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Re: Venting thread that excludes sirdanilot

Posted: Fri May 29, 2015 8:23 pm
by linguoboy
KathAveara wrote:
zompist wrote:Furthermore declaring that racism and sexism are issues but homophobia isn't
I do believe that's not what I said. I said they are issues that are much more relevant to me. Incidentally, they're also far more salient and deep-seated issues, and also affect a far larger proportion of the population. I believe both are over 50%. Try to tell me with a straight face that legallising same-sex marriage is more important than ending racism and/or sexism (or even writing full and total equality into law)
More important to whom? Because if the standard is "relevance to me", then legalising same-sex marriage is way more important. Because of that, my partner of seventeen years (now my husband) was able to retire from his job with the confidence that he would be covered on my insurance policy--which turned out to be extremely important a year later when he was diagnosed with a terminal cancer, the treatment for which costs $1000 a dose. It was also extremely valuable during the two weeks when he was in hospital and I was managing all our affairs and dealing with all the medical personnel on his behalf.

As for sexism and racism, why would I want to end them? I'm a White man. If employers are forced to pay women and minorities as much as they pay me that doesn't mean we'll all get more, it means I'll get less. As it is, I'm already taking home thousands less every year than I would be if women's participation in the labour market was as limited today as it was when my parents were born. Plus I have to compete harder for jobs and put up with their opinions being treated as (almost) equal to my own. I have everything to lose from ending historical equality and nothing to gain.

So could you please tell me again, KathAveara, why I should support your pet cause?

Re: Venting thread that excludes sirdanilot

Posted: Fri May 29, 2015 10:18 pm
by Yiuel Raumbesrairc
KathAveara wrote:(or even writing full and total equality into law)
Yay for Canada, as the constitution gives full and total equality into law already. And since law rules over any moral scruple, hehe.

(It was the rationale for same-sex marriage : since it made the distinction of sex, the law was stricken down as unconstitutional, as sex cannot be grounds for a lawful discrimination.)

Re: Venting thread that excludes sirdanilot

Posted: Sat May 30, 2015 11:05 am
by Viktor77
There's something going on with marriage. I told you how both my very supportive grandparents and my partner's parents refuse to attend our wedding. Now today I found out my grandfather said he'd be fine with it if only it were a civil union, not a marriage. And my partner has heard similar things from his parents, still convincing themselves he'll settle down with a nice girl some day. There's something going on here with marriage that I just do not understand. My partner's parents always accepted me, were always kind to me, my grandparents opened their lives to my partner, they always seemed so supportive, but not apparently once it comes to marriage. This perplexes me that they can overcome all of this intolerance and offer support, but only to a point....

The worst part is I don't know what to do about it. I'm back home for a few days and I don't even want to see my grandparents. I don't want to even accept any gifts from them. Part of me really wants to talk about this with them and show them how disappointed it has made me, but I don't know. With grandparents you never want to cross too far into the "guilting" line. I'm willing to give them a certain amount of leeway given their age, but still, it bothers me immensely as I was always extremely close with my grandparents and they were formally monolithic figures in my life.

Re: Venting thread that excludes sirdanilot

Posted: Sat May 30, 2015 2:19 pm
by KathTheDragon
linguoboy wrote:So could you please tell me again, KathAveara, why I should support your pet cause?
I'm not telling you to. I'm trying to tell you why I should be allowed to not be interested.

Re: Venting thread that excludes sirdanilot

Posted: Sat May 30, 2015 3:00 pm
by KathTheDragon
Personally, I think it would be for the best if I withdrew from posting for a while, and let this all simmer down before it boils over.

Re: Venting thread that excludes sirdanilot

Posted: Sat May 30, 2015 9:54 pm
by linguoboy
KathAveara wrote:
linguoboy wrote:So could you please tell me again, KathAveara, why I should support your pet cause?
I'm not telling you to.
KathAveara wrote:That is not what I meant there; my intended point was that racism is an issue for all white people, not just those being intentionally racist, and that sexism is an issue for all men, not just those being intentionally sexist.
Take as much time away from the discussion as you want. But when you return, I'll be interested in seeing how you reconcile these two statements.

Re: Venting thread that excludes sirdanilot

Posted: Sun May 31, 2015 2:22 pm
by Thry
Also, as was also pointed out - this is not a single issue.


Re: Venting thread that excludes sirdanilot

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2015 9:27 am
by Torco
Perspective and social skills are as very much a part of human interaction as the right to express ourselves.
What do rights have to do with anything? I don't think I've appealed to muh free expression.
As much as I agree with you these feelings of not-caring are okay to voice, so do I agree that it's okay to shun them, because it makes for an overall a better society*
Oh... I can see what you mean. I don't agree, like, the sort of quasi-fanatism that orbits the whole sojuwa thing is to me more dispreferrable than the eventual decrease in the power of Us Progressives that happens when people don't care about The Causes of Us Progressives... but i can see your calculation, and the difference hinges on like... you value somethings more than me, which I guess fair enough. Still, I read a wise quote here, i don't remember by whom, that amounted to "stop setting impossible standards for Us Progressives, that only strengthens the forces to reaction". like, politics is about dragging the center, and a tribe where it's a sin to no be fervent about The Cause or to assert that people aren't like terrible for not being fervent about The Cause? I certainly don't want to be in it. too much radicalization turns movements into fanatical marginals, and makes it unpleasant to participate in them.
By allowing someone to voice said thoughts - defending them even; and then simultaneously fending them off from the reaction they get, you're doing the cause a disservice - you dilute positive voice and are accomplice to the silence.
I don't disagree... The Cause would probably be better served by a monotone voice of total uniformity where everyone's thoughts and feelings are subservient to it, but I'll keep allowing people to voice their thoughts as a matter of principle, with stark indifference vis a vis whether that helps The Cause of some minority or not, thank you very much. XD

You aren't normally given to excesses of rhetoric, so I don't know why you're doing it now. I think it's in really poor taste to (...) You brought up examples intended to rile people up. Don't act surprised because they got riled up.
fair enough, I don't know why I got so rhetorical either... maybe it was a bit white knighting on my part, and I felt real identified with Kath there, being ganged up on because she fails to care enough about what the ideology mandates she should. That kind of thing I dislike beyond a simple, rational conclusion of "not cool".
This is not a distinction in people's arguing styles. It's a distinction in how willing you are to listen.
Absolutely no, don't get all postmodern on me now. Maybe i'm wrong and there indeed isn't a distinction between shouting down and politely trying to explain to someone how this particular view of them is wrong, and if so please, I'm happy to be proved wrong. Maybe I'm wrong in that kath didn't get all ganged up on for failing to care about what the ideology mandates, and I'm happy to be proven wrong on that account, but I don't think it's very persuasive or helpful to go "well, that's just your opinion, man". If under an issue which i "like", like bombed palestinians, someone were to say something like "if you don't agree with me that palestinians are being massacred you're a cunt" or "if you don't agree with me that it's fine that palestinians are bombed you're an antisemite" that's as much a fanatical shout-down as it is when such recourses are called upon when like a protestant shouts "if you don't agree with me god hates fags you're an atheist and going to hell". fanatical, or quasi-fanatical, shout-downs are what they or not are regardless of whether i like the topic or not.

So could you please tell me again, KathAveara, why I should support your pet cause?
Isn't she who's being shouted down for not supporting this one? has she like... attacked someone for not supporting hers?
linguoboy wrote:
KathAveara wrote:
linguoboy wrote:So could you please tell me again, KathAveara, why I should support your pet cause?
I'm not telling you to.
KathAveara wrote:That is not what I meant there; my intended point was that racism is an issue for all white people, not just those being intentionally racist, and that sexism is an issue for all men, not just those being intentionally sexist.
Take as much time away from the discussion as you want. But when you return, I'll be interested in seeing how you reconcile these two statements.
I don't see why they're at odds... that something is an issue for all white people, which boils down to the same my problems are everyone's fault sojuwa logic but that's neither here nor there... that something is an issue for all white people... does it mean that you can go around shaming white people for feeling insufficiently self-conscious about their white privilege? for not experiencing sufficient concern enough about the plight of blacks?

Re: Venting thread that excludes sirdanilot

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2015 7:10 pm
by Imralu
I have been staying away from alcohol for a while but tonight I got drunk being an extra in a music video. I decided to walk home - a long way, a good deal of which is through forest and parkland. I turned back and hid myself in the forest at one point - I needed to cry and somehow ended up screaming in the forest. Alcohol is not good for me at the moment. On the plus side, I got to meet one of my favourite bands tonight and randomly met one of my favourite youtubers the other night.

Re: Venting thread that excludes sirdanilot

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2015 3:01 am
by jal
Imralu wrote:I (...) somehow ended up screaming in the forest.
Heh, I hope nobody got panick attacks as a result of that :).


Re: Venting thread that excludes sirdanilot

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2015 9:58 am
by bulbaquil
For the life of me I can't figure out why MS Word hyphenates "dwarven" as "dwa-rven", unless /rv/ is somehow a legitimate syllable onset in the Redmond dialect of English.

Re: Venting thread that excludes sirdanilot

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2015 12:38 pm
by Chagen
Well, my family is fucked.

So, my dad works for Geico as a lawyer. Yeah, the company with the talking green lizard. And right now, they're fucking him over so bad it's ridiculous. See, they're supposed to have three lawyers where he works, with about 50 cases each. Except they had two, my dad, with 80 cases, and another guy, with 120 cases, both with no pay increase. They refuse to hire anybody else even as people are literally just walking out (not even resigning, just breaking down and running out) because the work conditions are awful. My dad comes home every day exhausted, barely able to even talk with anybody, and the work never ends.

That other guy just quit today. My dad now has to do three fucking lawyers work of work with no pay increase, and they adamantly refuse to hire anyone new, because god forbid Geico's CEO have to only snort one kilo of coke instead of two off some fucking hooker cunt's back with the money he fucking douses himself in every day.

God bless capitalism :roll:

Re: Venting thread that excludes sirdanilot

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2015 9:13 am
by jal
Chagen wrote:My dad now has to do three fucking lawyers work of work with no pay increase
Pay increase wouldn't cover it, he's going to break down anyway. I wonder what they'll do then...


Re: Venting thread that excludes sirdanilot

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2015 12:43 pm
by Torco
That other guy just quit today. My dad now has to do three fucking lawyers work of work with no pay increase, and they adamantly refuse to hire anyone new, because god forbid Geico's CEO have to only snort one kilo of coke instead of two off some fucking hooker cunt's back with the money he fucking douses himself in every day.
but... but... he got that money as a result of voluntary transactions, and if he's CEO he obviously produces all that value for the company. he's entitled to snorting all that coke off the hooker's cunt, she's, after all, voluntarily putting it there for him to snort.

Re: Venting thread that excludes sirdanilot

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2015 3:50 pm
by Chagen
lmao "cunt" was actuallly an insult and the coke was supposed to be snorted off her back

But yeah this has pissed me off big time.
jal wrote:
Chagen wrote:My dad now has to do three fucking lawyers work of work with no pay increase
Pay increase wouldn't cover it, he's going to break down anyway. I wonder what they'll do then...

That's the part I don't get. There's no way he can do all this work. They literally cannot function without hiring some more lawyers. They are breaking the recommendations set forth by the superiors and risking their ability to function (at least in this local branch) solely to save some money? Fucking christ, what the hell is going through these people's minds? Not to mention that people have been quitting left and right and they're just going "welp". Maybe people are quitting because you're a shitty employer.

There's a dark core lying underneath those witty commercials.

Re: Venting thread that excludes sirdanilot

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2015 10:16 am
by finlay
It's not a vent but the random thread is closed: I wrote a review of Advanced Language Construction on my blog, at ... tion-2012/

Here's a vent: my landlord company have refurbished the living room. It's kinda... nice, but they've taken away quite a lot of the furniture and equipment, such as the noticeboards that we residents use, and one of the microwaves, and we don't know if we're going to get replacements or not. We feel in limbo, and they're not communicating with us almost at all. An angry message to the managers on the whiteboard yesterday was erased and replaced by a request to contact them by email, so they've gotten an angry complaint email from me instead. What's worse is that there's a lot of other stuff in the house that desperately needs to be repaired or cleaned, and they have gone for the living room instead. It was cluttered with a lot of junk left behind by previous residents, yes, but unlike the kitchen and bathrooms, it wasn't dirty. Now because they've put brown wallpaper up, it feels dark and dingy, and unlived-in because of the empty space that wasn't there before.

Re: Venting thread that excludes sirdanilot

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2015 10:33 pm
by Torco
lmao "cunt" was actuallly an insult and the coke was supposed to be snorted off her back

Re: Venting thread that excludes sirdanilot

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2015 3:29 pm
by Dewrad
Beyond getting blackout drunk (and I'm six pints deep already), I cannot think of any way to get to sleep. Fuck my puny British reaction to the "heatwave" we're going through.

Re: Venting thread that excludes sirdanilot

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2015 4:52 pm
by linguoboy
Dewrad wrote:Beyond getting blackout drunk (and I'm six pints deep already), I cannot think of any way to get to sleep. Fuck my puny British reaction to the "heatwave" we're going through.
You're Welsh, shouldn't you be able to fall asleep underwater? Like in the nearest bog or flooded slate quarry or whatever?

Re: Venting thread that excludes sirdanilot

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2015 4:57 pm
by KathTheDragon
While it was god-awful yesterday and the day before, tonight's actually a reasonable 12C (as of 11pm).

Re: Venting thread that excludes sirdanilot

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2015 5:05 pm
by Thry
You guys don't know what heat is -__- we had 43º some days ago here in Extremadura. I mean look at this:


Re: Venting thread that excludes sirdanilot

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2015 5:14 pm
by linguoboy
But it's a dry heat.

Re: Venting thread that excludes sirdanilot

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2015 5:17 pm
by KathTheDragon
It's also not normally 19C this time of year there.

Edit: Also, your homes are probably well-equipped to deal with that kind of heat. In England, we make our homes insulated to cope with winter. AC also isn't a Thing™.

Re: Venting thread that excludes sirdanilot

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2015 5:53 pm
by Thry
no ur dry
Edit: Also, your homes are probably well-equipped to deal with that kind of heat. In England, we make our homes insulated to cope with winter. AC also isn't a Thing™.
Yeah I've barely experienced them other than when having to be on the street or the patio. Otherwise I was inside in the igloo at like 23º? 26º? And in the meantime 30-ish? But god my blood boils outside.

Re: Venting thread that excludes sirdanilot

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2015 11:10 am
by Salmoneus
IME, without air conditioning, that sort of heat is worse than our lower, more humid temperatures, when it comes to trying to sleep. But when you're actually moving about, then yes, high temperatures here are worse than mediterranean temperatures ten or fifteen degrees hotter. IME, once you get over the initial "I'm going to die!" shock of the dry heat and your blood's worked out it can't all hide in your head at once, life becomes feasible. But here, you go outside and think "oh, this isn't too bad", and ten minutes later you're in hell.

My worst heat experience was a heatwave in southern France. Trying to sleep didn't just involve sleeping naked with a powerful fan pointed at me all night. It also involved waking up four of five times to drink the litre-bottle of water by the bedside, and using a towel. Sleeping should not be an activity that requires intervals between rounds! Apparently a lot of people died that summer, and I'm not surprised...