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Re: The dream thread

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2010 12:28 pm
by Astraios
Last night I was riding a white horse across a green plain, and there was a tower in the distance, reaching into the clouds. When I got up close, I saw that it was made of books, so I rode my horse up the outside wall. The horse got tired after a while, so I dismounted, and climbed the rest of the wall by myself, dragging the horse by its tail. At the top of the book-tower, there was a museum which was secretly the lair of an evil wizard. I bashed down the door with my lance, and threw the horse at the wizard. The horse landed on the wizard's head and started biting him, then, while he was distracted, I pushed all of the visitors to the "museum" off the edge of the tower, so that they would fall down and be safe. By now, the horse was flattening the wizard by lying on him, so I peeled the flat wizard off the ground, wrapped him in a tissue, and put him carefully in the waste paper basket. Then I jumped off the tower, holding my horse by the legs to use it as a parachute, and on the way down I felt hungry, so I picked a book from the tower wall, and ate it. It tasted of raspberry jam.

Re: The dream thread

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2010 11:28 pm
by Torco
Waiter, I want what he's having, thank you

Re: The dream thread

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2010 11:48 pm
by faiuwle
I particularly like how the horse is at least two parts inanimate object.

Re: The dream thread

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 12:24 pm
by Astraios
I love dreams. :3

Re: The dream thread

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 12:26 pm
by LinguistCat
I had a dream that involved vodka and I think some kind of adventuring. And the place I was in was somewhat colorful. XD

Re: The dream thread

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 12:50 pm
by Nortaneous
My dad's house got an infestation of... I can't remember what they were called. Something like gerbils, but with a few extra syllables. And they were weird blobs of brown furry triangles with scales and shit all over them, not actual rodents. Anyway, I had to go after them with a club, then we hired some random people who happened to be walking by and they went at the things with glaives.

Also, one of my cats was over there for some reason.

Re: The dream thread

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 2:05 pm
by Opera
@Astraios: I took the liberty to quote you in my signature. Your dream made my day!

Re: The dream thread

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 2:18 pm
by dunomapuka
My friend and I were looking for Halloween costumes. She wants us to go together as Elmo and Katy Perry. I arrived at a large English manor house, related somehow to my college, to go look for clothes in a storeroom inside. There were underclassmen waiting on line to get in, but I got to bypass them because I was an alumnus... I found some sort of Elmo-costume and continued gathering more elements for my friend, because she was late showing up.

Re: The dream thread

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 2:25 pm
by alice
I had a strange dream that I and some of my friends were on trial for something piracy-related (computer piracy, not nautical piracy). We went into the courtroom and had to make an elaborate bow when the judge entered, which everyone know how to do except me. Then I woke up and wondered what the hell was on my mind to make me dream about that.

Re: The dream thread

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 3:14 pm
by Astraios
@Opera: Awesome! :D

Re: The dream thread

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 3:19 pm
by Aurora Rossa
I keep having dreams where I have to get a college class but have no idea what room or building it's taking place in and no time to look it up (because I have to get there in only a few minutes). So I have to go to whatever building seems most likely (the buildings here are only partly aligned to subjects) and look at each room.
Astraios wrote:Last night I was riding a white horse across a green plain, and there was a tower in the distance, reaching into the clouds. When I got up close, I saw that it was made of books, so I rode my horse up the outside wall. The horse got tired after a while, so I dismounted, and climbed the rest of the wall by myself, dragging the horse by its tail. At the top of the book-tower, there was a museum which was secretly the lair of an evil wizard. I bashed down the door with my lance, and threw the horse at the wizard. The horse landed on the wizard's head and started biting him, then, while he was distracted, I pushed all of the visitors to the "museum" off the edge of the tower, so that they would fall down and be safe. By now, the horse was flattening the wizard by lying on him, so I peeled the flat wizard off the ground, wrapped him in a tissue, and put him carefully in the waste paper basket. Then I jumped off the tower, holding my horse by the legs to use it as a parachute, and on the way down I felt hungry, so I picked a book from the tower wall, and ate it. It tasted of raspberry jam.
Interesting dream. It almost sounds like it would make a good, if rather weird, animated short.

Re: The dream thread

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 3:44 pm
by Shm Jay
I keep dreaming I have to do over high school classes.

Re: The dream thread

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 4:25 pm
by catberry
Shm Jay wrote:I keep dreaming I have to do over high school classes.
Ugh, I'd hate for that to happen. High school is bad enough once.

Re: The dream thread

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 9:59 pm
by vampireshark
I decided to go to the UK for my spring break, and I landed there rather painlessly and found myself in Swansea. However, the day before I was scheduled to return to the US, Katla erupted... and the amount of ash was not going to allow much of anything to take off from most of Europe for about, oh, one month. So this then involved a roundabout journey that got me up to to Iceland by boat to Seyðisfjörður, and the Keflavík airport was surprisingly unaffected. From there, I flew back to North America and eventually back to Wisconsin about two weeks later than expected.

Re: The dream thread

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 5:43 am
by alice
pwanlai wrote:
Shm Jay wrote:I keep dreaming I have to do over high school classes.
Ugh, I'd hate for that to happen. High school is bad enough once.
I get this all the time, and I'm always falling behind and seem to miss further classes during the course of the dream without having to do anything.

Last night I dreamt that I was on holiday with my SO and somebody else, and we typically travelled from our hotel to interesting places and back by going to a special room which teleported us.

@pwanlai: Where the sun never shines?

Re: The dream thread

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 6:15 am
by Qwynegold
Astraios wrote:Last night I was riding a white horse across a green plain, and there was a tower in the distance, reaching into the clouds. When I got up close, I saw that it was made of books, so I rode my horse up the outside wall. The horse got tired after a while, so I dismounted, and climbed the rest of the wall by myself, dragging the horse by its tail. At the top of the book-tower, there was a museum which was secretly the lair of an evil wizard. I bashed down the door with my lance, and threw the horse at the wizard. The horse landed on the wizard's head and started biting him, then, while he was distracted, I pushed all of the visitors to the "museum" off the edge of the tower, so that they would fall down and be safe. By now, the horse was flattening the wizard by lying on him, so I peeled the flat wizard off the ground, wrapped him in a tissue, and put him carefully in the waste paper basket. Then I jumped off the tower, holding my horse by the legs to use it as a parachute, and on the way down I felt hungry, so I picked a book from the tower wall, and ate it. It tasted of raspberry jam.
Hmmm, this dream seems to symbolize academic pursue. And also cock.

Re: The dream thread

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 10:40 am
by cromulent
In my dream, I was in a polyandrous marriage, the other guy being the new barrista from the coffee shop near where I work. We were sitting around the kitchen table--based on my impression of the light, it must have been breakfast, though it felt like evening--and I realized I was the third wheel in this marriage. I laid my cards on the table and confronted the other that it wasn't working out, that I understood the arrangement probably sucked for him but it did for me even more so. Then the horror of what I'd done hit me. I knew my wife was already married when I married her, but I guess I was sort of in denial about it. I knew it intellectually, but it had never sunk in. My mind was reeling from all the legal consequences I'd face if I tried to divorce. I felt deeply ashamed. Skip ahead to some later time, and I realized that she wasn't married to the other guy after all, she'd only been having an affair with him. What a relief!

Re: The dream thread

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 1:21 pm
by Astraios
Qwynegold wrote:Hmmm, this dream seems to symbolize academic pursue. And also cock.
Two very important parts of my life right now. :)

Re: The dream thread

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 1:41 pm
by faiuwle
My dreams never make as much coherent sense as anyone else's. Usually, when the dream starts, I am gifted with a priori knowledge of how the plot of the dream is supposed to go (so, for example, last night my cousin was getting married, and she was going to be poisoned, and I was going to save her, which would have been an awesome dream plot) but then they never actually go that way, and I spend the whole dream trying to get it to go the way it's supposed to, moving people into position, etc. Then, at some point, my legs stop working and I have to propel myself using only my hands, dragging my legs along behind me - then I realize, in a moment of lucidity, that this is because not just one, but both of the cats have decided to sleep on top of my legs, and I wake up just long enough to throw them off, and then try to get back into the dream so that I can make it happen the way it's supposed to, but then it just turns out to be a different dream, where more or less the same thing happens.

Re: The dream thread

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 4:58 pm
by catberry
bricka wrote:@pwanlai: Where the sun never shines?
I would shiver the whole night through :P

Re: The dream thread

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 7:50 pm
by Torco
pwanlai wrote:
bricka wrote:@pwanlai: Where the sun never shines?
I would shiver the whole night through :P
I like you, man
Astraios wrote:
Qwynegold wrote:Hmmm, this dream seems to symbolize academic pursue. And also cock.
Two very important parts of my life right now. :)

Re: The dream thread

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 8:23 pm
by Astraios
Torco wrote:LIRLAT
I forget what this means. Look I Really Like Apple Trees?

Re: The dream thread

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 8:23 pm
by Travis B.
Astraios wrote:
Torco wrote:LIRLAT
I forget what this means. Look I Really Like Apple Trees?
Laugh(ed) In Real Life At That.

Re: The dream thread

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 8:26 pm
by Astraios
Oh. :) Thank you, sah!

Re: The dream thread

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 8:44 pm
by bulbaquil
Travis B. wrote:
Astraios wrote:
Torco wrote:LIRLAT
I forget what this means. Look I Really Like Apple Trees?
Laugh(ed) In Real Life At That.
See, there's a bit of an Internet acronym treadmill going on. LOL no longer actually means "laughed out loud," so we have to have a new one for when we actually do laugh out loud. Pretty soon it will reach NIRDLAT (No, I Really Did Laugh At That) and HGIANKILATIRLNJOTIKTB (Hey Guys I Am Not Kidding I Laughed At That In Real Life Not Just On The Internet KThxBai).