The dream thread

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Re: The dream thread

Post by Thry »

Torco wrote:yeah, let's partyyy
arbitrary milestones are the best, I'll never post again so as to not touch the 1-ness of the postcount
oh, wait...
Astraios wrote:Whyyyy am I always in you guys's dreams. And psht, if I really looked like that and had $20,000...
no te quejes, tú xD

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Re: The dream thread

Post by Izambri »

I was making or restoring a mountain hut (WC, bar and small shop included) with a group of people, basically boy scouts. In fact, some were old companions from my days as a noi escolta. We were working fast because some retinue was to make an official visit. I bumped into a thicket while chasing a girl.
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Re: The dream thread

Post by Lyhoko Leaci »

I had a dream where I was playing some sort of racing game, but I wasn't doing very well, and kept crashing into things... like in one case, the roof of a tunnel. (There was a ramp involved) Then I played some other racing game where I somehow got a supposedly steam-powered pink car. This particular race was a side-scrolling drag race, so all you had to worry about was going forward. (And shifting gears) I didn't do quite well at the start, somehow shifting into 6th gear right away, so it took a bit to get going once I managed to shift it to the correct gear, but once I did it had plenty of power and I was able to catch up to everyone else. But for some reason, there were things on the track, but my car ate them... somehow. By the end of the race I had gone from 8th to 3rd.

Then I had a different dream that I can't quite remember exactly, but I was Bred or maybe Briian (characters who I have created), don't remember which I was, and it involved getting Niki (yonger sister of Bred and Briian) out of a hallway before the Reaper showed up, then there was something about a maze whose passages occasionally filled with lava or maybe molten metal, and we (Bred and Briian that is) had Jusenkyo curses that turned us into girls, and then the maze filled with water.
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Re: The dream thread

Post by Soap »

I was in a Greek Orthodox church that had a Greek restaurant in it. I think the church wasnt active anymore, at least not every week, but it was used for celebrations. The restaurant was active, and seemed familiar to me. Im not sure if it was déjà vu or if I've had this dream before. I think at least Ive had the "in a church but not for the church service" type of dream before. The Greek restaurant still didnt have avgolemono soup, and gave as the reason why something about it not being cost-effective to produce in small quantities, which I think is actually true, and is why a lot of Greek restaurants around here also dont have it.
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Re: The dream thread

Post by Radius Solis »

I've had several dreams lately that have had unusually long and coherent story arcs. Normally when I dream it's bits of this and images of that and a faint whiff of plot or story here and there, all jumbled together - not extended tales complete with morals that I could conceivably find full-hour dramatizations of on crappy cable networks.

This latest was a dark story set in a dark forest, somewhere in Oregon; originally I was camping with pharazon there, in a nearly deserted camping area along a river and well behind a big building. There were various roads through and near the area. We were waiting for family to come and join us on the camping trip. Nearly deserted, but there are a few other campers of an extremely redneckish persuasion, the angry survivalist northern-Idaho standoff-with-the-feds type that make you a little afraid to be around them. We'd picked a site distant from theirs.

Late at night, while I was off with a flashlight trying to find the bathroom, there was a big commotion from down the road among those other people. I was up by the big building, and there down at the far end of it there was a bear! Chasing those other people! But it wasn't just a bear, there was something bigger and more evil at work, and the bear was only a symbol for that. I didn't want to be left alone in the dark woods with evil loose, so for safety I went around the other side of the building and joined the other people fleeing it. Pharazon wasn't among them and I felt sick wondering what had befallen him, but it was far too late to go back into the Big Evil of the oppressive and terrifying dark forest and look for him.

These other people included Ross and Aaron - people I've known in the real world - and so clearly, they were not right-wing live-in-the-woods-with-guns extremists, but ultra-radical left-wing ones (they can be so hard to tell apart), waiting and arming themselves for the Revolution. My family were also there now, having arrived at some point, but mixed up with the others and all fleeing together. But at any rate we made it out of the camping area to the safety of the main road. The extremists didn't want to actually leave, though! It was their place, apparently. So I escaped with my family while they turned around and went back in.

I'm looking into the old camping area from outside - fast forward several years, now - and they have turned it into a giant, infamous compound, the center of their network of brutal guerilla war that they fight against the mainstream world. I have come back in order to find the shade of my presumed-dead pharazon who'd never been seen again after The Incident where evil took over, so as to talk to him and see him one last time. Ross and Aaron are known to be in hiding in this compound here in the woods, masterminds of the entire war and brutally responsible for thousands of deaths, larger than life figures akin to Che and Castro. I am allowed in, presumably because I used to know these people, though I do not meet them just yet.

Following are some scenes that are not terribly relevant to the story (examining dusty old household crap that's been abandoned in a building in one of the campsites; pulling aside a cloth to find some stuff belonging to Aaron and putting it back, afraid he'd notice I'd disturbed his shit). But then I meet Ross. He's sick and clearly dying, unable to stand up anymore, watching his revolution crumble, and he's smoking some kind of drug like an industrial smokestack. But he's also the #1 of the place, and imposing and brutal and tougher than nails, both in his demeanor and his body. And he's hot. Don't worry, this doesn't turn into a sex dream, but: in return for being allowed in to the compound he demands to torture me, burn me, rape me, and make me scream until my vocal cords rip. And I'm so horrified and fascinated that I say yes.

It's almost a shame that the dream then skips ahead, although not quite. I'm at a table with a bunch of junk on it, and my mother is there, demanding I clean it up. And I'm afraid to, it belongs to Ross and what's going to happen if he finds out it was me? She tells me he's dead now, and Aaron too. So I put it all in the trash, and go out the back door into the woods. It's sunny and pleasant out; the evil is gone now.

Jesus christ. Psychoanalyze that, Freud.

(With apologies to the real Ross, Aaron, and pharazon, who surely do not deserve to have gotten the roles they did. Though it's true Ross's politics are weird.)

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Re: The dream thread

Post by Pthagnar »

please, you are turning this into an eddythread

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Re: The dream thread

Post by Ser »

I just woke up (I started writing this post at 7:02 a.m. PST), and I just had probably the best dream I've ever had. It was incredibly lucid.

I started off lost in a gigantic thematic park I've been to in past dreams, which has all attractions widely separated one from the other. The map I hold in my hand is impossible to interpret—it doesn't match the actual layout at all. After walking quite a bit, I find a family who I seem to be a very close friend of. I go off with their two kids to some attractions—now the map has changed, looking like Satellite Google Maps photos, making sense!

Lucidness kicks in.

I start doing all sorts of crap with the kids, not going to attractions at all. We run to the sea, and the night quickly falls. Heavy rain starts pouring. For some reason we walk and walk, finding places where we could stay, but then getting out for no reason. Then we see everybody around by the sea and the nearby huts afraid. A gigantic black snake is seen swimming in the sea. I decide just to screw it and totally take the kids on an adventure (so far I had been feigning to be following their parents' will).

Best piece of dream dialogue ever:
Me: "You guys know that you're nothing but creations of my mind, that this whole world is in my imagination, and that you'll all die once I wake up, right?
They nod, while not changing the direction their facing towards me. They stay immobile for a few seconds, looking at nothing in particular, melancholically, as if they were extremely sad. Now that I'm awake, I wonder if there's such a thing as being cruel to your own dream creations.

We then approached the snake, managed to scape, did other stuff. I don't have time to post more, gotta run for the bus!

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Re: The dream thread

Post by Torco »

Me: "You guys know that you're nothing but creations of my mind, that this whole world is in my imagination, and that you'll all die once I wake up, right?
sounds like you were living out some cruelty fantasy.
alsoooo... sueñas en ingles ?

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Re: The dream thread

Post by Izambri »

I met Jesus of Nazareth in my old neighbourhood. For reasons unknown to me he was still alive (he was playing basketball with some latino guys, not in the form of a zombie, no, but as a normal living human). He took a new identity, it seems, because people called him Jesus of Podmazov (?) [doing a quick search on the Net I found that Podmazov really exists].
The next I remember is that I left behind the place with some friends, leaving Jesus and his mates playing basketball. We ambled down some stairs and we found a weird guy, possibly a junkie or a zombie, but we neutralized him with a sheet.
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Re: The dream thread

Post by Ser »

Torco wrote:
Me: "You guys know that you're nothing but creations of my mind, that this whole world is in my imagination, and that you'll all die once I wake up, right?
sounds like you were living out some cruelty fantasy.
LOL No, it was just that bit of dialogue. For the rest of the time, we all three seemed to enjoy the adventure across the bay and the nearby city and hills.

This was also the first dream, of those that I can remember at least, where I've been able to make stuff levitate and cut it from a distance, using my right hand. I'd point at an object with all five fingers, and I'd have control over it as if my hand were a mouse and the object where an icon on the desktop. For cutting, put all fingers together and do a slicing move at the object. I could move varying amounts of water as well, though much more chaotically.
alsoooo... sueñas en ingles ?
In Spanish-English code-switching, actually. In my dreams, everybody understands both, and I just use what's more convenient for the semantics, etc...

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Re: The dream thread

Post by Thry »

Izambri wrote:I met Jesus of Nazareth in my old neighbourhood. For reasons unknown to me he was still alive (he was playing basketball with some latino guys, not in the form of a zombie, no, but as a normal living human). He took a new identity, it seems, because people called him Jesus of Podmazov (?) [doing a quick search on the Net I found that Podmazov really exists].
The next I remember is that I left behind the place with some friends, leaving Jesus and his mates playing basketball. We ambled down some stairs and we found a weird guy, possibly a junkie or a zombie, but we neutralized him with a sheet.
i en jesus parlava català?

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Re: The dream thread

Post by Izambri »

Ean wrote:
Izambri wrote:I met Jesus of Nazareth in my old neighbourhood. For reasons unknown to me he was still alive (he was playing basketball with some latino guys, not in the form of a zombie, no, but as a normal living human). He took a new identity, it seems, because people called him Jesus of Podmazov (?) [doing a quick search on the Net I found that Podmazov really exists].
The next I remember is that I left behind the place with some friends, leaving Jesus and his mates playing basketball. We ambled down some stairs and we found a weird guy, possibly a junkie or a zombie, but we neutralized him with a sheet.
i en jesus parlava català?
I think I dream in Catalan, so I would say yes.
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Re: The dream thread

Post by Lyhoko Leaci »

I had a dream where there was a new disease, that started out by simply giving people coughing fits, but then caused a transformation in guys to make them look like girls. (Not sure what it did to girls, maybe just gave them the coughing fits and that was it?) They stayed male the whole time, they just got a more feminine body shape and grew breasts. Finlay was one of the people from the ZBB who was explicitly stated as having caught the disease in the dream.
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Re: The dream thread

Post by Ghostfishe »

I had a dream last night (this morning?) that would have made for an interesting Lord of the Rings fanfic, if I were interested in writing it and knew how to patch the obvious plot holes.

The dream played out like I was watching a scene on TV. This was some time after they'd left Moria, when Gandalf was gone and Aragorn was leading the Fellowship. The group had been attacked by orcs and momentarily separated from one another, and there was this Tenth Walker fancharacter who had been mortally injured. She was staggering through this forest alone trying to find the others. Not Lothlorien... some coniferous forest. I think she had something important to tell or give to Aragorn. There were also orcs somewhere nearby in the woods, looking for them, although (through sheer luck, given her condition) she hadn't run into any.

Anyways, she's very much dying and is having trouble seeing, but she makes out Aragorn's tall figure and wanders up to him in relief. Collapses in his arms. Feeling deathly cold etc., but comforted because she managed to find him just in time. She tells/gives him whatever important thing she needed to. He's talking to her in a more or less reassuring way. (I've forgotten all of the dialogue unfortunately.) They're both whispering so the orcs won't find them. Then she dies in his arms.

The twist is that once she's dead, we realize that it wasn't Aragorn she was talking to all along... it was a Ringwraith. Hence the reason for the deathly cold and the whispering.

The obvious plot hole is the question of why he was being sympathetic to her. In the dream they sort-of knew each other--not romantically, just casually enough that he was acting almost civil instead of how they usually behave--and she just didn't recognize him because she couldn't see him clearly. I sort of doubt whether that could have happened in any realistic way.

The funny part is, the "revelation" part of the sequence was accompanied by smooth jazz... which is kind of demented because it was so completely inappropriate for what was happening. The lyrics were something like "welcome to the sickness" or "wake up to the sickness"... I swear I've heard the tune before but I'm not sure if those are the actual lyrics or if my dream was ad-libbing the song. They do that surprisingly well sometimes.
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Re: The dream thread

Post by bulbaquil »

I had a dream associated with what was apparently a fitful night's sleep.

In the first part of it I was at what I think was supposed to be some swanky hotel/office building, and I and a handful of my friends and coworkers were trying to do... something, I don't exactly remember, but I think it involved time (as in the metaphysical concept) and calibrations.

Then we went, even though we all somehow knew it was Friday, to a very large, very racially diverse but also very racially segregated church, where the large white congregation sat in its own section between the equally large East/Southeast Asian congregation, who appeared to mostly wear pastel colors, and the equally large black congregation, who for some reason appeared to mostly be wearing blue. It was rather stereotypical. Latecomers and guests scrambled to find a seat within the appropriate section; intermingling was apparently very frowned upon. I don't know why, as the people who did appeared to suffer no adverse consequences.

At any rate, the service started conventionally enough with "Angels We Have Heard on High," which however was followed by a pseudo-Latin-language song to the tune, apparently, of "O Come All Ye Faithful" - not Adeste Fideles; the lyrics of this song went as follows: "Nihil sunt novo, (six syllables I don't remember), ni cibum, ni moram, ni boros-ora" (sic omnes)

At about this time, the lyrics started to become indistinguishable, and then my alarm rang.


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Re: The dream thread

Post by Ghostfishe »

Sounds like something out of a creepypasta, TBH.

I've (almost, not quite) dreamed Latin once before. Except I don't know enough Latin to dream it coherently, so my subconscious seems to have said "just fudge it" and used this low-pitched inarticulate mumbling instead. Which sounded distinctly demonic, and turned an otherwise pretty average dream into something horrifically sinister. Thankfully it's never happened since.
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Re: The dream thread

Post by bulbaquil »

Ghostfishe wrote:Sounds like something out of a creepypasta, TBH.

Also, I don't know how relevant this is to the meaning of the dream, but cibum was sung with the Classical Latin /k/, not the Church Latin /tʃ/.

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Re: The dream thread

Post by Thry »

According to Freudian analysis that makes you a proper Roman and linguist, but also Satanic.

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Re: The dream thread

Post by bulbaquil »

Okay, I had another very weird dream night.

It started out with what appeared to be some sort of sword in what appeared to be a meteorite crater with a tree in the middle, glistening like in some sort of fantasy. Then I found myself lying on my bed in apparent sleep paralysis. Notice I do not use the term "woke up". Loud noises were coming from around me, something analogous to Thor walking his dog through the crunchy autumn leaves or something like that. For some reason the lights would not turn on in my room (this is important), so I left and wandered the neighborhood, which looked nothing like my real one and a whole lot more gritty, as though it were something out of Blade Runner.

As I come to a dead end in an alley that I am pretty sure is supposed to be near a Wal-Mart, I was informed that I was being chased by a female biker gang, and that therefore I needed to escape via bicycle. So I do that, and as I am escaping I pass by a male biker gang who apparently are also supposed to be my enemies but seem to be rather chill with it all.

I escape to the same building from yesterday's dream and cross the moat (yes, there's a moat) to what now appears to be a swanky hotel. We (me and someone else I can't remember) ran up one of the down escalators in this hotel to escape the bad guys (who were male, even though it had been a female biker gang chasing me... I guess the biker gang were just agents specially hired for the purpose of being a female biker gang? Meh, dreams), somehow got to somewhere else where they were expounding their plans, and then returned via the exit door of the Secret Plan building back to the hotel.

As I found myself back on the second floor of this building, a bunch of for what all practical purposes were MIB agents (like in the movie) pulled out what appeared to be ray guns, and shot effulgent purple lasers out whose effect was to turn out the lights. Somehow this was a signal that the fight was about to begin, so I got out my blanket from hammerspace and turned it into metal.

This was important, because the agents needed to incinerate the building using a three-detonation light bomb (did I mention the agents were on my side)? The detonations went off, each time causing the darkness under my metal blanket to changing into a flash of light (and presumably heat, but the metal blanket protected me from that).

After the three luminous explosions, I got out the blanket to see if everything was all right. The building was now completely empty (and by empty, I mean of items too, not just people), and I walked out into the same sword, crater, tree setup I mentioned before.

Then I found myself lying on my bed in apparent sleep paralysis, with loud noises coming from around me that sound different from the previous loud noises. The lights still refuse to turn on. I find that my house is now a lot bigger than it had been and totally rearranged, and apparently two stories. Also, for some reason my aunt is here.

Shirtless, I start going to the gas station nearby in the Blade Runner city for some sort of caffeinated beverage, but change my mind halfway there. I am standing beside a door in an alleyway when I make my decision. I then find myself lying on my bed in apparent sleep paralysis, with loud noises coming from around me....

Similar things continue for a couple more iterations. I "wake up", kick myself out of sleep paralysis, try to turn on the lights, which fail invariably, and there are quite a few cosmetic changes to my house and I am in a Blade-Runner style city.

At about iteration number 4, I figure out that I've obviously been in some sort of surreal dream sequence, but the lucidity is partial. I get the bright idea to use the lights in my room as a reality check, so was disappointed when they didn't turn on. In this particular iteration, my house looked normal at first, so I went to the bathroom to wash up only its lights didn't turn on immediately when I flipped the switch.

Instead, an array of blinking LED lights winked into luminescence as I waited. They took about as long as fluorescent bulbs do to power up to full luminosity, but were as bright as the room normally is. I went back to my room, tried the lights again, and an LED array came on. The lights were spread all over the ceiling, and it was very awkward. I went into the living room, realized I was extremely underdressed, and sank (literally) into the couch.

A few more oneirataxic iterations of this madness occurred - I'd say three or four more after the LED lights - before I actually woke up. I could feel the difference of actual awakening versus the in-dream pseudo-awakening, but I still had to turn on the lights to be sure.

4 a.m. is weird.

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Re: The dream thread

Post by Risla »

I was walking along, and I saw the Queen of England standing next to an airplane that I needed to walk around. I was pretty nervous about walking by her because I didn't know quite the proper etiquette for talking to her, and what if she struck up conversation with me? So I walked by her, and she told me I had awesome hair, so I needed to respond. We talked awkwardly for a few minutes and then went our separate ways; her to do whatever queenly things she was going to do, and me to hijack a passenger train.

So I boarded the train, pulled a machine gun out of my suitcase and basically threatened all the guards with death and made them go hide in a back compartment, then threw the conductor out of the window. There were helicopters outside the train and they were shooting machine guns and cannons at me, but I managed to dodge all of their blasts. I then realized that I did not know why I had hijacked the train and ought to put some more thought into it next time, so I disguised myself as a Russian nun and snuck off the train.

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Re: The dream thread

Post by Ghostfishe »

I had one where I looked out my window at the inlet, and saw something white bobbing in the water. So I got the binoculars and looked... and it was a wild beluga (whale). Except I live in Florida. :S All these people gathered and were talking about how amazing it was, but then it started swimming up toward shore. And then it clambered out of the water, and we realized it wasn't actually a whale but some kind of horrible evil whale-headed thing. It had a head like a beluga but the legs and body and tail were like some kind of rhino/hippo cross, squat and gray and horribly wrinkly. Everyone started screaming and running for ther lives and it kind of deteriorated from there.

Then (in a different dream) my mom and her fiancee and I were the last people on Earth. Like a zombie apocalypse except we didn't see any zombies. We decided to raid this Toys-"R"-Us since we didn't have to pay anymore, and we were ecstatic once we broke in because there was this huge bin and all their videos were on clearance. Even though we didn't have to pay anyways. We started looking through all the boxes and I found a complete collecton of every season of The Walking Dead. (Yes... Walking Dead in Toys-"R"-Us... WTF?) It even came with like this little collectible zombie figurine. My mom loves that series, so I snatched it to give to her as a birthday gift. But then when I gave it to her and she opened it, we realized it was the VHS version. Unfortunately, in the dream, it was the last copy of The Walking Dead anywhere on Earth, and we didn't have a VHS player (and/or they didn't exist anymore), so it turned out to be a really horrible gift.
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Re: The dream thread

Post by dunomapuka »

I was watching a procession into Buckingham Palace. But all the horses went crazy and broke free of their reins. Then a bunch of escaped zoo animals came bounding into the scene also. The resulting melee was horrific. I watched a guy get mauled by a tiger.

Later, a girl and I had switched genitals. We wanted to switch them back, but my dick was caught in her bathing suit. I looked for a discreet spot to make the switch, but we were standing on a public sidewalk.

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Re: The dream thread

Post by Pinetree »

dunomapuka wrote:Later, a girl and I had switched genitals. We wanted to switch them back, but my dick was caught in her bathing suit. I looked for a discreet spot to make the switch, but we were standing on a public sidewalk.

This may be one of the most bizarre dream-events I have ever heard about.

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Re: The dream thread

Post by ratammer »

dunomapuka wrote:Later, a girl and I had switched genitals. We wanted to switch them back, but my dick was caught in her bathing suit. I looked for a discreet spot to make the switch, but we were standing on a public sidewalk.
Wait... you could freely switch them? Why did you even do it in the first place? :mrgreen:

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Re: The dream thread

Post by Soap »

All wildlife had gone extinct and the world was now a gigantic building populated only by humans, who survived by extracting nutrients from recycled trash. Even plants seemed to be absent but it could be that there just weren't any where I was. The world was a machine and national boundaries were gone. I remember asking someone if the International Date Line was the "evil" meridian or if 0°E was. I also remember planning a trip to St. John's, formerly St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada, because it was one of the few cities which had survived and was safe to be in. However the rest of Canada did not survive. Near the end of the dream I was just crawling around in rooms that were unknown even to other people, surprised that there was still enough oxygen in the air for me to breathe.
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