The dream thread

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Re: The dream thread

Post by Ashroot »

OK, so I have these little stone sea turtle carvings. The dream is that the turtles came to life, I blink and the whole room is filled with them. They start to leave my room. They climb this large entertainment cabinet to the top. Then they jumped off and flew, it was quite magical.

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Re: The dream thread

Post by Astraios »

I had to walk home from North Korea, except North Korea was in the Democratic Republic of Congo. It was a long walk, especially since I had to carry my boyfriend, because he was too scared.

We stopped in a house for the night, with some other people, and then my boyfriend disappeared, and some soldiers came in. We started fighting them, and I was now a ninja, but I wasn't doing my best because I was looking for my boyfriend. Eventually everyone else ran out, but I just went to the cupboard for some food. There were loads of horrible insects in the cupboard, and eventually I got so stung and bitten that I had to wake up.

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Re: The dream thread

Post by Shm Jay »

I dreamt of eating Kentucky Fried Chicken.

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Re: The dream thread

Post by Soap »

I dreamed that Dunkin' Donuts had switched to an "all you can eat" buffet system, where everyone paid when they came in and could eat anything they wanted after that. They figured it was profitable because most people just come in to get breakfast, and not many people would want to eat 20 donuts or anything. But it did encourage people like me to stay there longer than usual, slowly sipping coffee, waiting to get hungry again.
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Re: The dream thread

Post by Travis B. »

linguoboy wrote:Crazy dream inspired by watching Der Baader-Meinhof Komplex too close to bedtime. At one point, I was moving into a commune with about ten other German anarchists. (I think we had bought the building rather than simply occupying it--albeit from genuine squatters--so like many of the RAF we were slumming bourgeois rather than socialist proles. I also think the building may have been in a northern suburb of Istanbul, which is a consequence of reading Pamuk's non-fiction book about the city.) At one point, the others were away while we had a couple of guys in to do some work on some of the apartments. (Very Trostkyite of us, I know.) My brother and I were listening to their conversation about our group from the floor below, which is how I got some of this background.

Later, after the others had returned, I was tearing up a small metal fitting with my bare hands and eating it piece by piece to make some point about anarchism that I can't even remember any more. (I had a moment's concern about what a heavy bolt would do to my system as it passed through, but then I recalled that I'd done this before with no ill effects.) I dropped a bolt on the floor and, in the process of looking for it, began to tidy up. For some reason, this enraged one of the other communards until finally he leapt up and beat the shit out of me. Lying on the floor, immobile with pain, I began to curse him and the others, screaming in strained, deliberate German:



[*] This wasn't exactly the word I wanted here, which was gewissenlos "conscienceless".
[**] Normally I would say "gestanden seid" and "geprügelt hat". But I remember thinking that we must be Berliners, and as one myself I wouldn't have these Southernisms in my speech.
I do not read the dream thread all too often, hence my responding only now, but all I can say here is:

Best dream ever.

(Especially the "Southernisms" part. :D)
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Re: The dream thread

Post by Shm Jay »

I dreamt I was supposed to be in a drama class my mother was directing or teaching and we were doing a very short Korean play in Korean. I only had eight lines to deliver, but the book had them all in Korean and did not give a good way of pronouncing them precisely, or at least the IPA was composed of the strangest characters I had ever seen. I got frustrated and quarrelled with my mother.

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Re: The dream thread

Post by dunomapuka »

Zompist had posted some updates to the Old Skourene lexicon, including an independent lexical item meaning "rotten onions."

Anybody want to borrow that for a conlang?

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Re: The dream thread

Post by Soap »

Poswa has a morphological process that turns food and drink names into "spoiled, fermented, aged" etc depending on what it is.

Last night I dreamt a girl (or more likely, a man using a female pseudonym) whom I was in a conflcit with on Wikipedia was trying to hack open my computer, and even though my antivirus software had expired it was still warning me what was happeneing. So I turned off the computer and restarted it and she was there talking to me through a normal Instant Messanging client.
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Re: The dream thread

Post by Risla »

I was outside, naked, in a bathtub on wheels, taking a shower and shoveling the driveway at the same time as snow fell around me.

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Sal thinks this is offensive.

Post by TomHChappell »

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Re: The dream thread

Post by Astraios »

TomHChappell wrote:
Risla wrote:I was outside, naked, in a bathtub on wheels, taking a shower and shoveling the driveway at the same time as snow fell around me.
That's a dream? Given the weather we've had around here lately I'd think maybe that was a memory.
It could be a memory, except I think you'd be hard-pressed to find anyone who can take a shower in a bathtub on wheels at the same time as shovelling snow.

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Sal thinks this is offensive.

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Re: The dream thread

Post by joey »

Once had a dream in which the word "option" was to be exiled from the English lexicon... or maybe "micro-" or something of the sort. Either way, it made me somewhat indignant.


Different dream:

I, my nuclear family, and this one other couple, are roaming this grass maze—like a hedge maze, except instead of topiary hedges it's this long swamp grass stuff—there's a thin sheet of mist on the ground and searchlights can be seen in the distance. We're armed with flashlights and are hunting this weird skunk-weasel creature, which is trying to evade us. At one point, we see its long tail bobbing up and down behind the grass as it trots along.

The scene changes and I'm standing in the middle of a very big circular clearing in the jungle. Twilight, bugs/birds can be heard, cool ambient lighting. Then I hear Indian war cries, and from the mouth of a path protruding from the glade comes a jungle-elf war party with red face paint, feathers in blonde hair, tektek proportions. I'm hoisted on top of the crowd, which runs back the way it came, carrying me down the path and into a similar clearing, which seems to be the elves' base of operations. Some kind of victory feast is in preparation, and there are bonfires and bubbling cooking pots and stuff.

But all of a sudden I notice wandering about a Korean classmate of mine, Hangil, who has an abnormally spherical head. A short ways away, the aforementioned skunk-weasel creature is waddling around, but neither notices the other.

Then, Hangil sees the skunk-weasel, and mischievously performs a sort of skipping kick maneuver aimed at the creature's behind, which sends it flying. Enraged, the skunk-weasel thing charges toward Hangil and bite him in the groin. I cringe in sympathetic pain, but am soon relieved to discover that the beast was not, in fact, biting on Hangil's crotch, but rather Hangil was biting its. The beast, now severely weakened, shuffles off into the jungle.
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Re: The dream thread

Post by Lyhoko Leaci »

I had a dream where I was watching a snowstorm make its way across western Ohio, on a weather map. It was headed northeast, and was shaped in just the right way that it kept hitting the same part of the state.

Then I was on this wooden plank hovercraft thing, and it was warm out, and I was apparently propelling it with telekinesis. I rode around over a grassy meadow, then I went out onto a lake. It seemed to have better maneuverability on the lake, and I was flying it all around, kicking up spray behind me, but I never got wet, even though I was trying to. I seem to remember hitting a tree at some point, but I'm not sure.
Zain pazitovcor, sio? Sio, tovcor.
You can't read that, right? Yes, it says that.
Shinali Sishi wrote:"Have I spoken unclearly? I meant electric catfish not electric onions."

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Re: The dream thread

Post by Astraios »

Lyhoko Leaci wrote:I never got wet, even though I was trying to
I've never managed to get wet in dreams, even when I've been underwater.

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Re: The dream thread

Post by bulbaquil »

Astraios wrote:
Lyhoko Leaci wrote:I never got wet, even though I was trying to
I've never managed to get wet in dreams, even when I've been underwater.
Me either.

Come to think of it, I'm not sure I actually have the sensation of touch at all during dreams. I can't recall feeling wet, hot, cold, or anything during any....

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Re: The dream thread

Post by Jetboy »

I came home and went in to see my dad. I said "¡Hola!", he responded with "Hi," and I said "χαῖρε καὶ σύ" to mess with him. I managed some Ancient Greek in a dream, which is good progress. I remember that I totally messed up the rest, though, some of it consciously– for example, he complimented me on the Greek (which he doesn't speak), and I tried to say "thank you". However, I used "φερεῖν" instead of "ἔχων", which I realized upon waking was incorrect (even the accenting), and in the dream I couldn't remember the second word of the phrase, so I bluffed and just said "ἶδον", the first word that came to my mind.
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Re: The dream thread

Post by Ashroot »

I remember a dream from when I was five and it was about dinosaurs. I wasn't a fan of dinosaurs so I was a little confused. Any way I remember there being an endless halway were you walk in from the world of monsters, like a bunker. When I walked in it echoed and the door was one of those that you find in schools. People started to look out of doors in the hall way. They looked dirty and hungry. Though some looked healthy and clean. I started to walk down the hall with all their eyes looking at me. Then doctors dressed in white came down the hall in thousands all passing me and tending to the other people. when I came to a door ,not at the end, I opened it and it showed a mistakenly tidy appartment. I walked around and saw a large window with thick glass near the back of the living room. I went to a closet and grabbed a backpack. I then walked into the hall and down to the door. This time the hall was packed full of people in rags. I was modestly dressed, like a standard five year old. I exited the door and walked into a hot, steamy forest. I had a jet pack on and started to fly. Slowly like in James Bond but for a longer period of time. Large dinosaur birds were flying and then I came to a paved road. The road went east to west. The sky was gray. But some how it was also sunny.

In summery for this dream the special effects were great along with the food but the plot was nonexistant and there were no characters.

Oh and I have no clue what it means.

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Re: The dream thread

Post by Viktor77 »

I had a dream that someone discovered that there was a family living in an obscure part of my basement (like behind a secret door) and no one ever knew it! The mom and dad were very abusive and the six kids lived in isolation. When they finally came out from hiding in my basement, they were mentally delayed and socially awkward. They of course knew my whole family and life as they lived in my basement.

It was a truly bizarre dream.
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Re: The dream thread

Post by Shm Jay »

Maybe it’s a symbol of Eddy vis-a-vis the board.

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Re: The dream thread

Post by Shm Jay »

I dreamt of some sort of theme/advertising song about Gadis, [gV"di] which was an el (elevated subway line) built by Napoleon for the people of New York. It went, "Sai--iling along on a bright blu--ue so--ong; oooom, I love Gadis..." Imagine a flute tootling.

If you want the tune, it was the theme song to "Dad's Army" except the first note was much higher.

I also dreamt of presenting the two volumes of Isaac Asimov's autobiography to some alien being that was going to compose a song cycle about his life and needed a source to read it first and complaining that he died in 1992 at age 72, so the third part of his autobiography had never been written, and it should arrange things so that he lived as long as Robert Heinlein or Arthur C. Clarke, because it wasn’t fair.

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Re: The dream thread

Post by dunomapuka »

I was sent to the top of a high mountain to meet a famous writer. Somehow I ended up re-volunteering to work at a college, at a writers' program I worked at over the summer. Then I seemed to be a witness in the trial of a crazy woman, though perhaps it was not a real trial but more like a dinner-theater performance of a Law & Order episode. When it was done, I said, "I like it when the defendant turns out to be completely insane." Meanwhile I was trying to get rid of an umbrella by stashing it in the coat check but the woman there was giving me a hard time about it.

I was reunited with the friends I had made at the writers program. I found one of them hiding under a desk in my dorm room. There was a cup of iced tea on the desk. I took a sip and then spat it out. It tasted terrible because I had left it there since my stay during the summer. Then I wandered down to the lobby where I found a friend from home, who had just gotten a large tattoo of some kind of medieval coat-of-arms on his chest. Another couple guys arrived in their car, one of them saying he was eating lots of honey to soothe a sore throat.
Shm Jay wrote:I dreamt of some sort of theme/advertising song about Gadis, [gV"di] which was an el (elevated subway line) built by Napoleon for the people of New York. It went, "Sai--iling along on a bright blu--ue so--ong; oooom, I love Gadis..." Imagine a flute tootling.
I like this!

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Re: The dream thread

Post by Astraios »

Mmm, sex dream.

...Inside a fantasy computer game. :?

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Re: The dream thread

Post by dunomapuka »

An elderly man who lived across the street had discovered a new variety of cabbage in his backyard years ago, but had never bothered to designate it with an official name. The naming-deadline was approaching, and I learned that by default it would be named after him, and the royalties would go to his sons. So I decided to go across the street and name the cabbage myself, so I could make some money off it. One of the man's sons greeted me and we waited in his living room while the man was in the bathroom, where he was taking a really long and laborious shit. He kept poking his head out of the bathroom door, saying, "This isn't over yet!"

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Re: The dream thread

Post by Shm Jay »

dunomapuka wrote:, where he was taking a really long and laborious shit.
I think your subconscious is warning you to eat more Bran Flakes. :mrgreen:

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