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Re: The dream thread

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2014 10:19 pm
by Shm Jay
I had some horrible dream about behind the scenes in the New York subway where various sorts of gangs and socially undesirable/rebellious people lived amidst all the machinery and filth and live wires and open train tracks.

Re: The dream thread

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2014 6:00 am
by Torco
Subwaypunk sounds like a great aesthetic

Re: The dream thread

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2014 10:58 am
by Salmoneus
A dream entirely through the medium of goodreads updates. Note to self: spend less time on Goodreads.

Better than a few weeks ago, though, when I had the first real nightmare I've had in years. I've always had plenty of dreams where horrible things happen, but I don't tend to find them frightening - I guess the way other people view horror films and rollercoasters (I hate both, they terrify me). This one petrified me, though - one of those ones where you wake up and are going "please please please can this not still be a dream please" for a good few minutes before being certain that you're actually awake.

Nothing that remarkable. Zombies, essentially, although iirc it was actually some sort of infection or biological agent. It was probably aliens what did it. Anyway, everything/everyone (it affected animals as well as humans) was being infected and then they slowly turned into unthinking vectors, and all the apparent ways of controlling or defeating the disease turned out one by one not to work and everybody died.

So yeah. Goodreads updates!

Re: The dream thread

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2014 11:48 am
by Torco
So a zombie-genre nightmare told entirely through updates on a website? I think that may be the most peculiar dream archived herein.

Re: The dream thread

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2014 2:12 pm
by Salmoneus
Torco wrote:So a zombie-genre nightmare told entirely through updates on a website? I think that may be the most peculiar dream archived herein.
No, two different dreams. Although your idea would be conceivable.

Re: The dream thread

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2014 9:57 pm
by Lyhoko Leaci
I had a dream last night where I was playing Crash Bandicoot, I don't remember much of the beginning but I ended up getting three masks and became temporarily invincible and started plowing through everything, then came to a side-scrolling area with a bridge of boxes, which I couldn't cross while the triple mask was active, as it would break all he boxes and I would fall in a pit, so I went back a little ways and then went down a different path. At some point the triple mask power ran out, and I came across a missile launching robot, after dodging the missiles I try to spin attack it, but then the game glitches out and for a bit I'm stuck in the robot, unable to do anything. After a couple of seconds I respawn at a checkpoint, but it's somehow just past the robot, which is still there and so I have to backtrack a bit and kill it, there's a bit more glitching, but this time I end up taking it out. I head on down the path in the correct direction, where I'm attacked by spiders or something, and although I try to take them out, they end up tangling me up and the controls no longer respond correctly. Then I wake up.

Re: The dream thread

Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2014 4:21 pm
by Pabappa
I dreamt wine was cheaper than water and i was going to buy some just to save money even though normally I almost never drink alcohol.

Re: The dream thread

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2014 3:56 pm
by Herr Dunkel
This morning I was awoken by a dream of me visiting a family that had me hidden from French Nazis in another dream, and I came back to see them as their baby has gotten sick. The awakening part was that the family moved in with relatives to a different home and the moment I went in, I was assaulted by my gymnasium teachers that were apparently that family's relatives.

Bowling for Prostitutes

Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2014 10:21 am
by Pabappa
"Bowling for Prostitutes"

Prostitutes were hiding out in the swampy southern part of the town, where there were also gambling establishments and stores with good discounts. A huge Ames store closed down because they couldnt beat the low prices of the competition, and there were signs all over the place saying "You could own this Ames!" It was a huge building with like 70 floors, perhaps it was actually the headquarters of Ames rather than just one store. Meanwhile it had been turned into a museum for people, so that they could collect at least some money while the store was closed.

Anyway the city decided to solve the prostitute problem by bowling them over. There were prostitutes both male and female hiding out in the deep water of the swamps, where people apparently often walked either as a shortcut to get from one place to another or just for the sake of having a walk. The police threw a bowling ball type thing at one male prostitute, killing him, and he kept rolling all the way down the hill and killed another male prostitute. They decided not to be violent against the female ones, and I think in this dream the prostitutes, at least the male ones, were actually drug dealers but for some reason everyone was lumping them together with prostitutes. (So Moonshine shàlh will now mean "prostitute" in the feminine and "drug dealer" in the masculine.) I should mention also that the gambling tables earlier were also in the woods, not free-standing establishments, and they were using logs and sticks as the gambling equipment.


I found out Ecco the Dolphin had a secret accessed by having Ecco push a wooden/bamboo crate across the level without it getting burst open by either Ecco or the other sea creatures. I took it to a guy who built it into a spaceship which allowed me to access any level, including the srcet world, which turned out to be in Donkey Kong Country. Howeverr it turned out that it was marble racecourses instead of normal DKC levels, and su ddenly therse were real, with 15000-sqaure-foot racecourses designed for rolling marbles.

Re: The dream thread

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2014 8:49 pm
by finlay
I think because I was drunk last night I had quite vivid dreams, so I want to write them down in case they disappear. In one, I met a guy, basically. I guess he looked similar to a cute co-worker I'd been talking to last night - dark hair and a beard. His name was Sieg, of all things, although when a friend talked about him later on in the dream, he said his name was Sigur Rós, but he was American. When I met him, I was lying on my stomach watching tv, or something, when he came up next to me and started complimenting my butt. This being a dream, I was able to twist my head round to have a proper look and agree with him. Then I'm not sure what happened next, but we went off somewhere together and after chatting a bit he stole a kiss, which was very romantic although I was trying to tell him that I couldn't because I had a boyfriend. Then he was telling me I need to love myself more, but I was trying to tell him he'd gotten the wrong impression, or that he must have been thinking about a previous time he'd met me when my confidence was lower.

Anyway, in another dream there were five rocky islands. Four of them had swans on them, which flew away rather impressively. The last had a tiger or a lion, which scampered off, because it turned out that the last one was more of a long peninsula. And I then had to follow the tiger. I dunno where I had to get to, perhaps just back to a mainland or something, but the swans, who could fly away easily, were jeering at me for not being able to follow them. The way I had to go was difficult, because it was very rocky and uneven ground, and I was afraid of catching up with the tiger. But at the top of the first hill, the landscape morphed into a village. I was about to enter a house that the boy from the last dream had told me to go to, but an old Japanese woman came bustling out and I had to hide, cursing the boy for having lied.

Then I dunno what happened, but I ended up on a path going through a park on a downward incline, and having to avoid all the geese and swans that were gearing up to attack me to protect their children. At this point it changed again to me controlling myself with video game controls in the third person, so I was essentially watching myself avoid the birds.

Anyway I kinda wanted to remember the boy, even though he's not real.

Re: The dream thread

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2014 8:57 pm
by Pabappa
I love dream linkages like that. Do you remember if you entered the water at all? Im just curious, not psychoanalyzing or anything.

Also I like the way your dream turned from real life into a video game whereas my dream turned from a video game into real life.
I dreamt a bunch of people were doing aerobics and other exercises in the water, since working out in water builds muscles faster. But then suddenly a bunch of tuna fish swam into them and knocked them over. They (or some other people) had poured tranquilizers in the water in order to make fishing a thing of the past .... now, people could just pick up all the fish they needed since they would already be dead or at least asleep. But people took the mishap as a sign that exercise was futile ... since even a human in tip-top shape was still delicate enough to be crushed or drowned by a dead fish.

Re: The dream thread

Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2014 6:28 pm
by ratammer
A couple of nights ago, I had a dream that started out with me going to uni (note: in real life, I left uni over a year ago), and I was accompanied by May from Pokémon, who was apparently as old as me and had always walked to uni with me. Then, when I got to uni, I realised that May wasn't with me, and that made me realise that May was actually a fictional character - but, because I could clearly remember her coming to uni with me every day, I started to worry that I was going insane. It's one of the most disturbing sensations I've ever had in a dream.

Then, when I entered a classroom, the dream became more silly than scary - the students included a little girl and someone who works where I do in real life, and Professor McGonagall from Harry Potter showed up to ask me why I hadn't signed up for the Thursday lectures.

Re: The dream thread

Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2014 8:34 am
by Pabappa
----Dec 7
Power went out around 7am and I stayed in bed because fortunately I have a quiet roommate now and a window overlooking the highway. so I fell back asleep and had a dream about the power outage. Vaguely I remember checking the outage on the smartphone and my street was not included, so I figured it was a prank. Soon the lights were on and some tall girls were outside my bedroom door. There were messages spelled in black tape on the carpet, as their signature, as if they were a group of hackers. Their name was something about stealing all lights. They must have been copying keys or made a master key. Two males entered the room and one took my lamp and prepared to leave .I was considering pushing him out the window since it was 4 floors up and I would have his soft belly to land on. I didn't do that though, and laid back [in the dream] to bed once more. Soon the power was back on but it's 8:21 as I wake up. And the power is on for real but the light looks dim so I wont trust my computer bring on. I will fix typos in this message later
[fixed Dec 16]

---Dec 16
At a fast food restaurant that Ive never been at before and a girl mistakes me for an employee (even though I was sitting down in a booth) and asks me the total price of something she was trying to order. I try to help but honestly cant make it out so I tell her that. Then she orders a meal and it turns out to be like $18.75 for just one meal. She threw it in the trash and then prepared to leave. To her surprise the 2 clerks behind the counter wanted to make her pay, which in the dream I thought was also very surprising as they didnt even tell her the price until after she'd gotten the food. But they made her pay, and they wanted 39 hundredths of a penny because "you had one ring", meaning an onion ring that was apparently priced in hundredths of a penny. The girl said something sarcastic like "oh I knew you'd do that". I remember wanting to help the girl and saying I'd support her if there was a dispute in court or anything since I had witnessed the whole thing but I didnt see if she paid the money because I decided I didnt want food anymore and drove away. Soon I was out in a large grassy field crawling along like an animal but yet moving quickly and smoothly while thinking about the incident, which is probably what caused this dream. Then I remember a second part of the dream, which I think was the same dream in the same parking lot, where my old boss was invited back to the company after being laid off and told he'd never be getting back in. He announced in an email that he "might" get his job back, displacing the guy who had replaced him. In the dream it had apparently been much longer, because he had a new car, and didnt even know how to get into the building (I had to show him that; we ended up walking through some other store that was like a movie theater attached to a candy store I think). He seemed very happy in the dream.

Re: The dream thread

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2014 9:13 am
by Pabappa
A tiny girl carried me face down towards a blood test and people were saying it was amazing she was carrrying me and instead of vice versa. But I realized even though it took her almost an hour the blood test was just a few buildings away. They needed to test me at once at night and once the following morning, to my dismay.,

Re: The dream thread

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2014 4:49 pm
by Civil War Bugle
The other night I dreamed that I was in a car, with my parents, at a christmas tree farm in the town where I grew up, and where I once worked one summer while off from school. Meanwhile, my brother was in India, where he was the dictator. India's territory, in my dream, consisted of the property my family owned (we had 275 acres on a hill and could see the tree farm from where our house was, so in my dream, I could look over the valley to see India.) We were driving around among the christmas trees when suddenly my brother called me to say that he had been overthrown by Naxalite rebels and needed help, so we started driving towards the road so that we could head over and shoot people or something, but then the dream ended.

Re: The dream thread

Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2014 6:09 am
by Birdlang
One dream I had when I was little was feeding Barney gasoline. It was funny and kids were angry at me and had a big protest.
Another was when I ate a woman made of ice cream, I forgot her last words.
Another dream was a talking chicken shot lasers out of his mouth, that must be an alien chicken.
Another dream I had was when a rubber chicken exploded and its parts were flying everywhere.
Another dream I had was watching a bird having an egg abortion.
Another dream I had was when I was little. I forgot the thing that happened, but alien-driven robot vehicles named Bodylip who looks like a fuzzy pink or blue or green or orange donut, Oinker is a Thomas the Train with a wild boar driving it who talks like Donald Duck, Vortex who looks like an insectoid vacuum cleaner and the Lion and the Fox, who are ugly as all heck and look like walking broccoli with leaves for legs and the lion was orange and the fox was pink, even though he was a guy. They all got destroyed by their owners, who used a laser gun.
Another dream I had most recently was going to a band concert.

Re: The dream thread

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2015 6:23 am
by Birdlang
I had a funny dream, I was in a toy exchange store getting toys for the Bird preschool with my friend Pigeon. We were testing the toys for errors in the noise maker piece for air blockage, broken reed, inside toy, and warped sound effect. When we got the toys we needed to give the children as gifts, like a vinyl Unfezant that sounds like those annoying rubber chickens on YouTube, but at a way higher pitch, a teddy bear with plastic fake laser missiles, and a rubber seagull. As well as 20 of the same Vinyl Unfezant but with a different sound, 10 for the preschoolers, one for pigeon, nine for me and these Unfezant squeaked like a Birdco toy. And the smallest children knew we got safe toys, so we gave it to them first. All the toys were labeled "Made in Pigeonland. Birdco Trading Co. Ltd., Pat. Pend. 1975." And that is 1997 in Bird years. Pigeonland is my conworld Dolphin Major's economic equivalent of China. And the preschool class had a keyboard with 88 keys and 19000 sounds. I also got a toy for Pigeon called Chirpy the Bird. The Unfezant was for me, even though Pigeon wanted it (he is actually a pigeon alien). Then a bunch of toy female celebrities were bought with reed noisemaker added. These were for the band. And a new toy Skyla and Winona from Pokémon with sound added. Don't ask me why all have moving parts and/or sound. It is how they were made as fun toys. Then, we heard singing a song Jyo Desikkan, which was accompanied by a keyboard. It was Pigeon on the keyboard, and the band singing.

Re: The dream thread

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2015 6:08 am
by Birdlang
I had a dream. A bird was singing an inappropriate song in front of 100 children. He was arrested. Then, the Hungry Dolphin Band played their instruments. It was a bunch of songs, including a techno remix of Mary Had a Little Lamb whose heart was dark as coal. The birds were dancing and playing the synthesizer, rubber chickens, and rubber Woods Hens, a Woods Hen is a bird native to Dolphin Major that makes an annoying sound like a rubber Duck. I dream in my Conworld, because I control everything that happens. And this band I know the members because they are all friends. The birds were singing songs. And the songs were genres like traditional music, Bird dubstep, Bird rap, and Bird love ballads, including synthesizers with 20,061 sounds.

Re: The dream thread

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2015 9:48 am
by Pabappa
"Wilson" was a name in the Old Testament, I think the book of Daniel, as someone who Daniel stpoke to, and who had fought off evil spirits by resisting temptation. This was the cause for a lot of Jews and Christians having Wilson as their first name (in the dream).

Re: The dream thread

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2015 5:17 pm
by Birdlang
Publipis wrote:"Wilson" was a name in the Old Testament, I think the book of Daniel, as someone who Daniel stpoke to, and who had fought off evil spirits by resisting temptation. This was the cause for a lot of Jews and Christians having Wilson as their first name (in the dream).
I am Christian, and in my dream my name is my name in real life, not Wilson. Why would I want a con person saying Wilson and pronouncing the w unrounded or like an ayn in Arabic. First as a Bird would somewhat say it, second as some weird Chechen like language speaking bears.

Re: The dream thread

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2015 5:19 pm
by Birdlang
Birdlang wrote:I had a dream. A bird was singing an inappropriate song in front of 100 children. He was arrested. Then, the Hungry Dolphin Band played their instruments. It was a bunch of songs, including a techno remix of Mary Had a Little Lamb whose heart was dark as coal. The birds were dancing and playing the synthesizer, rubber chickens, and rubber Woods Hens, a Woods Hen is a bird native to Dolphin Major that makes an annoying sound like a rubber Duck. I dream in my Conworld, because I control everything that happens. And this band I know the members because they are all friends. The birds were singing songs. And the songs were genres like traditional music, Bird dubstep, Bird rap, and Bird love ballads, including synthesizers with 20,061 sounds.
The band is named after a monster that came out of the ocean and was defeated by a guy who was hungry. It is from the bird religion Birdism. And Woods Hens only make that sound when they are in severe pain or are scared. A bunch of them makes it seem like dogs are using them as toys, which is really creepy in my Conworld where people have to sleep longer than normal.

Re: The dream thread

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2015 5:25 pm
by Birdlang
I had a dream where the Incatena was a big college and Zompist was the conlang teacher, and all of us had to be in his class. It was awesome!!! I got to see the jail next door for blocked users. The jail was a trip led by Zompist and Dewrad, who was his assistant with all the other moderators. I think I saw All the users. And they looked completely different from the pictures they put on the picture thread. And someone was speaking Pakhto and Khmer mixed together. And I think it could have been Ubykh for all I know. And I found out it was Taa. Which is because I heard clicks and Pakhto and Khmer sounds.

Re: The dream thread

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2015 1:02 am
by Lyhoko Leaci
I had a dream where I was running though some sort of crazy building with stairs and hallways going all over the place and I was being chased by someone, and I was dropping what were apparently fluorine bombs behind me, but they never seemed to actually do anything, but I did end up losing whoever was chasing me. But then I ended up at some sort of balcony thing and the person who was chasing me was waiting for me there.

Another dream I had I was in some sort of school-like place, I don't remember much but there was a nurse's office where a Hina was stationed, though she didn't seem to be in there when I looked, though there were a couple of other people just standing around in there. At another point we were in a dark area we heard something in a neighboring room and got scared, but it turned out to just be a friendly cat and everyone started petting it.

Re: The dream thread

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2015 9:50 am
by Pabappa
Lyhoko Leaci wrote:Another dream I had I was in some sort of school-like place, I don't remember much but there was a nurse's office where a Hina was stationed, though she didn't seem to be in there when I looked, though there were a couple of other people just standing around in there. At another point we were in a dark area we heard something in a neighboring room and got scared, but it turned out to just be a friendly cat and everyone started petting it.
By Hina do you mean this?

I was ininstalling some version of Windows on an old PC of mine. In real life neither the PC nor that parrticular version of Windows exists. It was the Win 9X counterpart to NT4, i.e. so it corresponds to Win95 and Win98 together, but is a single versiob. As I was tgoing it asked me to put a CD in the drive but there was no CD drive on this computer so I had to exit and it turned to DOS> Then I realized I was writing over my WinNT4 installation anyway which I didnt want to do. Then the freind who was helping me came back from his room and suddenly it was linux, with a game staring "Ruvven the Penguin" — pronounced /rIvIn/, meaning literally "raven", and resembing Rayman.

Re: The dream thread

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2015 2:52 am
by Lyhoko Leaci
Publipis wrote:
Lyhoko Leaci wrote:Another dream I had I was in some sort of school-like place, I don't remember much but there was a nurse's office where a Hina was stationed, though she didn't seem to be in there when I looked, though there were a couple of other people just standing around in there. At another point we were in a dark area we heard something in a neighboring room and got scared, but it turned out to just be a friendly cat and everyone started petting it.
By Hina do you mean this?
I don't think so... I think it might have been Aoi Asahina from Danagn Ronpa. But then, seeing as I never saw who exactly it was, who knows?