The dream thread

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Re: The dream thread

Post by Lyhoko Leaci »

I had what is more like 3 dreams in one, the first I was playing Worms, but very badly, and would just drop/fire the weapons without bothering to aim or anything. A banana bomb dropped right where my worm was standing ended up taking out the rest of my team, as well as several enemy worms. Meanwhile, another team on the opposite side of the map only seemed to be using shotguns.

Then I was playing SimCity, but for some reason giant crocodiles were wandering the streets. Oddly, they did not seem to cause any damage to anything.

Then I started to watch the Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, more specifically an episode that I haven't seen yet. The first thing that comes up is a view from inside a classroom with a single student at one of the desks and a giant eye looking though one of the windows. The camera then heads outside and you can see who the eye belongs to, which turns out to be a gigantic Yuki. Haruhi and Mikuru were also there, off to the size, and just as big. Haruhi has Yuki put on some sort of colored contact lens, and it looks like they're making another film like they did in canon, but with Yuki being the main character instead of Mikuru. The dream had it's own jiggle physics, but it looked quite odd, probably because of how big they were, it looked more like waves than nay sort of bounces... Then someone walked down the street and didn't seem to notice anything odd at all, and apparently the characters only appeared to be gigantic or something, as the person acted like they were walking around a normal-sized Mikuru at one point, not the gigantic version. (Which caused him to actually walk directly though part of her, ;like he was a ghost or something.)
Zain pazitovcor, sio? Sio, tovcor.
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Shinali Sishi wrote:"Have I spoken unclearly? I meant electric catfish not electric onions."

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Re: The dream thread

Post by Lyhoko Leaci »

I had a dream where I was Harry Potter and I was having a meeting in Gringotts, but the meeting was actually in my high school, and then after the meeting was over, I found out that the building was now an elementary school, and it was the first day of school as well, so there were a bunch of little kids running around, and some sort of opening day speech going on, for some reason blocking the main entrance instead of being in the gym.

Another dream I was in the bathroom at my grandparent's house, and I somehow turned into a girl, but I still looked the same as before, and only my equipment changed, and I didn't get any breasts... or if I did, they were very small and not really noticeable.
Zain pazitovcor, sio? Sio, tovcor.
You can't read that, right? Yes, it says that.
Shinali Sishi wrote:"Have I spoken unclearly? I meant electric catfish not electric onions."

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Re: The dream thread

Post by Shm Jay »

I was in Winnipeg, and had parked in a mall-like thing downtown, in the innermost of the three rings of roads of Winnipeg, which were not perfect rings, as the mountains and rivers [the Upper, Lower, and Middle Assiniboine] and various branches of the Trans-Canada Highway which criss-crossed Winnipeg broke the perfect symmetry of the rings. I stopped to have some Taco Time, but the Taco Time in the mall had become a Taco Turk. So then I left, dragging my bags of books behind me, only to get on a bus which I thought was taking me to the end of the parking lot but turned out to be the Osborne bus. So I had to ask the driver to let me off. Then I walked back to the parking lot, only to forget which level I was parked, and by the time I found it, six or seven street people (quite a few of whom were First Nations) had "occupied" my car and were trying to dismantle it. Of course my things had already been stolen.

(Note: the geography in this dream is nothing like the real Winnipeg’s.)

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Re: The dream thread

Post by Soap »

Ṕower went out this morning so I didnt get a chance to write this while the dream was fresh. All I remember is I was hiking in the woods in Scotland, and there was a flood that was making my walkable path narrower and narrower. That is, water was on my left side, and on my right side a cliff that was too steep to climb up. I was on the coast, but the water seemed like fresh water. A man who was walking behind me (I dont remember if he was a guide or just another hiker) told me that the flood had now reached so high that it was beginning to flood "the Princess's Castle", which was a giant 230 room structure just ahead of us. Fortunately the flooded castle came down to my level, so I was able to climb up it onto the dry cliff face above me. I remember wanting to explore the castle, and that there were people inside, though the Princess of Scotland wasn't one of them. Also the climate in this part of Scotland was much colder than the rest of Scotland, and frequently the water froze over during winter and the people who lived there called their life "frost life" since it was as cold as the Arctic.
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Re: The dream thread

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A giant black cougar was glaring at me while I was eating an oversized lunch of my favorite foods outdoors. I decided to give some of the food to the cat to hopefully make peace with him. So I pushed a plate full of something I vaguely remember appearing like cat food off to the side of the table as if to say "this is yours". He tasted some, but didnt like it, and so he spat it out and then came down to the table where I was and sat right in front of me. Then he kept watching me eat. Then at some point the cat spoke, warning me not to eat one of the dishes that was there, because he had tasted it too and spat it out. I didnt say anything. I didnt seem to be surprised so much as annoyed, as though I knew all along that wildcats could talk and merely didnt want to give up any of my beloved foods.

I felt that the cat had ruined the lunch for me, so I decided to get in my car and put some space between us. I ended up going to my favorite restaurant, the local Subway, finding that it had moved to a building just two houses away, and that it was nevertheless a "grand re-opening" with special prices on anything. That dream reminded me to go to the real Subway to cash in on their 2-for-1 deal, which I've just done.
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Re: The dream thread

Post by Torco »

The other day I dreamt of bicycles, for whatever reason.

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Re: The dream thread

Post by Shm Jay »

Soap wrote:A giant black cougar was glaring at me while I was eating an oversized lunch of my favorite foods outdoors.
Like this one?

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Re: The dream thread

Post by TomHChappell »

Shm Jay wrote:
Soap wrote:A giant black cougar was glaring at me while I was eating an oversized lunch of my favorite foods outdoors.
Like this one?
I first though it was like these (warning; NSFW).

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Re: The dream thread

Post by Soap »

Apple (not sure if it was a store or the headquarters, but it was a very tall building) was on the way to work for me and I passed by it everyday. It had "always" been there, at least long enough for my dream self to see it as such. But the dream was about new places opening up and calling themselves Apple to cash in on the name. One of them was an even taller building with a big green sign that looked much more apple-like than the real Apple logo. And it was a restaurant. Supposedly this was all legal since none of the other Apple's were in the same business as Tim Cook's Apple.

For at least a few minutes after waking up, I still believed this dream was true.
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Re: The dream thread

Post by Astraios »

It was winter, and I was somewhere like Romania, in the mountains, with Ašširi from here. We were on a roadtrip, and we arrived at a really deserted old town, which was like something in the Wild West, except the cowboys were street-gang members. We were there to walk up a moutain and look in the castle, because there was supposedly treasure in it, but we arrived at night for some reason, so we decided to climb up the mountain and sleep there. We got woken up by some TV crew who had come to get the first-ever footage of a volcanic eruption from directly at the eruption point, so we stayed to watch them film. Then we realized what they'd said, and the volcano this town was under started erupting, but in slow motion. We ran down the mountain away from the lava into the town, looking for where we'd parked our car, and the inhabitants were all drugged up and/or drunk, so they didn't believe us until the lava actually arrived in their street and was right on our heels, but then I woke up.

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Re: The dream thread

Post by Ziz »

Astraios wrote:It was winter, and I was somewhere like Romania, in the mountains, with Ašširi from here. We were on a roadtrip, and we arrived at a really deserted old town, which was like something in the Wild West, except the cowboys were street-gang members. We were there to walk up a moutain and look in the castle, because there was supposedly treasure in it, but we arrived at night for some reason, so we decided to climb up the mountain and sleep there. We got woken up by some TV crew who had come to get the first-ever footage of a volcanic eruption from directly at the eruption point, so we stayed to watch them film. Then we realized what they'd said, and the volcano this town was under started erupting, but in slow motion. We ran down the mountain away from the lava into the town, looking for where we'd parked our car, and the inhabitants were all drugged up and/or drunk, so they didn't believe us until the lava actually arrived in their street and was right on our heels, but then I woke up.
So... you never found out if we were swallowed up by the lava? When I was a kid, volcanoes where my biggest fear in life.

My dream today was a nightmare. I dreamt that my mother and father and I were on some kind of ocean cruise in the Arctic. At some point, my mom went missing, and I spent the whole time swimming through the ocean and looking through caves to try to find her. Eventually, after looking everywhere multiple times, I found a skeleton in a cave, lying on the rocky ground, and I knew it was my mother. The person who killed her was also a skeleton, hanging in the corner.

My dream was upsetting. :cry:

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Re: The dream thread

Post by Astraios »

Ašširi wrote:So... you never found out if we were swallowed up by the lava? When I was a kid, volcanoes where my biggest fear in life.
I'm pretty sure we weren't, because we were near the car already by then, and the lava was pretty slow.

Ašširi wrote:My dream was upsetting. :cry:
Aww, that's horrible. :( *hugs*

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Re: The dream thread

Post by dunomapuka »

Somebody was tentatively planning to decorate their home with paintings by a renowned French artist named Mogabe, or Mogabre. His work looked sort of like painted freeze-frames of NES Super Mario.

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Re: The dream thread

Post by Lyhoko Leaci »

I was using some sort of map editor program for Civilization or something, and I was making a map of "Canada", except it only vaguely looked like Canada, and included Alaska as well. It also had a flag given, which was green with some form of whitish diagonal cross connecting the corners of it. The map was encoded in some weird format that for whatever reason was important, and there was a missing tile somewhere in the middle of the map that needed to be missing, and someone mentioned that they knew that someone would get the missing tile wrong, and upload the incorrect version to the internet.
Zain pazitovcor, sio? Sio, tovcor.
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Shinali Sishi wrote:"Have I spoken unclearly? I meant electric catfish not electric onions."

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Re: The dream thread

Post by Imralu »

Last night I dreamt I was somewhere that was a bit like a town where everyone worked for one company. The boss of the company/owner of the town was there and everyone was afraid of him. Not because he was scary but just powerful and not very nice. I had to go to a dinner event thing where the boss/owner of the town was going to be there. Someone had just died and his body had been made into a stew/porridge thing for this dinner. And, as you do, I had second helpings.
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Re: The dream thread

Post by cromulant »

I had two rows of bottom teeth.

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Re: The dream thread

Post by Torco »

I had three distinct dreams, which might have been as one: I was taking a shower with my gilfriend, a young lady from work, and some other buxom beauty. They were acting like nothing happened, so so did I. Quite awesome.

Then I was travelling above france in a balloon with yet another hot coworker, who in real life I don't really like all that much I guess, or perhaps she doesn't like me all that much, but in the dream she was extremely happy about the whole thing.

And then, I was in math class and this same chick would snuggle against me and put her hands on my body and stuff. And then I'd fuck her.

Overall it was really nice, it had been some time since I'd had dreams of a sexual nature.

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Re: The dream thread

Post by Wattmann »

Crap I slept in big time (I guess it's because I've been Partying Hard last night, which involved me, my girlfriend, my sister and my neighbour getting drunk >BD )

I dreamt me and my girlfriend were dogs, and we mated in mud, when a mammoth came and pissed on a penguin...
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Re: The dream thread

Post by Torco »

I dreamt me and my girlfriend were dogs, and we mated in mud, when a mammoth came and pissed on a penguin...

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Re: The dream thread

Post by Astraios »

Mammoth watersports. Nice.

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Re: The dream thread

Post by Soap »

A storm (not sure which type) was passing very close to us. I heard on the radio "94 meters" or something, and they said there would be a 15-foot storm surge. I was seriously trhinking about moving to northern Minnesota to get away from all the natural disasters we've been having .... even tornadoes are rare in some parts of Minnesota.

Also, this was on the way to work and I was late because someone had taken my car.
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Re: The dream thread

Post by Astraios »

I was in a plane flying over a globe of the Earth, and it was going to land in Madrid, except Madrid was in Portugal, and then Denmark didn't want us to land, and they sent us on a detour up and down Europe three times, but then the plane lost control and couldn't turn back towards Madrid after flying past Greece, so we ended up flying down over Africa and crashing into the Congo jungle. There were some elephants who got scared.

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Re: The dream thread

Post by Shm Jay »

I dreamt that I was working in a medical clinic of some sort in Pakistan, and learning Urdu, even though I didn't really want to be there.

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Re: The dream thread

Post by Soap »

The British band Juno Reactor turned out to be just one man, his 4-year-old legally blind daughter, and her also 4-year-old best friend. The daughter didn't do much, but apparently her friend (I dont remember if it was a boy or a girl) was composing music directly. Then later the ages changed to 11, perhaps on a different album, but I dont remember the context. Also they somehow managed to have a Twitter site in the year 2000 because I was looking at a 2000 CD. Even in the dream, I thought it was strange that they had access to Twitter, but I confirmed that Twitter did exist in 2000 instead of figuring that it was a re-release of a previously existing album.
Sunàqʷa the Sea Lamprey says:

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Re: The dream thread

Post by Shm Jay »

I dreamt I was working in a public library and even though the library closed at 6:00, I could not get people to leave since the lock was broken. All sorts of annoying people just kept coming in, from gabby old ladies to eaters to rambunctious children to salesmen to people who expected we would have things a college library has to rapsters to members of gangs.

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