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Re: The dream thread

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 8:29 pm
by Shm Jay
What, she wasn’t walking to the gayporntrain?

Re: The dream thread

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2011 3:07 am
by Astraios
She could have been for all I know. The "camera" angle was facing the woman and rolling backwards as she walked up to it, so I didn't actually see the train.

Last night I was Pocahontas (except I looked just like me), and I had sex with John Smith (except he looked just like a certain person I know IRL) somewhere in the forest. It was fun.

Re: The dream thread

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2011 8:17 am
by Earthling
I dreamed that one of the other members here (I think it was Drydic Guy) posted a dream in this thread about being on another planet. He wanted to come back to Earth, but his spaceship wasn't working. Rodlox came to help him fix it.

There was also something about a wad of toilet paper. Don't remember much about that.

Re: The dream thread

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2011 2:21 am
by Astraios
Thanks a lot, brain. Just wasted an entire dream.

I dreamt I was a famous pornstar... But all I did was sit around in my big ugly American-looking house and watch ridiculously long ads on TV about McDonalds, watched Lithray join my website, and drove around a bit on my motorbike. What's the point of dreaming you're a pornstar if you don't get to have sex?!

Re: The dream thread

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2011 7:06 am
by Přemysl
Why the hell do you get all the fun sex dreams? The closest my dreams get to sex are getting raped and beaten. Well, there was this one dream years ago where someone I had a crush on made passionate love to me, but then the building was burning around us. I was trying to warn her but I couldn't remember how to sign, so a burning beam fell on her and killed her.

My latest normal dream was sitting in the hospital watching my father die and being frustrated with doctors who were speaking like teachers in Charlie Brown. Whatever happened to the old fun dreams like flying through the forest or loping through the meadows hunting a rabbit?

Re: The dream thread

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2011 11:22 am
by Lyhoko Leaci
I had a dream where I was riding a school bus to... somewhere with some other people, and then we stopped somewhere because we needed to pick up some tents because we were apparently going camping. Though no one could agree on how many tents were needed, we eventually decided on 5. Then a clingy girl decided that she wanted to sit next to me, once we got back on the bus. That's all that I remember, though...

And I'm not sure if I mentioned this before, but the closest to a sex dream that I have ever had was with an alien shapeshifter who was a character who I had made up.

Re: The dream thread

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2011 4:35 pm
by TomHChappell
I dreamed my dog ate an orange scorpion and I had to take him to the vet.

I was in my bedroom in my apartment, where my dog has never been IRL -- he still lives at my ex-house IRL.

For some reason my floor was sandy ground instead of carpeted concrete as it is IRL.

A small scorpion -- not one of the six-inch long bastards I saw in South India, but one of the two-inch little creeps I saw in West Texas -- crawled up out of the sand. But it wasn't any color I've ever seen a scorpion before. It was a uniform bright orange (perhaps a bit yellower than just plain orange).

I tried to kill it. Every time I thought it was dead it crawled back out of the sand. I tried to kill it with a hammer. It still came back. Eventually, while I was looking for some other way to kill it (I didn't want to grab it or stomp on it with my bare foot!), it crawled up my wall (it was moving pretty fast) over my bed -- a development I viewed with trepidation.

My dog came to investigate. He attacked the scorpion with his teeth (reminding me of dogs I've seen kill bees) and seemed to eat it once it seemed to be dead. Then he started making noises like he was trying to cough up a furball or was having trouble breathing or something. In my dream I was very worried that maybe he'd swallowed the scorpion while it was still alive; or that it had stung him in the throat in such a way it might interfere with his breathing. I decided to take him to the vet and had just started to leave the apartment when the alarm went off and I woke up.

Re: The dream thread

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 8:45 am
by Earthling
I dreamed I took a trip with my mom. There were two women going with us, and one was wearing a big flowery hat that barely fit in the backseat. We stopped at the bank, but the bank had changed so that there was now a steep hill wrapping all the way around it and you had to drive downhill to get to the drive thru. My mom couldn't get the car to stop when we got to the drive thru and the car rolled all the way around the bank.

Then we were at a hotel, and instead of the two women, we now had a man with us. The hotel didn't have rooms, just an area off the lobby with three rows of chairs in a semicircle. You picked a chair and slept there for the night.

Then I was outside looking up at the moon. It was directly overhead, but it appeared very low. In fact the whole sky seemed to be very low. I woke up singing That's Amore in my head. (When the moon hits your eye...)

Then I went back to sleep and dreamed I was in a bathtub at the edge of a ship, with nothing but the 2 foot wall of the tub preventing me from falling off the side. In a half-asleep, half-awake state I started thinking about what might have happened if I had fallen over. I figured I could have been eaten by a hippoquit--a cross between a hippopotamus and a squid with the last consonant devoiced. (If anyone wants to use that for conbiology, be my guest)

Re: The dream thread

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 3:12 pm
by dunomapuka
I went to Jersey City with two friends. We were planning to go to a party, and I picked up a beer, but they decided to stop into a little dive bar first, so I left my beer outside on a park bench. Inside, the decor was really decayed Space Age-style - a lot of red vinyl benches and mirrors everywhere. Two guys were playing a game: they would squirt each other with Cheese Wiz, which solidified and greatly expanded when it came out of the can, forming a large abstract sculpture in the middle of the room, over the pool table.

Re: The dream thread

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 3:37 pm
by Kereb
I dreamed I accidentally ended up on stage at a Kraftwerk show and they were standing there beep booping away on their keyboards and shit
and I was trying to get off the stage without being spotted or disrupting anything but the stage was super high and there was no way off it to the back
something else happened at that point but I can't remember what it was

I don't even know why Kraftwerk ... they're all right but I'm not crazy about them or anything

Re: The dream thread

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2011 8:31 am
by Soap
I was one of a bunch of people sitting down to work with fiberglass or some other sharp object, and the boss was telling us we all had to wear latex gloves, and since we seemed to think we wouldnt need them, to prove hte point he said "would you like me to show you how thin your skin really is?" and looked for a volunteer. The strong-ly built man sitting to the right of me grabbed my left arm and the boss came over and pushed a piece of glass into my left index finger, and started twirling it around, cutting through my fingernail as well. There was actually not much blood or pain, I was mostly just annoyed that I was the one who had to demonstrate the danger.

Re: The dream thread

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 9:56 am
by bulbaquil
I was reading some sort of prequel to The Lord of the Rings. No, not The Hobbit, this prequel took place something like 20,000 years beforehand and the appendix in the back listed a crapload of ages that preceded the "First" Age. I think there was some influence of Zelda: Skyward Sword on this dream, but it escapes me; I've been awake for too long now.

Re: The dream thread

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 4:54 pm
by Shm Jay
[I had just finished 1 Corinthians before bed.]

I dreamt that I was one of the very early Christians (by the name of Nero) trying to introduce people to the Gospel. I was trying to sing about it using an instrument that was like a lute and a guitar at the same time. I remember I was trying to make a relationship square, one of whose corners was ἀκουω . My preaching was not a success, and I didn't get into the Bible like St. Paul did.

Re: The dream thread

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 5:09 pm
by Izambri
bulbaquil wrote:I was reading some sort of prequel to The Lord of the Rings. No, not The Hobbit, this prequel took place something like 20,000 years beforehand and the appendix in the back listed a crapload of ages that preceded the "First" Age. I think there was some influence of Zelda: Skyward Sword on this dream, but it escapes me; I've been awake for too long now.
LOL Then it's a prequel to the Silmarillion*, no? XD

*Except the Creation part, obv.

Re: The dream thread

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 7:21 pm
by Bristel
Shm Jay wrote:[I had just finished 1 Corinthians before bed.]

I dreamt that I was one of the very early Christians (by the name of Nero) trying to introduce people to the Gospel. I was trying to sing about it using an instrument that was like a lute and a guitar at the same time. I remember I was trying to make a relationship square, one of whose corners was ἀκουω . My preaching was not a success, and I didn't get into the Bible like St. Paul did.

The Gospel of Saint Nero will be my favorite fictional apocrypha.

OK, we need to starting writing this now... I'm serious. :D

Re: The dream thread

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 11:05 pm
by Risla
Lucius Malfoy had coerced me, by threatening me with Avada Kedavra, into going to his mansion and doing his taxes. A lot less exciting than my last dream involving him. :(

Re: The dream thread

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2011 8:21 am
by Earthling
My cousin, who is 15 years old, was a senator. (Not sure if he was a U.S. senator or a senator of some other country.) Then my dad was a member of a military unit that took over the building where the senate met. They tried all the senators for some crime and found a bunch of them guilty. For their punishment, they had to stand on top of these rectangular trapdoors (there were two trapdoors, with a bunch of the guilty on top of each one). There were invisible walls around each trapdoor to keep them from escaping. At a certain time, the trapdoors were going to open and they would fall through. I don't know what was supposed to happen to them when they fell through. Some of the soldiers were standing nearby with their machine guns ready in case they managed to escape or the trapdoors didn't work or something. I woke up before they could open the trapdoors.

Re: The dream thread

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2011 8:16 pm
by Torco
There is something strange and gentle about reading about dreams long ago forgotten. I read the first post in this thread just now, and it's... interesting.
I recommend it. (reading about one's past dreams, of course, not that particular one)

Re: The dream thread

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2011 11:04 pm
by bulbaquil
Risla wrote:Lucius Malfoy had coerced me, by threatening me with Avada Kedavra, into going to his mansion and doing his taxes. A lot less exciting than my last dream involving him. :(
You'd think he'd just use Imperio...

Re: The dream thread

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2011 8:37 am
by Qwynegold
I dreamt I was studying Polish. It had all these weird "phonemes" like /ʙ͡m l̠ʲ ɖ ɭ ɭ͡ɺ/ and implosives.

Re: The dream thread

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2011 8:47 am
by Izambri
I dreamt the first volume of my novel was published, but the editor put an introduction at the beginning and the book was made to be read from right to left.

Re: The dream thread

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2011 8:19 pm
by Herr Dunkel
Holy shit I had a dream about me having to get my PhD in Kashubian, when I couldn't even pronounce the common phonemes /ʙ̥ʲ qˣʲ ɢˤ ɖʲˣʰ/ (yes I dreamt in IPA) so I went on a panic spree as I grabbed a shotgun and blasted the head off of a 13-year old past me who was riding a pony that was going through an epileptic seizure.
Last night was fun.

Re: The dream thread

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2011 6:41 am
by Astraios
I just woke up from a rather violent dream in which I was yelling and screaming and throwing things - having a proper tantrum - at my father because yet again he wouldn't listen to what I had to say. I woke up with my voice all hoarse... I hope I wasn't sleepshouting.

Re: The dream thread

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2011 8:46 am
by Shm Jay
Qwynegold wrote:I dreamt I was studying Polish. It had all these weird "phonemes" like /ʙ͡m l̠ʲ ɖ ɭ ɭ͡ɺ/ and implosives.
I think you should try making a descendant of Polish with those phonemes.

Re: The dream thread

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2011 1:27 pm
by Qwynegold
Darkgamma wrote:Holy shit I had a dream about me having to get my PhD in Kashubian, when I couldn't even pronounce the common phonemes /ʙ̥ʲ qˣʲ ɢˤ ɖʲˣʰ/ (yes I dreamt in IPA) so I went on a panic spree as I grabbed a shotgun and blasted the head off of a 13-year old past me who was riding a pony that was going through an epileptic seizure.
Last night was fun.
Shm Jay wrote:
Qwynegold wrote:I dreamt I was studying Polish. It had all these weird "phonemes" like /ʙ͡m l̠ʲ ɖ ɭ ɭ͡ɺ/ and implosives.
I think you should try making a descendant of Polish with those phonemes.
Eek, no! Polish already scary enough as it is. And how would you even pronunce a coarticulated bilabial trill-nasal, or a coarticulated lateral retroflex approximant-alveolar flap.