Scurdic - third version (diachronic Indo-European)

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Scurdic - third version (diachronic Indo-European)

Post by Artaxes »

In this time I am making this diachronic Indo-European conlang. Its native name is Skurðuiškas [skʊrðyːʃkas].
This is the third version of my project, which aims to create a naturalistic language with a beautiful sounding and an extensive, inflectional grammar.
In this post I describe phonology. In later posts I give the main sound changes and new concepts of grammar.




[a ɛ ɪ ɔ ʊ œ ʏ] /a e i o u oe ue/


[aː eː ɛː iː oː ɔː uː ɶː øː yː] /á é ai í ó au ú ao eu ui/



[aɪ̯ ɛɪ̯ ɔɪ̯ aʊ̯ ɛʊ̯ ɔʊ̯] /ai~ại ei~ẹi oi~ọi au~ạu eu~ẹu ou~ọu/


[aːɪ̯ ɛːɪ̯ eːɪ̯ ɔːɪ̯ oːɪ̯ aːʊ̯ ɛːʊ̯ eːʊ̯ ɔːʊ̯ oːʊ̯] /ái aii éi aui ói áu aiu éu auu óu/

Pseudo-diphthongic vowel clusters:

[aiː aeː aɛː auː aoː aɔː] /aí aé aai aú aó aau/

[ɛiː ɛuː ɛoː ɛɔː œiː œuː] /aii eú eó eau oeí oeú/

[ɔiː ɔaː ɔɛː ɔeː ɔuː] /oí oá oai oé oú/

[ʏøː] /ueu/

[ʊaː ʊɛː ʊeː ʊiː ʊɔː ʊoː] /uá uai ué uí uau uó/


[p t t͡s c k] /p t ts c k/
[b d d͡z ɟ g] /b d dz j g/
[f θ s ʃ ç x h] /f þ s š ç ḫ h/
[v ð z ʒ ʝ ɣ] /v ð z ž y x/
[m n (ŋ ɲ)] /m n/
[l r] /l r/
[j w ʍ] /y w ƕ/

The Grand Master Plan:

tḱ _V → tʲs → t͡s
tḱ _C → tʲ → t͡s

tǵ _V → tʲs → t͡s
tǵ _C → tʲ → t͡s

dḱ _V → tʲs → t͡s
dḱ _C → tʲ → t͡s

dǵʰ _V → tʰʲs → s
dǵʰ _C → tʰʲ →

dʰǵʰ _V → tʰʲtʰ → sθ → θ
dʰǵʰ _C → tʰʲ → s

dʰǵ _V → tʰʲtʰ → sθ → θ
dʰǵ _C → tʰʲ → s

tkʷ _V → pt
tkʷ _C → p

tgʷ _V → pt
tgʷ _C → p

dkʷ _V → pt
dkʷ _C → p

dgʷʰ #_V → kʷʰt → ʍt
dgʷʰ V_V → kʷʰt → ʍt
dgʷʰ _C → kʷʰ → ʍ

dʰgʷʰ _V → kʷʰtʰ → ʍθ
dʰgʷʰ _C → kʷʰ → ʍ

dʰgʷ _V → kʷʰtʰ → ʍθ
dʰgʷ _C → kʷʰ → ʍ

tk _V → ks → kʃ → xʃ
tk _C → k

dg _V → gz → dz → d͡z
dg _C → g

dt V_V → t͡sts → st
dt _C → t͡st → st

p → p
t → t
k → k
kʷ → p
ḱ → tʲ → t͡s

b → b → v
bʰ → pʰ → f
d → d
dʰ → tʰ → θ
g → g
gʰ → kʰ → x
gʷ → gʷ → b
gʷʰ → kʷʰ → ʍ
ǵ → dʲ → d͡z
ǵʰ → tʰʲ → s

s → s/ʃ/x → s/ʃ/h/z

ps → fs
ts → ːs/s
ks → xs
t͡ss → ss/s

bs → ps
ds → ːs/s
gs → ks
d͡zs → t͡s

sr → sr/xr → ʃn/ɪ̯r
sl → sl/xl → ʃl/ɪ̯l
sm → sm/xm → ʃm/ɪ̯m
sn → sn/xn → ʃn/ɪ̯n

gʰr → kʰr → xr → xr/r
gʰl → kʰl → xl → xl/l
gʰm → kʰm → xm → xm/m
gʰn → kʰn → xn → xn/n

r → r
l → l
m → m/n → m/n/ŋ
n → n/m → n/m/ŋ

rj V_V → ɪ̯r
lj V_V → ɪ̯l
mj V_V → ɪ̯m
nj V_V → ɪ̯n

rw V_V → ʊ̯r
lw V_V → ʊ̯l
mw V_V → ʊ̯m
nw V_V → ʊ̯n

rs → rx → rʰ/rr → r/rr
ls → lx → lʰ/ll → l/ll
mx → mx → mʰ → m/mm
nx → nx → nʰ → n/nn

sθr → sr → ʃr
str → sr → ʃr
st͡sr → str → sr
zdr → zr → ʒr
zd͡zr → zdr → zr

sθl → sl → ʃl
stl → sl → ʃl
st͡sl → stl → sl
zdl → zl → ʒl
zd͡zl → zdl → zl

sθm → sm → ʃm
stm → sm → ʃm
st͡sm → stm → sm
zdm → zm → ʒm
zd͡zm → zdm → zm

sθn → sn → ʃn
stn → sn → ʃn
st͡sn → stn → sn
zdn → zn → ʒn
zd͡zn → zdn → zn

θr → hr
tr → θr
t͡sr → tr
dr → ðr → ðr/r
d͡zr → dr

θl → hl
tl → θl
t͡sl → tl
dl → ðl → ðl/l
d͡zl → dl → gl

θm → hm
tm → θm
t͡sm → tm
dm → ðm → ðm/m
d͡zm → dm → gm

θn → hn
tn → θn
t͡sn → tn
dn → ðn → ðn/n
d͡zn → dn → gn

st͡s V_V → ss → t͡s
st͡s [CV]_V → st
st͡s _[C#] → st

zd͡z V_V → zz → d͡z
zd͡z [CV]_V → zd
zd͡z _[C#] → zd

rθ → rh/r
rt → rθ
rt͡s → rs
rd → rð
rd͡z → rz

w → w
j → j

sw → xw → hw → ʍ
sj → xj → hj → ʃ/j

jw → ɥ/ɥɥ → j/jj
wj → jw

jk → c
jg → ɟ
jx → ç

kj → c
k _F → c
gj → ɟ
g _F → ɟ
xj → ç
x _F → ç

skj → çc → çc/cc
sk _F → çc → çc/cc
zgj → ʝɟ → ʝɟ/ɟɟ
zg _F → ʝɟ → ʝɟ/ɟɟ
sxj → ç/çç
sx _F → ç/çç

sx → ʃ

zg → ɣ

r̩ → ər → ar/or/er
l̩ → əl → al/ol/el
m̩ → ə̃ → a/o/e
n̩ → ə̃ → a/o/e

r̩r → ər → ar/or/er
l̩l → əl → al/ol/el
m̩m → əm → am/om/em
n̩n → ən → an/on/en

r̩h₁ → əːr → ār/ēr/ōr
r̩h₂ → əːr → ār/ēr/ōr
r̩h₃ → əːr → ār/ēr/ōr

l̩h₁ → əːl → āl/ēl/ōl
l̩h₂ → əːl → āl/ēl/ōl
l̩h₃ → əːl → āl/ēl/ōl

m̩h₁ → əːm → ām/ēm/ōm
m̩h₂ → əːm → ām/ēm/ōm
m̩h₃ → əːm → ām/ēm/ōm

n̩h₁ → əːn → ān/ēn/ōn
n̩h₂ → əːn → ān/ēn/ōn
n̩h₃ → əːn → ān/ēn/ōn

h₁ C_C → e
h₂ C_C → a
h₃ C_C → o

h₁ #_C → e
h₂ #_C → a
h₃ #_C → o

h₁ C_# → e
h₂ C_# → a
h₃ C_# → o

a → ɒ → ɔ
ā → aː
e → e → ɪ
ē → æː → aː
i → ɪ → ɛ
ī → iː
o → o → ʌ → a
ō → oː
u → ʊ
ū → uː

ai → ɒɪ → ɛː
āi → aːɪ → aeː
ei → eɪ → iː
ēi → æːɪ → ɛeː → jeː
oi → oɪ → yː
ōi → oːɪ → ʊeː → ɔeː

au → ɒʊ → ɔː
āu → aːʊ → aoː
eu → eʊ → øː
ēu → æːʊ → ɛoː
ou → oʊ → uː
ōu → oːʊ → ʊoː

ɪ → j C_
iː → ɪj C_

aeːɪ̯ → ɛːɪ̯
jeːɪ̯ → eːɪ̯
ɔeːɪ̯ → øːɪ̯

aoːɪ̯ → ɔːɪ̯
ɛoːɪ̯ → øːɪ̯
ʊoːɪ̯ → oːɪ̯

aeːʊ̯ → ɛːʊ̯
jeːʊ̯ → eːʊ̯
ɔeːʊ̯ → øːʊ

aoːʊ̯ → ɔːʊ̯
ɛoːʊ̯ → øːʊ̯
ʊoːʊ̯ → oːʊ̯

ʊ → ʏ _[rlmnŋj]F
uː → yː _[rlmnŋj]F
ɔ → œ _[rlmnŋj]F
ɔː → øː _[rlmnŋj]F
oː → øː _[rlmnŋj]̄F

a → ɛ _[rlmnŋ]
aː → ɛː _[rlmnŋ]
ɛ → ɪ _[rlmnŋ]
ɛː → eː _[rlmnŋ]
eː → iː _[rlmnŋ]
œ → ʏ _[rlmnŋ]
øː → yː _[rlmnŋ]
ɔ → ʊ _[rlmnŋ]
ɔː → oː _[rlmnŋ]
oː → uː _[rlmnŋ]

iːɪ̯ → eːɪ̯
ɪɪ̯ → iː

uːɪ̯ → oːɪ̯
ʊɪ̯ → yː

uːʊ̯ → oːʊ̯
ʊʊ̯ → uː

yːj → uːj
øːj → oːj

yːɪ̯ → uːɪ̯
øːɪ̯ → oːɪ̯

yːw → yːw
øːw → øːw

yːʊ̯ → juː
iːʊ̯ → juː

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Re: Scurdic - third version (diachronic Indo-European)

Post by Artaxes »

Conjugation of the verb furití - "to carry" from *bʰer-


feriþéme ← bʰeredʰeh₁mi - [past perfective]
feraíme ← bʰereh₁ h₁esmi - [past imperfective]
feró ← bʰeroh₂ - [present]
feriyó ← bʰerh₁sioh₂ - [future imperfective]
feriþiyó ← bʰeredʰh₁sioh₂ - [future perfective]


feritsó ← bʰeresḱoh₂ - [inchoative-inceptive]
fureó ← bʰoreh₂ioh₂ - [causative]
fernéme ← bʰerneh₁mi - [habitual-iterative]
oelpiyó ← wl̩kʷeioh₂ - ("I look as angry wolf.") [denominal verb]


ferilas ← bʰerelos - [active past perfective] (he who finished the work/action)
feriwas ← bʰerewos - [active past imperfective] (he who not finished the work/action)
feritas ← bʰern̩tos - [active present] (he who is working in the same time with speaker saying or his work/action is still continued)
feristas ← bʰerh₁stos - [active future imperfective] (he who will worked in a future time and/or effects of his work are doubtful)
feriþistas ← bʰeredʰh₁stos - [active future perfective] (he who will finished work in a future with definite effects; also may mean a very short and momentaneous action in future)

ferrátas ← bʰerdʰeh₁tos [passive past perfective]
iferainas ← h₁e bʰeremnos [passive past imperfective]
ferainas ← bʰeremnos [passive present]
feriyúnas ← bʰerh₁somnos [passive future imperfective]
feriþiyúnas ← bʰeredʰh₁somnos [passive future perfective]

feremptas ← bʰerenkʷtos [active potentional] (he who can/is able to carry)
ferempnas ← bʰerenkʷmnos [passive potentional] (he who can/is able to be carried)

ferenkas ← bʰerenkʷos [reputative; only passive] (the suffix is loanword from my other IE conlang)
/Meaning of reputative participle was given in post below./


Gerunds are deverbal action/process nouns, but also may have infinitival functions.

furidátí ← bʰoredeh₁tei [perfective]
furití ← bʰorn̩tei [imperfective] (lexical form)


Supinum is the other deverbal noun and mean goal of a subject.

furiþátún ← bʰoredʰeh₁tūm [perfective]
furitún ← bʰoretūm [imperfective]

Potentional suffixes:

1. Potential: bʰermagʰoh₂ → fermoḫó "I can carry."
2. To have permit: bʰergʰabʰoh₂ → ferḫofó "I have a permit to carry."
3. To give permit: bʰerdʰh₃mi → ferrume "I am giving a permit to carry."

Desiderative clitic:

Desiderative is created by clitic -ye (from PIE *h₁se), who is added after a personal ending.

feróye ← bʰeroh₂ h₁se "I want carry."
þúmeye ← dʰeh₃mi h₁se "I want give."


Consonant-ended stem:


1. -
2. fere ← bʰer + i
3. -


1. feremis ← fere + personal ending
2. fereti ← fere + personal athematic ending
3. -

Vowel-ended stem:

þótí ← dʰeh₃tei - to give


1. -
2. þoé ← dʰeh₃ + i
3. -


1. þoémis ← þoé + personal ending
2. þoéti ← þoé + personal athematic ending
3. -

Conjugation of the verb fútí - "to be" from *bʰuh₃-


waþéme [wosdʰeh₁mi]
wuime [wosmi]
éme [h₁esmi]
fúme [bʰuh₃mi]
fúþéme [bʰuh₃dʰeh₁mi]

waþéme ← wosdʰeh₁mi - [past perfective]
wuime ← wosmi - [past imperfective]
éme ← h₁esmi - [present]
fúme ← bʰuh₃mi - [future imperfective]
fúþiyó ← bʰuh₃dʰh₁sioh₂ - [future perfective]


foétsó ← bʰuh₃esḱoh₂ - [inchoative-inceptive]
waheó ← woseh₂ioh₂ - [causative]
fuinéme ← bʰuh₃neh₁mi - [habitual-iterative]


wílas ← weslos - [active past perfective] (he who finished the work/action)
wiƕas ← weswos - [active past imperfective] (he who not finished the work/action)
isitas ← h₁esn̩tos - [active present] (he who is working in the same time with speaker saying or his work/action is still continued)
fústas ← bʰuh₃h₁stos - [active future imperfective] (he who will worked in a future time and/or effects of his work are doubtful)
fúdistas ← bʰuh₃dh₁stos - [active future perfective] (he who will finished work in a future with definite effects; also may mean a very short and momentaneous action in future)

foémptas ← bʰuh₃enkʷtos - [active potentional]

foénkas ← bʰuh₃enkʷos - [reputative; only passive]


Gerunds are deverbal action/process nouns, but also may have infinitival functions.

fúþátí ← bʰuh₃dʰeh₁tei [perfective]
fútí ← bʰuh₃tei [imperfective] (lexical form)


Supinum is the other deverbal noun and mean goal of a subject.

fúþátún ← bʰuh₃dʰeh₁tūm [perfective]
fútún ← bʰuh₃tūm [imperfective]

Potentional suffixes:

1. Potential: bʰuh₃magʰoh₂ → fuimoḫó "I can be."
2. To have permit: bʰuh₃gʰabʰoh₂ → fúḫofó "I have a permit to be."
3. To give permit: bʰuh₃dʰh₃mi → fúþume "I am giving a permit to be."

Desiderative clitic:

Desiderative is created by clitic -ye (from PIE *h₁se), who is added after a personal ending.

fuimeye ← bʰuh₃mi h₁se "I want be."




1. -
2. ise ← h₁es + i
3. -


1. isemis ← ise + personal ending
2. iseti ← ise + personal athematic ending
3. -

Future imperfective:


1. -
2. fúþe ← bʰuh₃dʰi
3. -


1. fúþemis ← fúþe + personal ending
2. fúþeti ← fúþe + personal athematic ending
3. -

Future perfective:


1. -
2. fúḫtaé ← bʰuh₃dʰdʰeh₂i
3. -


1. fúḫtaémis ← fúḫtaé + personal ending
2. fúḫtaéti ← fúḫtaé + personal athematic ending
3. -

Verb Classes:

I. Class: thematic verbs on in present tense and -iyó in future tenses of 1.SG.
II. Class: athematic verbs on -me in present tense of 1.SG.
III. Class: causative verbs on -eó in present tense of 1.SG.
IV. Class: inceptive-inchoative on -(i)tsó in present tense of 1.SG.
V. Class: inceptive-inchoative forms of causative verbs on -aéššó in present tense of 1.SG.
VI. Class: denominal verbs on -iyó in present tense and -íçó in future tenses of 1.SG.
VII. Class: inceptive-inchoative forms of denominal verbs on -íššó in present tense of 1.SG.

Type of passive construction: 'to be' + passive participle.

Reputative participle:

This participle is a combination of jussive and necessitative and mean "he who necessarily should".

Other verbal concepts:

- Original Proto-Indo-European middle voice, subjunctive and imperative disappeared.
- Optative shifted to subjunctive.
- New imperative on -i


Cardinal → Ordinal

1. eunas [øːnas] → púrmas [puːrmas]
2. [doː] → doetemas [dœtɛmas]
3. þríš [θriːʃ] → þrítas [θriːtas]
4. piturí [pɪtʊriː] → piþrutas [pɪθrʊtas]
5. pempí [pɛmpiː] → pemptas [pɛmptas]
6. ḫšaosi [xʃɶːsɪ] → ḫšuestas [xʃʏstas]
7. hipti [hɪptɪ] → hiptemas [hɪptɛmas]
8. óstún [oːstuːn] → óstówas [oːstoːwas]
9. eniwa [ɛnɪwa] → eniwunas [ɛnɪwʊnas]
10. dásí [daːsiː] → dásiyas [daːsɪjas]
100. sitan [sɪtan] → sitiyas [sɪtɪjas]
1000. túššuntí [tuːʃʃʊntiː] → túššuntiyas [tuːʃʃʊntɪjas]

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Re: Scurdic - third version (diachronic Indo-European)

Post by Artaxes »

Personal endings on verbs:



1. -ó ← *-oh₂
2. -iye ← *-esi
3. -it ← *-eti


1. -umis ← *-o-me-s
2. -itis ← *-e-te-s
3. -unt ← *-onte



1. -me ← *-mi
2. -he ← *-si
3. -t ← *-ti


1. -mis ← *-me-s
2. -tis ← *-te-s
3. -nt ← *-nti

Noun participle of actor:

furitúr ← bʰoretōr "he who carries"
þótúr ← dʰoh₃tōr "he who gives/giver"

Adverbial participles:

These participles are almost identical to adjectivized forms. They are created by deleting a gender ending (-as, , -an), and inserting in this place the adverbial ending -o.

Passive participles with adverbial ending mean an impersonal construction, where actor is unknown, or has less importance in action according to speaker.

Prefixes on verbs:

The prefixes are not causing aspectual change from Imperfective to Perfective, but only modify a meaning of verbal root.

Present tense, SG. 1.

émó ← eimoh₂ - I am walking/I am going
enímó ← h₁en eimoh₂ - I am entering/I am moving in
anímó ← h₂en eimoh₂ - I am meeting (someone)
odímó ← h₂ed eimoh₂ - I am walking away
isímó ← h₁eǵʰs eimoh₂ - I am going out
daímó ← do eimoh₂ - I am going to/I am coming to
apaiymó ← h₂opi eimoh₂ - I am going/I am coming
térímó ← tr̩h₂ eimoh₂ - I am passing
antaiymó ← h₂enti eimoh₂ - I am going "by front to front"
praímó ← pr̩h₂eh₁ eimoh₂ - I am overtaking
oeímó ← h₂eu eimoh₂ - I am dispersing/ramifying from
sanímó ← ḱom eimoh₂ - I am going with
afaiymó ← h₃bʰi eimoh₂ - I am going around
upaímó ← upo eimoh₂ - I am approaching

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Re: Scurdic - third version (diachronic Indo-European)

Post by Artaxes »

The Nominals:


Scurdic language has the three genders:

1. Masculine: I., IV.a., VII.
2. Feminine: II., IV.b, VI., VIII.-XI.
3. Neuter: III., V., VII.


I. Declension: -as, oelpas ← wl̩kʷos - 'wolf'
II. Declension: in Nominative & -ans in Accusative, béná ← gʷēneh₂ - 'woman, wife'
III. Declension: -an in Nominative & Accusative, neždan ← nisdom - 'nest'
IV. Declension: -r-, potér ← ph₂tēr - 'father'
V. Declension: -s-, nifas ← nebʰos - 'cloud'
VI. Declension: -t-/-d-, valatás ← bh₂loteh₂ts - 'force, strength, energy, power'
VII. Declension: -n-, úsén ← uḱsēn - 'ox'
VIII. Declension: -e-, amneš ← h₃egʷnis - 'fire'
IX. Declension: -í-, dótí ← deh₃tei - 'giving'
X. Declension: -u-, duruš ← dorus - 'tree'
XI. Declension: -ú-, múš ← muh₃s - 'mouse'

Supinum has only two cases: Accusative and Ablative.

All Proto-Indo-European cases are preserved.

1. Nominative
2. Vocative
3. Accusative
4. Genitive
5. Dative
6. Ablative
7. Instrumental
8. Locative

Scurdic nouns has only two grammatical numbers: singular and plural. Dual number is extinct.

Adnominal adjectives:

Animate possession: ásúnas ← h₁eḱwoh₂nos 'possessed by horse, belonging to horse'
Inaminate possession: pueliyas ← pulih₂os 'of hair, associated with hair'
Similarity: ásoekas ← h₁eḱwokos 'similar to horse, equid'
Feature: puelísas ← puliḱos 'hairy'
Origin from: ásuiškas ← h₁eḱwoiskos 'derived from horse'

Adjectives are inflect by genders, numbers and cases in the same way as nouns. Also they have own inflection by four degrees.

Comparison of adjectives:

midzasmeǵos - big, great


Positive: midzas ← meǵos [big]
Comparative: mižas ← meǵios [bigger]
Optimative: misteras ← meǵteros [the biggest from determined group]
Superlative: midzeštas ← meǵistos [the biggest from all another]


Positive: midzá ← meǵeh₂
Comparative: mižá ← meǵieh₂
Optimative: misterá ← meǵtereh₂
Superlative: midzeštá ← meǵisteh₂


Positive: midzan ← meǵom
Comparative: mižan ← meǵiom
Optimative: misteran ← meǵterom
Superlative: midzeštan ← meǵistom


The Adverbs are created only from adjectival forms by deleting gender's ending and adding adverbial ending -o.

Comparison of adverbs:

midzomeǵh₂ - greatly

Positive: midzo ← meǵh₂ [greatly]
Comparative: midzí ← meǵih₂
More: show
Optimative: mistero ← meǵterh₂ [the most greatly with determined intensity]
Superlative: midzešto ← meǵisth₂ [the most greatly with the most intensity]

The Pronouns:

Personal pronouns:


1. idzó ← h₁eǵoh₃
2. tú ← tuh₃
3. anas ← h₂enos / aná ← h₂eneh₂ / anan ← h₂enom


1. mis ← mes
2. wis ← wes
3. anis ← h₂enes / anás ← h₂eneh₂s / aná ← h₂eneh₂

Declension of personal pronouns:


1. Nominative: idzó ← h₁eǵoh₃
2. Vocative: not existing in this case
3. Accusative: mi ← h₁me
4. Genitive: meni ← h₁mene
5. Dative: mui ← h₁moi
6. Ablative: mid ← h₁med
7. Instrumental: muin ← h₁moi + -m
8. Locative: mui ← h₁moi


1. Nominative: mis ← mes
2. Vocative: not existing in this case
3. Accusative: nós ← nōs
4. Genitive: nas ← nos
5. Dative: númis ← nōmes
6. Ablative: nód ← nōd
7. Instrumental: núme ← nōmi
8. Locative: nui ← noi


1. Nominative: tú ← tuh₃
2. Vocative: not existing in this case
3. Accusative: ti ← te
4. Genitive: tiwi ← tewe
5. Dative: tife ← tebʰi
6. Ablative: tued ← twed
7. Instrumental: tuin ← toi + -m
8. Locative: tui ← toi


1. Nominative: wí ← wei
2. Vocative: not existing in this case
3. Accusative: wós ← wōs
4. Genitive: was ← wos
5. Dative: wuimeš ← wosmis
6. Ablative: wuimid ← wosmed
7. Instrumental: wuimen ← wosmi + -m
8. Locative: wuime ← wosmi

Personal pronouns of third person are inflected as nouns with the same gender's endings.

Possessive pronouns:

A one object is possessed:

1. mayas ← moios - 'my'
2. toeyas ← twoios - 'your'
3.M anayas ← h₂enosios - 'his'
3.F anáyas ← h₂eneh₂ios - 'her'
3.N anuimas ← h₂enomios - 'its'

1. nóyas ← nōios - 'our'
2. wóyas ← wōios - 'your'
3. áhas ← h₂eh₂sos - 'their'

Possessive pronouns are inflected as nouns with the same gender's endings.

Demonstrative pronouns:

Proper demonstratives (describing an objects, beings, places etc. in proper distance from speaker):


tas ← tos M 'this one'
tá ← teh₂ F 'this one'
tan ← tom N 'it'


tui ← toi M 'these ones'
taé ← teh₂i F 'these ones'
tá ← teh₂ N 'these ones'

Non-personal proper demonstratives:

sešo ← ḱish₂ - 'here'
seško ← ḱiskh₂ - 'this way'
otseško ← h₂ed ḱiskh₂ - 'hence'
daseško ← do ḱiskh₂ - 'so far'
eto ← ith₂ - 'by this method'
téna ← toeno - 'then'
nuyau ← nu iau - 'at present, now'

Distant demonstratives (describing an objects, beings, places etc. in longer distance from speaker):


iyas ← eios
iyá ← eieh₂
iyan ← eiom


iís ← eies
iyaé ← eieh₂i
iyá ← eieh₂

Non-personal distant demonstratives:

tak ← tok - 'there'
taileš ← teh₂lis - 'that way'
ottak ← h₂ed tok - 'thence, therefrom'
datak ← do tok - 'to there'
opuro ← h₂eporh₂ - 'later, next'

Reflexive pronoun:

This pronoun indicate action performed on actor by himself. It has only one form to all persons and numbers, and is inflected by cases in own declension.

hi ← s(w)e 'himself/herself/itself'

1. Nominative: not existing in this case
2. Vocative: not existing in this case
3. Accusative: hi ← s(w)e
4. Genitive: hiwi ← sewe
5. Dative: hifiya ← sebʰio
6. Ablative: hid ← sed
7. Instrumental: heme ← semi
8. Locative: hiwi ← sewe

Possessive-reflexive pronoun:


ƕayas ← swoios
ƕayá ← swoieh₂
ƕayan ← swoiom


ƕayeu ← swoioi
ƕayaé ← swoieh₂i
ƕayan ← swoiom

Reciprocal pronoun:

afáhi ← h₃ebʰeh₂ se 'each other'

The h₃ebʰeh₂ mean 'these two together/as one'.

Declension of this pronoun is analogical to declension of reflexive pronoun.

Interrogative & relative pronouns:

pas ← kʷos - 'who'
pad ← kʷod - 'what'
pateras ← kʷoteros - 'who, which, how' (adjectival)
pád ← kʷeh₂d - 'how' (adverbial)
paindó ← kʷeh₂mdō - 'when'
pátak ← kʷeh₂ tok - 'where'
piyendis ← kʷiendes - 'whence'
páska ← kʷeh₂sko - 'which way'
própímí ← prō kʷesmei - 'why'

Indefinite pronouns:

These pronouns are created by sufiks ale- (← PIE *ali-) from interrogatives.

Numeral pronouns:

walis ← wales - 'many [M]'
walaé ← waleh₂i - 'many [F]'
walá ← waleh₂ - 'many [N]'
púro ← paurh₂ - 'little' (adverbial)
tat ← tot - 'so much, so a lot'
tatiyens ← totiens - 'so many times'
pat ← kʷot - 'how much'
paptat ← kʷot kʷot - 'however many'
patiyens ← kʷotiens - 'how many times'
semo ← sm̩mh₂ - 'some, few'
paóko ← peh₂ukh₂ - 'few'
wešas ← wiswos - 'all, every'
afá ← h₃ebʰeh₂ - 'both'
hulo ← sm̩lh₂ - 'half times'

Universal pronouns:

téroešis ← tr̩h₂ wiswes - 'always'
dawešis ← do wiswes - 'forever'
wešoeþí ← wiswodʰei - 'everywhere'
wešis ← wiswes - 'all (M)'
wešaé ← wisweh₂i - 'all (F)'
wešá ← wisweh₂ - 'all'
puilas ← kʷolios - 'every (M)'
puilá ← kʷolieh₂ - 'every (F)'
puilan ← kʷoliom - 'every (N)'
odoešoeþí ← h₂ed wiswodʰei - 'from everywhere'
dawešoeþí ← do wiswodʰei - 'to everywhere'

Negative pronouns:

nipas ← ne kʷos - 'nobody'
nipád ← ne kʷeh₂d - 'none'
nipateras ← ne kʷoteros - 'neuter'
nipaþí ← ne kʷodʰei - 'nowhere'
nipan ← ne kʷom - 'never'
odnipaþí ← h₂ed ne kʷodʰei - 'from nowhere'
danipaþí ← do ne kʷodʰei - 'to nowhere'
nipuilas ← ne kʷalios - 'no every (M)'
nipuilaé ← ne kʷalieh₂i - 'no every (F)'
nipuilan ← ne kʷaliom - 'no every (N)'
niwešis ← ne wiswes - 'no all (M)'
niwešaé ← ne wisweh₂i - 'no all (F)'
niwešas ← ne wiswos - 'no all'

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Re: Scurdic - third version (diachronic Indo-European)

Post by WeepingElf »

I like this. This language is altered from PIE in interesting and appealing ways; your sound changes work well. One question, though: why don't the second person pronouns have a vocative?
...brought to you by the Weeping Elf
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Re: Scurdic - third version (diachronic Indo-European)

Post by Artaxes »

Thank you !
WeepingElf wrote:One question, though: why don't the second person pronouns have a vocative?
Vocative is equal to nominative here.

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Re: Scurdic - third version (diachronic Indo-European)

Post by Artaxes »

The Prepositions:

Locative prepositions with Accusative case mean motion to something and used with Ablative case mean motion from special locative position. The same prepositions using with Dative also mean succesfull motion to a target.

en ← h₁en - 'in'
an ← h₂en - 'on'
od ← h₂ed - 'from'
san ← ḱom - 'with' [commitative preposition; Instrumental]
ape ← h₂opi - 'beside'
da ← do - 'to'
enter ← h₁enter - 'between'
is ← h₁eǵʰs - 'to outside'
odne ← h₂ed ni - 'from down'
amfe ← h₂m̩bʰi - 'around'
dane ← do ni - 'into down, downward'
upa ← upo - 'under'
úd ← ūd - 'upward'
sanuino ← ḱom oinh₂ - 'together with'
térs ← tr̩h₂s - 'through'
per ← per - 'by'
pró ← prō - 'for'
uper ← h₂uperi - 'over'
prá ← pr̩h₂eh₁ - 'before (a time)'
opa ← h₂epo - 'behind'
past ← posti - 'after'
hení ← senih₂ - 'outside, beyond'
ano ← h₂enh₂e - 'along'
fis ← bʰeǵʰ - 'without'
próte ← prōti - 'against'
ante ← h₂enti - 'before (location)'
anstelan ← h₂en stelom - 'instead'
lígo ← līgh₂ - 'like, similar as'
oso ← h₂eǵʰh₂ - 'as, like, under a form or character'
odupa ← h₂ed upo - 'from under'
odúd ← h₂ed ūd - 'from over'

The Conjunctions and particles:


í ← ei - 'and'
fá ← bʰeh₂ - 'because'
eto ← ith₂ - 'so'
wá ← wē - 'or'
ot ← at - 'but'
híwi ← seiwe - 'if'


ni ← ne - 'no, not'
o-, on- ← n̩- - 'privative prefix'
má ← mē - 'prohibitive negation'
iyan ← ei on - 'also'
dé ← de ei - 'yes'
had ← s(w)od - 'so'
wai ← wai - 'exclamation particle'
á ← eh₂ - 'exclamation particle'
nu ← nu - 'now'
çi ← gʰe - 'that (connector of subordinate clauses)'
aro ← arh₂ - 'interrogative particle'
isti ← este - 'yet, also'
daomo ← do umh₂ - 'still'
odneó ← h₂ed newh₂ - 'anew'
euno ← oinh₂ - 'only'
én ← ih₂m - 'already'
íyau ← ei iau - 'even'
ite ← h₁eti - 'too'
maso ← moḱsh₂ - 'soon'
bá ← bʰeh₂ - 'exactly' (loanword from sister conlang)

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Re: Scurdic - third version (diachronic Indo-European)

Post by Artaxes »

The Syntax:

Cases meaning:

1. Nominative: subject of intransitive & transitive verb, form of predicate nominals.

oelpas ← wl̩kʷos - 'wolf'
kóulá ← kl̩h₂weh₂ - 'island'
wídáyan ← weideh₁iom - 'view'

2. Vocative: used for addressing people or things.

oelpi ← wl̩kʷe - 'oh, wolf!'
kóulaó ← kl̩h₂weh₂u - 'oh, island!'

3. Accusative: patient, involuntary experiencer, motion to locative position with locational prepositions.

oelpan ← wl̩kʷom - 'wolf'
kóulain ← kl̩h₂weh₂m - 'island'
wídáyan ← weideh₁iom - 'view'

4. Genitive: relationship, possessor, partitive object.

oelpaya ← wl̩kʷosio - 'of wolf'
kóulái ← kl̩h₂weh₂eh₁ - 'of island'
wídáyaya ← weideh₁iosio - 'of view'

5. Dative: action for an object, successful motion to a target with locational prepositions.

oelpaé ← wl̩kʷoei - 'to wolf'
kóulaé ← kl̩h₂weh₂ei - 'to island'
wídáyaé ← weideh₁ioei - 'to view'

6. Ablative: motion from something, also from a locative position with locational prepositions.

oelpád ← wl̩kʷead - 'from wolf'
kóulás ← kl̩h₂weh₂s - 'from island'
wídáyád ← weideh₁iead - 'from view'

7. Instrumental: - instrument, method, copartner.

oelpún ← wl̩kʷoh₂m - 'by wolf'
kóulain ← kl̩h₂weh₂eh₁m - 'by island'
wídeón ← weideh₁ioh₁m - 'by view'

8. Locative: - location determined by locative prepositions.

oelpí ← wl̩kʷei - '(in/on/under) wolf'
kóulaé ← kl̩h₂weh₂i - '(in/on/under) island'
wídáyeušu ← weideh₁ioisu - '(in/on/under) view'

Word order:

In Scurdic language the word order is rather irrelevant. The most frequent order is SOV in independent clauses, and VSO in dependent clauses. The word order also has a connotations with topicalization; the most important element of a sentence is exposed as first.

An Adjective-noun phrase:

These adjective-noun phrases are right-headed, that is to say an adjective is first before a noun, ie.:

Wiyuš anér. ← wesus h₂nēr - 'A good man.'
Cuilá béná. ← kalieh₂ gʷēneh₂ - 'A beautiful woman.'
Felan stelan. ← bʰelh₂om stelom - 'A bright place.'

An Genitive-noun phrase:

Right-headed construction.

Orisaya anér. ← h₃reǵʰosio h₂nēr - 'Man of king.'
Oelpaya adúns. ← wl̩kʷosio h₃donts - 'Wolf's tooth.'
Díwaya arsá. ← deiwosio h₂r̩teh₂ - 'God's truth.'
Búrái weršmas. ← gʷōreh₂eh₁ wersmn̩s - 'Top of mountain.'
Mémmaya aiteš. ← memsosio h₂eitis - 'Part of meat.'

A Numeral-noun phrase:

Eunas liwas. ← oinos lewos - 'One lion.'
Dó púnis. ← duwō kʷōnes - 'Two dogs.'
Dási fájis. ← deḱm̩ bʰeh₂ges - 'Ten elements.'
Sitan glážris. ← ḱm̩tom gleh₂ǵres - 'Hundred brilliants.'

Equative constructions:

Preposition lígo ← līgh₂ - 'like, as' + Ablative form, ie.:

Tan duruš lígo mid arueyan (iste). - 'The tree is higher than me.'
Púnas lígo oelpád (iste). - '(A) Dog is like (a) wolf.'
Béná arwí cuilá lígo wírád (iste). - 'Woman is more beautiful than (a) male.'
Midzas glážras lígo tan Diyeuš (iste). - 'Great brilliant is bright as the sky.'

Predicate noun & copulative verbs:

Wešá nipád iste. - 'Everything is nothing.'
Anér fuiras iste. - '(A) man is a being.'
Soereš anér náste. - '(An) animal is not a man.'
Kofras éme. - 'I am (a) hawk.'

Dynamic passive construction:

fúsití ← bʰuh₃sḱetei - "to be beginning" + passive participles:

Oelpas fúsit biþainas. - 'Wolf is beginning to be beaten.'
Cuirawas fúsit kláyainas. - 'Warrior is beginning to be called (by/to something).'
Tas þulas fúsit lemvainas. - 'The valley is beginning to be flooded.'
Arsá fúsit hipainá. - 'Truth is beginning to be spoken.'

Pausative construction:

prácenþití ← pr̩h₂eh₁ + kendʰetei - "to cease"

Dumoþátas oelpas oso oelpas prácenþit. - 'Wolf, who is domesticated ceases to be a wolf.'
Fsíþátas sápas oso cuilas prácenþit. - 'Garden what is destroyed ceases to be a beautiful.'

Ditransitive construction:

Cuilaé moḫínaé flóþuns þóþeme. - 'I gave flowers a beautiful girl.'
Cuilá mohíná flóþuns mid ḫofiþát. - 'Beautiful girl got flowers from me.'
Flóþis cuilaé moḫínaé muin þóþátis. - 'Flowers have been given a beautiful girl by me.'

Predicative possession:

Gotain hofó. - 'I have (a) cat.'
Mašan hofó. - 'I have (a) brain.'
Ográ hofó. - 'I have (a) fields.'

Secondary predicates:

Tas dumas erúhro pésiþént. - 'They painted the house red.'
Aná tain laimerain maltáþit. - 'She hammered the metal flat.'
Aná anan en þurzí caiwit. - 'She left him angry.'
Anas tan mémman ómo idiþát. - 'He ate the meat raw.'
Anas póþitas tan mémman idiþát. - 'He ate the meat drunk.'
Anas póþitas tan mémman ómo idiþát. - 'He ate the meat raw, drunk.'

Fluid-S-like sentences:

Plówó pádzo lígo moḫó. - 'I swam as fast as I could.'
Tas náwas an waraé istelnainá. - 'The boat floated on the water.'
Ridziþéme í sodiþéme. - 'I slipped and fell.'
Tas moḫuš an šleuþí ígrí cuilí heóšiþit. - 'The boy slid elegantly over the clear ice.'

Perfect construction:

Tan duruš iste areulan. - 'The tree has grown.'
Tas dumas iste demalas. - 'The house has built.'
Eunas oelpas iste fenþelas. - 'A wolf has been killed.'

Future in past construction:

copular verb in a past tense + an future participle

Tan duman wahse demoþistas. - 'You were going to build the house.'
Tas ásas pádzí wast skandistas. - 'This horse was going to run faster.'
Iyas púnas is aiþiwád dumád waþát spídiþiyúnas. - 'The dog was going to be pulled from the burning house.'

Gerund with accusative construction:

Hapátí mi çi wiyuš tas puntas. - 'It is said that a good way.'
Wídátí mi çi wiyuš tas puntas. - 'It seems that a good way.'

Anticausative construction:

Klážan he grauḫšiþit. - 'Glass shattered.'
Sostá he knítiþit. - 'Hand broke.'

Pre-future construction:

copular verb in present tense + a supinum

Tan duman ihse demotún. - 'You are going to build the house.'
Tan šáknan éme pódzátún. - 'I am going to show the book.'
Anis tan púnan yunt iditún. - 'They are going to eat dog.'

Durational construction:

Tas amneš an doéšu dínuišu aiþáist. - 'The fire burned for two days.'
Arsái oerran an waluišu wituišu flódit. - 'Word of the truth blooms for many years.'
Tá buóšá en poéwaé an þríšu oþnáhu he páháist. - 'The cow was grazing in the meadow for three hours.'

Distance of motion:

Cuirawas an sitan padis oeísain ḫšípiþit. - 'Warrior threw a spear at ten feet.'
Tas púnas písain térs sílidi saitiyaya puntaya þrosáist. - 'The dog chased a roe-deer through a mile of forest road.'
Oelpas ofnan an hémen sílidi feráist. - 'Wolf had carrying a lamb onto half mile distance.'

Need, want, lack:

Raiumuns neóþó. [rɛːʊ̯mʊns nɛoːθoː] - I need money.
Raiumuns kító. [rɛːʊ̯mʊns kiːtoː] - I want money.
Raiumuns mui ijaét. [rɛːʊ̯mʊns myː ɪɟaeːt] - I lack money.

The house over the hill.

Da taya dúmaya an þúní (tak iste) émiþeme. - I went to the house (that is) over the hill.
Da taya dúmaya térs þúnan émiþeme. - I went over the hill to the house.

He is + predicate noun:

Anas píškátúr (iste). [anas piːʃkaːtuːr ɪstɛ] - He is a fisherman.
Anas belas (iste). [anas bɛlas ɪstɛ] - He is strong.
Anas mayas wíras (iste). [anas majas wiːras ɪstɛ] - He is my husband.
Anas en maí dúmí (iste). [anas ɛn maiː duːmɪ ɪstɛ] - He is in my house.

Wožnaé / Colours:

wožná [wɔʒnaː] ← waǵneh₂ - colour
aiþras [ɛːθras] ← aitros - varicoloured

temas [tɛmas] ← temh₂os - dark
felas [fɛlas] ← bʰelh₂os - light

leukas [løːkas] ← leukos - white
kuršnas [kʊrʃnas] ← kr̩snos - black
erúhras [ɛruːhras] ← h₁roudʰros - red
aóšras [aoːʃras] ← auh₂sros - gold
sulras [sʊlras] ← ǵʰoldʰros - yellow
šliyéwas [ʃlɪjeːwas] ← sleih₂wos - gray-bluish
fláwas [flaːwas] ← bʰleh₂wos - blue
šráwas [ʃraːwas]] ← ǵʰreh₂wos - gray
šlóuras [ʃloːu̯ras] ← ǵʰlōuros - green
flíþas [fliːθas] ← bʰlih₂dʰos - violet
fernas [fɛrnas] ← bʰernos - brown
arzitiyas [arzɪtɪjas] ← h₂r̩ǵn̩tih₂os - silver
sulþiyas [sʊlθɪjas] ← ḱoldʰih₂os - pink
puraƕas [pʊraʍas] ← porh₃swos - orange
maþeras [maθɛras] ← modʰeros - azure


First directions:

aušran ← h₂eustrom - east
otkádan ← h₂ed kēdom - west
enerran ← h₁nerdʰom - north
augan ← augom - south
miþiyan ← medʰiom - center

Second directions:

enerraušran ← h₁nerdʰ h₂eustrom - north east
augaušran ← aug h₂eustrom - south east
miþaušran ← medʰ h₂eustrom - middle east
enerrotkádan ← h₁nerdʰ h₂ed kēdom - north west
augotkádan ← aug h₂ed kēdom - south west
miþotkádan ← medʰ h₂ed kēdom - middle west

Directional adjectives:


aušriyas/aušriyá/aušriyan ← h₂eustrih₂- - eastern
otkádiyas/otkádiyá/otkádiyan ← h₂ed kēdih₂- - western
enerriyas/enerriyá/enerriyan ← h₁nerdʰih₂- - northern
aujiyas/aujiyá/aujiyan ← augih₂- - southern
miþiyas/miþiyá/miþiyan ← medʰih₂- - central


aušréis/aušriyaé/aušriyá ← h₂eustrih₂- - eastern
otkádéis/otkádiyaé/otkádiyá ← h₂ed kēdih₂- - western
enerréis/enerriyaé/enerriyá ← h₁nerdʰih₂- - northern
aujéis/aujiyaé/aujiyá ← augih₂- - southern
miþéis/miþiyaé/miþiyá ← medʰih₂- - central



laiwá [lɛːwaː] ← laiwesieh₂ - left side
duiƕá [dyːʍaː] ← doiḱswesieh₂ - right side
prádas [praːdas] ← pr̩h₂eh₁dos - front
cuilas [cyːlas] ← kuh₂los - back


laiwas [lɛːwas] ← laiwos - left
daísas [daiːsas] ← doiḱwos - right
prádiyas [praːdɪjas] ← pr̩h₂eh₁dih₂os - frontal
cuiliyas [cyːlɪjas] ← kuh₂lih₂os - back


The adverbial forms are used with some locative prepositions to indicating of motion or location in a side.

laiwo - (en/an) left
daíso - (en/an) right
prádiyo - (en/an) front
cuiliyo - (en/an) back


oelpas (← wl̩kʷos) - 'wolf' → oelpicas (← wl̩kʷekios) - 'little wolf'
béná (← gʷēneh₂) - 'woman' → bénicá (← gʷēnekieh₂) - 'little woman'
anér (← h₂nēr) - 'man' → andricas (← h₂nrekios) - 'little man'
apan (← h₃okʷom) - 'eye' → apican (← h₃okʷekiom) - 'little eye'
aweš (← h₂owis) - 'sheep' → awecá (← h₂owikieh₂) - 'little sheep'
duruš (← dorus) - 'tree' → durucan (← dorukiom) - 'little tree'


weras (← wiros) - 'male' → weruiras (← wirorios) - 'big male person'
búrá (← gʷōreh₂) - 'mountain' → búruirá (← gʷōrorieh₂) - 'big mountain'
ƕistér (← swestēr) - 'sister' → ƕistírá (← swestr̩rieh₂) - 'big sister'
mémman (← memsom) - 'meat' → mémmuiran (← memsoriom) - 'big portion of meat'
agneš (← h₃ognis) - 'fire' → agníran (← h₃ogniriom) - 'big fire'
dzúnuš (← ǵōnus) - 'knee' → dzúnuiran (← ǵōnuriom) - 'big knee'


afleš ← ogʷʰlis - lizard
ainteš ← h₂n̩h₂tis - duck
ainþras ← n̩h₁tros - serpent
airras ← h₂r̩h₂gʰros - spider
alsunas ← h₂elḱwonos - kingfisher
apapá ← h₁opopeh₂ - booby
arsas ← h₂r̩tḱos - bear
awafá ← h₃wobseh₂ - wasp
aweš ← h₂owis - sheep
berðá ← gʷerdeh₂ ← Prot.-Lezghian *kːʷertːa- - black kite
buóšá ← gʷōuseh₂ - cow
bútiyas ← gʷūtios - kestrel
búš ← gʷous - one cattle (cow or bull)
cuirelas ← korwelos - dove
cíšá ← kiḱieh₂ - jay
darfá ← dargʷʰeh₂ ← Prot.-Avaro-Andian *darqʷʰa- - ermine
desas ← diǵʰsos - tick
dzafatas ← ǵobʰn̩tos - ruminant
dzeluš ← ǵelus - leech
dzerḫuš ← ǵirgʰus ← Prot.-Avaro-Andian *cʰirqʰːV- - snow leopard, irbis
dzofras ← ?ǵagʷʰros ← Proto-North-West-Caucasian *čʰəkʷʰə- - young animal
dzíleþá ← ǵih₂lidʰeh₂ ← Prot.-Lezghian *čʰiʁlitʰ- - partridge
dzúná ← ǵeh₃neh₂ ← PNWC *cːəɣʷ- + -n-eh₂
elenas ← h₁elh₁enos - deer
elení ← h₁elh₁nih₂ - female deer
etelgas ← itelgos ← Prot.-Turk. *itelgŭ- - shrike
fepá ← bʰikʷeh₂ - bee
fifras ← bʰebʰros - beaver
fuilá ← bʰolieh₂ - baldicoot
fúpas ← bʰoukʷos - insect
gotá ← gateh₂ ← PNWC *k:atə- - cat
guleš ← gl̩h₁is - dormouse
harediyá ← saridieh₂ ← Prot.-Turkic *sarɨdʒa- - trained bird of prey
húš ← suh₁s - pig, swine
iperas ← h₁eperos - wild boar
iseš ← h₁eǵʰis - hedgehog
jeranas ← gerh₂nos - crane
kafas ← kopsos - blackbird
kakatas ← kokotos - cock
karniyá ← karnieh₂ - greenfly
kaukas ← kaukos - jackdaw
kauklá ← kaukleh₂ - cuckoo
knedá ← knideh₂ - louse
kofuras ← kabʰr̩os - hawk
koprá ← kapreh₂ - goat
kotelan ← katl̩om - cattle
kuná ← koneh₂ - hen
kurká ← kr̩keh₂ - frog
kásas ← keḱos - polecat
larpá ← larkʷeh₂ ← PNWC *larqʷa- - bee-eater
liwas ← lewos - lion
línas ← leinos - tench
lópás ← wlōpeḱs - fox
lósas ← loḱsos - salmon
lósá ← loh₃ḱseh₂ - weasel
lúseš ← luḱis - lynx
marká ← markeh₂ - mare
maršnas ← marsnos ← Prot.Lezghian *märs:(a)- - nematode
maušá ← mauseh₂ - a fly
midzas ← medgos - bustard
motiyas ← matios - moth
muirá ← morweh₂ - ant
mótás ← mōtaḱs - wagtail
múngas ← mn̩h₁ngos - minnow
múš ← mūs - mouse
múškas ← mukskos - donkey
oelpas ← wl̩kʷos - wolf
oelukas ← ulukos - owl
oermeš ← wr̩mis - bug, worm
ofnas ← h₂egʷʰnos - lamb
oridiyá ← h₁orh₁dieh₂ - heron
ornas ← h₃ernos - eagle
oskureš ← h₂skoris - grasshopper
ospalas ← h₂skʷalos - catfish
ošneš ← h₂eǵʰnis - ox
ožmen ← h₂eǵmen - herd
pizdeš ← pesdis - cockchafer
pluçá ← plusieh₂ - flea
pluḫšas ← pluksos - rat
ptáþas ← ptādʰos - bird
purmeš ← kʷr̩mis - grub, worm
purzas ← pordsos - leopard
pápelas ← pāpelos - butterfly
písas ← piḱos - a male roe-deer
písá ← piḱeh₂ - roe-deer
píšká ← peiskeh₂ - fish
púrmas ← kʷr̩h₃mos - mole
púrsas ← porḱos - pig
roftúr ← rabʰtōr - predator
rófas ← reh₃bʰos ← PNWC *rəɣʷə- - hamster
saidas ← ǵʰaidos - a male goat
saineš ← ǵʰansis - goose
samá ← ǵʰamh₂eh₂ ← Prot.-Avaro-Andian *čːʰamʁa- - magpie
sapalas ← ḱoph₂elos - carp
sapiyas ← ḱoph₂ih₂os - hoofed mammal
selgas ← tselgos - caterpillar
skuiras ← skwarios - reptile
skureš ← skoris - bug
soereš ← ǵʰweris - animal
sohas ← ḱasos - hare
sohras ← ?ǵʰwadʰros ← PNWC *džʷa- + -dʰ- + -ro- - beast, monster
spengas ← spingos - finch
sperfas ← spergʷʰos - sparrow
spíkas ← speikos - woodpecker
sterzas ← str̩ǵos - stork
sturnas ← stornos - lark
stáþas ← steh₂dʰos - stud, flock, herd
sudukas ← ḱudukos ← Prot.-Avaro-Andian *čudu(n)kV- - eagle-vulture
suilas ← ḱulios - mosquito
sulúš ← ǵʰoluh₃s - turtle, tortoise
sumfras ← ǵʰombʰros - european bison
sunḫas ← ḱongʰos - bivalve
suras ← ḱoros - raven
sínas ← ǵʰieinos - falcon
síšrá ← ḱeiǵʰreh₂ - tit
súnas ← ḱwōnos - dog
titereš ← teteris - blackcock
tituiras ← teterwos - capercaillie
tuersueras ← turturos - turtledove
túras ← tauros - bull
túrsas ← tworḱos - boar
ušras ← usros - aurochs
vlocá ← blakieh₂ - cockroach
wafulas ← wobʰl̩os - beetle
werenas ← wern̩os - ram
wodzas ← wədǵos ← PNWC *wədʒə- - mink
wuirerá ← werwereh₂ - squirrel
wurná ← worneh₂ - crow
wursaká ← wortokeh₂ - squail
wápas ← wāpos - tineid
wícas ← wīkios - earwig
ásas ← h₁eḱwos - horse
ásiþras ← h₂eḱetros - sturgeon
ásuš ← h₂eḱus - perch
çairas ← ??kʰəkʰros ← PNWC *kʰəkʰa- - a male animal
çairá ← ??kʰəkʰra ← PNWC *kʰəkʰa- - a female animal
çcuilas ← skolios - whelp
élsúkas ← h₁elḱūkos - swan
érá ← egʰreh₂ - viper
ólseš ← h₂olḱis - elk
órá ← ūdreh₂ - otter
þrandas ← trandos - borer
þrazdas ← trosdos - thrush
þákras ← dʰēkros - starling
šlempas ← slenkʷos - amphibian
šlímoḫš ← sleimaks - snail, slug
šrígas ← streigos - eagle-owl
ƕuroḫš ← sworaks - shrew
ƕáprá ← swāpreh₂ - toad
ƕúlakas ← swalwokos - nightingale
ḫokaras ← gʰakaros ← Prot.-Avaro-Andian *χːakara- gʰakaros - bat
ḫulḫá ← gʰolgʰeh₂ - swallow

Astronomy and atmospherical phenomenons:

hoél [hɔeːl] ← soh₂wl̩ - sun
miyánas [mɪjaːnas] ← mēh₂n̩sos - moon
hémemiyánas [heːmɛmɪjaːnas] ← sēmi mēh₂n̩sos - half-moon
ostérá [ɔsteːraː] ← h₂stēreh₂ - star
ošran [ɔʃran] ← h₂strom - cosmos
diyeuš [dɪjøːʃ] ← dieus - sky
nifas [nɪfas] ← nebʰos - cloud
wodzarpá [wɔd͡zarpaː] ← waǵ-h₂r̩kʷeh₂ - rainbow
saoþran [sɶːθran] ← ḱweh₂trom - planet
kahúná [kahuːnaː] ← kosomneh₂ - comet
dúhriyá [duːhrɪjaː] ← dūdʰrih₂eh₂ - meteor
meldzapuntá [mɛld͡zapʊntaː] ← melǵoponteh₂ - Milky Way
sanošratí [sanɔʃratiː] ← ḱom h₂strotei - constellation
húgas [huːgas] ← suh₃gos - rain
šneuþá [ʃnøːθaː] ← sneudʰeh₂ - mist
grádas [graːdas] ← grādos - hail
ígras [iːgras] ← iegros - ice
melná [mɛlnaː] ← meldʰneh₂ - lightning
tuner [tʊnɛr] ← tonr̩ - thunder
šnífas [ʃniːfas] ← sneigʷʰos - snow
waidá [wɛːdaː] ← Proto-Iranian *wai-daH- - air
ošražnótiyá [ɔʃraʒnoːtɪjaː] ← h₂stro ǵneh₃tieh₂ - astronomy

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Re: Scurdic - third version (diachronic Indo-European)

Post by gestaltist »

Very impressive!

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Re: Scurdic - third version (diachronic Indo-European)

Post by L'alphabētarium »

Really nice!
Seems like you put a lot of work in this.

Do you have an etymological meaning behind the name "Skurðuiškas" by the way?

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Re: Scurdic - third version (diachronic Indo-European)

Post by Artaxes »

Thank you !
L'alphabētarium wrote:Do you have an etymological meaning behind the name "Skurðuiškas" by the way?
The name is inspired by Celtic tribal name Skordisci, probably related to PIE root *s-kerd-(s-) ('belt'). I used more archaized version **Skordoiskos to forming Skurðuiškas [skʊrðyːʃkas].

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Re: Scurdic - third version (diachronic Indo-European)

Post by Artaxes »

Added a list with my Indo-European "reconstructions" (Polish language; 4142 words).

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Re: Scurdic - third version (diachronic Indo-European)

Post by Artaxes »

Full list of sound changes from Proto-Indo-European to Scurdic in presented version in format for SCA².

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Re: Scurdic - third version (diachronic Indo-European)

Post by Nannalu »

Artaxes wrote:Full list of sound changes from Proto-Indo-European to Scurdic in presented version in format for SCA².

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Re: Scurdic - third version (diachronic Indo-European)

Post by Artaxes »

Nannalu wrote:
Artaxes wrote:Full list of sound changes from Proto-Indo-European to Scurdic in presented version in format for SCA².
For loanwords in Proto-Indo-European stage, ie. some animal species (bat, etc.).

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