The dream thread

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Re: The dream thread

Post by Ghostfishe »

That actually sounds pretty cool!

A few nights ago I dreamed I had to learn to drive our old monster of a van. I was trying to figure out which pedal was for gas and which was the break, while I was driving on the freeway. (For some reason the van moved forward automatically even when I wasn't using the pedals--it just wasn't going very fast.) And there was this big masterpiece of a cake, which my mother had just finished decorating, in the back seat.

In other words, typical stress-related dream.
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Re: The dream thread

Post by Pinetree »

This morning, as part of a larger dream that I remember very little of, I dreamt that i went out of my room to turn a movie on downstairs. Then my alarm woke me and I had the strange sensation of being physically snapped back along those 5 or so metres from my room to the top of the stairs. It was really rather disorienting.

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Re: The dream thread

Post by Soap »

A rapist named McCutcheon got a woman pregnant and she carried the baby to term. To let everyone know who the father was she changed her own surname to Escutcheon ... not the same name, but everyone knew where it came from.
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Re: The dream thread

Post by Nesescosac »

Lately I've been having a lot of dreams where I am unable to understand spoken language and can only sign. It's quite unusual.
I did have a bizarrely similar (to the original poster's) accident about four years ago, in which I slipped over a cookie and somehow twisted my ankle so far that it broke
What kind of cookie?
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Re: The dream thread

Post by dunomapuka »

There was a second, affiliated restaurant two doors down from my café, with a Tex-Mex menu. My boss got in a heated argument with a customer ranging over several political and economic issues - the main thrust of it was about the shipping prices of grapes, but somebody also mentioned something about ground-up goose bones being useful for photo processing.

The customer became mad with rage and began tearing off his clothing. I had stepped out for a minute and when I came back in he was totally naked. Meanwhile my boss, also apoplectic, had locked himself in the bathroom, where someone was trying to calm him down.

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Re: The dream thread

Post by Soap »

I remember reading that there were actually two ancient Greek religions, one farming-oriented and concentrated in the north, the other trade and fishing oriented and concentrated in the south and islands. The southern religion had more female gods than male ones and had been practiced since "2002 BC" or some similar year. This actually seems to be partly true, in that there was an IE-derived religion brought in from the north that slowly replaced a pre-IE Minoan one that had some of the characteristics described in the dream. But I had a false awakening in which a spirit was pushing me into the corner of the bed, and then underneath it and I wasnt able to determine if it was a malicious spirit or a benevolent one that I just wasnt able to fully comprehend and my reaction was to make myself as small as possible.
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Re: The dream thread

Post by Astraios »

I was in a building that was only half there, and I had to escape from some robotic trolls (the Tolkien kind). The building was mdae up of just long corridors parallel to each other, and then I got trapped in a corner, so I slipped through the walls into a library, and then I climbed up out of a hole into the sky, and I kicked the sun down into the building so it shone on the trolls and turned them to stone.

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Re: The dream thread

Post by Torco »

I dreamt the other day that a friend who died a year ago called me from the underworld and told me to assemble the guys cause he'd be coming for 'once' <a chilean custom consisting of drinking hot beverages and eating toast and pastries around 6-7 pm> the next day. it was pretty emotional, I hugged him and talked to him and drew with him. It was nice, and I woke up serene.

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Re: The dream thread

Post by Jerian »

In my dream last night, I missed the entire first week back to school, instead spending my time watching ships sink. There was some other nonsense in the dream regarding a pregnant woman, a carpenter, and what sounded like LoTR elvish.
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Re: The dream thread

Post by Soap »

I was back in school, with the campus being at least somewhat like a real college I went to once, and was having trouble confusing the boys' and girls' dorms (the signs said boys & girls, as if it was a high school). Some of the dorms had classes going on. At one point I was lying down on the floor, near a hole in the tiling, and a girl asked me if I could see anything on the next floor down. I said no at first, but then admitted I could see some people about three feet down. Those apparently were stick figures she was trying to hide from her parents when her parents came to pick her up. The rest of the dream involved me helping her hide more stick figures, and planning out what to eat for dinner.

Also while running outside I remembered the words ha "shield" and ka "sword", for Andanese. Only one of those exists, maybe I should make the other.
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Re: The dream thread

Post by Click »

I was some kind of a sprite following a young woman that was exploring a building. The building resembled an old church, but some sinks full of toilet paper were glued to walls. While the woman was entering a room full of those sinks, I saw a shadow of someone else. When that woman started examining one of the sinks, that shadow showed up again. Immediately after that, the woman's neck bent back by 90 degrees, apparently by itself and the woman started panicking. I turned back to see whose shadow shown up again and it was, apparently, a shadow of a huge blue-red ghost clown with a poker face.
I woke up then.

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Re: The dream thread

Post by Ghostfishe »

Lots of people were being abducted by aliens, and my family and I were living on this secluded little farm with a makeshift barn and some animals. It was very creepy, and a lot like Signs, except the aliens were literally abducting people in UFOs and taking them who-knows-where. We started seeing UFOs in the sky around the farm and worried that the aliens were going to take our animals, so we resolved to get some guard dogs to protect the property for us. Unfortunately communications with the city had been cut off, so we couldn't go buy any dogs. Instead, I found a packet of Instant Puppies in the kitchen cupboard (which looked like instant potatoes in a ziploc bag), so I took it outside and poured some water over it... and voila, the mix instantly transformed into a litter of newborn puppies. Except we needed adult dogs to guard the farm, so it wasn't really that useful.

I also dreamed something about investigating an empty building with my mother... it looked like it was supposed to be a house, but it was completely wrecked. The plaster and everything had been ripped out of the interior walls, so in most places you could see through the wooden framework. I managed to find a small potted plant (that looked like catnip) in a back room, and then my mom called me to go watch her investigate the toilet because she needed moral support (?). At least I think that's what the deal was. I ended up peeking under the cushion of this ratty old couch, and found a gaping hole underneath. The Grim Reaper squeezed out of the hole and proceeded to chase us around the building. I was still carrying the potted plant around with me the entire time we were running from him.
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Re: The dream thread

Post by Torco »

I was a dwarf living below the ground in some cave city, and the Lord of the city was being crowned so we were all in the ceremony <we were apparently christian dwarves>. suddenly, while he lord was being crowned the word arrived that the muslims, or mussies, were attacking. but when i got to the door they weren't muslims but huge icelandic fellows. one of them threw me on a tree, from where i threw fruit at him but consistently missed.

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Re: The dream thread

Post by Jerian »

I haven't had a long, vivid dream in nearly a week, which is concerning for my lucid dreaming practice.

I was sick this morning, so I slept, and had quite a few short dreams, all of which I've forgotten by now. Should've written them down as soon as I woke up :(
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Re: The dream thread

Post by Astraios »

I was in medieval Paris, except it was fantasy/steampunk-medieval, not real-medieval, and therefore actually pretty awesome-looking. I was with my dog, and she'd had four puppies, which for some reason wasn't allowed, so I'd put them in a box. Then I took the box and started walking, and went through India, which was a Welsh neigbourhood in Paris where they held elephant races and elephant-rider vs. giraffe-rider gladiatorial combat in a little field. I thought it was interesting, but I carried on and got to Skyrim, which was another neighbourhood in Paris, and got to a ruined tower where I could keep the puppies safe.

But the tower was already occupied by the Owl King, who was a crocodile who thought he was an owl, and the leader of a band of owls. I hid outside the tower until dark, then hid the puppy box under a rock, and was about to go slay the Owl King, when a pair of vampires appeared, and they couldn't see me but they could smell the puppies and wanted to eat them. Since they were blind, I picked up a pencil and started poking them with it until they freaked out and made enough noise to wake the Owl King, who came out with his owls and fought the vampires.

They fought and chased them until they all disappeared over the horizon, then I moved into the tower and hid the puppies better. Then I went and hung over the top of the door out of Skyrim neighbourhood, looking out into the Muslim Quarter of the Old City of Jerusalem, where it was daytime and someone I knew from high school was praying. I watched him for a bit, and it was sad because we wanted each other.

Then he finished praying and we made out against the door until the Owl King reappeared, at which point I ran after him into the tower, and led him up to a high window, which I broke while he was making his Bad Guy Speech, and when he saw it was broken he ran at it and jumped out in ecstasy, and died on the pavement below. I looked out just to make sure, and there was a girl with a man's body trying to seduce me from the window of the house opposite. I told her no, and went back to check on the puppies. Then I woke up.

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Re: The dream thread

Post by Astraios »

I was in medieval Paris, except it was fantasy/steampunk-medieval, not real-medieval, and therefore actually pretty awesome-looking. I was with my dog, and she'd had four puppies, which for some reason wasn't allowed, so I'd put them in a box. Then I took the box and started walking, and went through India, which was a Welsh neigbourhood in Paris where they held elephant races and elephant-rider vs. giraffe-rider gladiatorial combat in a little field. I thought it was interesting, but I carried on and got to Skyrim, which was another neighbourhood in Paris, and got to a ruined tower where I could keep the puppies safe.

But the tower was already occupied by the Owl King, who was a crocodile who thought he was an owl, and the leader of a band of owls. I hid outside the tower until dark, then hid the puppy box under a rock, and was about to go slay the Owl King, when a pair of vampires appeared, and they couldn't see me but they could smell the puppies and wanted to eat them. Since they were blind, I picked up a pencil and started poking them with it until they freaked out and made enough noise to wake the Owl King, who came out with his owls and fought the vampires.

They fought and chased them until they all disappeared over the horizon, then I moved into the tower and hid the puppies better. Then I went and hung over the top of the door out of Skyrim neighbourhood, looking out into the Muslim Quarter of the Old City of Jerusalem, where it was daytime and someone I knew from high school was praying. I watched him for a bit, and it was sad because we wanted each other.

Then he finished praying and we made out against the door until the Owl King reappeared, at which point I ran after him into the tower, and led him up to a high window, which I broke while he was making his Bad Guy Speech, and when he saw it was broken he ran at it and jumped out in ecstasy, and died on the pavement below. I looked out just to make sure, and there was a girl with a man's body trying to seduce me from the window of the house opposite. I told her no, and went back to check on the puppies. Then I woke up.

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Re: The dream thread

Post by Ghostfishe »

Jerian wrote:I was sick this morning, so I slept, and had quite a few short dreams, all of which I've forgotten by now. Should've written them down as soon as I woke up :(
Oy, don't even get me started on sick dreams...

I still remember a certain incident where I yelled at this small, Scottie-type dog to get off my bed--until I realized that hey, we didn't have a small dog, so what was one doing in my bedroom? Sat up in alarm, waking up the rest of the way in the process, and realized I'd been yelling at a pair of my black jeans the entire time. :roll:
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Re: The dream thread

Post by Lyhoko Leaci »

I had a dream where I was playing some sort of Civilization-like game but it was real time instead of turn based. I picked a spot on a basic map to start at, but it turned out to have all sorts of rocks and cliffs and such, not at all suitable for a city, but I did get a free special unit there. Then a bunch of demon wolf things and some pixies attacked, for who knows what reason, before I had a chance to do really anything.

And then this morning I had a dream where I was trying to fly some sort of rocket really close to the ground though a valley, but then the valley curved and I crashed into the biggest mountain in the area.
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Re: The dream thread

Post by Jerian »

Dream recall is returning to me. Unfortunately, the dream I had last night is one I'd rather not have had. No, it wasn't a nightmare. It was a pretty happy dream, but it was about the same girl again.

Backstory time!!!
Over the summer, when I still lived in Vancouver, I met a girl, and we bonded quite nicely. We would've started going out, she even said so, had I not moved to Ontario. However, now that I'm here, she didn't want to have a long distance relationship, so she friend-zoned me.

Anyways, the dream: (Being an avid Minecraft player, this tends to influence my dreams a lot. This particular dream seemed to take place entirely within a Minecraft like world.

Me, and a few other random people were on this massive floating disc. It was like a frisbee, but it had trees, flowers, hills, and a few buildings. There was a well in the centre, but a hole broke in the well through the disc, and the water slipped away. It had a diameter of about 40m.

The group made a shelter using planks, which we got from trees much like in Minecraft. There were a few easter eggs on the disc: an abandoned fort, an abandoned dungeon, and a large, raised platform, flat on top.

Under our main shelter, we had a very, very extravagant storage area. It consisted of a single hallway, with smaller ones branching off perpendicular, these only reaching out a few meters. It was dark, so I put some torches along the walls. Some hallways consisted of chests, others of books, others of various building material, and the one at the far back consisted of some gorgeous abstract paintings from a previous dream.

A few days in, we noticed a castle. I don't know how it took us that long to notice it, seeing as it was a pretty fucking massive castle. It seemed to be about the same size as the Eiffel Tower, though was designed slightly similarly to the tower of Sauron, from LoTR III.

I was elected to go in and search it. I was given a torch, sword, and a few other things. Interestingly, I had a 9 slot inventory similar to Minecraft, though I had to sort through here by hand, and hold all 9 items at once, which made it a bit of a hassle.

I entered the castle. The rooms were perfectly square, though appeared in no specific pattern. There was only one pathway I could follow.

Two rooms in, I met up with said girl. Let's call her Cindy. She was dressed really nicely, like one would stereotypical see medieval royalty dressed. We embraced. I told her I had missed her so much.

Long story short, the other people in this castle did not appear too happy I was there. Me and Cindy ran out of the castle, chased by a pretty decently sized army. Remember, there were only about five or so of us, and at the moment, I had no idea where any of the others were. I directed Cindy up the bluff to our shelter, and lead her into our storage area, hoping we could hide. The army soon followed us in, and started ransacking the area. She was pulled away, and I was left there.

The next day was her trial. She had to stand on a large square of tiled ground, overlooking the very edge of the disc. There was some weird game, a cross between backgammon and shuffleboard. The game consisted of a line of stones, and three different zones. The only rule I knew, was that if you scored a certain amount, you go again.There were two rows of the game. One for them, one for me. If they won the game (by collecting all the stones) they would choose Cindy's fate. If I happened to win, I would do so.

There was some time before event started. I ran around to the others, trying to come up with a plan, knowing I could not win the game. Nothing came to mind, and a few of the others didn't even want to try anything.

A fat guy stepped forward, who spoke with a bit of a Polish accent. He had a pipe, and plaid shirt. He looked like he was uncomfortable as he knelt down to play. He began playing, and almost won in a single move. I got my turn, but missed, and thus didn't do anything.

He took his turn, and promptly won.

Some guards walked (actually quite slowly) toward Cindy. She looked terrified, and she slowly stepped backwards towards the precipice at the very tip.

I broke out into a sprint, straight towards her, I screamed her name as I did so. I grabbed her, and flung her off the side, and we plummeted to the ground in each others' arms.

Moral of the story, I need to get over her. She friend-zoned me the last time we saw each other, and I completely respect that. It doesn't help I have semi erotic dreams about her, even if they are infrequent.
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Re: The dream thread

Post by Ghostfishe »

I had a dream in which I was supposed to either be infiltrating, sabotaging or assassinating (can't remember which... hehe) this secret society of supernaturally decrepit old people that met in this secret meeting place inside an old clock tower. I didn't actually get to do so because on the way I discovered a letter from Nines (favorite character from a game* I've been playing lately) basically saying goodbye because he knew he was about to die... and that by the time I found the letter he would already be dead. I was horrified and immediately gave up the mission to go angst over the guy's death.

That dream, though, mutated into another one. In it, I was sitting in on this court hearing. There was a woman in back who was supposed to be taking notes, and she had brought her pet cockatoo (I wish I could stop dreaming about these birds!) along in a small travel cage. Everyone took a five-minute break, and she went out into the hallway to get an orange juice from this vending machine. I went with her. When we returned to the court room, the cage was empty. She started freaking out. We kept asking people, do you know what happened to the bird that was in the cage over there? Then this really old lady came up and said that yes, she'd found a chicken in the court room, so she'd put it outside where it belonged, because chickens don't belong indoors. We asked her to describe the "chicken" and she said, oh, you know... it's a bird about so big, white, has a crest on its head. We realized she was talking about the cockatoo. We raced around and eventually found it in a back room, near a window, but right when we tried to coax it onto the lady's hand this kid appeared and scared it into flying out the window.

*The game in question is Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines. For those of you who don't care about spoilers:
I went back to play that game the very next day, and right when I meet up with this character Nines again, he immediately gets carried off by a werewolf and presumably killed! It was horribly ironic. First time I'd ever played the game, so I had absolutely no clue that would happen. I spent like 20 minutes after that perusing game spoilers online, just to make sure he wasn't really dead in the game.
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Re: The dream thread

Post by dunomapuka »

I suddenly remembered that cumin is a good substitute for coffee, so I was french-pressing myself a cup of cumin. Then I realized I had coffee in the house, so why didn't I just use that? But I'd already measured out a few scoops of cumin, so I decided to make a blend.

There also seemed to be sugar syrup mixed in with the coffee grounds. I tasted it - it was pretty good. So I chucked everything together and soon I was actually making a slightly sweet Thai-style seafood stew with shrimp.

Then I realized I'd gotten distracted again - I just wanted a cup of coffee!!

(I frequently have dreams like this - I am trying to cook or prepare something simple, but keep making weird substitutions until I realize I've forgotten the original purpose of what I was doing.)

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Re: The dream thread

Post by Viktor77 »

You have one of those nights where you just have a great dream? No need to elaborate, it was just a great dream.
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Re: The dream thread

Post by Astraios »

I had one of those really detailed and long dreams last night, but I don't really remember all of it. The world was a bit like a modern version of the world in Pamela Freeman's Castings trilogy, where ghosts are real but generally can't do anything to humans or the living world around them.

The first thing I remember is being in an old friend's house at night, and she asked me to come and sit with her in her bedroom, because she was scared of something, so I went, and there was a ghost sitting on her bed looking sad. I waited until my friend fell asleep again, and then I spoke to the ghost, and he was very surprised I could see and hear him, because normally people can't. I hugged him for a bit, we had sex, and then he left at sunrise, because ghosts that're out in sunlight get really faint and weak.

I didn't know where he'd gone, but I went out of the house towards the graveyard, and looked about halfheartedly to see if I could find his grave. I didn't, but on the way around I heard some important-looking man in a suit talking into a walkietalkie about "the ghost facility" and "downstairs". That intrigued me, but it was already time to go to university, so I left the graveyard and went to classes.

After class, which I won't really describe because it was just a class, I was on my way back home, and I was passing the graveyard again. It was very nearly sunset, so I stuck around a bit to see if there were any ghosts. There weren't, but I saw a scruffy old man who I'd seen earlier in the graveyard, and he was watching a truck with an open back that was sitting and waiting for something just outside the graveyard. I watched too, and there were people in the back of the truck looking like soldiers but in civilian clothes.

The truck started moving and I ran after it, trying to jump into the back. I made it, and the other people inside just looked at me like I was stupid. It took me around the outside of the graveyard, in a circle, until we were going back towards the university, and then it went down underneath the gates into a very dark area, and stopped. I got out and looked around, and discovered that the entire basement of the uni had been converted into a collection area for children who could see ghosts - they were kidnapped and taken here to be educated, and then sold to wealthy people as bodyguards against ghost attacks.

It was pretty frightening, and I wandered about the facility for the whole night, going deeper and deeper and looking at everything. As I went deeper, the kidnappees got older - they were sent to a lower level the older they got. Eventually I turned around, but on my way back I saw my dead body lying on the floor, and realized I'd been assassinated by the leader of the facility, who thought I was a spy from the government. So now I was a ghost, except I discovered that I could still touch things and move things, instead of being all ethereal and not-there.

Then I was magically transported to the ghost king's palace, to be inspected. The palace was a two-dimensional purple splot in a dark blue landscape, and everyone inside it, including me, became a little black triangle, except the king himself, who was a big black square. I didn't like that I'd become 2D, so I jumped sideways and flew along the plane of the palace, until I came out into the blue landscape where I could move three-dimensionally again. But since I was still a triangle, and hadn't got my ghost body back yet, the 2D gravity pulled me back into the palace, and when I landed everybody looked at me like I was a wizard, because they couldn't imagine the existence of three dimensions.

Then I woke up.

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Re: The dream thread

Post by Aurora Rossa »

I have this recurring dream where I am back in college with my next class starting in a few minutes and I have no idea where to find it.
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Re: The dream thread

Post by WeepingElf »

Jabechasqvi wrote:I have this recurring dream where I am back in college with my next class starting in a few minutes and I have no idea where to find it.
I have exactly that dream often, too! Also, when I have found the class, I soon run out of note paper.
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