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Re: The Official ZBB Quote Thread

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 11:39 pm
by Shm Jay
linguoboy wrote:Right, I can see that. It lends Yampa a mystical aura of Swedishness.

Re: The Official ZBB Quote Thread

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 11:42 pm
by Aurora Rossa
I rather like Swedish, myself, at least on paper. Although it probably does fall short of mystical exoticism.

Re: The Official ZBB Quote Thread

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 7:38 am
by Wattmann

Re: The Official ZBB Quote Thread

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 7:57 am
by *Ceresz
Wattmann wrote:It has VOWELS
Especially if you take a look at the traditional dialects and not the modern ones which are basically accents/variants of the standard language. In the traditional dialects you can find long and short ô, which is usually described as a vowel "somewhere between å and ö" (a good reference point would be /ɞ/ and /ɞː/), and then there's the short /e/ which standard Swedish lacks.

Oh, how I wish that the dialect massacre never happened.

Re: The Official ZBB Quote Thread

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 8:48 am
by Wattmann
I once considered learning Swedish instead of Icelandic, but the vowel inventory scared me - I could never speak it well.
Icelandic, OTOH, has <g> for /g/ :)

Re: The Official ZBB Quote Thread

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 8:54 am
by Acid Badger
Wattmann wrote:I once considered learning Swedish instead of Icelandic, but the vowel inventory scared me - I could never speak it well.
Icelandic, OTOH, has <g> for /g/ :)
Shouldn't it be <g> /k/?

Re: The Official ZBB Quote Thread

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 9:02 am
by Wattmann
Avo wrote:
Wattmann wrote:I once considered learning Swedish instead of Icelandic, but the vowel inventory scared me - I could never speak it well.
Icelandic, OTOH, has <g> for /g/ :)
Shouldn't it be <g> /k/?
No, it's /g/ but has [k], [ɣ], [j], [c], [x] as allophones.
<k> OTOH has [kʰ], [cʰ], [c], [k] as allophones.
Of course, what's inside the slashes isn't what's actually in the brackets.

That's the official Icelandic way of phone(me) representation AFAI'm aware of.

Re: The Official ZBB Quote Thread

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 10:31 am
by Torco
I'm sorry, but I need to put this up here.
Emperor Charles V wrote:
Yng wrote:seriously though do you promise to read a real history book
Edit: Also, going 'BUT THIS GUY'S CONWORLD IS JUST AS BORING. FOR GOD'S SAKE IT DOESN'T EVEN HAVE GUNS' isn't going to get you anywhere. What's so original about guns anyway? We have guns in real life.
Mark's world has the theory of evolution, heliocentrism, steamships and even reconstructed protolangs but no guns. This doesn't make sense at all. His world is bascially 1800's Europe and USA minus guns! That's the recipe for pure chaos.

Re: The Official ZBB Quote Thread

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2012 12:47 am
by Kezdő
Come on, Charlie-Five. You can do better than that.

Re: The Official ZBB Quote Thread

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2012 12:49 am
by Lyra
Emperor Charles V wrote:
Vuvgangujunga wrote:
Emperor Charles V wrote:
You forgot the "fifth by that name." Please don't confuse me with all the other Charles.
So as not to offend other Charles?
I mean the other Charles that were Holy Roman Emperors who are Charles I, Charles II, Charles III, Charles IV, Charles VI and Charles VII.

Re: The Official ZBB Quote Thread

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2012 10:04 pm
by Vuvuzela
Heres what the Quote Thread needs: more CharlieFive
Legion wrote:
Emperor Charles V wrote:
Legion wrote:
Emperor Charles V wrote: "Pro"-tip? I've made more posts than you
100% of which were junk.

And stop lying.
This is your last warning before I officially FOE you!

Re: The Official ZBB Quote Thread

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2012 12:15 am
by Torco
this guy's fucking priceless.

Re: The Official ZBB Quote Thread

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2012 4:25 pm
by Acid Badger
Lyra wrote:In and old dusty board
where cons and langs thrived;
in a nerdy nerd's world
there came one Charlie Five.

Not to be confused with the others:
not the first or even the sixth.
His most noble Habsburg forefather
was none but Charles the Fifth!

He hinted at a user of old
A king of maps, of his kin.
And most verily, we were told,
that this brother was not him.

"You see, he was angry, a nerd,"
he said, "you guys were pricks.
Well, that what from him I heard."
Charlie also doesn't like dicks.

"I AM NOT GAY," he screamed.
He had a girlfriend he told all
and was a jock on a team,
the one of the foot and the ball.

His lang was a poor cipher
and had little hints of Maltese.
His world, dominated by knifers
who beat all gunmen with ease.

I could go one more, I know.
But the story is still ongoing
what will come of the morrow
with the stupidity still growing?


Re: The Official ZBB Quote Thread

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2012 5:04 pm
by Yng
Charles V wrote:I'm used to everybody loving me at school I expected the same on the forum.

Re: The Official ZBB Quote Thread

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2012 6:55 pm
by Kereb
god damn this is totally going to become yet another Charlie thread

Re: The Official ZBB Quote Thread

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2012 9:51 pm
by Vuvuzela
Kereb wrote:god damn this is totally going to become yet another Charlie thread
This is the only way to preserve the record of CharlieFive's golden age one the Thread that will NEVER Get Pruned, gets pruned along with the the Orincarya

Re: The Official ZBB Quote Thread

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 1:56 am
by AK-92
Vuvgangujunga wrote:
Kereb wrote:god damn this is totally going to become yet another Charlie thread
This is the only way to preserve the record of CharlieFive's golden age one the Thread that will NEVER Get Pruned, gets pruned along with the the Orincarya
But is it worth it?

Re: The Official ZBB Quote Thread

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 3:22 am
by Xephyr
Kereb wrote:
Emperor Charles V wrote:There are no bayonets for the same reason why no one in the ancient, classical or medieval times invented a knife to fit on a bow.
yeah well my conpeople eat soup with a fork. They have spoons but don't use them for liquid foods because they think of spoons only as a tool to spread condiments, or dig ditches very slowly. They've never invented a soup spoon for the same reason that people in antiquity never invented a pudding-cannon: it just crosses too many conceptual boundaries.

Also forks are made from a special alloy but spoons are made of a metal that explodes in contact with liquid, so spoons would be totally useless for soup. And it's worked perfectly for them for generations so don't even think of asking why they don't just make the spoons out of fork-metal. It would seem absurd to them.

Re: The Official ZBB Quote Thread

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 7:49 am
by Kezdő
Let's hope the spoon merchants have no shortage of umbrellas. Unless, of course, in his conworld umbrellas are all made of a fabric that opens portals to hell when it comes into contact with water, and so people just carry jars on their heads all the time.

You've got to wonder why spoons are still even made of that stuff, unless of course it's really damn good at spreading condiments. That is, entirely non-liquid condiments.

You know, this gives that short film with the Spoon-Killer an entirely different meaning. Spoons are now valid murder weapons! If you're born with a spoon in your mouth, exploding baby! Uri Geller is an international terrorist! Kadabra from Pokémon is a suicide bomber! That joke from Pirates of the Caribbean where the crew runs out of cannonballs and resorts to cutlery? That's what wins the battle!

Say, what do sporks do? Distribute poison gas? I can see the blighters in their trenches now, fumbling for their gas masks as the German sporks scream across No Man's land, carrying death upon their surprisingly conveniently-shaped bowl-tine combos!

Re: The Official ZBB Quote Thread

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 8:20 am
by Torco
come on, guys, this is too much.

Re: The Official ZBB Quote Thread

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 9:31 pm
by Jetboy
linguoboy wrote:
Legion wrote:Terrorists are just a fairytale, they don't exist.
Planes, trains, border crossings, and nightclubs just blow themselves up. It's symptomatic of postmodern ennui.

Re: The Official ZBB Quote Thread

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:53 am
by Astraios
Torco wrote:I'm descended from very high up indeed. just last day I was in an 18th floor, and now I'm not anymore

Re: The Official ZBB Quote Thread

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 7:43 am
by Torco
Vuvu wrote:Oh, Eddy begged the question. Otherwise, how would the question have been begged by him? You can't have a question begged by someone who doesn't beg the question, now can you? Duh.

Re: The Official ZBB Quote Thread

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 7:44 am
by linguoboy
Drydic Guy wrote:
Vuvgangujunga wrote:
cromulant wrote:And I'd like to see some proof that you're on the football team.
Why does it matter? I could be a transsexual prostitute from Vanuatu for all the relevance it has to this board. You know what? Screw it. I'm a transgender,Ni-Vanuatu sex worker. What're ya gonna do 'bout it?
You doin' anything later tonight?

Re: The Official ZBB Quote Thread

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2012 4:23 pm
by Shm Jay
Pthug, to Christoph Schröder the Compulsive Capitalizer, wrote:Don't you have a Job, Sir? Do you expect your Employer to "put up" with your Bullshit? If I were to do this I would lose my Employment and be sucking Cock on the Street.

so stop it