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Re: Help your fluency in a nifty way

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2014 1:37 pm
by Dē Graut Bʉr
finlay wrote:Morgen is het mijn vakantie vrije dag. Maar het lijkt erop dat het regent. Ik weet niet waarheen ik wil gaan.

Re: Help your fluency in a nifty way

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2014 3:05 pm
by ----
Supongo que sus cerebros son sólo diferente a míos. No tieno dificultades con el vocabulario.
I suppose your brains are just different from mine. I don't have trouble with vocabulary.

.مشقتي بقاء مع لغة واحد
My problem is staying with a single language.

Re: Help your fluency in a nifty way

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2014 2:39 am
by finlay
Illo scripto, hodie pluit. Medicum ivi, et "influentiae vaccinationem" acquisivi. Etsi quoque anno hoc aquiro, quoque occasione territus fio. Acum videre non possum.
Yup, it's raining today. I went to the doctor and got an influenza vaccine. I get it every year, but every year I get uncomfortable. I can't look at the needle.

Re: Help your fluency in a nifty way

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2014 3:33 am
by jal
Dē Graut Bʉr wrote:
finlay wrote:Morgen is het mijn vakantie vrije dag. Maar het lijkt erop dat het regent. Ik weet niet waarheen ik wil gaan.
"waarheen ik wil gaan" ist doch kein gesprochen Niederländisch, oder? Ich sollte sagen: "Morgen heb ik m'n vrije dag, maar het lijkt erop dat het gaat regenenen. Ik weet niet waar ik heen wil gaan."
@finlay: It's important to note the difference in word order between German and Dutch when it comes to verbs like "willen": in Dutch they come first, in German last ("gehen wollen" vs. "willen gaan"). Also, in the sentence about it raining, you need an explicit future. I/o "het lijkt erop dat het gaat regenen" you could also say "het gaat waarschijnlijk regenen", or "het schijnt te gaan regenen". "lijken" is more evidentiality based, while "schijnen" is more hear-say (even if you trust the source).

"..." isn't spoken Dutch, is it? I'd say "..."


Re: Help your fluency in a nifty way

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2014 7:25 am
by hwhatting
finlay wrote:Morgen ist es mein freier Tag*1), aber es scheint, dass es regnen wird. Ich weiss nicht, was ich tun will*2).[/b]
Tomorrow is my day off, but it looks like it'll rain. I'm not sure where to go..
*1) More idiomatic: Morgen habe ich frei.
*2) More idiomatic: was ich tun soll. And the direct Translation of the English would be wohin ich gehen soll.
linguoboy wrote:Leichter als was? Weil, wenn sie wirklich sehr verschieden sind, dann überschneiden sich die Wortschätze kaum, und das vermehrt*1) die Erinnerungsbelastung.
Easier than what? Because, if they're really very different, then there's less of an overlap in vocabulary and that increases the burden of memorisation.
*1) I'd say erhöht here.
jal wrote:"waarheen ik wil gaan" ist doch kein gesprochenes Niederländisch, oder? Ich würde sagen:
"..." isn't spoken Dutch, is it? I'd say "..."
Finlay, mam nadzieję, że wykorzystałeś deszczowy dzień, żeby się uzczyć języków!
Finlay, I hope you used the rainy day to learn languages!

Re: Help your fluency in a nifty way

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2014 9:13 am
by jal
hwhatting wrote:More idiomatic: Morgen habe ich frei.
Aber ich denke, das er meint das es eine reguläre freier Tag ist, nicht nur einmaliges.
But I think he means it's a regular day off, not a one-time thing


Re: Help your fluency in a nifty way

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2014 12:31 pm
by Qwynegold
Taskuhecate wrote:Eeh, jag är inte så säker - när jag var i Finland, vi kallade vi lärarna vid deras efternamnen. Det hvar var dock vid universitetet, förstås.
I'm not so sure - when I was in Finland, we called the teachers by there last names. This was in the university though, y'know.

ÜUsch - jag vill lära mig för många språk! Jag har just köpt en bok av om klassiska aztekiska grammatik och jag pluggar också på en conlang. Och högalviska. Och finska, esperanto, japanska, spanska, tyska, iriska, franska, isländska... ALLA SPRÅKEN! MWAHAHAHA!
Ack - I want to learn too many languages! I just bought a book of classical nahuatl grammar and I'm working on a conlang also. And Quenya. And Finnish, Esperanto, Japanese, Spanish, German, Gaeilge, French, Icelandic... ALL THE LANGUAGES!

...Hjälp mig...
...Help me...
Sueeden-go de wa zenchishi wa muzukashii ne.
In Swedish, it's the prepositions that are difficult, right?

どうしてクエンヤ語をクエンヤ語とよばない? :P
Dōshite Kuen'ya-go wo Kuen'ya-go to yobanai? :P
Why don't you call Quenya Quenya? :P

Re: Help your fluency in a nifty way

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2014 6:44 am
by hwhatting
jal wrote:
hwhatting wrote:More idiomatic: Morgen habe ich frei.
Aber ich denke, dass er meint, dass es eine regulärer freier Tag ist, nicht nur eine einmaliges Vorkommnis.
But I think he means it's a regular day off, not a one-time thing
Well, Morgen ist mein freier Tag is the right thing to say if it is the single one day off per a certain period (per week, per month, per year), and even then it's an expression that is more apt to use if (1) you need to explain why you're not working on that day or (2) want to especially emphasize that you're not going to work on that day. It's more marked than English "tomorrow is my day off", the normal way to say that is "morgen habe ich frei".

Re: Help your fluency in a nifty way

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 3:14 am
by Herr Dunkel
Got me some cheap Norwegian, so let's try and practice I guess

God dag
Jeg begynte å lære norsk bokmål for tre uker siden og jeg synnes at jeg ikke er dårlig. Jeg mener at norsk lyder nydelig men jeg forstår lite :D

Good day
I started learning Norwegian Bokmål three weeks ago and I think that I'm not bad. I think that Norwegian sounds fantastic but I understand almost nothing :D

Re: Help your fluency in a nifty way

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2014 3:11 am
by ol bofosh
Ayer j'etait travaillant avec le bokken. Si c'etait un katana, j'aurais perdue touts mes éxtremité.
Yesterday I was working with the bokken. If it were a katana, I would have lost all my limbs.

Re: Help your fluency in a nifty way

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2014 4:30 pm
by Herr Dunkel
ol bofosh wrote:Ayer j'etait travaillant avec le bokken. Si c'etait un katana, j'aurais perdue touts mes éxtremité.
Yesterday I was working with the bokken. If it were a katana, I would have lost all my limbs.
Hvorfor? Øvde du ikke nok med katanaen/bokkenen? Pass på! Det finnes sjansen at du skal virkelig skade deg!
Why? Did you not practice enough with the katana/bokken? Be careful! There's a chance that you'll really hurt yourself!

Re: Help your fluency in a nifty way

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2014 6:26 pm
by Astraios
סוף כל סוף! ס' האָט מיר געזאָגט דער נײַער רבּי פֿון מײַן זיידעס שול ער וועט מיר איבערשרײַבן און ארויסשיקן אַ גאַנץ וואַזשנעם דאָקומענט וואָס ס' איז געווען מיר נייטיק שוין אין שבט תשע"ד פֿאַר מײַן בּקשת-עלייה. אַזוי לאַנג געוואַרט און איך גיי קיין עין-הרע עס קריגן טאַקע אַ ליאַדע מינוט! שולולו פֿאַר אַלעמען אַ לחיים! לאַכן שוין לאַך איך ווען איך באַטראַכט דעם פֿרײַערדיקן רבּין וואָס בּרוך-השם איז אַוועקגעלאָפֿן קיין אַמעריקע מחמת 'פאָליטישע חילוקים' צווישן אים און טייל פֿון זײַן קהילה, פֿון וואַנען זאָל ער קיין מאָל נישט צוריקקערן. אָט דער דאָזיקער האָט ער מסכּים געווען מיר צו העלפֿן וואָלט איך יאָ געווען שוין אן עולה-חדש נאָר אָן דעם נײַעם רבין דעם צדיק וואָס קענט וועגן אַלע עניינים אַ סך מער ווי דער פֿרײַערדיקער און וואָס איז פּשוט אַ מענטש. האָב איך נאָר געהאַט זיך געהערט ווען איך האָב צוערשט אַ קוק געטאָן אויפֿן פֿרײַערדיקן צו פּורים און געדאַנקן "קיין רבּי וואָס זײַן תּחפּושׂת איז פֿרעד פֿײַערשטיין וועט מיר אויף זיכער נישט קענען העלפֿן" און געפֿונען אָט דעם צדיק נאך פֿריִער.
Sof kol sof! S' hot mir gezogt der najer rebe fun majn zejdes šul, er't mir iberšrajbn un arojsšikn a ganc važnem dokument, vos s' iz geven mir nejtik šojn in švat tošed, far majn bakošes-alije. Azoj lang gevart un ix gej kin ahore es krign take a ljade minut! Šululu far alemen a lexajem! Laxn šojn lax ix, ven ix batraxt dem frajerdikn reben, vos borex Hašem iz avekgelofn kin Amerike maxmes 'politiše xilukem' cvišn im un tejl fun zajn kehile, fun vanen zol er kejn mol ništ curikkern. Ot der doziker, hot er maskem geven mir cu helfn, volt ix jo geven šojn an ojle-xodeš, nor on dem najem reben dem cadek, vos kent vegn ale injonim a sax mer, vi der frajerdiker, un vos iz pošet a menč. Hob ix nor gehat zix gehert, ven ix hob cueršt a kuk geton afn frajerdikn cu Purim un gedankn, "kin rebe, vos zajn taxposes iz Fred Fajerštejn, vet mir af zixer ništ kenen helfn", un gefunen ot dem cadek nox frier.

Finally! The new rabbi at my grandad's synagogue told me that he'll write and send me a very important document, that I've been missing since January already, for my Aliyah application. So long waiting and I'm going to actually get it (knock on wood) any minute! Yaay drinks for everyone! I'm just laughing now when I think of the previous rabbi, who thank God has run away to America because of 'political differences' between him and part of his congregation, may he never return thence. If that piece of work had agreed to help me, sure, I'd have made Aliyah already, only I wouldn't have had this saintly new rabbi who knows about everything a ton more than the previous, and who's simply a mentsh. If I'd only listened to myself when I first laid eyes on the previous rabbi in March and thought, "no way is a rabbi dressed as Fred Flintstone going to be able to help me", and actually found this saintly one earlier.

Re: Help your fluency in a nifty way

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2014 10:05 am
by finlay
ol bofosh wrote:Ayer Hier je 'etait travaillais avec le bokken. Si c'etait un katana, j'aurais perdue touts mes éxtremités.
Yesterday I was working with the bokken. If it were a katana, I would have lost all my limbs.

Re: Help your fluency in a nifty way

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2014 11:20 am
by Dewrad
finlay wrote:
ol bofosh wrote:Ayer Hier je 'etait travaillais avec le bokken. Si c'etait un katana, j'aurais perdue touts mes éxtremités.
Yesterday I was working with the bokken. If it were a katana, I would have lost all my limbs.
*Hier, je travaillais avec le bokken. S'il a été un katana, j'aurais perdu toutes mes extrémités.

I'm not sure about using the third conditional here, but it's a counterfactual protasis rather than just being unlikely. Native speakers?

(For lagniappe: s'il eût été un katana, j'eusse perdu toutes mes extrémités.)

Re: Help your fluency in a nifty way

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2014 1:20 pm
by finlay
As I mentioned before I have a test coming up so I bought a Japanese textbook. For six weeks I will do revision and learn some new things. It's easy to understand and I've already learnt something, so I've got a good feeling about it.

Re: Help your fluency in a nifty way

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2014 5:50 pm
by din
Dewrad wrote:
finlay wrote:
ol bofosh wrote:Ayer Hier je 'etait travaillais avec le bokken. Si c'etait un katana, j'aurais perdue touts mes éxtremités.
Yesterday I was working with the bokken. If it were a katana, I would have lost all my limbs.
*Hier, je travaillais avec le bokken. S'il a été un katana, j'aurais perdu toutes mes extrémités.

I'm not sure about using the third conditional here, but it's a counterfactual protasis rather than just being unlikely. Native speakers?

(For lagniappe: s'il eût été un katana, j'eusse perdu toutes mes extrémités.)
I'm not a native speaker, but I would have gone for j'aurais perdu as well.

Though I would have said: Hier, j'ai travaillé avec le bokken

Re: Help your fluency in a nifty way

Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2014 1:43 pm
by ol bofosh
Herr Dunkel wrote:
ol bofosh wrote:Ayer j'etait travaillant avec le bokken. Si c'etait un katana, j'aurais perdue touts mes éxtremité.
Yesterday I was working with the bokken. If it were a katana, I would have lost all my limbs.
Hvorfor? Øvde du ikke nok med katanaen/bokkenen? Pass på! Det finnes sjansen at du skal virkelig skade deg!
Why? Did you not practice enough with the katana/bokken? Be careful! There's a chance that you'll really hurt yourself!
C'est bien. On practique lentement avec le bokken et on ne nous fait pas mal. Toutefois, on fait les choses sans don et on nous peut faire mal avec un katana!
It's okay. We practice slowly with the bokken and don't hurt each other. Even so, we don't do things skillfully and we could hurt each other with a katana!

On ne practique pas avec le katana. Ça serai trop dangereux!
We don't practice with the katana. That would be too dangerous!

Re: Help your fluency in a nifty way

Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2014 4:48 pm
by Herr Dunkel
Har du en katana? Er katanaer ikke dyre; jeg trodde det er så men jeg veit ikke så sikkert. Hvor lenge har du øved(?)
Do you have a katana? Aren't katanas expensive; I thought that was so but I'm not so sure. How long have you been practising

Re: Help your fluency in a nifty way

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2014 3:20 am
by ol bofosh
Oui, j'ai deux katana. Un est pour decoration et l'autre etait laissé ici par le professeur de judo de ma petite amie quand c'etait petite.
Yes, I have two. One is for decoration and the other was left here by my girlfriend's judo teacher when she was younger.

J'ai commencer de practiquer avec le bokken at le jo un an devant. Mais dans le dojo pour six mois cette année on ne pu pas utiliser les armes parce ce que le dojo avais un nouveau tatami, et les armes pu faire dommages au tatami.
I started to practice with the bokken and jo a year ago. But in the dojo we couldn't use weapons for six months this year because the dojo had a new tatami, and the weapons could have damaged it.

Re: Help your fluency in a nifty way

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2014 6:43 pm
by Bristel
Táim ag foghlaim Gaeilge le Duolingo.
I'm learning Irish with Duolingo.

Re: Help your fluency in a nifty way

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2014 11:39 pm
by linguoboy
Bristel wrote:Táim ag foghlaim Gaeilge le Duolingo.
I'm learning Irish with Duolingo.
Maith an fear thú!
Good for you!

Cad é do thuairim air go dtí seo?
What do you think of it so far?

Re: Help your fluency in a nifty way

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2014 10:15 am
by Dē Graut Bʉr
ol bofosh wrote:Oui, j'ai deux katana. Un est pour decoration et l'autre était laissé ici par le professeur de judo de ma petite amie quand elle était petite.
Yes, I have two. One is for decoration and the other was left here by my girlfriend's judo teacher when she was younger.

J'ai commencé à practiquer avec le bokken et le jo devant un an. Mais dans le dojo pour six mois cette année on n'a pas pu utiliser les armes parce ce que le dojo avais un nouveau tatami, et les armes pu faire dommages au tatami.
I started to practice with the bokken and jo a year ago. But in the dojo we couldn't use weapons for six months this year because the dojo had a new tatami, and the weapons could have damaged it.
Note that I'm not a native speaker so there are probably more mistakes that I didn't spot. The one I marked in blue is definitely wrong but I'm not sure what it should be.

Re: Help your fluency in a nifty way

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2014 12:22 pm
by finlay
linguoboy wrote:
Bristel wrote:Táim ag foghlaim Gaeilge le Duolingo.
I'm learning Irish with Duolingo.
Maith an fear thú!
Good for you!

Cad é do thuairim air go dtí seo?
What do you think of it so far?
I started it too, but so far I've found the progression very steep - it's introduced complex concepts like lenition and eclipsis as like the 7th or 8th lessons, and while I know that they're "important" concepts, with other languages, they left the slightly odd phonological and grammatical constructs until you've already got a relatively strong vocabulary base to manipulate. Same goes for the "inflected prepositions" - just comparing to the Portuguese course, they introduced the prepositions (which have loads of contractions) and stuff quite late, which means that for a long time I was making very strange sentences and ones with quite a limited scope (I could write "I like apples" but not "I like that apple", for instance). Also, for some reason, more than the other courses I've found that the Irish one seems to skip vocabulary items, so that I don't actually see a word at all until it comes up in a revision lesson. I dunno what's up with the programming there. And because the sentences are recorded manually, a lot of them are missing - this means that I get introduced to various words without ever hearing their pronunciation. In a language such as Irish which often doesn't have a clear correspondence between orthography and pronunciation, I would have thought actually drilling the pronunciation would be more important. Oh, and this applies to some of the other ones in beta too: the iphone app doesn't show the grammar explanations, so I have to go online to find them. They're a bit too detailed, anyway - I didn't find the explanation of lenition all that enlightening.

Re: Help your fluency in a nifty way

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2014 4:22 pm
by Bristel
linguoboy wrote:
Bristel wrote:Táim ag foghlaim Gaeilge le Duolingo.
I'm learning Irish with Duolingo.
Maith an fear thú!
Good for you!

Cad é do thuairim air go dtí seo?
What do you think of it so far?
Is an teanga go hiontach, dar liom.
It's a great language, I think.

Tá sé freisin an-deacair.
It's also very difficult.

Re: Help your fluency in a nifty way

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2014 4:34 pm
by Bristel
finlay wrote:I started it too, but so far I've found the progression very steep - it's introduced complex concepts like lenition and eclipsis as like the 7th or 8th lessons, and while I know that they're "important" concepts, with other languages, they left the slightly odd phonological and grammatical constructs until you've already got a relatively strong vocabulary base to manipulate. Same goes for the "inflected prepositions" - just comparing to the Portuguese course, they introduced the prepositions (which have loads of contractions) and stuff quite late, which means that for a long time I was making very strange sentences and ones with quite a limited scope (I could write "I like apples" but not "I like that apple", for instance). Also, for some reason, more than the other courses I've found that the Irish one seems to skip vocabulary items, so that I don't actually see a word at all until it comes up in a revision lesson. I dunno what's up with the programming there. And because the sentences are recorded manually, a lot of them are missing - this means that I get introduced to various words without ever hearing their pronunciation. In a language such as Irish which often doesn't have a clear correspondence between orthography and pronunciation, I would have thought actually drilling the pronunciation would be more important. Oh, and this applies to some of the other ones in beta too: the iphone app doesn't show the grammar explanations, so I have to go online to find them. They're a bit too detailed, anyway - I didn't find the explanation of lenition all that enlightening.
Yeah, it's not the best, but I'm sure it will be updated over time.

I found that I dislike the recordings because they don't sound how the man and woman from the Teach Yourself Irish CDs sound. (ithimid and other -imid words sound like it is written, but I always thought it was pronounced like [ɪmʲɪdʲ])

When I saw the word "buachaill", I laughed, because I thought it meant "cow-herder" from all the time I've spent working on my Celtic conlang… It would be bóchoil in the conlang.