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Re: Venting thread

Posted: Fri May 19, 2017 11:23 am
by Imralu
I haven't been in here for a while because things have been good lately. Got my window fixed after 5.5 months in the dark, got a good doctor and doubled my medication, which seems to be working very well for me, then got offered a job which I enjoy and which means I now have health insurance. My card should be coming any day now.

So, small vent. Today, as I was pulling my roller shutter up, the cord suddenly snapped and the shutter slammed back down. So I'm back in the dark. It's 30 degrees outside (which I hate) and nice and cool in my room so I'm storing myself in a cool, dark place for now, but I know that's not good in the long run. And my good flatmate is moving within two months, and he's the Hauptmieter ≈ leaseholder, so we have to find someone to replace him, and probably also take over as leaseholder as neither my remaining flatmate nor I are able to do it, most likely. So I'm kind of paranoid we'll get someone who will then say "Um, I want my friend to move in here, so here's your notice to leave." So, I'm mentally in a good place which is good, because I'd probably be falling apart over these things otherwise.

Re: Venting thread

Posted: Fri May 19, 2017 11:33 am
by jal
Imralu wrote:I haven't been in here for a while because things have been good lately. Got my window fixed after 5.5 months in the dark, got a good doctor and doubled my medication, which seems to be working very well for me, then got offered a job which I enjoy and which means I now have health insurance. My card should be coming any day now.
That's great to hear Imralu!


Re: Venting thread

Posted: Fri May 19, 2017 12:18 pm
by alynnidalar
Yeah, that's great news about your job and medical stuff! As for the rest, well, you've got some time, at least. Hopefully you can find someone good to replace the guy who's leaving.

Re: Venting thread

Posted: Fri May 19, 2017 12:30 pm
by Travis B.
Imralu wrote:I haven't been in here for a while because things have been good lately. Got my window fixed after 5.5 months in the dark, got a good doctor and doubled my medication, which seems to be working very well for me, then got offered a job which I enjoy and which means I now have health insurance. My card should be coming any day now.
That is great!
Imralu wrote:So, small vent. Today, as I was pulling my roller shutter up, the cord suddenly snapped and the shutter slammed back down. So I'm back in the dark. It's 30 degrees outside (which I hate) and nice and cool in my room so I'm storing myself in a cool, dark place for now, but I know that's not good in the long run. And my good flatmate is moving within two months, and he's the Hauptmieter ≈ leaseholder, so we have to find someone to replace him, and probably also take over as leaseholder as neither my remaining flatmate nor I are able to do it, most likely. So I'm kind of paranoid we'll get someone who will then say "Um, I want my friend to move in here, so here's your notice to leave." So, I'm mentally in a good place which is good, because I'd probably be falling apart over these things otherwise.
Just because something isn't as big of an issue doesn't mean that it doesn't matter. And I wouldn't say that your concerns about any new leaseholder are paranoia.

Re: Venting thread

Posted: Fri May 19, 2017 12:43 pm
by Pole, the
So, small vent. Today, as I was pulling my roller shutter up, the cord suddenly snapped and the shutter slammed back down. So I'm back in the dark. It's 30 degrees outside (which I hate) and nice and cool in my room so I'm storing myself in a cool, dark place for now, but I know that's not good in the long run.
Ah, I'd dream about it. I kind of have an opposite problem.

My room at my permanent dwelling has a big window in the diagonal part of the roof, without any blinds or anything. I'm just going back home, and I know it will be a hell right there.

I tried blinding it by attaching a poster with a duck tape, but it kept falling down. (It's also a bit difficult attaching a meter-long heavy paper sheet to a window high in the roof.)

Re: Venting thread

Posted: Sat May 20, 2017 2:53 pm
by cunningham
Io wrote:Wow! It must be quite strange seeing them for a first time in your life as it can take 17 years.
Well there are different broods that come out at different times in different places. Brood X just means 10 like the Roman Numeral, so yeah it sounds scary, but coincidentally it is also the biggest and far-reaching brood so it fits. The last time Brood X came to Maryland was in 2004. I was living in Texas at the time, but from what I was told it was deafening and they were inescapable. They are scheduled for 2021, where they all come out in the thousands; however, hundreds of them came 4 years early this year (not all of them woke up). Some say climate change is the cause, but because there are also 13-year broods I am skeptical. Maybe it is misinformation (or purposeful disinformation for climate change agenda).
Anyway, I remember seeing these things a couple years ago at my parents' farmhouse. I wasn't sure what they were. I know that my parents' property is a sanctuary for wildlife; our disgusting neighbors illegally chopped down the actual wildlife sanctuary to enlarge their yards so all the animals would come to our land because let things overgrow lol. But anyway, girl scouts found some beetle on our land that was thought to be extinct. I wish I knew what the name of it was.
So I was thinking that maybe there's some new brood of cicada.
Io wrote:Oh how weird, the song of the M. septendecim species, sounds like something extraterrestrial.
Omg don't remind me, I just watched the new Alien: Covenant movie last night and I'm going to have nightmares for weeks.

Re: Venting thread

Posted: Sat May 20, 2017 4:41 pm
by Imralu
cunningham wrote:(or purposeful disinformation for climate change agenda)


Re: Venting thread

Posted: Sat May 20, 2017 7:57 pm
by cunningham
Imralu wrote:
cunningham wrote:(or purposeful disinformation for climate change agenda)

Yeah but how do we know it's anthropogenic? It's so early to tell whether it is humans or something that happens cyclically on Earth such as the wobbling or reorientation of the planet's tilt, a change in orbit eccentricity, and things like that. And a lot of the weather channels always hype things up. They would say things like '1000-year storm' to cause hysteria but the actual meaning behind that is just that the storm has a 1 in 1000 chance of happening. They say "record high" to make it sound concerning but it's really just like "this random weather station had a temperature a couple degrees higher than what it did last year". It's stupid.

It really is a conspiracy because they just want to make money by taxing people and making everyone use "green" things. Hybrid cars cause more waste during production than the waste it's supposed to offset. Electric cars use coal. Wind turbines kill birds and solar panels take up a lot of space for wildlife--they also barely contribute any energy. I wish we would use nuclear and then just send the nuclear waste off to space (along with Antifa hopefully :mrgreen: ).

Anyway, carbon tax will just make corporations go to some 2nd or 3rd world country to save money. They don't care about the environment. They just care about money. During the "March for Science" in D.C, all the protestors completely trashed the place and didn't even recycle their signs. Same thing happened in the Standing Rock reservation protests for the pipeline. They're just a bunch of hypocrites. I'm not defending the fracking companies or whatever though...why should I? I'm not getting any money out of it.

Anyway....for some more venting. Some guy got stabbed early this morning outside the bus stop that I walk by every. single. day. And they said it was unprovoked so I guess that means it wasn't like a drug deal gone wrong or anything and they didn't know each other (?). I mean, reports could change....but it's just like...this place is so dangerous and I feel like nothing is being done about it. So many homeless people. I was walking out from a Metro Stop yesterday and got bombarded with 3 homeless people soliciting me for money. I walk past one bum every day outside of the gas station where I get a big ass belly wash after a long day of school or work and he just looks at me like trying to make me feel guilty even though I earned this drink and this candy bar so shut the fuck up. He's like "would you please feed me?" No I won't you fucking bacterium. I told him that there was the local church that gives free groceries every week and he still asks for money, obviously drunkard because I saw him jaywalking across the highway and he almost got ran over. Ugh there's too many god damned plebeians in this god damned town on this god damned tiny pale blue speck and it makes me want to become buddha but i can't. i need to be materialistic just to spite these parasites.
And they want to make this a sanctuary town to harbor illegal immigrants? Like the illegals who stole my brother's license plate and used it to rob a liquor store. wow really makes me think. We don't know these people. There are always bums flooding every which way in and out campus molesting people. These liberals and their inane babbling about safe spaces here but I don't feel safe in this space. really gets the noggin joggin. And this is a gun-free zone... people are getting stabbed my dudes. Oh and the robberies and burglaries...I get police alerts on my phone every single day just in this one town. I went to the theater/theatre the other day and there were like 4 police squads breaking up a riot in the public square of two gangs fighting each other. I was just standing there stupidly watching it all go down. i'm so tired of the thuggery in this town and how all the stupid cupcakes on campus are so ignorant. I saw this guy roller skating with his hair down and wearing nothing but a thong. This is too much freedom haha just kidding i don't really care honestly.

Re: Venting thread

Posted: Sat May 20, 2017 8:33 pm
by KathTheDragon
cunningham wrote:Yeah but how do we know it's anthropogenic? It's so early to tell whether it is humans or something that happens cyclically on Earth such as the wobbling or reorientation of the planet's tilt, a change in orbit eccentricity, and things like that.
Oh, yeah, way too soon to know.

Re: Venting thread

Posted: Sat May 20, 2017 8:39 pm
by cunningham
KathTheDragon wrote:Oh, yeah, way too soon to know.
That looks like some facebook shit.

Re: Venting thread

Posted: Sat May 20, 2017 8:52 pm
by KathTheDragon
Funnily enough, I pulled it from a NASA webpage.

Re: Venting thread

Posted: Sat May 20, 2017 9:00 pm
by cunningham
KathTheDragon wrote:Funnily enough, I pulled it from a NASA webpage.
How do we know it's from humans?

Re: Venting thread

Posted: Sun May 21, 2017 5:48 am
by Imralu
Dude, you know they've worked out how much we've increased the amount of carbon in the atmosphere and they also know what that does to heat transfer.

Re: Venting thread

Posted: Sun May 21, 2017 10:58 am
by Salmoneus
Obviouly Cunningham is trolling. But in case anyone's honestly not aware, a quick precis:

- average temperatures are warming at a speed never seen before in millions of years of records
- greenhouse gasses (particularly carbon dioxide, and a few other things too) are increasing at a rate never seen before in millions of years of records
- increasing greenhouse gas concentrations ought according to physics to result in increased average temperatures - coincidentaly, about exactly the the increased temperatures that we do indeed see
- backing this up, greenhouse gas concentrations have always historically mapped global average temperatures
- there are no obvious non-human potential sources of these greenhouse gases on such a scale (we've not, for instance, seeing the sort of megavolcanism that might otherwise explain it), but there are many obvious, known human sources of these greenhouse gases
- the scale of greenhouse gas increases matches what we estimate we have ourselves put into the atmosphere

Or to put it in reverse:
- we know we have put X amount of greenhouse gas into the atmosphere
- there appears to be roughly X amount of extra greenhouse gas in the atmosphere now
- having X amount of extra greenhouse gas in the atmosphere ought (both theoretically and according to prior observations) to produce heating of Y
- we do indeed observe Y amount of heating
- there are no viable alternative theories explaining either the heating or the gas concentrations

Or to put it in a metaphor:
- Jack admits firing a bullet at Jill
- we have observed a bullet of the same size and type that Jack says he fired, currently inside Jill
- medical science, and experience, both tell us that being hit by a bullet can lead to blood loss
- Jill seems to have lost a lot of blood, through a hole that has the exact size and location of an entry wound for the bullet lodged in her ribs
- video footage appears to show Jack firing a gun at Jill and then blood gushing out of what looks like a bullet wound in Jill
- video footage does not seem to show anyone else firing a bullet, and nobody has been able to put any vaguely compelling alternative theory forward to explain why there's a bullet in Jill now
- doctors have been unable to find any alternative theory for why someone might suddenly start gushing blood through what looks like a bullet wound. It's true that people have nosebleeds sometimes, but they don't look like this. Nor have doctors been able to think of a reason why Jill might have a bullet in her and NOT a bullet wound exactly like the one we see
- prosecutors suggest that the bullet Jack fired in the direction of Jill hit Jill, left an entry wound, and blood gushed out of it.
- Jack's defence lawyers, however, say that there's no evidence that bullets are harmful, that the bullet just appeared inside Jill one day and isn't the one Jack fired in her direction, and that the "bullet wound" is just a naturally-occuring phenomenon resulting from a rare, never-seen-before medical condition that we do not yet understand...

This is what we would generally consider an open-and-shut case...

Re: Venting thread

Posted: Sun May 21, 2017 1:44 pm
by Aili Meilani
Salmoneus wrote:- Jack's defence lawyers, however, say that there's no evidence that bullets are harmful, that the bullet just appeared inside Jill one day and isn't the one Jack fired in her direction, and that the "bullet wound" is just a naturally-occuring phenomenon resulting from a rare, never-seen-before medical condition that we do not yet understand...
That'd be about par for the course for Phoenix Wright.

Re: Venting thread

Posted: Mon May 22, 2017 4:09 am
by jal
cunningham wrote:These liberals and their inane babbling about safe spaces here but I don't feel safe in this space.
Yeah, what about that. Imagine liberals being in power, and providing all those homeless people with food and shelter! There'd be nothing left to complain about! It must be a conspiracy!


Re: Venting thread

Posted: Mon May 22, 2017 4:48 am
by Ars Lande
cunningham wrote:
Imralu wrote:
cunningham wrote:(or purposeful disinformation for climate change agenda)
Yeah but how do we know it's anthropogenic? It's so early to tell whether it is humans or something that happens cyclically on Earth such as the wobbling or reorientation of the planet's tilt, a change in orbit eccentricity, and things like that. And a lot of the weather channels always hype things up. They would say things like '1000-year storm' to cause hysteria but the actual meaning behind that is just that the storm has a 1 in 1000 chance of happening. They say "record high" to make it sound concerning but it's really just like "this random weather station had a temperature a couple degrees higher than what it did last year". It's stupid.
I honestly don't get the conservative outrage over global warming.
Anthropogenic climate change is a reality and so what? Everyone'll drive electric cars, which are less noisy and cleaner? Or take high speed trains for long distance travel instead of planes?

I mean, the way capitalism is supposed to work is that smart entrpreneurial types and well-run companies figure out that renewables are the next big thing, and make a profit of it. It's not about vested interested groups whining to the government because the world is changing.

Re: Venting thread

Posted: Mon May 22, 2017 5:54 am
by KathTheDragon
Ars Lande wrote:It's not about vested interested groups whining to the government because the world is changing.
Apparently it is when those interest groups stand to lose their profit margins because their industry is obsolete.

Re: Venting thread

Posted: Mon May 22, 2017 6:17 am
by Ars Lande
KathTheDragon wrote:
Ars Lande wrote:It's not about vested interested groups whining to the government because the world is changing.
Apparently it is when those interest groups stand to lose their profit margins because their industry is obsolete.
That could be what annoys me the most about some conservatives: they're all for the free market as long as the rules are set up just the way they like.
To be honest, I suspect there's another explanation at work: liberals are saying this is an issue, liberals baad ergo this is not a problem.

Re: Venting thread

Posted: Mon May 22, 2017 9:11 am
by alynnidalar
Ars Lande wrote: To be honest, I suspect there's another explanation at work: liberals are saying this is an issue, liberals baad ergo this is not a problem.
I think this is a big part of it. Possibly the biggest part of it.

My political views shifted a lot when I stopped assuming everything liberals did was automatically bad and everything conservatives did was automatically good. (or, for that matter, vice versa--just because I'm more liberal now doesn't mean I should flip the script and discard everything "conservative-y" simply because it's "conservative-y"!)

Re: Venting thread

Posted: Mon May 22, 2017 9:48 am
by linguoboy
Ars Lande wrote:That could be what annoys me the most about some conservatives: they're all for the free market as long as the rules are set up just the way they like.
This was once explained to me as the difference between being "pro-market" and "pro-business". "Pro-market" policies encourage competition and innovation. "Pro-business" policies, on the other hand, favour entrenched corporations in established industries. Neither approach is particularly pro-labour.

Re: Venting thread

Posted: Mon May 22, 2017 3:51 pm
by Travis B.
alynnidalar wrote:
Ars Lande wrote: To be honest, I suspect there's another explanation at work: liberals are saying this is an issue, liberals baad ergo this is not a problem.
I think this is a big part of it. Possibly the biggest part of it.

My political views shifted a lot when I stopped assuming everything liberals did was automatically bad and everything conservatives did was automatically good. (or, for that matter, vice versa--just because I'm more liberal now doesn't mean I should flip the script and discard everything "conservative-y" simply because it's "conservative-y"!)
I tend to have the opposite bias to that, and reflexively assume that conservatives and reactionaries are incapable of doing anything good (but on the other hand, I don't have the opposite view of people left-of-center, as there are plenty of people who are left-of-center (e.g. many anti-science types) that I despise too).

Re: Venting thread

Posted: Mon May 22, 2017 9:57 pm
by Vijay
Travis B. wrote:
alynnidalar wrote:
Ars Lande wrote: To be honest, I suspect there's another explanation at work: liberals are saying this is an issue, liberals baad ergo this is not a problem.
I think this is a big part of it. Possibly the biggest part of it.

My political views shifted a lot when I stopped assuming everything liberals did was automatically bad and everything conservatives did was automatically good. (or, for that matter, vice versa--just because I'm more liberal now doesn't mean I should flip the script and discard everything "conservative-y" simply because it's "conservative-y"!)
I tend to have the opposite bias to that, and reflexively assume that conservatives and reactionaries are incapable of doing anything good (but on the other hand, I don't have the opposite view of people left-of-center, as there are plenty of people who are left-of-center (e.g. many anti-science types) that I despise too).
I do, too, but I know full well it's not true. (But then you probably do, too).

Re: Venting thread

Posted: Tue May 23, 2017 4:47 pm
by linguoboy
Tomorrow's my late husband's birthday. I'd planned to spend it with a friend who lost her husband the year before me (almost to the day), but she's cancelled (she had a funeral to go to). I don't want to be by myself but I also don't want to get together with just anyone. I know a lot of kind people but not many who know what it's like to lose a spouse and who I can just be with without it being awkward.

Re: Venting thread

Posted: Tue May 23, 2017 7:26 pm
by Vijay
Is there any chance you can go with your friend?