The dream thread

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Re: The dream thread

Post by Ghostfishe »

I had a dream I killed my best friend. :|

We were both maybe 11-12 years old, I think. For some reason we were arrested by the cops and put in "jail", but it was really just a bunch of convicts locked in outdoor petting zoo stalls, so the second the guards weren't watching we just climbed over the wooden fence and ran away. But my friend started acting crazy soon after that... blaming me for things that had nothing to do with me, and saying that I was leading the cops to us. I realized he was going to try to kill me, so I stole a hat and trench coat from this guy on the street (it was kind of like mugging, except he handed them over pretty willingly once I explained that a maniac was trying to kill me) and ran halfway across the country to try to get away from him. I didn't know why he had gotten homicidal when he didn't used to be, and I still didn't want to kill him. I was hoping if I dragged it out long enough he'd get tired and give up, or the police would finally catch him. But then this little boy decided to tag along with me, and I had to protect him too, and I ended up stabbing my best friend with the kitchen knife he'd been trying to kill me with.

Fortunately he was just someone invented for the dream, not a real friend of mine IRL.
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Re: The dream thread

Post by Gulliver »

I half-dreamt that my cat had started a small business and was explaining it to me in bed. He'd either started investing in property or had just bought a shop, I can't really remember. But he came and started doing that "you need to wake up and get my breakfast" kneading thing on my pillow, with a kind of telepathic discussion of how he was now self-employed as well.

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Re: The dream thread

Post by Pogostick Man »

I've had several weird dreams lately. Here's last night's.

So I had to go to some Wal-Mart somewhere to get something, so I got in a car. The car was, I guess, kind of like a late-80s Buick-model or something, with the exception that the entire top had been sheared off. It wasn't that way by default—it was as if something had torn the top of the car off and I was left with a more-or-less rectangular half-a-car. So I attempt to drive this thing to the Wal-Mart but when I get to the parking lot it starts exhibiting steering issues. It's like, I'm drifting massively and I'm just totally failing at the corners, taking them flabbergastingly widely and ending up running over some of the parking spaces. I make several passes around the parking lot because I'm unable to maneuver correctly to get into a space when eventually the cops who were in front of the store get really mad; on one pass I can hear one of them, a rather portly one who may have had a mustache and bomber glasses, radioing to have me evicted from the premises. So I attempt to drive off, but the layout of these Wal-Mart premises is extremely weird and I have to get on some road adjacent to the main part of the parking lot and then make some more turns before I can actually get out of there. I end up meeting up with this cop farther on down this road and as we're driving we have a short conversation wherein I acknowledge the steering problems my car is having and tell him that I know they want me off the grounds, so I'm going. And then I left.
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Re: The dream thread

Post by Izambri »

Thry wrote:What positions?!
Si he de ser-te sincer, I don't remember.
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Re: The dream thread

Post by Thry »

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Re: The dream thread

Post by Radius Solis »

So I had a dream about Kereb last night. One of those interesting dreams that have a long-lasting and semicoherent plot - and those are rare enough to be notable for that alone.

The world was much more of a police state than the real one is, and also it had edges it was not possible to go beyond, like a map in a video game. We were out on a highway, on foot I guess, with buildings behind us and open fields ahead. He wanted to go off and find somewhere secluded so he could safely smoke pot, and I was going to go with him and finally try it myself so I could be like the cool people too. (Oh god.) He was very much one of the cool people and I was very much not, being rather one of those awkward kids who never have friends. (Oh god.) but for some reason I guess we were friends anyway. He was like my protector or something. (Oh god. I'm in middle school again, aren't I.)

So anyway, next comes this stealth sequence where we sneak around behind trees and bushes to get to the edge of the map unseen, as there are fountains there. We make it there and hop around over the fountains, which were lots of pools meant to flow into each other, much like terraced hot springs but they were shut off for the winter so we didn't get wet. And sure enough, behind them was a good spot you couldn't see from anywhere else. Right between the fountains and the edge of the map.

So he was all smoking and stuff, and I was going to too, but then this old lady shows up and starts scolding us. Apparently she has called the police... I'm certain she did not witness anything but am very aware that she can probably smell it. She's got us trapped in the little space, we can't get by her. Finally the police come, and by that time there's no remaining evidence, so there's not much they can do, and they're trying to decide whether there's enough excuse to arrest Kereb anyway because they know he's a lawbreaker and want to get him.

So at that point I make a break for it and run, and they have to chase me down. I'm not clear on what happened next, I think the dream just skipped forward to where I've been let go because I hadn't done anything. So I make my way back to my apartment building / hotel, which has also become a hospital while I was gone and there were patients and nurses all over the place and stuff, so it went on from there on a different vein for a while.

But then at the end the original plot comes back and I make my way to the lounge room, where I find Kereb drinking with his cool-people buddies, looking high as hell. So I'd succeeded in drawing off the police and letting him escape! Yay! He looks at me and nods a "thank you", and I feel all warm and fuzzy for having saved my friend and gotten his approval.

And then I wake up and I'm like: what in the holy fuck was that.

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Re: The dream thread

Post by Drydic »


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Re: The dream thread

Post by bulbaquil »

I dreamed I was updating, as a job, a database of people's progress in Pikmin Let's Plays, while watching a weird trivia game on which most of the questions were questions about previous iterations of the trivia game.

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Re: The dream thread

Post by Soap »

Somehow I came into possession of a very old computer that was made in 1994 or so while I was with a friend at work. It seemed to have been intended for schools since it had educational software on it and came with a textbook that was meant to be used with the software. Not much interesting material was there even though we looked through it for awhile but what surprised me was that Barack Obama was mentioned by name as a future "leader" of the USA (not necessarily president) in a fictional scenario within one of the games that was mentioned in the textbook.

Also iPhones were on sale for $25 for the iPhone 5 so I bought one for my mother, figuring that if she didnt want it we could always just switch back to her old phone and keep the iPhone as a spare. I had wanted a white phone but they were selling so fast that only black phones were available by the time I got the counter.
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Re: The dream thread

Post by Soap »

A 3 year old girl was spraying water at some snakes and said "silly sissy snake spray" ior something similar with a lot S's. Then she turned the hose on herself. ALmost immediately she started bleesding blue blood from the front of her nose. A few seconds later she was out cold and someone (a clown?) went and picked her up as if she was still just playing. But her father realized she was really dead and he became very upset. The girl's name was Sarah. The story was on the news and it was reveled her death was nothing do with the snakes or her phrase with all the S's, but was actually a microorganism that wasi n the water that is so sharp it actually cut herblood vessels. The microorangism is so dangerous that a fish will eat it, and a human that eats that fish will then bleed to death because the sharp tip of the microogranism can even survive cooking.


Hyrule is another planet, Zelda and some other princess (Rosie?) are being held captive on a spaceship. There's also a male about 20 years old who isn't Link and isn't me, but seems to be from Earth and fairly confident that the princesses can leave the ship and be safe if they can just wait for the ship to land on Earth. The princesses are left alone for several days, unguarded euthger by Ganon or his henchmen, but the princesses believe they cannot leave or they will be killed. Meanwhile the rest of the ship seems to be little more than a party held by various beings from across the universe, at which humans are welcome but there are not many of them. There seem to have been other prisoners in the past, og which Zelda and Rosie are just the latest bunch. These other prisoners are surprised the Rosie & Zelda havent eaten in over 3 days. Eventually the ship lands on Earth because apparently Ganon is a chef and is searching for food from the east coast of New Jersey. The unnamed male played around with Ganon's computers a bit, and told the princesses once again they were in the clear, but they refused to believe him and only got even more depressed. Some other things happened but I was half-awake by this poijnt so I dont remember it well. I remember being outside the ship, on Earth, but I dont remember if the others followed me out. All I remember is I was thinking about "left side factorials" and what would happen if they were comvined with regular ones to make !1!, !2!, etc.
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Re: The dream thread

Post by Hallow XIII »

I dreamt I was dating a woman whom I had previously dreamt about dating and I was having a huge déja-vu.
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Re: The dream thread

Post by Ghostfishe »

I dreamed... erm, well. I don't know what the rest of the dream was, I only really remember one scene. I was hanging around with this vampire named Jack, and razzing him about stuff. I told him hey I know you're a vampire, and a pretty old one too. He looked sort of impressed, and asked how I had deduced that. And I told him, "because you have long bushy armpit hair like an old man!"

Maybe it's for the best that I don't remember the rest of the dream.
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Re: The dream thread

Post by bulbaquil »

I had a rather awesome and yet annoying dream because I should have gone lucid at a certain point and yet didn't.

I (my dream self) was sleeping in my bed when I heard some rustling going on and found someone who was supposed to be my coworker rummaging through my backpack apparently trying to steal my stuff, but not doing a good job of actually taking anything. Instead, when I got up I found my apartment had a ton of boxes, some obscuring the door and in general looking rather like the stockroom of a bookstore, or move-in day at college.

While I do have boxes in my apartment, I don't have anywhere near as many, nor in those places, and neither did it help when the door to my apartment opened to what appeared to be an elevated semi-dieselpunk industrial park, which I know it didn't really do. I actually said to myself "I must be dreaming" and tried to will the "thief" out of existence, but it didn't work... possibly because I was dreaming within a dream.

So I "wake up" to discover that I appear to be sleeping under a quilt that is also a very well-done map of an epic-sized conworld along the lines of Faerûn, with, for some reason, the con-continent I am working on sitting on the west coast of the pangaea-like supercontinent, about one-third of the way from the northern coast of the supercontinent (comparatively, approximately where British Columbia is on a map of North America). My con-continent is a continent in its own right (albeit a small one, maybe half to 2/3 the size of Australia), so couldn't actually be shoehorned into a supercontinent, but in the dream it was.

Then my grandfather opened up the window from the outside, because apparently I was in the study of my grandparents' old house, and informed me he needed to show me how to wash the quilt (apparently there was a special way of doing so). I went out the window. The ground was damp, so I took precautions to avoid letting the quilt touch the ground.

After teleporting through the house, I found myself in front of a computer screen with the quilt for sale on the Internet. The maker of the quilt had displayed the map online with a note that this wouldn't affect the copyright I had in my conworld because of "baritic license" or something like that.

Then a loud clap of real-world thunder sounded and I woke up.

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Re: The dream thread

Post by Soap »

sorry for typos, im used to having 300mg of caffeine each morning and right now Ive only had like 40.


got off the turnpike at wxit 48 .... thde futherst north ive been in my adult life. it surprisingly had people I knew from home walking around and was in NH instead of Maine. There wasnt much to do there, there was a Chnese restaurant Id been to before andddint like, and there was a stirip club (two in fact) that wasnt open yet. The strip club had a mundane name that starts with P I dont remember but on the side wall there were other names. They were going to be open at 7pm beignning in two weeks. On the side there was a list of names beginning with mine but it was spelled wrong.

Speaking of copyrights, in this same dream I remember someone, I htink Mecislau, had had his copyright on his conlang rejected by a British publishing house because they looked at it and decided it was based on an exiting language. This made me think that perhaps I weoukld be able to succeed.


Now that I think of it, Im pretty sure I dreamt of having a large cup of coffee somewhere. Either within this dream or another ione. My body knows something's wrong.
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Re: The dream thread

Post by Viktor77 »

I was with my mother and we were at an auction where men and women, my mother included, were bidding on 80s glamrock star Toni Malone's underwear (he was a male, so why Toni, I don't know). It appeared to be at a Malone fan party, and my mother asked if I wanted a pair of the underwear. I claimed I'd never heard of the guy, to my embarrassment there.

Apparently my partner dreamt of eating frogs until one was too chewy.

Which is weirder? I do not know.
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Re: The dream thread

Post by Torco »

I dreamt i bought a uranium ore mine which turned out to be pretty crappy.

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Re: The dream thread

Post by Kereb »

I just saw Radius's post O_o
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Re: The dream thread

Post by ol bofosh »

Viktor77 wrote:I was with my mother and we were at an auction where men and women, my mother included, were bidding on 80s glamrock star Toni Malone's underwear (he was a male, so why Toni, I don't know). It appeared to be at a Malone fan party, and my mother asked if I wanted a pair of the underwear. I claimed I'd never heard of the guy, to my embarrassment there.

Apparently my partner dreamt of eating frogs until one was too chewy.

Which is weirder? I do not know.
Depends on which one Freud would take particular interest in. :mrgreen:
Frogs: obviously kinky and oedipal. :wink:
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Re: The dream thread

Post by Astraios »

I was with my sister and two friends of mine who're brothers, taking her to her new school which is the high school the friends went to. The school was in an old church which looks mediocre-sized from outside, but as we went in you saw how it was actually huge because it folds in around itself and has extensions you can't see from the entrance. This much is true in real life.

The head of this school was a demon. This, as far as I'm aware, is not true in real life. She was ten feet tall, and her disguise as a human secretary woman was rather flimsy and you could see smoke red from glowing flames billowing through the edges. I never saw her face, because she forbade students to look directly at her. The school was a boarding school, so my sister had all kinds of stuff with her, which my friends and me were helping to bring. They led the way to the dorms, and got her the best bed by the window before all the other new students thought to claim a bed. Then the dream merged with another I've had the first part of once before:

The school was actually a prison/corrective facility/concentration camp, and it had something to do with race/ethnicity, or being human but not being subject to the demon. And I'd been tricked into walking right in. My sister and friends disappeared, and the churchy building of the school with its dorm beds disappeared, and turned into a Star Trek-looking oval room with doors leading off the sides to cells. The ceiling was made of some kind of cardboard/bubblewrap mixture, and there was a desk with a bored clerk waiting to check me in to my cell. Behind him was the exit, guards in black on each side of the swishing-down airtight door.

I was checked in automatically, apparently because I was just so damn criminal that I didn't warrant a check-over. So then I was free to wander around my level of the facility, as long as I didn't try to escape. Naturally, I tried. I went out in a 'garden', which still looked like the outside of the old church building, and found a friend of mine from Jerusalem. She decided to escape with me, and she, luckily, had the Witch's broom from Wicked, which though burnt up and sorry-looking, still flew. So remembering from the last time I dreamt this, I knew that just walking through the exit would set off alarms, but they didn't expect anyone to try going over the walls because they were so high.

Then the location kept blurring between the oval room and a swimming pool, where I tried to see if any hot guys were naked, at the same time as waiting for the clerk at the desk's back to be turned. No one was naked, so I got on the broom, my friend (who had turned into a different friend by now) got on, and she kicked off. We flew up over the wall into the night sky, and the whole of Oz was there below us, except it looked in a very sorry state, being mostly covered in prison facilities and crumbling ruins of cities that the demon had destroyed.

Neither of us was very good at flying the broom, because neither of us had ever practiced, but she was better than me. Even so, we couldn't manage to keep the broom up for very long, and it landed in the swimming pool. No one was naked again, so we kicked off again and made our way in giant broom-assisted leaps to another wall, which was (what we thought was) the outer wall of the prison. We landed in another oval room, but in one of the narrow corners, and the clerk and the guards didn't see us.

It had been pretty difficult to fly the burnt twig of a broom with both of us on it at once, so we decided to split up - one of us would fly to the next point and the other would run. I flew first, and jumped away from the gate of the second oval room, and flew across what looked like a refuse dump to the next point. Then apparently I had run first rather than flown, and I was running towards the meeting point, through a high-rise area of Tel Aviv, which became a bombed-out and left-to-nature Paris. I was apparently pretty awesome at parkour, since instead of running through the streets I was leaping from rooftop to rooftop.

I lost my bearings slightly because of not running at street-level, and realized I was headed for an open area where the demon's patrols would see me. So I stopped, zoomed out of the map to approximately cloud-level, and realized I'd gone too far and missed the meeting point. I climbed to the top of the building I was in, which was high enough to see the whole map, and flying-squirrel-style glided down to the gate I was supposed to meet my friend at.

I landed in the swimming pool again, but this time my sister and the friends who'd helped her move in were there too, and they ran over to say hi. As they came over the room turned into a third oval room, this time empty, but the oval room changed into a refuse dump and we could see the demon's guards arriving over a hill of rubbish. The friend with the broom was there too, so we tried to all grab on and jump together over the next wall. It didn't work, and as we fell back down they turned into small plushie animals. I grabbed them one by one and jumped up as hard as I could, and suddenly I knew how to fly the broom. We went straight up very fast and landed in a fourth oval room through a hole in the floor.

The clerk was too surprised to do anything, so we jumped up ti the cardboard/bubblewrap ceiling and kicked and struggled and gnawed our way through. Then we were free, and there was fresh cool air and sunlight, and it was Alexandria 2000 years ago. I realized I'd left behind my first friend (who had turned into the other friend), so I went up to a minibus and asked the passengers if they'd seen her. They said 'no' confusedly, and then since they were all eight-year-old girls and the cookie monster was looking at me suspiciously, I pushed them down the hole in the street we'd made by crawling out of the ceiling.

Then the swimming pool came back and some guys were naked, but I had to go with my friends and find the one who'd got separated, so nothing happened and it disappeared again.

Then I woke up.

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Re: The dream thread

Post by Soap »

I dreamt I was at Walmart trying to put together a snack of celery. carrots, strawberry yogurt, and orange juice. The carrots and celery were together in a water-filled package but the yogurt didnt come in a convenient size and was hard to find, whereas most of the orange juice cartons that were the size I wanted had been drunk from already and were warm. Nevertheless I got what I wanted only to get out and find that my dad had needed my car for the next day to get it repaired and so I was going to need him to drive me to and from work until then.

I might be craving those foods, since I havent had much for salads in a month or so, nor orange juice or yogurt.

Astraios: seriously your dreams are still as awesome as ever
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Re: The dream thread

Post by Ghostfishe »

Eww, half-drunk orange juice. That sounds like something I would dream about (or find at Wal-mart for real).

I had a dream I was stuck in this house on an island with my mother. We'd gone there to visit the nearby lighthouse that was featured in this Youtube video series. It was some sort of horror series similar to Tribe Twelve. Not Slenderman-related, but similar. Basically this guy was being stalked by something (looked like Sauron in The Hobbit) and kept receiving mind-altering postcards from it. "Mind altering" as in, there are subliminal messages in the images/postage/text that make you delusional if you see or read them.

Now the problem... while we're happily visiting there with plans to stay in a nearby hotel, it turns out the main part of the town is full of scary cultish people, so we escape, leaving all our stuff behind, and hide out in the lighthouse which is on this little clump of rock only accessible during very low tides. Nobody can get in or out, but somebody is supposed to come pick us up in a week or two, so we're just trying to bide our time until they get there. Except then we start seeing this figure from the videos stalking us, and start receiving mind-altering postcards addressed to us. Cue total panic, blackouts, conversations with people that don't exist (and/or inanimate objects), temporary brainwashing and possibly the occasional possession.

I'm going to be paranoid about checking the mail for weeks now.
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Re: The dream thread

Post by Viktor77 »

James Franco and Heidi Klum were married, and they watched my dog when I was away. That is all you need to know to tell I'm crazy.

And if James Franco and Heidi Klum ever marry I am saying right now that I called it!
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Re: The dream thread

Post by Risla »

I saw a close-up of Frida Kahlo against a purple background decorated with thick green bolts of lightning, and a booming voiceover said "FRIDA KAHLO IS YOUR RELATIVE."

The image then changed to Frida Kahlo posing dramatically over the laps of what can only be described as Oompa Loompas, in a giant cardboard box that had elaborately draped windows for some reason. The voiceover returned: this time it said "FRIDA KAHLO IN A BOX."

It was a short dream.

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Re: The dream thread

Post by Viktor77 »

Risla wrote:I saw a close-up of Frida Kahlo against a purple background decorated with thick green bolts of lightning, and a booming voiceover said "FRIDA KAHLO IS YOUR RELATIVE."

The image then changed to Frida Kahlo posing dramatically over the laps of what can only be described as Oompa Loompas, in a giant cardboard box that had elaborately draped windows for some reason. The voiceover returned: this time it said "FRIDA KAHLO IN A BOX."

It was a short dream.
I wonder if famous people ever think (or thought) about how much people they don't know dream about them completely unintentionally.
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Re: The dream thread

Post by Astraios »

Soap wrote:Astraios: seriously your dreams are still as awesome as ever
I'm glad, it shows my brain still works. I've been trying to work the really detailed Vikingfairy dream from page 4(6?) into a novel lately, but it's hard and frazzling, so sometimes I'm not sure.

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