The dream thread

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Re: The dream thread

Post by finlay »

Simmalti wrote: Also, question. Has anyone ever had a lucid dream?
Absolutely no idea; couldn't tell if I was "in control" or not, because it's all fake anyway. I've realised that I'm in a dream before though, and I always think i'm in control, whether that makes a difference or not i'm not sure.

I really hate dreaming, though. I wish I could do without, frankly.

I hate sex dreams most of all because I wake up, realise it wasn't real, and then feel depressed for the rest of the day because I've not been getting any.

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Re: The dream thread

Post by Simmalti »

finlay wrote: I really hate dreaming, though. I wish I could do without, frankly.
Really? I actually love to dream.
finlay wrote:I hate sex dreams most of all because I wake up, realise it wasn't real, and then feel depressed for the rest of the day because I've not been getting any.
I've not been getting any either lately, but I still love sex dreams :mrgreen:
(I get depressed too afterwards, though)

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Re: The dream thread

Post by Lyhoko Leaci »

Simmalti wrote:
Lyhoko Leaci wrote:I dreamed I was having a Pokemon battle
You know you're obsessed when...
(:P welcome to the club!)
That reminds me, I haven't played in a while due to a paper I had to write...
Simmalti wrote:Also, question. Has anyone ever had a lucid dream?
Lyhoko Leaci wrote:One dream that I had a while back but never posted for some reason was that I was a vampire type thing, and I was in an outside area with a bunch of shipping crates and boxes, and some people were after me. After hiding from then for a little while behind the boxes and stuff, I remembered I could fly, and took off towards a house on a hill some ways away from the cargo area. I couldn't fly very well though, and it ended up seeming a bit like a roller coaster ride with all sorts of hills and dips, though no curves. I managed to land without crashing into something, and entered the house, and I found someone sleeping on the second floor. I sucked the life force out of them sort of like how the Wraith in Stargate do, then stood around wondering what to do next. The person suddenly sat up in his bed, and I told him that he was dead, so he collapsed back down. The I looked though his closet, which was a complete mess, and I woke up.
I remember that dream being at least partially lucid near the end, probably around the time I told that guy was supposed to be dead; I got too excited looking for something in his closet which caused me to wake up.
Astraios wrote:Do you ever have a dream more than once? I've had lots of those, and they generally turn semi-lucid once I know I've been in this dream before.
I somehow ended up having a nightmare that was basically the same as Harry Potter's about reliving his parents death a year and a half or so ago, which showed up a couple times in one night. It didn't turn out lucid in any way, but stopped after I asked Lily if she like gagh... ?
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Re: The dream thread

Post by Travis B. »

Multiple, recursive false awakenings.
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Re: The dream thread

Post by Shrdlu »

I have this dream where I am with a gang chasing zombies and shooting them and a zombie bites a girl who I then realize is the one I love and then suddenly she isn't. :? Then I woke up. Funny is that I remember the zombie, before biting the girl, talking to an other zombie saying
"Hä wa som hä wa borte hajna"
which translate to:
"It was as it always was with him"

I should stop playing House of the Dead.
If I stop posting out of the blue it probably is because my computer and the board won't cooperate and let me log in.!

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Re: The dream thread

Post by Torco »

I almost never have sex dreams... the only one I remember was one where I was having sex with the chick I cheated on me girlfriend with. My relationship with her was pretty bad, so I missed the 'mistress' quite a bit.

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Re: The dream thread

Post by bulbaquil »

Last night was particularly peculiar and fitful, sleep-wise, for me.

I clearly went to sleep at some point, because it was 4 1/2 hours from the time I went to bed and the (first) time I got out of bed, and it didn't feel at all like 4 1/2 hours. But it seemed like half the time I was sort of in a semi-repose where I was in some sort of fitful quasi-sleep paralysis and my brain tried feverishly to relate literally everything on earth and particularly in my bedroom to those ridiculous 2012/New World Order-type conspiracy theories that commenters on certain blogs seem obsessed with.

It was really rather annoying.

I'm wondering if this was some sort of delirium.

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Re: The dream thread

Post by Astraios »

I just dreamed something about putting on a play about crustaceans. I went into a corner shop to buy lunch, and there was a famous person in there, looking at a naked picture of himself in a magazine. Then he walked out, and winked at me on the way past, which was mildly exciting. I bought my lunch quickly, and ran out after him, but he'd disappeared already. I bumped into a friend (who doesn't exist IRL, it was a dream-friend), knocking us both over onto the pavement. We made out on the pavement for a while, until another friend saw us. He told us to get up, because "they" needed to take a picture of the entire cast of the play for a newspaper. We ran back to the rehearsal room, had the photo taken, and then were told we could go home. I went with those two friends to another friend's house, where we all got drunk and had a massive sexparty with four other friends.

It was fun.

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Re: The dream thread

Post by Simmalti »

Astraios wrote:I just dreamed something about putting on a play about crustaceans. I went into a corner shop to buy lunch, and there was a famous person in there, looking at a naked picture of himself in a magazine. Then he walked out, and winked at me on the way past, which was mildly exciting. I bought my lunch quickly, and ran out after him, but he'd disappeared already. I bumped into a friend (who doesn't exist IRL, it was a dream-friend), knocking us both over onto the pavement. We made out on the pavement for a while, until another friend saw us. He told us to get up, because "they" needed to take a picture of the entire cast of the play for a newspaper. We ran back to the rehearsal room, had the photo taken, and then were told we could go home. I went with those two friends to another friend's house, where we all got drunk and had a massive sexparty with four other friends.

It was fun.
You're even pervier in your dreams! Do you ever have a non-sex dream? :P

Also, is it "dreamed" or "dreamt"?

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Re: The dream thread

Post by Astraios »

Simmalti wrote:You're even pervier in your dreams! Do you ever have a non-sex dream? :P
Of course I'm pervier there, I can do whatever I want without being slapped/yelled at/arrested. ;) And yes occasionally, I do have non-sex dreams. But not that often. xD

Simmalti wrote:Also, is it "dreamed" or "dreamt"?
It's either. I know I use both in free variation.

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Re: The dream thread

Post by finlay »

possibly varies by which country you're from.

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Re: The dream thread

Post by Viktor77 »

I wake-up, turn on the TV, fall back asleep and then dream about what they're talking about on TV. This morning I dreamed about various wedding dresses and Kate Middleton wearing a tiara and other topics they must've been discussing on TV at the time. This is an almost daily thing for me.
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Re: The dream thread

Post by Aurora Rossa »

I had a dream last night in which I was attending a class on astronomy for some reason and after class was over I went up to the professor's desk to get a paper she had graded. One of the students there complained that I looked like white trash.
"There was a particular car I soon came to think of as distinctly St. Louis-ish: a gigantic white S.U.V. with a W. bumper sticker on it for George W. Bush."

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Re: The dream thread

Post by Soap »

I was shopping at the local supermarket and the cashier over charged me by 20c for some item. But we got into a big argument because he wouldnt admit it, and he ended up walking off and the manager rang me through. Then I spent an hour looking at all the exotic foods they had, focusing especially on some Thai thing that they had dozens of varieties of, consisting of celery cooked in a spicy sauce (containing horseradish) and stored in a plastic container as though it were soup. It was apparently protected with some kind of preservative so that it could be stored on shelves for long periods of time. Even so, they were all expired.

This was based on a real experience where I was at Arby's and the cashier wouldnt accept that he had overcharged me. Actually it wasnt his fault, it'sjust that Arby's doesnt put its "medium" and "large" prices on the menu (as far as I can see), so knowing what the price of something is means you have to bring a calculator or else just memorize everything. The prices are ridiculous, e.g. $8 and change for 5 chicken strips and a large diet Pepsi with no side dish, but they survive by building their stores in places where there is no room for competitors to move in.
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Re: The dream thread

Post by alice »

I was watching the first episode of A Game of Thrones. It began with an overhead shot of someone on a white horse galloping along a cliff, then continuing off the edge (without jumping or losing height!) across a gap to a piece of detached land. I thought "that's some lazy CGI". What followed, of course. bore no relation to the actual story of AGoT, and I wasn't sure if I was watching the actual show or somehow involved in it behind the scenes.
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Re: The dream thread

Post by Soap »

I took an old friend whom I hadnt seen in years to a buffet restaurant called Verizon Wireless. That is, they were giving away free fancy food in order to promote their business, but werent actually selling anything directly. This is not too different from what another cellphone store did here in real life on their grand opening day. It turned out she didnt like the food, though, even though I thought it was among the best I'd ever had.
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Re: The dream thread

Post by Lyhoko Leaci »

I had a dream where I was in a sort of flat desert looking area with several shallow pools of water scattered about. I was trying to make some overly complicated object that for some reason consisted of a bunch of fishing poles using an interface similar to the Minecraft crafting system, only I was sort on string so I couldn't complete it, and I didn't know where there were any spiders so I couldn't get any more. After wandering around for a bit I saw a portal (that looked like the Minecraft nether portal, but with a stargate-like center) and 2 enemies, who somehow hadn't seen me yet, and had their backs to me as well as the portal. I silently ran to the portal and jumped though, firing off a curse at one of the two as I did so. The portal took me to another desert place, but this time I was inside of a crater or canyon or something. I knew I had to get away from there fast before the enemies got a chance to fire missiles back through the portal, so I ran over to the side of whatever it was that I was in, and climbed up the side. Even though it was nearly vertical in some places I still managed to get to the top surprisingly fast, though I did have to backtrack a little bit. After getting to the top I ended up having to go down into a very rocky valley, were I knew I would be relatively okay.
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Shinali Sishi wrote:"Have I spoken unclearly? I meant electric catfish not electric onions."

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Re: The dream thread

Post by sirred »

It's finals time, so of course I had a dream where I was taking a final for a class that I wasn't even aware I was enrolled in. It was for some reason taught by Steve Carell. I would have preferred Ricky Gervais. Ooh or Karl Pilkington, that'd be a great class.
In every U.S. presidential election between 1976 and 2004, the Republican nominee for president or for vice president was either a Dole or a Bush.

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Re: The dream thread

Post by Drydic »

Dream: I was called upon to clean cholera-infected chicken pieces by sucking on them and then immersing them in a can of (canola?) oil.

I got nothin'.
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Re: The dream thread

Post by sirred »

It means your wife's pregnant. In the alternate, If you are unmarried, it means you're going to get a free beachball as a door prize.
In every U.S. presidential election between 1976 and 2004, the Republican nominee for president or for vice president was either a Dole or a Bush.

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Re: The dream thread

Post by dunomapuka »

Non-locals had been enlisted citywide for a live-action roleplay/scavenger hunt/TV shoot. All the street signs had been changed for the purposes of this game, and I thought the new names were really stupid, like "Rachel Street" and "Elevator Street." I was carrying a cup of coffee and thought about getting one of the pastries with pink frosting that were placed in the planters on the street, but decided against it.

My block was supposed to represent the financial district in this warped version of the city, and a bunch of the extras/roleplayers were milling around outside my house, dressed in suits. I talked with them but they seemed completely confused. So I got on the train and talked to a grizzled woman that looked like Mary Woronov and another that looked like Edie Falco. They were giving me life advice.
"I spent most of my twenties being drunk," said one, "and so did she."
"No I didn't. I don't remember anything. I don't think I even remembered to be drunk."

For some reason I had decided to go to a hospital uptown. As I tried to exit the train I realized I was in my bedroom and was about to walk out of a fourth-story window.
"That's not gonna work," I muttered.
"See? You learned something today," said one of the women.

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Re: The dream thread

Post by Shrdlu »

I just had a dream where I am trying to change cloths in a room and people keeps disturbing me.

Analysis anyone?
If I stop posting out of the blue it probably is because my computer and the board won't cooperate and let me log in.!

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Re: The dream thread

Post by Torco »

I was with family in a summer house in the mountains, which belonged to my mother and her husband. It was very beautiful, full of servants, and had a bit of a gym nearby. Everyone left but me, and I starting befriending the gardners and maids and stuff. I was doing benchpresses when it began to rain.

I got nothing, but then again, I don't think dreams necessarily mean anything.

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Re: The dream thread

Post by Shm Jay »

I had a dream that I was back home in Canada visiting my undergraduate university and some person there in charge of campus decoration and architecture said I was just an immigrant trying to overstay my visa and take a job away from a Canadian.

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Re: The dream thread

Post by Risla »

Torco wrote:I was with family in a summer house in the mountains, which belonged to my mother and her husband. It was very beautiful, full of servants, and had a bit of a gym nearby. Everyone left but me, and I starting befriending the gardners and maids and stuff. I was doing benchpresses when it began to rain.

I got nothing, but then again, I don't think dreams necessarily mean anything.
I read "befriending" as "beheading." Made it much more interesting.

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