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Re: The dream thread

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2012 12:37 pm
by Izambri
I dreamt my left big toe's nail grew in the opposite direction.

Re: The dream thread

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 1:25 pm
by cromulant
I told you all about my dream involving Janko. Well, last night I had a dream involving Xephyr, and another one involving patiku. The difference was in that these dreams, I knew it was them, whereas in the Janko dream, I only decided it was Janko after I woke up, based on my recollection of his appearance.

I was out swimming in the ocean with Xephyr, we were pretty far out, there were big waves and I was worried about getting sucked out to sea, so I decided to see if I could safely swim back to shore. I did.

Then, I was eating chicken and drinking beer with this guy I knew, at a picnic table at some big gathering. He was asking me some question about my dad, sit-ups, and kayaking. I didn't understand his question. I kept trying to clarify it, but he kept getting angry at that I wasn't getting it.

Then I popped in a video patiku had made. I thought it would be really witty, but it was just patiku riding in a van, filming the outside world and ranting incoherently.

Re: The dream thread

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 1:44 pm
by Torco
I dreamt a female friend of fine gave a kiss on the lips out of the blue, then a mutual friend was sullying over it.

Re: The dream thread

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 7:00 pm
by TomHChappell
El Torco wrote:I dreamt a female friend of fine gave a kiss on the lips out of the blue, then a mutual friend was sullying over it.
Could you mean "sulking"? wrote:English
Etymology From Old French souillier (> French souiller). Compare soil.

Rhymes: -ʌli

sully (third-person singular simple present sullies, present participle sullying, simple past and past participle sullied)

1.(transitive) to soil or stain; to dirty
He did not wish to sully his hands with gardening.
2.(transitive) to damage or corrupt
He did not wish to sully his reputation with an ill-mannered comment. wrote:English
sulk (plural sulks)
1.a state of sulking.

sulk (third-person singular simple present sulks, present participle sulking, simple past and past participle sulked) express ill humor or offense by remaining sullenly silent or withdrawn.

If so, "sullen" is probably why you got confused; is it?

Re: The dream thread

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 7:10 pm
by Bristel
I had a dream where I was outside of a vacation cabin of sorts, and we were cooking. My mom, step-dad and my siblings were there.
There was a party going on nearby, but everything was quickly interrupted by a large volcanic eruption in the distance.
It looked too close to me to not worry, so I tried getting everyone to pack and leave immediately. After searching for my suitcase and some loose change, things seemed to calm down, so everyone forgot to leave.

After a while, the dream shifted to us standing out on the front porch, where there was a waterfront. My brothers were outside, and out in the distance I could see that the tide was very far out compared to where the boardwalk was. So I got worried.

Soon, a wave of water started to come back in, carrying dolphins which were "running" in front of the wave to get away from it.

The water started splashing up against the boardwalk and docks again, so I told my brothers to come in, but they were watching it, stuck on these ropes hanging down from the docks. So I tried running out of the sliding glass doors of the cabin in order to grab them and bring them back in. The waves started slamming into the docks much harder now, and I was worried that they'd be swept up by the waves.

Finally, after my eldest younger brother ran indoors, the younger dropped down and came inside too, just in time for me to shut the sliding doors against the largest wave.

:( I hate disaster dreams.

Re: The dream thread

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 11:16 pm
by Torco
Absolutely right, Mr. Chappel. he was sulking over it. thanks for the correction

serves me right for joining an english-based forum about languages xD

Re: The dream thread

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2012 12:36 pm
by Bob Johnson
I was in an aisle seat at an amphitheater listening to some speech; various presidents were introduced, starting with the 3rd, Woodrow Wilson. I was doubtful so I looked it up on wikipedia; he kept pacing back and forth right next to me which made this difficult. Wikipedia said he was still alive and 183 to 188 years old (his exact birth year was uncertain). Also the page was done up with green title bars and salmon background, euch.

I thought you weren't supposed to be able to read text in dreams. Or was that read the same text twice...

Re: The dream thread

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2012 1:00 pm
by Astraios
Meh, dreams can't conform to laws because they're imagination, and imagination is pretty much limitless... I've read stuff in dreams before.

My dream last night was a bit exciting. I was with the housemate I like, and we were walking along some country lane (a real country lane, with grass growing in the middle of the road and only room for one car), and it was just a pretty summer's day, until we saw some people coming towards us, who were a man in a long coat and a woman who turned out to be one of the housemates I hate, but in disguise. Me and the good housemate thought at the same time that these were the bad guys, so we turned around and started to walk back, trying not to look like we were hurrying.

As we were turning though, the woman turned into some kind of elemental nature deity, and suddenly they were both in the field alongside us, so we picked up the arrows that were lying on the side of the lane and started shooting at her and the man. We killed the man, but since the woman was a deity she didn't die, and then we ran for it back up the lane, which turned into the interior of a house, then the city street our uni is on, then a house again, and then we jumped out of the front door of the house into the middle of a crowd at a train station, and we lost the deity chasing us.

We knew she wouldn't be far behind though, so we were looking for a train to take us away, but the only one currently at the station was a very local train that wouldn't go very far, so we didn't get on it.

I know it doesn't sound as exciting as some others I've had, but the running away part was very fun, because we didn't get tired from running.

Re: The dream thread

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2012 1:00 pm
by Astraios

Re: The dream thread

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2012 2:37 pm
by Drydic
I dreamed that I managed to work out new features for the noun inflection of my current squeezelang, then I woke up. I still had them in my mind so I typed'em up and, voilà, I have new and great features for my nominal inflection, which is awesome because I've been looking for a way to spice up them up from the all-but-perfectly-regular STEM-NUMBER-CASE system it currently has (which is far far to regular for what I want it to be).

ITT Conlanging in dreams, woot.

Re: The dream thread

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2012 11:06 am
by cromulant
The man gave me a handtruck with boxes loaded onto it and told me to take them to room 20 on the 19th floor of the building. I entered the building and got into the elevator, and pushed the button for 13 instead of 19. I had prior familiarity the 13th floor, I was used to it, and I forgot that the man said the 19th floor. When the elevator reached the 13th floor, I remembered. I went back down to the ground floor and exited the building to tell the man my mistake. Then I went back into the building and took the elevator to the 19th floor. I didn't know my way around the 19th floor. There were attractive corporate girls. There was a bookstore. There were stairs. I entered the stairwell and found myself outside the building, on the ground floor. What? How could the 19th floor open up onto the street? I could imagine how, if the street was steep, perhaps a second floor door could lead to the street. But the 19th floor? No way. The street looked different than it had. It was raining.

End of dream.

Re: The dream thread

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2012 11:49 am
by Torco
Spatial discontinuity ftw !

Re: The dream thread

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 8:41 am
by bulbaquil
I remember in my dream last night checking the weather, discovering that it was "1089°F" (which should be 587°C), and being surprisingly pleased at this fact as though it was a nice warm day, if unusually warm. I think somehow my brain somehow had changed the Celsius-to-Fahrenheit conversion formula to °F = (°C)^2, meaning it was 33°C, but even so that doesn't make much sense because I'm American and think naturally in Fahrenheit degrees.

Although I remember doing the conversion in my head and coming up with 31°C, which makes sense for 89°F. I.e., there had somehow been an extra 10 at the beginning of the temperature.

Oddly, despite the fact that I had been like "wait, 1089 isn't a comfortable temperature at all," I didn't make the connection to it being a dream and thus didn't go lucid.

Re: The dream thread

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 11:31 am
by ná'oolkiłí
I had a dream that was a terrible amalgam of Breaking Bad and the Tim and Eric Show D=

Re: The dream thread

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 3:07 pm
by Solarius
Drydic Guy wrote:I dreamed that I managed to work out new features for the noun inflection of my current squeezelang, then I woke up. I still had them in my mind so I typed'em up and, voilà, I have new and great features for my nominal inflection, which is awesome because I've been looking for a way to spice up them up from the all-but-perfectly-regular STEM-NUMBER-CASE system it currently has (which is far far to regular for what I want it to be).

ITT Conlanging in dreams, woot.
I once dreamed up a phonology.

Re: The dream thread

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 6:46 pm
by Shm Jay
I dreamt I saw a colleague at work’s secret office, which had seven toilet stalls in it, four on one side of a wall, and three on the other side, and each one was so luxurious that the toilet water was blue. However, in one of the toilet bowls there was a turd floating on its water (i.e. someone didn’t flush), which grossed me out, but I was too embarrassed to ask "does someone else have access to this office?" in case it was the colleague’s turd.

Re: The dream thread

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2012 10:53 am
by Soap
I dreamed I was at a ski resort in northwest Maine. It was very warm, since it's been close to 70F here in southern Maine, it was in the 40s up there. Wind patterns had caused the top of the mountain to melt first, meaning that there was water all over the place, but down at the bottom still 3 feet of solid snow.

source of dream: a person I know is up there now and I havent heard if it's been too warm to ski or not but Ive been thinking about it

Re: The dream thread

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2012 12:45 am
by Cathbad
First dream I've actually had in quite a while, and it was quite clear, so felt like I needed to share it.

Part One: there was a family living in our flat in Slovenia (husband, wife and two children) - don't ask me how they all managed to fit in - seemingly in addition to me and my mother, as tenants or something. The girl, who was actually around 14 or so, didn't like the dinner they were eating (seated around the table like any nice old family), and stood up and started throwing plates at the wall and bowls on the floor, breaking them in the process (I remember being afraid that there'd be some piece of shrapnel that would hit my eye or something). And then she left the room. The family was completely impassive at all this. Following this, my mother came in, and we all went into a room adjacent to the "dining room" - this adjacent room has our Windows PC back home, but (like all the rooms of our flat) was considerably larger than IRL within the dream. Anyway, there was a TV on - a small color TV suspended from a metal thingy right below the ceiling - but also, the computer was on, and it had one minimized browser window in the taskbar entitled "Britney Spears Pictures" - and I remember imagining this was the family's son (who was what, 12?) desperately trying to find naked pictures of Britney Spears. There was another browser window open, however, to some sort of video website which had "Saving Private Ryan" divided into 30 parts or something (i.e. the whole film had been "chopped up" into small videos and then uploaded for streaming), and my mother asked me to open them all in new tabs from around part 12 or something onwards. Also, she and the parents of the other family were talking, but I can't remember what about. And she seemed to be quite good friends with them.

Part Two: this seems to be continuous with Part One, since I remember my mother smelling the skin on my forearm and saying "Oh, that's OK, you haven't been exposed". Basically (and this was outside, rather than inside the flat, but the outside didn't look anything like the outside of our block of flats in Slovenia) there was some sort of bomb going on every so often, and it was in a huge metal box (I think it was blue in color, though I'm not sure) that was, well, right there. I kept thinking it was "like an atomic bomb", but it wasn't really; when it went off, it just let off a huge orange-ish flash and made everyone in the vicinity really really tired and groaning and sleepy (there were quite a lot of people standing/sitting/lying around outside, for some reason), unless they wore an environmental suit. And, if they didn't have their skin covered, they would get lasting harmful effects. (So: skin exposure is worst, since it gives you lasting harm; if you cover your skin, you won't get these unspecified harmful effects, but you'll still suffer from the effects of the orange flashes; but if you wear an environmental suit, you'll be completely protected.) And it seemed to be the case that after every "explosion", you had to unlock a part of the "bomb" and take out a sort of metal chip (which looked like it was made of nickel or lead or something). One person did this before me and went away, then I somehow got something like an environmental suit (slightly improvised, with scarves and shit), and there was another explosion, and then I unlocked a padlock on the bomb and took the chip out (remember feeling that it was really really hot). And then I went to some guy and showed him the chip. For some reason, we were both really doubtful about it, so I said:

"Maybe this isn't the right chip."
"If it isn't the right chip," the other guy said, "then we're fucked."

And then I woke up.

Re: The dream thread

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2012 3:04 am
by Astraios
That's pretty fun.

My dream was a bit weird and very short. I dreamt I found some Dalmatian puppies, and me and my sisters had to rescue them from some bad guy or other, so we kept them in the oven and fed them toast. Then we got in our private plane and were flying with the cloaking device activated to some secret location with our bodyguards. And that was it.

Re: The dream thread

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2012 1:06 pm
by Lyhoko Leaci
I dreamed that I was flying around following a truck/mobile home combo thing, which was at first heading down a curvy road in a forest, where the trees were either all dead, or haven't started to bud yet. (maybe because that's what it looks like now, with the weather warm enough to wear shorts and a t-shirt, but the trees are still bare.) There were a lot of power lines in the area as well, that I needed to avoid. The vehicle came to a stop at some sort of small facility, where they picked up a can of explosives or maybe rocket fuel or something, before continuing on. I had landed at that point, as it was difficult to hover, and I had some trouble taking off again, though that might have been me being overly careful to no cause an explosion, as I used rocket-powered flight, though I wasn't particular near anything explosive at the time. The vehicle soon came to a lake of some sort where there were a bunch of people swimming, as well as some dolphins. The road went across a suspension bridge at some point, but then was down on a levee of sorts though the middle of the lake, and occasionally one of the dolphins would jump out of the water and over the road to the other side.

The dream then changed to a hot tub or something that had some problems with it moving around on its own and grinding against something, then there was some sort of presentation for school on Azumanga Daioh, but the characters in it looked more like they were from Maria Holic...

Re: The dream thread

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 4:40 pm
by Bristel
I had a disturbing dream that my sister was either passed out or dead facedown in the toilet, and I had to pull her out and get the water out of her lungs. I think the dream reasoning was that she had taken some kind of injectable drug, and had overdosed.

Trying to get the water out of her lungs involved holding her upside down by her legs and shifting her around.

I woke up quite a bit upset.

Re: The dream thread

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 7:44 pm
by Shm Jay
I had some weird dream that was simultaneously a high school lesson, a play, a 60s happening with all sorts of 60s people from the Eastern Bloc, such as Korolev, and a time-travel thing.

Re: The dream thread

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2012 2:43 am
by Herr Dunkel
I've been up for a straight 24 hours now.
The ZBB never had more DG than now!

Re: The dream thread

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 6:20 am
by tubragg
I had gone down to my local mall to shop for groceries. To my surprise I saw my sister and her 2 yr old son there. I went up to her, but even though she seemed to notice me she didn't say hello.

Instead a tall guy accompanying her shook my hand and asked me how things were going today. I said "Fine", but thought his question was a bit strangely worded, concluding he thought I was participating in whatever event had brought them there, and had been asking about that rather than about my general well-being.

Before I could correct him another person put their arm around my shoulder, greeting me happily. At first I thought it was a girl I had known in school 20 years ago, and returned the favor enthusiastically. On a closer inspection I realized it was in fact another guy who was unknown to me, that he had made the same mistake as the tall guy, and that my response had reinforced that mistake.

As we followed my sister and the tall guy, I tried to explain, prompting a confused dialogue:

Me: Look, I'm not actually part of this...activity...
Him: Why, are you sick?

(As it happened, I was, IRL as well)

Me: Err, as a matter of fact I am, but...
Him: Do you have a headache? Fever?

(He seemed to try to distance himself from me, while still having his arm around my shoulder.)

Me: No, it's my stomach...

By that time we had apparently reached our destination. A small area in the mall had been enclosed, with snakes painted on the floor and some small stuffed snakes lying about. A few adults and children were shuffling around inside. My new friend tried to point out some ring, but as I could neither see the ring nor understand it's function, I just grunted in response. After a few seconds of awkward silence we finally disentangled from each other. I turned to my sister to find out what was going on, but she was talking to a woman and seemed so preoccupied that I decided to shop my groceries first and then come back. Unfortunately I woke up before I could get it sorted out...

Re: The dream thread

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 8:40 am
by Soap
another "school" dream

I was late for college, but this time the college was in a busy city somewhere near New York. It have even been New York City, but I only remember driving through Connecticut to get there. I was paying close attention to the time, making sure I would still be on time for my 5:00 pm class. I went to Subway to get my lunch but somehow it was already 5:20 by the time I got to a library that wasnt even the right building for my class. I remember wanting to "punch in" and get my books there as though it was work instead of school. Outside the library the city traffic was even busier, rush hour I guess, and a guy with a flashlight was helping me get around the streets, and gave me a warning of some sort I dont remember.

Shortly thereafter, still in the school campus, I remember thinking about a girl who had had the longest uninterrupted sleep ever recorded, about 23h 40m, and that all the episodes of sleep that were longer were actually comas.

Also for some reason Im convinced I heard a loud alarm clock that wasnt my own at around 7:30 am. I have no explanation for this as Ive never dreamed a sound that loud before.

scam of the day: "You've been selected by Political Opinions to receive a free cruise for 2 to the Bahamas. Gratuities of a small port tax will apply."