritual training, though it can be useful for hidden travel and espionage (of other orcs-- the otherworld is not accessible if there are too many non-orcs around).
Forbidden Pyramids and the Shadow Monster Plague
The earliest discovery of magic was the one that brought golems to life. Upon further investigation they found ways to give sentience to animals (monkees and amphibimorphs), then they began tampering with their own forms (sexies and nightpeople). Then some accessed the realm of magic, by "phasing" into it (orcs) or merging their very substance with it (ksinesir) , but with their forms radically changed. It would seem that some of these events centred around the Forbidden Pyramids of the Guop Desert. But this is just speculation and heresay, the truth is lost in the mists of time.

The Forbidden Pyramids have been forbidden to all orcs for thousands of years. All except those with the ability to phase in and out of the Otherworld. There has been a long history of "phasers" associated witht he Pyramids, using the place to secretly train and refine their skill. No one knows if the Pyramds affect this skill, and no one has discovered the secrets lying therein, if any.

In the early days, shamans would go there to train; in recent millenia, an elite assassin cult, the Hurgr has sprung up around it, using it as a base of operations. Most orcs have an inbuilt impulse to avoid this place, perfect for secrets. It is also thought that in the Otherworld the area around the Pyramids is generally clear of the monsters and demons that dwell there.

One flaw was found with the Hurgr ability, that with other species that occasionally visited from across seas, they could not phase. They could be in one world or the other around humans, sexies or monkees, but they could not phase in their vicinity, so they sought to overcome this, and decided to seek out the secrets of the pyramids.

The most elite of the Hurgr formed a cabal, thirteen of the best assassins came together and entered the largest of the Pyramids, entering its tunnels, down and down, into the earth. They discovered a chamber with thirteen thrones. Each member of the cabal sat down in a throne, perfectly shaped for each of them, and, miraculously, something happened: the thones fitted around the orcs, enclosing them in a shell that only exposed their faces and torsos. Their skins turned black, and their eyes took on a souless quality. To look into them was to see pure, intelligent emptiness.

These Golem-Orcs arose and marched from the chamber, out of the Pyramid to show their new form to their followers and tell them "they had found the secret". Inspired, the Hurgr assassins followed the orders of the Golem-Orcs to gather within and around the pyramids, whilst the Golem-Orcs took up equilateral positions around the Pyramids. At dusk, they began chanting and a quiet vibration filled the atmosphere the darker it got. Spontaneously, orcs began phasing in and out, and with increasing frequency. Near midnight, they were flicking in and out many times a second, and when midnight struck their abiltiy was so unstable that each orc disintegrated and became a portal, ripping holes in the fabric of space. Pyramids, Golem-Orcs and Hurnr assassins all disapeared in one big hole, and from this hole sprang monsters, hungry for the flesh of the living. They spread across the desert, consuming nomad tribes and reaching the fishing villages, leaving nothing in their wake.

Few orcs remained, fleeing in all directions. Some stayed behind and scratched a living in the desert, protected only because they were invisible to the monsters, possibly because they were the least likely to develop powers of phasing. In fact, there are no longer orcs in the Guop Desert with this ability, and any that do are the first ones to attract these creatures and their voracious appetite.

The Shadow Monsters are mindless creatures, content only to consume the souls of sapient creatures. During the day they hide in the dark places of the world and merge with the shadows, but during the night they are free to roam and consume. The portal has since collapsed, leaving empty desert, but these creatures are spreading and multiplying whereever they find sapient creatures. And any sapient creature, whether human or golem, dragon or orc, can be consumed, becoming temporary portals through which more creatures may pour through. They seem specially attracted to magic-senitive individuals, leaving the magically "numb" behind. There is no known way for them to be destroyed, their number continue to increase, though it appears that they have a sensitivity to and fear of any form of light and fire.
Your shadow monsters seem related to my Khsinesir, even sharing the same weaknesses... :-D
And the other world sounds a lot like Akrideas, the fictional omniplane in between all dimensions in my story; dark, empty blackness. In fact I think I made mention of shadow creature somewhere too...
So would they try to eat the Khsinesir or see them as kin?

Re: CCC - Drama round - thru 5/11

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2014 2:26 am
by ol bofosh
So would they try to eat the Khsinesir or see them as kin?
The Shadow Monsters feed off of sapience or magic (or magical sapience/sapient magic - they aren't sapient themselves), so they'd consume the Khsinesir. Even the Dragolm Slavers would be subject to this (just).
They don't think in terms of "kin", but the darker the better. So the more Shadow Monsters the better.

Re: CCC - Drama round - thru 5/11

Posted: Sun Apr 27, 2014 1:30 am
by Lyhoko Leaci
Beware, it's the
Giant Glowing Ball from the Heavens!

(AKA, a comet impact)

The year 5463 started out normally enough, but as time went by, a dim glow became visible in the night sky, which slowly became brighter with each passing month. It was recognized as another comet, which to the Nggwoó were torches wielded by the moons. At first, there didn't seem to be anything odd about the comet, but as the end of the year came closer, the comet continued to brighten, to be come much brighter than any other comet from before. Additionally, despite the brightness of the comet, its tail seemed to be oddly short.

Suddenly, early in the morning one day, a bright light appeared in the sky opposite the sun appeared in the southern regions of Nggwoó lands, before becoming even brighter than the sun and quickly traveling across the sky to the east where it got even brighter, before finally fading away, leaving behind a cloud marking its trail. Several minutes later, a loud boom was heard from the coast, coming from the direction of where the bright light headed. The regions closer to the impact area were much harder hit, with significant devastation, similar to the Tunguska event.

The next night, large amounts of meteors were visible, and following this time, the comet began to shrink once again as the main comet body (which didn't impact the CCCP, only a small chunk that fell off of the comet actually impacted) continued on its path.

The southern Nggwoó were unsure of what exaclty to make of this event, some believing it to be a sign that the moons were fighting, or that it was punishment for failing to love properly, or punishment from the spirits for people turning their backs on them. This resulted in much confusion in chaos in the religious beliefs of the southern Nggwoó, in addition to the physical devastation caused by the impact itself.

Depending on votes, there could be additional chunks of various sizes that impact in different locations.

Re: CCC - Drama round - thru 5/11

Posted: Sun Apr 27, 2014 2:18 am
by zompist
Ha, just as a reminder, it's OK to have a positive dramatic event.

(But it's more fun to blow things up.)

Re: CCC - Drama round - thru 5/11

Posted: Sun Apr 27, 2014 3:45 am
by KathTheDragon
What's the overall tech level of the planet?

Re: CCC - Drama round - thru 5/11

Posted: Sun Apr 27, 2014 12:36 pm
by Hydroeccentricity
...punishment for failing to love properly...
Are you trying to tell us the Nggwoo blamed the gays?

Re: CCC - Drama round - thru 5/11

Posted: Sun Apr 27, 2014 12:45 pm
by CatDoom
Hydroeccentricity wrote:
...punishment for failing to love properly...
Are you trying to tell us the Nggwoo blamed the gays?
Naw, they blamed the prudes. "This is what you get for not putting out!" :p
KathAveara wrote:What's the overall tech level of the planet?
It varies from place to place, but as far as I can tell the iron age hasn't really begun, and I think there might actually be a fair number of advanced civilizations running around that are still using stone tools.

Re: CCC - Drama round - thru 5/11

Posted: Sun Apr 27, 2014 12:46 pm
by Lyhoko Leaci
Hydroeccentricity wrote:
...punishment for failing to love properly...
Are you trying to tell us the Nggwoo blamed the gays?
It's Swiiva Ngīzwaáyadri type love... also, pretty much everyone would be considered "gay" in Nggwoó culture... due to ending up in small groups instead of couples and not particularly caring as much as to weather the other members are male or female...

Re: CCC - Drama round - thru 5/11

Posted: Sun Apr 27, 2014 2:42 pm
by Matrix
CatDoom wrote:It varies from place to place, but as far as I can tell the iron age hasn't really begun, and I think there might actually be a fair number of advanced civilizations running around that are still using stone tools.
Pretty sure the Mecongai are in the iron age, what with iron having prestige over the traditional bronze and being in widespread use in the former Leinopheon.

Re: CCC - Drama round - thru 5/11

Posted: Sun Apr 27, 2014 3:05 pm
by CatDoom
Matrix wrote:
CatDoom wrote:It varies from place to place, but as far as I can tell the iron age hasn't really begun, and I think there might actually be a fair number of advanced civilizations running around that are still using stone tools.
Pretty sure the Mecongai are in the iron age, what with iron having prestige over the traditional bronze and being in widespread use in the former Leinopheon.
Ah, gotcha; I guess I forgot about that. There are a lot of different regions and cultures to keep track of...

Re: CCC - Drama round - thru 5/11

Posted: Sun Apr 27, 2014 6:39 pm
by zompist
Looks like ZbbWiki got its first spam account. If we get more I'll probably have to create accounts manually. So this would be a good time to create an account, even if you don't intend to use it yet.