The dream thread

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Re: The dream thread

Post by Risla »

I got an A- in one of my classes. I was quite distraught.

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Re: The dream thread

Post by Lyhoko Leaci »

I had a dream where I was flying around in Minecraft, and somehow had a machine gun and I was trying to shoot down a ghast with it. However, the ghast was very fast, and kept zipping around in circles, and that, combined with it's weird hitbox, made it very hard to hit. But because it was moving around so fast, it couldn't really shoot at me, either.
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Re: The dream thread

Post by TomHChappell »

I was back at work.

There were several things wrong with this.

I could remember getting fired but couldn't remember getting re-hired.

There weren't enough workstations because they'd given mine to some new hire. So he was in my cubicle in my chair, but he wasn't using his computer at the moment so I was kneeling in the entrance, leaning in and using the mouse.

Everyone else was fully dressed but I was stark naked but no-one but me noticed.

My boss in the dream was from a different job than the office in the dream.

I was trying to get some bleeding-edge product named VSANG (I've never heard of in real life) to work with FORTRAN.

My boss wandered in and I asked him what he wanted me to work on and he said "Real work".

I thought I saw a co-worker's reflection in the window; but it turned out to be another woman that looked like her hanging around outside this second-storey window. They had to talk her into coming inside.


I can't explain any of that. Can anyone else?

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Re: The dream thread

Post by Jetboy »

Okay, this is one of the most bizarre dreams I've ever had. It started off with me listening to some music, that I couldn't understand. It then turned out, looking at it again, that it was that Swedish music someone on the ZBB had given me a while ago (it wasn't actual Swedish, just dream Swedish), so I listened to it, and found that, what with Swedish also being a Germanic language, I could understand a lot of it. After hearing all three songs, I went on the ZBB and read the thread I'd gotten it from, and found someone who seconded my observations of comprehensibility, but, since he was taking an Old English class, added that he recognized some OE roots still around in Swedish but not Modern English; for example, the modern "drunk" had pushed out a word something like *koinalz.
As I continued reading, I became aware of someone moving about my room, a woman, who I at first presumed was my sister. Still reading the ZBB and still aware of this person, my position transitioned to lying on my bed; I focused on the woman. It was not my sister. Sitting in my desk chair, which she'd wheeled in front of my door, about four feet away from my bed, was a blond girl I'd never seen before, staring at me and grinning maniacally. I was so startled I woke up, and the room looked exactly the same in actuality as in real life, except for the position of the chair, the absence of the girl, and the fact the lights were off; I recall that even the concave fold of covers through which I'd seen the girl was actually there. It took me about 10 minutes to shake off the fright; after I came back into the room from getting a drink of water, I actually checked behind the head of the bed to make sure she wasn't there. I don't know what was so disturbing about it, but somehow it was.
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Re: The dream thread

Post by dunomapuka »

I got on the bus to move to another city, but I realized that I'd forgotten my laptop, among other things, so I got on the bus back.

I operated some kind of leather cleaning service. We did everything from car seats to jackets; it worked by mounting the objects on some kind of platform that lowered into a huge vat of chemicals in the floor.

A Peanuts-like cartoon depicted some children playing in a park. I was supposed to guess their heights in exact order from highest to lowest, to win a prize.
"Not our own heights," they said, and indeed they had been drawn all about the same height, "but the heights of the statues that were built commemorating us."
And I saw in the background of the cartoon a skyline which showed giant equestrian statues among the skyscrapers, all of differing heights.

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Re: The dream thread

Post by Soap »

I was driving to work along a highway that doesnt exist in reality. At a red light, it turned green but the red light stayed on. I figured it was a glitch so I went on through, but a cop immediately pulled me over. That is when I must have realized this wasnt real because I woke up almost immediately.
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Re: The dream thread

Post by Shm Jay »

I dreamt I was asked to fix the problems with the Polish constitution and give it a reboot.

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Re: The dream thread

Post by dunomapuka »

I had been sent to southern Florida on some job that didn't materialize. I was really livid, so I decided the best thing would be to go to a bar and get totally plastered. But I was hungry, so I decided to get lunch first. I was near an Italian deli that looked pretty good - now I seemed to be in Pittsburgh - so I went in and ordered mozzarella and prosciutto on a hero. I also tried to order provolone, but the guy said they only had some special imported provolone and it would be very expensive. So I skipped that, but got a bag of potato chips. It came to eight dollars and change - I was pleased how cheap it was!

I walked into the next room, which was the non-Italian section of the deli, offering burgers, chicken cutlets, and so forth. When I came back in the clerk was lying down as though crucified on a large baking tray, and another worker was spreading the potato chips all around him. I picked one up and ate it.

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Re: The dream thread

Post by alice »

Slightly scarily, I had a brief, intense, and I assure you completely platonic relationship with another ZBB member.

Cosmic balance was restored last night when, while trying to get back to sleep, I invented an entire new board game.
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Re: The dream thread

Post by Soap »

dunomapuka wrote:

I walked into the next room, which was the non-Italian section of the deli, offering burgers, chicken cutlets, and so forth. When I came back in the clerk was lying down as though crucified on a large baking tray, and another worker was spreading the potato chips all around him. I picked one up and ate it.

Last night I dreamt that there was some snow in the woods which had escaped the melting that the sun had shined on the un-shadowed snow. But in reality it's still much too early for there to be snow anywhere near here. I didnt remember the dream until just now when I saw a patch of shiny white stuff in the river, which I still dont know what it was but it was obviously not snow.
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Re: The dream thread

Post by Shm Jay »

I had a dream where I had to write an essay for a high school English class and hadn't finished it, or even started it yet, and decided not to do it.

I also had a dream where I had to take an exam in university for psychology, which I never studied. There was some driving on bad roads involved in this dream.

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Re: The dream thread

Post by Astraios »

I was with a bunch of gay friends, and for some reason I was carrying my baby cousin who I adore. I think it was at some group for gay parents, because there were gay-themed baby toys lying around, and I was helping my cousin put letters in order on a magnetic board so that they said words like "Cher", "Harvey Milk", "Rainbow Flag", "Parade", etc. Then my mother appeared and was horrified that I was "exposing [my] baby cousin to [my] lifestyle" and she took him away from me and lectured me about how he would grow up confused. I started crying, because my cousin was crying because my mother had ended his fun game, and that woke me up because I was crying IRL.

Wonder what that's meant to mean...

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Re: The dream thread

Post by Bristel »

I just woke up from falling asleep on the couch.

I had been watching videos of the Japan tsunami, where a guy is eventually trapped just barely above the increasingly rising water at the seawall.

The video ends without seeing if the man survives (although he obviously does if they have the video).
Here's the video:

My dream (which unsurprisingly featured almost the exact landscape and structures) had me standing at the sea wall and watching the waves come in and the water swelling upwards until it finally crested after just a few minutes.

But I didn't have the strength to climb the stairs, so I was washed away rather quickly when the final swell came over the wall.

It pushed me through the trees and everything was moving so fast that it was hard to see anything.

I don't know why I watch horrific videos like this, I was distraught for quite a few minutes before I relaxed again.
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Re: The dream thread

Post by Soap »

My dad was contemplating moving us to "Exeter, NH", which was right on ther Connecticut River and was just a suburb of a larger city in Vermont. Somehow in the dream I was transported to there almost instantly, although I do remember at least some driving involved. It turned out that Exeter was just a few houses not officially incorporated as a town. I wondered if Dad knew this, but he wasnt there at the time, so I spent the rest of the dream looking up maps and saw that only a few of them even listed Exeter. I liked it, not minding living in a rural area as long as it was near the water.
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Re: The dream thread

Post by Lyhoko Leaci »

I had a dream last night where I was riding in the back seat of a flying car, and I told the driver that we needed to go up (We were about to crash into a tree or building or hill or something, don't remember what exactly) so he puts the car into a near vertical climb, and it feels like I'm going to fall out of the seat from over the back of it.

Later that night I had another dream, where I was with three other people on the outside of some sort of vehicle, the area where we were at had a very mechanical appearance, apparently some sort of external device thing. (Maybe part of a rocket engine?) At the time, I simply knew that there was no gravity at all, but the entire vehicle was accelerating upwards, to make a form of artificial gravity. I also just knew that we only had a couple of minutes before we would all die if we stayed where we were. (Probably due to a lack of air when the vehicle reaches space) The platform we were on was under the vehicle, protecting us from the wind. I climbed up a ladder in the middle of the platform into the main part of the vehicle itself, and cleared some junk out of the way, and then signaled that it was okay for the other two to come up. (The signal sounded like [haɪʔ] for some reason) One of the others came up, then he signaled for the third using the same signal I did, then we closed off a hatch over the ladder once we were all up. The inside of the vehicle itself was still mechanical in appearance, but it was also wide open with some large windows and a glass door looking out over a balcony. The door was open, so one of us closed it. (Oddly, no wind was coming in though the door...) I wandered off into another room, which had various racks of clothing hanging as if in a store, and the design of the room was like that of a large open wooden building, nothing at all like the previous room. I grabbed something off of one of the racks and took of what i was wearing before and started to put the new clothing, which seemed to be a dress of some sort, on. Around this time I also remember thinking that I needed to remain calm to avoid waking up or something, like it started to turn into a lucid dream, but then I woke up anyway, before I could finish putting the dress or whatever it was on.
Zain pazitovcor, sio? Sio, tovcor.
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Re: The dream thread

Post by Jetboy »

I was Harry Dresden, or something like that, working undercover in a fancy hotel, and right next door was a forest; I kept walking down a path in it to go to the food delivery bay of the hotel. I was on familiar terms with the forest and its seemingly inanimate objects, but also apparently aware that I was in a dream, or at least recounting things, because despite there being wreckage of the things I was talking about on the slope next to the path, I was talking as if they were in other places; for example, I commented several times on the position of "Bob's pipe" in a burrow-like hole in the slope, despite the hole being empty, and a black, ribbed sewage pipe being laid across the slope. After the second murder in the forest (the first of the three had been one somewhere else, and I'd been investigating it in the hotel), some guest in the hotel, who I may have suspected, asked me to go get him some food, and since they didn't have any of what he wanted up at the hotel, I walked down to the delivery bay, planning to tip off my agents there, I believe. On the way, though, I noticed the destruction, and, attributing it to a "nightmare", went to all the inanimate objects, including some planks. I started talking with the planks (which had eyes), but, despite the tears they had shed in their sleep (apparently signs of "nightmares"), they refused to believe me, as did all the other inanimate objects. I was trying to think of a way to convince them when I woke up.

I think this has something to do with watching NCIS and listening to Harry Potter audiobooks earlier in the night.
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Re: The dream thread

Post by dunomapuka »

A Chinese girl stood in an English garden with a brick wall, behind a hospital. She spoke English but seemed to be testing everyone to see if they'd respond if she yelled at them in Chinese. A young, attractive couple passed by. She flailed her arms and repeated some phrase as though crying out for help, but they stared at her blankly and kept on walking, down a flight of stairs.

A huge albino squirrel scurried by. It had a weird flattened head shape like a catfish. A friend of mine was there, and she picked it up, brought it over to her brother, who was sitting on a park bench, and sniffed its fur. "Do you remember?" she said. "This is what Dad used to smell like when we were little."

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Re: The dream thread

Post by Risla »

My mom and I were in a gas station and she was trying to get me to buy marijuana in front of a cop (she had a coupon) but I didn't want get arrested, so I ran away out of the gas station. And then Astraios went past riding a penismobile, which is to say he was sitting on a very large, rocket-powered hovering penis that shot flames out of the back. I went back into the gas station, which was now my Field Methods classroom, but to my horror all of my classmates revealed themselves to be dinosaurs in disguise who wanted to eat me. Then I woke up.

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Re: The dream thread

Post by Shrdlu »

Yesterday had my my most advanced dream sofar. I don't remember much other than that think I was taking the bus home and somehow my relationship with the bus driver deteriorated, so at first he didn't let me go off and then finally he tried to kill me. It ended with me running of the bus, turning into Harry Potter and tumbling down a waterfall.

The ending credits showed the making of an 3d scene in an Harry Potter movie.
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Re: The dream thread

Post by The Count »

Marijuana coupons an penismobiles.... Now that's a dream!
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Re: The dream thread

Post by Astraios »

Risla wrote:My mom and I were in a gas station and she was trying to get me to buy marijuana in front of a cop (she had a coupon) but I didn't want get arrested, so I ran away out of the gas station. And then Astraios went past riding a penismobile, which is to say he was sitting on a very large, rocket-powered hovering penis that shot flames out of the back. I went back into the gas station, which was now my Field Methods classroom, but to my horror all of my classmates revealed themselves to be dinosaurs in disguise who wanted to eat me. Then I woke up.
Awesome. :mrgreen:

I was in a seminar with the Danish dragon-lady lecturer who is very scary, and I had to read out a text in French, but all I wanted to do was sleep and I couldn't keep my eyes open, and I ended up reading three pages more than I had to, because my eyes were closing so much that I couldn't see where she'd asked me to stop. And then I was going to the car with my sister, and I had to pretend I could find it because I couldn't see anything at all by that point because my eyes were closing so much.

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Re: The dream thread

Post by Astraios »

Well, that was distressing...

I was apparently a member of some kind of secret agency which saved people from another secret agency who were bad. I was in New York, and me and my partner were disguised as taxi drivers (it was a long-distance taxi, so it needed two drivers), and we stopped to pick up the old lady who we knew was going to be targeted by the bad guys pretty soon. We drove her out of town, which turned into the English countryside (because New York is obviously in England), and we got stuck in a traffic jam under an old stone bridge. The old lady still didn't suspect what was really going on, and she was telling us about how she was only person left in her family and how she had no relatives left in the world (I could hear Mrs Mears saying "Sad to be all alone in the world" in my head then).

Then we told her, and she got quite upset, and the dream skipped forward to where we had dropped off the old lady at a safe house, and we were going back to our own safe house. We drove past a farm with a small field just between it and the road, and my partner said, "That's odd, those dogs are just watching us go past, as if they know who we are. Normal dogs would shout and yell about intruders." So we reversed, and I saw three dogs standing in the small field between the farmhouse and the road, and it turned out that they were wolves. This was a very good thing for us, because apparently our secret agency was made up of Trailsend's conpeople (feayr), so we checked there was no one there, got out of the car, turned into wolves, and jumped over the wire fence between the road and the field.

Suddenly there were more of us; apparently others had been waiting behind the hedges for us to arrive and escort us to a safe house. But then disaster! One of the farmer's children looked out of the farmhouse window and saw us, and screamed "Wolves!" The farmer's wife and other children came running out, yelling to try and scare us away (the farmer was in a far-off field with his sheep), and we tried to run across the field, past the farmhouse and down the hill on the other side, but there were three wolf pups, and they couldn't run fast at all, so me and my sister (who had been hiding behind the hedge) turned back into humans so we could carry them more easily, but the pups were scared of us as humans, because they had been born as wolves, so they scattered, and I only managed to grab one of them. One of the others got its head stomped on by the farmer's fat wife in her huge boats of shoes, and another one got picked up by a child who wanted a pet.

So me and my sister ran after the other wolves crying, but of course we couldn't keep up with them in human form, so we just had to jog after their scent. Then I started singing a death song, which used khoomei, and even though it was very sad that two of my puppies had been taken from me, it made me feel better knowing that I could sing khoomei and my sister couldn't (I can't IRL, but it was very fun to do in the dream, once I got over the sadness).

Then that's all I had time for, because it was one of those nights where I sleep for one hour at a time, waking up every hour for some unknown reason and falling asleep five minutes later. I'd write the other dreams too, but six dreams in one post is a bit too many.

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Re: The dream thread

Post by MisterBernie »

Last sleep included two dreams; one was a fairly short one where I was a woman who was making out with another one who got disturbed by my septum piercing.

The second one was more elaborate. I was a double agent/spy/whatever working undercover against a dictatorship in South America.
Torco was there, too, as a bitterly disillusioned opposition member who got sucked into working for the regime as head torturer (my mind had a very cinematic reveal where he stepped into black lights to reveal he was covered in blood; oh yeah, the dictatorship had the people fed with some altered food that rendered blood invisible in sunlight). The dream was a bit unclear if he was just deep undercover or not.
Also, the dictator at one point encouraged me to fuck his son.

...yeah, Torco, I'm sorry about what my mind turned you into.
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Re: The dream thread

Post by Torco »

MisterBernie wrote:Last sleep included two dreams; one was a fairly short one where I was a woman who was making out with another one who got disturbed by my septum piercing.

The second one was more elaborate. I was a double agent/spy/whatever working undercover against a dictatorship in South America.
Torco was there, too, as a bitterly disillusioned opposition member who got sucked into working for the regime as head torturer (my mind had a very cinematic reveal where he stepped into black lights to reveal he was covered in blood; oh yeah, the dictatorship had the people fed with some altered food that rendered blood invisible in sunlight). The dream was a bit unclear if he was just deep undercover or not.
Also, the dictator at one point encouraged me to fuck his son.

...yeah, Torco, I'm sorry about what my mind turned you into.
What the fuck??
nah, not about me being cast as a regime-sponsored torturer, that's cool, dreams are dreams.

Just three nights ago I dreamed of walking the streets of Santiago as the army took power in a bloody coup. Houses burnt, people disappearing, one of my friends' knees being maimed with a hatchet by ultraconservative thugs (he's a communist skinhead), most of my family abducted in the night, the whole shebangbang. This is, of course, an emotionally powerful experience for me already... I get watery eyes when I watch the 1989 plebiscite political campaign videos, mind you. What's even worse is that the devastation and the violence doesn't touch me. In the dream I'm just roaming the streets, watching it all happen, powerless to help the victims of yet another dictatorship, a sort of wraith.

After reading your post, bro, I get the feeling maybe I was somehow aligned with the regime, but that's probably contagion. What I do remember is that throughout my journey through the bloodied streets of my city, the ghost of Augusto Pinochet was with me, as a sort of Virgilian figure. I spoke to him in casual, almost familial terms; avoiding tense disagreements while still commenting on what was happening, seeking a sort of common ground.

I'm still a bit shook, writing it, and you dreaming of south american dictatorships and me as well, well.... maybe there was some interference, me saying something on facebook or something, but still... pretty fucking eerie.

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Re: The dream thread

Post by MisterBernie »

Eerie indeed o_o
But yeah, let's blame Facebook. Mine wasn't as disturbing as yours, though.

Plus, your dream seems more philosophically inclined, at least going by your Divine Comedy reference. Mine seemed more like a weird movie, especially as there were two or so segments where I wasn't present. Plus, a gratuitous love affair that didn't flow with the "plot" of the dream but seemed tacked on to satisfy me the audience.
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