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Re: The "How do You Pronounce X" Thread

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 2:28 pm
by AnTeallach
I think:
factory [ˈfaktʃɹɪ]
factorial [fakˈtʰoəɹiəɫ]
century [ˈsɛntʃəɹɪ]
centurion [sɛnˈt̺ʃʊːɹiən] (the affricate is apical, suggesting /tj/; in all other examples it's laminal)
victory [ˈvɪktʃɹɪ]
victorious [vɪkˈtʰoəɹiəs]
restaurant [ˈɹɛʃtʃəɹɒnt]
restauranteur [ɹɛʃtʃəɹɒnˈtʰœː] (I think: I don't say this word very often)
history [ˈhɪʃtʃɹɪ]
historical [hɪˈstɒɹɪkɫ] (note second vowel)
mystery [ˈmɪʃtʃɹɪ]
mysterious [mɪˈstɪːɹiəs]
interest [ˈɪntʃɹɛst]
interesting [ˈɪntʃɹɛstɪŋg]
interestingly [ˈɪntʃɹɛstɪŋglɪ]

- All /n/s before postalveolars assimilate their POA, but I can't be bothered to transcribe that.
- [tʃ] before [ɹ] is somewhat less palatalised than elsewhere.
- words ending in [ɪ] change it to if followed by a word beginning with a vowel

Re: The "How do You Pronounce X" Thread

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 2:39 pm
by ----
factory [fæk̚tɹ̩ʷˤi]
factorial [fæk̚tɔɹʷˤiəʟ]
century [sɪntʃɹ̩ʷˤi]
centurion [sɪntʃʉɹʷˤiɨn]
victory [vɨk̚tɹ̩ʷˤi]
victorious [vɨk̚tɔɹʷˤiɨs]
restaurant [ɹʷˤɛstʃɹ̩ʷˤanʔ]
restauranteur [ɹʷˤɛstʃɹ̩ʷˤantɵɜ˞ˤ]
history [hɨstɹʷˤi]
historical [hɨstɔɹʷˤɨkʟ̩]
mystery [mɨstɹʷˤi]
mysterious mɨstiɹʷˤiɨs
interest [ɨntɹʷˤɛsʔ]
interesting [ɨntɹʷˤɛstiŋ]
interestingly [ɨntɹʷˤɛstiŋʟi]
house [hæɵs]

Re: The "How do You Pronounce X" Thread

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 3:52 pm
by äreo
mirror [ˈmɪɹə]
nearer [ˈniəɹə]
irrespective [ˌɪɹəˈspɛ̝k̚t̪ɪv]
irresponsible [ˌɪɹəˈspɔ̞̜nsɪˌbo̜]
irrational [ɪˈɹæʃnˌ̩o̜]
irrevocable [ˌɪɹəˈvɞ̜̟ʉ̯kəˌbo̜]
irradiate [ɪˈɹɛ̞e̯ɾɪˌjɛ̞e̯ʔ]
factory [ˈfæk̚tɹɪj]
factorial [fæk̚ˈt̪ʰoːɹɪˌjo̜]
century [ˈsentʃ(ə)ɹi]
centurion [s(e)nˈ̩tʃʉɹɪˌjn̩]
victory [ˈvɪk̚tɹi]
victorious [vɪk̚ˈt̪ʰoːɹɪˌjəs]
restaurant [ˈrɛ̝stɹɔ̜̞nʔ]
restauranteur [ˌrɛ̝stɹɔ̜̞nˈtɘ˞ː]
history [ˈhɪstɹɪj]
historical [his̪ˈt̪ʰɔ̜̞ɹ(ə)ko̜]
mystery [ˈmɪstɹɪj]
mysterious [ms̪ˈt̪iəɹjəs]
interest [ˈi̞ntʃɹɛ̝s̪t̪]
interesting [ˈi̞ntʃɹs̪t̪iŋ]
interestingly [ˈi̞ntʃɹs̪t̪iŋlɪj]
house n: [hɛɔ̯s] v: [hɛɔ̯z]

EDIT: Forgot aspiration.

Re: The "How do You Pronounce X" Thread

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 5:16 pm
by Travis B.
Hah, I just thought of a couple /ɪrɪ/- words that clearly contrast with my /ɪrrɪ/- words before, clearly showing that all those words before had /ɪrr/- and not just /ɪr/- in my dialect:

iridescent: [ɪːʁˤɨːˈdɜsɨ̃ʔ]
irritate: [ɪːʁˤɨˈtʰeʔ] (yes, this is a case of orthographic irr- marking /ɪr/- rather than /ɪrr/-)

Re: The "How do You Pronounce X" Thread

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 9:18 pm
by TaylorS
Zumir wrote:How is b̥ different from p?
It doesn't, I just used it so it's not confused with [p_h], since the later is just represented as /p/ in broad transcription.

Re: The "How do You Pronounce X" Thread

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 9:27 pm
by TaylorS
äreo wrote:How about co-ordinate and laboratory?

I generally have [kʰɞˈwoɚdnəʔ] and [ˈlæbɹət(ə)ɹi]. I remember loving to say [ləˈboːɹətɔɹi] as a kid tho.

Re: The "How do You Pronounce X" Thread

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 9:29 pm
by Travis B.
TaylorS wrote:
Zumir wrote:How is b̥ different from p?
It doesn't, I just used it so it's not confused with [p_h], since the later is just represented as /p/ in broad transcription.
Well, I am familiar with it indicating some level of actual phonetic difference, with [b̥] (and like) being "weaker" than [p] (and like). For instance the that kind of contrast, without any aspiration, is explicitly used when describing, say, Alemannic varieties.

Re: The "How do You Pronounce X" Thread

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 9:32 pm
by TaylorS
Travis B. wrote:
Theta wrote:coordinate (verb): [kʷɵɔɹʷˤdn̩eʔ]
coordinate (noun): [kʷɵɔɹʷˤdn̩ɨʔ]
laboratory: [ɫæbɹ̩ʷˤtʷɔɹʷˤi]
^These might be a little heavy on the diacritics but the labial spreading is probably somewhat phonologically relevant.
year: [jɪɜ˞ˤ]
I love narrow phonetic transcriptions myself; conversely, I tend to get rather annoyed with people who insist on phonemic transcriptions and/or only boringly broad phonetic transcriptions that seem like they are trying to be mere ciphers of phonemic ones.
Theta wrote:
Travis B. wrote:The pronunciations with [w] are my native ones, but at some point I picked up [w]-less pronunciations for the noun as well, and now freely vary between the two sets for it; this likely seems to be a more general phonological change that I picked up (but not extended to all words, e.g. the verb here), as I also started inconsistently dropping the [w] in quart and quarter as well.
there's a [w] in quart and quarter?
Certainly there is in my dialect (natively):

quart: [ˈkʰwɔʁˤʔ]
quarter: [ˈkʰwɔʁˤ(ɾ̥)ʁ̩ˤ(ː)]

While I started sporadically dropping the [w]s in those, those droppings are not exactly native per se.
Theta wrote:EDIT: also I love this thread :mrgreen:
I love this sort of thing as well. Hopefully no one will kill the fun by acting like an angry chimpanzee about transcription practices.
I have [kʰɔːɹˤʔ] and [ˈkʰɔːɹˤ(ɾ)ɚˤ]

Re: The "How do You Pronounce X" Thread

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 9:51 pm
by TaylorS
Ran wrote:for those of you who rhyme "mirror" and "nearer," how do you pronounce the first vowel of:



edit: irradiate
mirror [mɪrˤ]
near [nɪɹˤ]
irrespective [ˌɪɹˤːˈspɛʔktɨ̈v̥]
irresponsible [ˌɪɹˤːˈspãsɨ̈βɫ̩]
irrational [ɚˈɹˤɛə̯ʃnɫ̩]
irrevocable [ˌɪɹˤːˈvoˈɡəβɫ̩]
irradiate [ɚˈɹˤeːˌdjeːʔ]

Re: The "How do You Pronounce X" Thread

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 9:53 pm
by Nortaneous
^ 'mirror' only has one syllable for you?

can't concentrate enough to get extreme detail, especially with that damn rhotic. too many goddamn bugs out here.
[kooɹɖɳ̩ɛɪ̯ʔ] or [ku.oɹɖɳ̩ɛɪ̯ʔ]
[koɻˠɽɰˤʷ] (okay, this time I'll go into more detail with the rhotic, since it's actually relevant here)
all irr- are [iɹɹ̝], and 'irritate' is /ir/, not /irr/
all words in Travis's list have [tɚ] except the ones related to 'century' and 'interest', which have the affrication
Travis B. wrote:
Theta wrote:I hadn't known about that intrusive L thing until a couple days ago when I was listening to this video with this guy from Chicago in it and he was saying both like [bɔʟθ]. I wonder if it's common in that area for that kind of thing to happen.
I have heard of people out by the West Coast who do that, actually, but I had never heard of that being found in Chicago before.
I've heard it in Maryland.

Re: The "How do You Pronounce X" Thread

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 10:06 pm
by Travis B.
Nortaneous wrote:^ 'mirror' only has one syllable for you?
In my dialect it certainly has only one syllable, at least.

Re: The "How do You Pronounce X" Thread

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 10:18 pm
by TaylorS
Travis B. wrote:Okay, here's some more that interest me personally:


(I will give my own transcriptions later, but I want to see what some of you guys have here, unhinted as to what features I am interested in.)
factory [ˈfɛə̯ʔkʧɹˤi]
factorial [fɛʔkˈtʰɔːɹˤjɫ̩]
century [ˈsɛnʧɹˤi]
centurion [sn̩ˈʧʰɝˤjn̩]
victory [ˈvɪʔkʧɹˤi]
victorious [vɨ̈ʔkˈtʰɔːɹˤjəs]
restaurant [ˈɹˤɛʃˌʧãʔ]
restauranteur [ˌɹˤɛʃˌʧãˈtʰɝˤ]
history [ˈhɪʃʧɹˤi]
historical [ˈʰstɔːɹˤˌkʰɫ̩]
mystery [ˈmɪʃʧɹˤi]
mysterious [mɨ̈sˈtʲiːɹˤˌjəs]
interest [ˈɪnʧɹˤɨ̈sː]
interesting [ˈɪnʧɹˤɨ̈sːn̩]
interestingly [ˈɪnʧɹˤɨ̈ˌsːɪnɫi]

Re: The "How do You Pronounce X" Thread

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 10:32 pm
by Jetboy
I have /ǝr/ for <nearer> and /mirər/ for <mirror>. What do those for whom they don't rhyme have?
I've been wondering about <Basque> for a while; I have /bæsk/, with the <e> silent on analogy with <mosque>, but after discovering that <velar> has /i/ where I'd been saying /ɛ/, I'm rather unsure of myself. Also, after listening to the podcast, I was wondering about:
<conlang> (I have /'kon.leŋ/)
and <conlangery> (I have /kon.'leŋ.ǝr.i/, or, if feeling silly, /kon.lã.ʒɛr.'e/)

EDIT: Ah, sorry, I seem to have accidentally deleted part of my transcription of <nearer>, which should be /nirǝr/.

Re: The "How do You Pronounce X" Thread

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 1:36 am
by makvas
I wonder if anyone else has a Just-Just split, that is, Just as in Justice is [dZVst] but Just as in Only is [dZ1st]

Re: The "How do You Pronounce X" Thread

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 1:56 am
by äreo
Zoris wrote:I wonder if anyone else has a Just-Just split, that is, Just as in Justice is [dZVst] but Just as in Only is [dZ1st]
I´ve heard it, but don´t have it myself.
conlangery [kʰɔ̜̞nlæe̯ŋ(ə)ɹɪj]

Re: The "How do You Pronounce X" Thread

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 3:13 am
by AnTeallach
Zoris wrote:I wonder if anyone else has a Just-Just split, that is, Just as in Justice is [dZVst] but Just as in Only is [dZ1st]
I pronounce them differently, but for me the adjective is STRUT and the adverb is FOOT. So unless you're one of those people with [1] for FOOT, your split is a bit different from mine.

Re: The "How do You Pronounce X" Thread

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 9:39 am
by Mr. Z
How do you pronounce "plosive"?

Re: The "How do You Pronounce X" Thread

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 9:44 am
by Drydic
Mr. Z wrote:How do you pronounce "plosive"?

weird, I know.

Re: The "How do You Pronounce X" Thread

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 9:57 am
by Travis B.
Okay, here are my versions of these:

factory: [ˈfɛʔk̚tɕʁ̩ˤːʁˤi(ː)]
factorial: [fɛʔk̚ˈtʰɔːʁˤjɯ̞(ː)] or, carefully, [fɛʔk̚ˈtʰɔːʁˤiːɯ̞(ː)]
century: [ˈsɜ̃tʃɹ̠͡ɰˤi(ː)] or, carefully, [ˈsɜ̃tɕʁ̩ˤːʁˤi(ː)]
centurion: [sɜ̃ˈtɕʰʁ̩ˤːʁˤjɨ̃(ː)n] or, carefully, [sɜ̃ˈtɕʰʁ̩ˤːʁˤĩːɨ̃(ː)n]
victory: [ˈvɪʔk̚tɕʁ̩ˤːʁˤi(ː)]
victorious: [vɨʔk̚ˈtʰɔːʁˤjɨs] or, carefully, [vɨʔk̚ˈtʰɔːʁˤiːɨs]
restaurant: [ˈɰˤɜɕtɕʁ̩ˤːʁˤãʔ]
restauranteur: [ˈɰˤɜɕtɕʁ̩ˤːʁˤãˌt̻ʰʉ̯̆ŭʁˤ]~[ˈɰˤɜɕtɕʁ̩ˤːʁˤãˌt̻ʰʉ̯uʁˤ]
history: [ˈhɪɕtɕʁ̩ˤːʁˤi(ː)]
historical: [hɨˈs̻t̻ɔːʁˤɨɡ̊ɯ̞(ː)]
mystery: [ˈmɪɕtɕʁ̩ˤːʁˤi(ː)]
mysterious: [mɨˈs̻t̻ɪːʁˤjɨs] or, carefully, [mɨˈs̻t̻ɪːʁˤiːɨs]
interest: [ˈɪ̃tʃɹ̠͡ɰˤɜs̻t̻] or, very carefully, [ˈɪ̃tɕʁ̩ˤːˌʁˤɜs̻t̻]
interesting: [ˈɪ̃tʃɹ̠͡ɰˤɨs̻t̻ɨ̃(ː)ŋ] or, a bit carefully, [ˈɪ̃tʃɹ̠͡ɰˤɜs̻t̻ɨ̃(ː)ŋ] or, more carefully, [ˈɪ̃tɕʁ̩ˤːˌʁˤɜs̻t̻ɨ̃(ː)ŋ]
interestingly: [ˈɪ̃tʃɹ̠͡ɰˤɨs̻t̻ɨ̃ːŋɰi(ː)] or, a bit carefully, [ˈɪ̃tʃɹ̠͡ɰˤɜs̻t̻ɨ̃ːŋɰi(ː)] or, more carefully, [ˈɪ̃tɕʁ̩ˤːˌʁˤɜs̻t̻ɨ̃ːŋɰi(ː)]

Not all of these actually demonstrated what I was looking for, which was cases of affrication in (unstressed) /tər/ without being reduced to /tr/, because some of these actually involved /tj/ historically in all dialects (e.g. century), and likewise, not all of these involved actual stress shifts, but I did not go back to change them.

What is also apparent is that most of you have much more reduction than I do here, in that most of the places I have /tʃər/ are places where the rest of you have just /tr/ or /tʃr/.

Re: The "How do You Pronounce X" Thread

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 11:59 am
by finlay
co-ordinate /ko.ɔrdɪnet/ [kʰəˈwɔɹdn̩e(ɪ)ʔ] as a verb or /ko.ɔrdɪnət/ as a noun.
laboratory /ləbɔrətri/ [ləˈbɔɻətʂɻi]
mirror /mɪrər/ [ˈmɪɻɚ]~[ˈmɪɻə]
nearer /nirər/ [ˈniːɻɚ]~[ˈniːɻə]

factory /faktəri/ [ˈfak̚təɹʷi] (slight asp. on [t])
factorial /faktoriəl/ [fak̚ˈtʰoːɻʷiəɫ]~[fak̚ˈtʰoːɻʷio] (sporadic L-vocalisation imd although i'm not entirely sure of the value of the vowel so i've just marked it as [o] - also the [a] can be [ə])
century /sɛntʃuri/ [ˈsɛntʃʉ̽ɹʷi]
centurion /səntʃuriən/ [sn̩ˈtʃʉːɻi.n̩]
victory /vɪktəri/ [ˈvɪk̚təɹʷi]
victorious /vɪktoriəs/ [vɪk̚ˈtoːɻiəs]
restaurant /rɛstərɔnt/ [ˈɻɛstəɹɔ(ː)nt]
restauranteur [ʁɛstoʁaˈtø:ʁ]~[ɻɛstəɻaˈtʰɚː] (I don't really use this word, so if I see it I tend to mentally give it a French pronunciation. Also, if you want to be posh, it has no n. I've used that pronunciation here.)
history /hɪstəri/ [ˈhɪstəɹʷi]
historical /hɪstɔrɪkəl/ [hɪsˈtɔɻɪkɫ̩]~[hɪsˈtɔɻɪko]
mystery /mɪstəri/ [ˈmɪstəɹʷi]
mysterious /mɪstiriəs/ [mɪ̽sˈtiːɻʷiəs]
interest /ɪntrɛst/ [ˈɪntʃɹʷɛst]
interesting /ɪntrɛstɪŋ/ [ˈɪntʃɹʷəstɪŋ]~[ˈɪntʃɹʷɛstɪŋ]
interestingly /ɪntrɛstɪŋli/ [ˈɪntʃɹʷəstɪŋɫi]~[ˈɪntʃɹʷɛstɪŋɫi]

I'm not too sure about these Rs to be honest, but this seems to be roughly accurate for the moment. I seem to have some kind of fine-tuned difference between ones after a stressed vowel and ones in an unstressed environment, which I've marked [ɻ] and [ɹʷ] respectively. Some of the [ɻ]s are also labialised but I've not been very consistent about marking this..

I also definitely affricatise /tr/ and have marked that in the transcription with [tʂɻ] or [tʃɹʷ].

But yeah, grain of salt with these perhaps, since they're pronounced unrealistically.

house: /haus/ [hɜʊ̟s] as a noun, /hauz/ [hæːuz] as a verb.
carver: /karvər/ [ˈkɑːɻvɚ]

quart: /kwɔrt/ [kʰʷwɔ̞ːɻt] (or with [ʔ] at the end)
quarter: /kwɔrtər/ [kʰʷwɔ̞ːɻtɚ]

irrespective: /ɪrəspɛktɪv/ [ɪɻəsˈpɛk̚tɪ̽v]
irresponsible /ɪrəspɔnsɪbəl/ [ɪɻəsˈpɔnsəbɫ̩]
irrational /ɪraʃənəl/ [ɪˈɻaʃn̩ɫ̩]~[əˈɻaʃn̩ɫ̩]
irrevocable /ɪrɪvɔkəbəl/ [ɪɻɪˈvɔkəbɫ̩]
irradiate /ɪrediet/ [ɪˈɻeːdieʔ]~[əˈɻeːdieʔ]

again, in several of these L-vocalisation is also possible, and ɪɻə~ɪɻɪ appear to be interchangeable to some extent...

Re: The "How do You Pronounce X" Thread

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 12:01 pm
by finlay
Travis B. wrote:Okay, here are my versions of these:

factory: [ˈfɛʔk̚tɕʁ̩ˤːʁˤi(ː)]
factorial: [fɛʔk̚ˈtʰɔːʁˤjɯ̞(ː)] or, carefully, [fɛʔk̚ˈtʰɔːʁˤiːɯ̞(ː)]
century: [ˈsɜ̃tʃɹ̠͡ɰˤi(ː)] or, carefully, [ˈsɜ̃tɕʁ̩ˤːʁˤi(ː)]
centurion: [sɜ̃ˈtɕʰʁ̩ˤːʁˤjɨ̃(ː)n] or, carefully, [sɜ̃ˈtɕʰʁ̩ˤːʁˤĩːɨ̃(ː)n]
victory: [ˈvɪʔk̚tɕʁ̩ˤːʁˤi(ː)]
victorious: [vɨʔk̚ˈtʰɔːʁˤjɨs] or, carefully, [vɨʔk̚ˈtʰɔːʁˤiːɨs]
restaurant: [ˈɰˤɜɕtɕʁ̩ˤːʁˤãʔ]
restauranteur: [ˈɰˤɜɕtɕʁ̩ˤːʁˤãˌt̻ʰʉ̯̆ŭʁˤ]~[ˈɰˤɜɕtɕʁ̩ˤːʁˤãˌt̻ʰʉ̯uʁˤ]
history: [ˈhɪɕtɕʁ̩ˤːʁˤi(ː)]
historical: [hɨˈs̻t̻ɔːʁˤɨɡ̊ɯ̞(ː)]
mystery: [ˈmɪɕtɕʁ̩ˤːʁˤi(ː)]
mysterious: [mɨˈs̻t̻ɪːʁˤjɨs] or, carefully, [mɨˈs̻t̻ɪːʁˤiːɨs]
interest: [ˈɪ̃tʃɹ̠͡ɰˤɜs̻t̻] or, very carefully, [ˈɪ̃tɕʁ̩ˤːˌʁˤɜs̻t̻]
interesting: [ˈɪ̃tʃɹ̠͡ɰˤɨs̻t̻ɨ̃(ː)ŋ] or, a bit carefully, [ˈɪ̃tʃɹ̠͡ɰˤɜs̻t̻ɨ̃(ː)ŋ] or, more carefully, [ˈɪ̃tɕʁ̩ˤːˌʁˤɜs̻t̻ɨ̃(ː)ŋ]
interestingly: [ˈɪ̃tʃɹ̠͡ɰˤɨs̻t̻ɨ̃ːŋɰi(ː)] or, a bit carefully, [ˈɪ̃tʃɹ̠͡ɰˤɜs̻t̻ɨ̃ːŋɰi(ː)] or, more carefully, [ˈɪ̃tɕʁ̩ˤːˌʁˤɜs̻t̻ɨ̃ːŋɰi(ː)]

Not all of these actually demonstrated what I was looking for, which was cases of affrication in (unstressed) /tər/ without being reduced to /tr/, because some of these actually involved /tj/ historically in all dialects (e.g. century), and likewise, not all of these involved actual stress shifts, but I did not go back to change them.

What is also apparent is that most of you have much more reduction than I do here, in that most of the places I have /tʃər/ are places where the rest of you have just /tr/ or /tʃr/.
Would it be possible to put some kind of phonemic transcription as well? It's just that your transcriptions are kinda dense and it'd be nice to see what your sort of mental pronunciations are, and have a decent way of seeing how your dialect actually transforms things.

Re: The "How do You Pronounce X" Thread

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 1:58 pm
by tezcatlip0ca
Is there a superscript esh with curl anywhere in Unicode?

Re: The "How do You Pronounce X" Thread

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 2:00 pm
by makvas
AnTeallach wrote:
Zoris wrote:I wonder if anyone else has a Just-Just split, that is, Just as in Justice is [dZVst] but Just as in Only is [dZ1st]
I pronounce them differently, but for me the adjective is STRUT and the adverb is FOOT. So unless you're one of those people with [1] for FOOT, your split is a bit different from mine.
When I say [1] or I really mean the same thing; the actual vowel for me is in between the two, probably a centralized , and unrounded. So yeah, that's my FOOT, and it's unrounded.

Re: The "How do You Pronounce X" Thread

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 2:03 pm
by Mr. Z
Aiďos wrote:Is there a superscript esh with curl anywhere in Unicode?
Is there a superscript esh with curl anywhere in Universe?

Re: The "How do You Pronounce X" Thread

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 2:16 pm
by Travis B.
Okay, here are my pronunciations again, but with synchronic phonemes being added. (Note that this is using a relatively simple analysis that lacks phonemic vowel length or nasalization being marked, even though both appear to be phonemic in edge cases.)

factory: /ˈfɛktʃəri/ > [ˈfɛʔk̚tɕʁ̩ˤːʁˤi(ː)]
factorial: /fɛkˈtɔriəl/ > [fɛʔk̚ˈtʰɔːʁˤjɯ̞(ː)] or, carefully, [fɛʔk̚ˈtʰɔːʁˤiːɯ̞(ː)]
century: /ˈsɜntʃri/ > [ˈsɜ̃tʃɹ̠͡ɰˤi(ː)] or, carefully, /ˈsɜntʃəri/ > [ˈsɜ̃tɕʁ̩ˤːʁˤi(ː)]
centurion: /sɜnˈtʃəriɪn/ > [sɜ̃ˈtɕʰʁ̩ˤːʁˤjɨ̃(ː)n] or, carefully, [sɜ̃ˈtɕʰʁ̩ˤːʁˤĩːɨ̃(ː)n]
victory: /ˈvɪktʃəri/ > [ˈvɪʔk̚tɕʁ̩ˤːʁˤi(ː)]
victorious: /vɪkˈtɔriɪs/ > [vɨʔk̚ˈtʰɔːʁˤjɨs] or, carefully, [vɨʔk̚ˈtʰɔːʁˤiːɨs]
restaurant: /ˈrɜstʃərant/ > [ˈɰˤɜɕtɕʁ̩ˤːʁˤãʔ]
restauranteur: /ˈrɜstʃəranˌtur/ > [ˈɰˤɜɕtɕʁ̩ˤːʁˤãˌt̻ʰʉ̯̆ŭʁˤ]~[ˈɰˤɜɕtɕʁ̩ˤːʁˤãˌt̻ʰʉ̯uʁˤ]
history: /ˈhɪstʃəri/ > [ˈhɪɕtɕʁ̩ˤːʁˤi(ː)]
historical: /hɪˈstɔrɪkəl/ > [hɨˈs̻t̻ɔːʁˤɨɡ̊ɯ̞(ː)]
mystery: /ˈmɪstʃəri/ > [ˈmɪɕtɕʁ̩ˤːʁˤi(ː)]
mysterious: /mɪˈstɪriɪs/ > [mɨˈs̻t̻ɪːʁˤjɨs] or, carefully, [mɨˈs̻t̻ɪːʁˤiːɨs]
interest: /ˈɪnˌtʃrɜst/ > [ˈɪ̃ˌtʃɹ̠͡ɰˤɜs̻t̻] or, very carefully, /ˈɪntʃəˌrɜst/ > [ˈɪ̃tɕʁ̩ˤːˌʁˤɜs̻t̻]
interesting: /ˈɪntʃrɪstɪŋ/ > [ˈɪ̃tʃɹ̠͡ɰˤɨs̻t̻ɨ̃(ː)ŋ] or, a bit carefully, /ˈɪnˌtʃrɜstɪŋ/ > [ˈɪ̃ˌtʃɹ̠͡ɰˤɜs̻t̻ɨ̃(ː)ŋ] or, more carefully, /ˈɪntʃəˌrɜstɪŋ/ > [ˈɪ̃tɕʁ̩ˤːˌʁˤɜs̻t̻ɨ̃(ː)ŋ]
interestingly: /ˈɪntʃrɪstɪŋli/ > [ˈɪ̃tʃɹ̠͡ɰˤɨs̻t̻ɨ̃ːŋɰi(ː)] or, a bit carefully, /ˈɪnˌtʃrɜstɪŋli/ > [ˈɪ̃ˌtʃɹ̠͡ɰˤɜs̻t̻ɨ̃ːŋɰi(ː)] or, more carefully, /ˈɪntʃəˌrɜstɪŋli/ > [ˈɪ̃tɕʁ̩ˤːˌʁˤɜs̻t̻ɨ̃ːŋɰi(ː)]

There are some cases above that seem a bit weird, such as when I write /stʃ/ rather than /ʃtʃ/ even though, in my own everyday speech the latter would probably be a better description than the former. However, I write the former because in more careful speech pronunciations with [s̻] rather than [ɕ] initially may show up, and even I when trying to pronounce it very carefully seem to at least front the pronunciation of it more than if it were /ʃ/ initially.

Also, when I write /tʃr/ above I mean it, and not /tr/. Many idiolects in my dialect medially contrast /tr/ with /tʃr/ as [tʂɹ͡ʁˤ] versus [tʃɹ̠͡ʁˤ] (and likewise contrast /dr/ with /dʒr/ as [d̥ʐ̊ɹ͡ʁˤ] versus [d̥ʒ̊ɹ̠͡ʁˤ]), even though mine does not. However, in these cases here it is clear that these are indeed /tʃr/ and not /tr/ despite my pronouncing the two identically.