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New Conlang--Francaisi

Posted: Wed May 17, 2017 11:24 pm
by KartuliLuc
Francaisi Is the new conlang I am working on. I am aiming for a combination of Georgian and French. The phonology and orthography of the language are modeled on French while the morphosyntax is based on a simplified version of the screeve system of Georgian. Most vocabulary will be drawn from French.

I started the language yesterday, so below is the most cursory of morphological sketches:
Verbal morphology:
2 conjugations: inflected for person, number, and tense/aspect
-ur or
Tense based on the screeve system of Georgian

Below, when there is a choice between u/o, the choice is based on the infinitive of the verb.
screeve.png (32.66 KiB) Viewed 1662 times

Person/ Number Present Screeve Imperfect Screeve
Singular Plural
1 nothing ons mango mangoons mangai mangaions
2 nothing ez mango mangoes mangai mangaiez
3 nothing -te mangote mango mangai mangaite

Each screeve has a marker which is then followed by the number/person marker
Visitor to visit venur to come
Mangor to eat devenur to become
Allor to go changur to change
Vendor to sell
Revendor resell

Re: New Conlang--Francaisi

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 4:08 am
by Frislander

In more sober words: I've never seen anyone use screeves in their conlang before, but this is a nice idea! I'm guessing it's intended as a pastiche-lang a bit like Japoné語, a Japanese-French mix which pops up on the CBB every now and then.

All the best! I can't wait to see the phonology!