Help your fluency in a nifty way

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Re: Help your fluency in a nifty way

Post by finlay »

hey, you're still around, yay! you doing well?

it just started to rain heavily... there've been so many squalls recently. summer...

Tomorrow I'm going on a road trip with some coworkers. We're headed to Shimane, 700km from Tokyo. There's seven of us, but only two drivers, and I'm one of the drivers. Plus I have to leave at 6. Oh dear.

(I haven't packed yet either. it's 11:15 in the evening)

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Re: Help your fluency in a nifty way

Post by Astraios »

Да, и нормально. :) В последнее время был у нас тут знойный период с температурами около 40 градусов (а дождя уже пять месяцев не идёт :p), а у меня настоящей работы ещё нет, то я весь день нахожусь на пляже, в парке, или просто дома под мазганом, а между тем учусь языками, сплю с парнями, а на выходные буду присматривать за кошечками друга. А в Шимане как было? Кажется, что ты всегда путешествуешь куда-то.

יאָ, און גוט. :) לעצטנס האָבן מיר דאָ אַ גאָר הייסע תּקופה מיט טעמפּעראַטורן פון בּערך 40 גראַדוסן (און שוין פינף מאָנאַטן האָט עס נישט געקומט קיין רעגן :p), און איך האָב נאָך נישט קיין כּשרן אַרבעט, טאָ דעם גאַנצן טאָג געפין איך זיך אויף דער פּליאַזשע, אינעם פּאַרק, אָדער סתּם ביי היים אונטערן מזגן, און בּשעת מעשׂה לערן איך זיך שפּראַכן, שלאָף מיט בּחורים, און דעם סוף וואָך ניאַנטשע איך די קעצעלעך פון אַ חבר מיינעם. און אין שימאַנע ווי איז עס געווען? ס' דאַכט זיך, דו ביסט אַלעמאָל אויף נסיעות קיין ערגעצוווּ.

Yo, un gut. :) Letstns hobn mir do a gor heyse tkufe mit temperaturn fun beerekh 40 gradusn (un shoyn finf monatn hot es nisht gekumt kin regn :p), un ikh hob nokh nisht kin koshern arbet, to dem gantsn tog gefin ikh zikh af der plyazhe, inem park, oder stom bay heym untern mazgen, un bshas-mayse lern ikh zikh shprakhn, shlof mit bokhrem, un dem sofvokh nyantshe ikh di ketselekh fun a khaver maynem. Un in Shimane vi iz es geven? S' dakht zikh, du bist alemol af nesies kin ergetsvu.

Yep, and fine. :) Recently we've been having a really hot period with temperatures around 40 degrees (and it hasn't rained for five months :p), and I don't have a proper job yet so all day I'm either at the beach, in the park, or just at home under the A/C, and in the meantime I'm learning languages and sleeping with guys, and at the weekend I'm going to babysit a friend's cats. And how was Shimane? It seems like you're always off traveling somewhere.

Thry wrote:Genial que et vagi bé!
Glad you're doing fine :)!

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Re: Help your fluency in a nifty way

Post by Thry »

I don't have a proper job yet so all day I'm either at the beach, in the park, or just at home under the A/C, and in the meantime I'm learning languages and sleeping with guys, and at the weekend I'm going to babysit a friend's cats.
Això és el somni, amic. Relax, nois i gats *enveja*
That's the dream, friend :-D Chill, dudes and cats. *envy*

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Re: Help your fluency in a nifty way

Post by hwhatting »

Astraios wrote:Да, и нормально. :) В последнее время был у нас тут знойный период с температурами около 40 градусов (а дождя уже пять месяцев нет*1) :p), а у меня настоящей работы ещё нет, значит, / поэтому я весь день нахожусь на пляже, в парке, или просто дома под мазганом, а между тем учусь языками, сплю с парнями, а на выходные буду присматривать за кошечками друга. А в Шимане как было? Кажется, что ты всегда путешествуешь куда-то.
Yep, and fine. :) Recently we've been having a really hot period with temperatures around 40 degrees (and it hasn't rained for five months :p), and I don't have a proper job yet so all day I'm either at the beach, in the park, or just at home under the A/C, and in the meantime I'm learning languages and sleeping with guys, and at the weekend I'm going to babysit a friend's cats. And how was Shimane? It seems like you're always off traveling somewhere.
*1) or: дождь уже пять месяцев не идёт
Czy mazgan jest lokalnym słowem izraelskim? Zwykłym słowem rosyjskim za klimatyzację jest кондиционер.
Is mazgan een lokaal Israëlisch woord? Het gewone Russische woord voor airco is кондиционер.

Is mazgan a local Israeli word? The usual Russian for A/C is кондиционер.

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Re: Help your fluency in a nifty way

Post by Ziz »

@hwhatting: .בדיוק. מזגן היא המילה בעברית. משהו בתוכי אומר לי שברוסיה אין מזגן לרוב האנשים. ברור שבארץ זה נורא יותר שימושי
@hwhatting: Bediyuk {Bidyuk}. Mazgan hi ha-mila be-Ivrit. Mashehu betokhi omer li shebe-Rusya ein mazgan le-rov ha-anashim. Barur sheba-Arets ze nora yoter shimushi.
@hwhatting: Yep. Mazgan is the Hebrew word. Something tells me AC isn't so common in Russia. But in Israel, it's definitely a lot more useful.

גם פה יורד הרבה גשם. אני מת על סופייות רעמים. הינה אחד הדברים שאני אתגעגע לו כשאני בארץ. בסוכות מתחילים לבקש את הגשם מאלוהים, אז אולי הגשם יחזור בסוף ספטמבר. אני ממש מקווה שכן.
Gam po yored harbe geshem. Ani met al sufayot re'amim. Hine ekhad ha-devarim she-ani etga'agea lo kshe-ani ba-Arets. Be-Sukot matkhilim levakesh et ha-geshem me-Elohim, az ulai ha-geshem yakhzor be-sof September. Ani mamash mekave she-ken.
Here also it's been raining a lot. I really do love thunderstorms. That's one of the things that I'll definitely miss once I'm in Israel. On Sukkot they start praying for rain, so maybe the rain comes back at the end of September. I really hope so.

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Re: Help your fluency in a nifty way

Post by Io »

кондиционер is what Russians call it and apparently Georgians too.

Wait, Ziz, what did you mean with that line about A/C not being common in Russia? Obviously, Russian climate entails less usage of such appliances but how is it related to the words?!
Last edited by Io on Wed Aug 19, 2015 11:40 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Help your fluency in a nifty way

Post by sirdanilot »

Eu vou visitar Lituânia no final desse mês. Eu nunca fui lá, e eu queria saber o que tem lá pra ver. Eu vou visitar Vilnius, más eu posso visitar outros regiões da Lituânia tambem. Eu acho que Lituânia é um país bem barato, e os tickets de trem não sera muito caro? Sera que tem uma sistema de trem lá?
Eu não falo nenhum palavra da lingua. Sera que a gente fala Inglês (ou pelo menos alemã) la?
Esse país é, pra mim, totalmente alienígena, más os vôos pra Lituânia são muitos baratos para esse distância, e eu vou visitar um amigo la (que eu conheço da vida real e não do internet).

I will visit Lithuania at the end of this month. I have never been there, and I would love to know what there is to see there. I will visit Vilnius, but I could also visit other regions of the country. I think Lituania is a very cheap country, and the train tickets aren't very expensive? Do they even have trains?
I do not speak a single word of the language. Would the people know English there, or at least German?
It is a completely alien country to me, however the flights there are ridiculously cheap for such a long distance and I will visit a friend there (met in real life not on the internet).

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Re: Help your fluency in a nifty way

Post by sirdanilot »

hwhatting wrote:
Astraios wrote:Да, и нормально. :) В последнее время был у нас тут знойный период с температурами около 40 градусов (а дождя уже пять месяцев нет*1) :p), а у меня настоящей работы ещё нет, значит, / поэтому я весь день нахожусь на пляже, в парке, или просто дома под мазганом, а между тем учусь языками, сплю с парнями, а на выходные буду присматривать за кошечками друга. А в Шимане как было? Кажется, что ты всегда путешествуешь куда-то.
Yep, and fine. :) Recently we've been having a really hot period with temperatures around 40 degrees (and it hasn't rained for five months :p), and I don't have a proper job yet so all day I'm either at the beach, in the park, or just at home under the A/C, and in the meantime I'm learning languages and sleeping with guys, and at the weekend I'm going to babysit a friend's cats. And how was Shimane? It seems like you're always off traveling somewhere.
*1) or: дождь уже пять месяцев не идёт
Czy mazgan jest lokalnym słowem izraelskim? Zwykłym słowem rosyjskim za klimatyzację jest кондиционер.
Is mazgan een lokaal Israëlisch woord? Het gewone Russische woord voor airco is кондиционер.

Is mazgan a local Israeli word? The usual Russian for A/C is кондиционер.
O seu holandês é muito bom, tudo é certinho aqui.
Eu estou com muito vontade de visitar Israel, más eu acho que deve ser bem caro.
Your dutch is very good, everything is correct here.
I would love to visit Israel but I think it must be quite expensive.

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Re: Help your fluency in a nifty way

Post by hwhatting »

Ziz wrote: Something tells me AC isn't so common in Russia. But in Israel, it's definitely a lot more useful.
Właściwie, klimatyzacje są całkiem powszechne; lata bywają bardzo gorące nawet w Rosji, a jeszcze bardziej w byłych republikach Związku Radzieckiego w Azji Środkowej i na Kaukazie, gdzie Rosysjski jeszcze jest językiem ważnym.
In werkelikheid zijn aircos nogal gebruikelijk in Rusland; de zomers kunnen erg heet zijn zelfs in Rusland, en nog meer in de Centraal-Aziatische en Kaukasische voormalige republieken van de Sovjet-Unie, waar Russisch nog een belangrijke taal is.

Actually, A/Cs are quite common; summers can be very hot even in Russia, and even more in the Central Asian and Caucasian former Republics of the Soviet Union, where Russian still is an important language.

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Re: Help your fluency in a nifty way

Post by hwhatting »

sirdanilot wrote:I will visit Lithuania at the end of this month. I have never been there, and I would love to know what there is to see there. I will visit Vilnius, but I could also visit other regions of the country. I think Lituania is a very cheap country, and the train tickets aren't very expensive? Do they even have trains?
I do not speak a single word of the language. Would the people know English there, or at least German?
It is a completely alien country to me, however the flights there are ridiculously cheap for such a long distance and I will visit a friend there (met in real life not on the internet).

Oprócz Wilna, możesz także zwiedzać Kowno (muzeum Čiurlionisa) i Palangę (plaża). Zamek w Trokach także jest pięknym. Istnieją pociągi w Litwie. W wielkich miastach możesz znajdować przynajmniej kilku ludzi, którzy mówią po angielsku albo niemiecku.
Behalve Vilnius kun je ook Kaunas (Čiurlionismuseum) en Palanga (strand) bezoeken. Het Kasteel Trakai is oog mooi. Er zijn treinen in Litouwen. In de grote steden zul je tenminste enkele mensen vinden, die Engels of Duits praten.

Besides Vilnius, you can also visit Kaunas (Čiurlionis museum) and Palanga (beach); Trakai Castle is also beautiful. There are trains in Lithuania. In the big cities, you'll find at least some people who speak English or German.

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Re: Help your fluency in a nifty way

Post by sirdanilot »

hwhatting wrote:
sirdanilot wrote:I will visit Lithuania at the end of this month. I have never been there, and I would love to know what there is to see there. I will visit Vilnius, but I could also visit other regions of the country. I think Lituania is a very cheap country, and the train tickets aren't very expensive? Do they even have trains?
I do not speak a single word of the language. Would the people know English there, or at least German?
It is a completely alien country to me, however the flights there are ridiculously cheap for such a long distance and I will visit a friend there (met in real life not on the internet).

Oprócz Wilna, możesz także zwiedzać Kowno (muzeum Čiurlionisa) i Palangę (plaża). Zamek w Trokach także jest pięknym. Istnieją pociągi w Litwie. W wielkich miastach możesz znajdować przynajmniej kilku ludzi, którzy mówią po angielsku albo niemiecku.
Behalve Vilnius kun je ook Kaunas (Čiurlionismuseum) en Palanga (strand) bezoeken. Het Kasteel Trakai is oog mooi. Er zijn treinen in Litouwen. In de grote steden zul je tenminste enkele mensen vinden, die Engels of Duits praten.

Besides Vilnius, you can also visit Kaunas (Čiurlionis museum) and Palanga (beach); Trakai Castle is also beautiful. There are trains in Lithuania. In the big cities, you'll find at least some people who speak English or German.


A tempo de despidir vai chegar, a minha última hora chegará de aqui ao poco pra mim nesse forum. Eles não podem aguentar os meus opiniões diferentes, eles não confiavam os seus proprios opiniões; cada opinião que é diferente do opinião deles é como uma gota de chuva ardida que queima o corpo deles.

The time to say goodbye is nearing; my last hour shall arrive soon for me on this board. They could not bear my different opinions; they could not have trust in their very own opinions; every opinion different from theirs is like a burning rain drop which burns into their flesh

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Re: Help your fluency in a nifty way

Post by Thry »

é como uma gota de chuva ardida que queima o corpo deles.
chuva ardente

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Re: Help your fluency in a nifty way

Post by Astraios »

hwhatting wrote:Czy mazgan jest lokalnym słowem izraelskim? Zwykłym słowem rosyjskim za klimatyzację jest кондиционер.
Is mazgan een lokaal Israëlisch woord? Het gewone Russische woord voor airco is кондиционер.

Is mazgan a local Israeli word? The usual Russian for A/C is кондиционер.
Зиз понял. Русскоговорящие израильтяне говорят со многими ивритизмами. Не ошибись, кондиционер также говорят и конечно, но большинство израильтян, даже тех, кто на иврите несвободно говорят, и называют на иврите типично "израильскими" институтами и продуктами от Мисра́д-Апни́ма (Министерство внутренних дел) до три́сов (оконные ставни). А нерусскоговорящие тоже.

Ziz got it. Russophone Israelis speak with a lot of Hebrewisms. Don't get me wrong, of course they also say кондиционер, but the majority of Israelis, even those who aren't fluent in Hebrew, do use Hebrew names for typically "Israeli" institutions and products from Мисра́д-Апни́м (Ministry of the Interior) to три́сы (window shutters). Non-russophones too.

Ziz wrote:
גם פה יורד הרבה גשם. אני מת על סופייות רעמים. הינה אחד הדברים שאני אתגעגע לו כשאני בארץ. בסוכות מתחילים לבקש את הגשם מאלוהים, אז אולי הגשם יחזור בסוף ספטמבר. אני ממש מקווה שכן.
Gam po yored harbe geshem. Ani met al sufayot re'amim. Hine ekhad ha-devarim she-ani etga'agea lo kshe-ani ba-Arets. Be-Sukot matkhilim levakesh et ha-geshem me-Elohim, az ulai ha-geshem yakhzor be-sof September. Ani mamash mekave she-ken.
Here also it's been raining a lot. I really do love thunderstorms. That's one of the things that I'll definitely miss once I'm in Israel. On Sukkot they start praying for rain, so maybe the rain comes back at the end of September. I really hope so.
היורה בא בדרך כלל עד אוקטובר, ולא תתגעגע בכלל לסופות רעמים. הבומים שלהם העירו אותי מתוך שינה כבר שלוש, ארבע פעמים מאז ינואר. ואותי קשה להעיר.
Hayore magia bederekh klal ad oktober, velo titga'agea bikhlal lesufot re'amim. Habumim shelahem he'iru oti mitokh sheyna kvar shalosh, arba pe'amim me'az yanu'ar. Ve'oti kashe leha'ir.
Первый дождь придёт обычно к октябрю, а по грозам вообще не будешь скучать. Их бумы меня пробудили от сна уже три, четыре раза с января. А меня трудно пробудить.
The first rain usually arrives by October, and you won't miss thunderstorms at all. Their booms have already woken me up three or four times since January. And I'm hard to wake up.

sirdanilot wrote:Eu estou com muito vontade de visitar Israel, más eu acho que deve ser bem caro.
I would love to visit Israel but I think it must be quite expensive.
פליגן קענסטו בזול. האָטעלן, ענלעך אויף אייראָפּע
Flign kenstu bezol. Hoteln, enlekh af Eyrope.
You can fly cheaply. Hotels, similar to Europe.

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Re: Help your fluency in a nifty way

Post by Io »

Jesus Christ, how cute and adorable! You are in fact speaking Israeli Russian. What a truly unique snowflake you are ~~

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Re: Help your fluency in a nifty way

Post by hwhatting »

Astraios wrote:Зиз понял. Русскоговорящие израильтяне говорят со многими ивритизмами. Пойми меня правильно, кондиционер также говорят и конечно, но большинство израильтян, даже тех, кто на иврите несвободно говорят, и называют на иврите типично "израильские" учреждения и изделия от Мисра́д-Апни́ма (Министерство внутренних дел) до три́сов (оконные ставни). А нерусскоговорящие тоже.
Ziz got it. Russophone Israelis speak with a lot of Hebrewisms. Don't get me wrong, of course they also say кондиционер, but the majority of Israelis, even those who aren't fluent in Hebrew, do use Hebrew names for typically "Israeli" institutions and products from Мисра́д-Апни́м (Ministry of the Interior) to три́сы (window shutters). Non-russophones too.
Io wrote:Jesus Christ, how cute and adorable! You are in fact speaking Israeli Russian. What a truly unique snowflake you are ~~
Przypuszczam, że to są ci ludzie, ze którymi on najczęściej ma okazję ćwiczyć język Rosysjki, więc to jest tylko naturalne.
Ik neem aan, dat dit de mensen zijn, met wie hij de meeste gelegenheid heeft, Russisch te oefenen, dus is het maar natuurlijk.

I assume that's the People with whom he has the most opportunity to practice Russian, so it's only natural.

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Re: Help your fluency in a nifty way

Post by Pole, the »

Tunnetteko joitakin sellaisia lauluja?
Do you know any other songs like that?

Czy mazgan jest lokalnym słowem izraelskim? Zwykłym słowem rosyjskim na klimatyzację jest кондиционер.
Właściwie, klimatyzacje są całkiem powszechne; lata bywają bardzo gorące nawet w Rosji, a jeszcze bardziej w byłych republikach Związku Radzieckiego w Azji Środkowej i na Kaukazie, gdzie rosyjski jeszcze jest językiem ważnym.
Oprócz Wilna, możesz także zwiedzić Kowno (muzeum Čiurlionisa) i Palangę (plaża). Zamek w Trokach także jest piękny. Istnieją pociągi na Litwie. (Better: Na/po Litwie też jeżdżą pociągi.) W wielkich miastach możesz znaleźć przynajmniej kilku ludzi, którzy mówią po angielsku albo niemiecku.
(móc + imperfective constructions usually imply that the action is habitual.)
Przypuszczam, że to są ci ludzie, z którymi on najczęściej ma okazję ćwiczyć język rosyjski, więc to jest tylko naturalne.
(By the way, I am visiting Lithuania, Vilnius, next Wednesday. Unfort, it is going to rain that day.)
The conlanger formerly known as “the conlanger formerly known as Pole, the”.

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Re: Help your fluency in a nifty way

Post by linguoboy »

hwhatting wrote:Actually, ACs areis quite common; summers can be very hot even in Russia, and even more in the Central Asian and Caucasian former Republics of the Soviet Union, where Russian still is an important language.
Ich frage mich, ob nach diesem Summer mehr Europäer zu der Überzeugung kommen werden, dass die Klimatisierung eigentlich kein Luxus sei.
I wonder if, after this summer, more Europeans don't come to the conclusion that air conditioning really isn't a luxury.

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Re: Help your fluency in a nifty way

Post by Io »

I only installed one exactly 3 years ago because I quite simply couldn't sleep at night resulting in being like a complete zombie on the next day, not nice when you have to go to work. Since then I've used it primarily for heating and rarely for cooling. I had exactly the same problem in Georgia, except when we went camping up in the mountains, there was not a single night when I wouldn't be drowning in my own sweat, one night in Batumi I felt like I was actually going to burst from the internal body heat while tossing and turning in bed, when we were back to Tbilisi I thought of going to a hotel for a night or two but that would have been an insult to my incredibly hospitable and nice host, but godverdomme the heat at night... ugh... somehow he didn't have any problem sleeping and during the day he was the to complain about the heat, whereas I can perfectly not only tolerate ~40º but actually enjoy it.

Europe north of the Alps certainly doesn't consider it a luxury, but simply not a necessity since normally you'd have max a week or two of heatwave in summer. My friend who lives in Munich said people were quite happy about the hot summer temps there. You also have to consider most people don't live in a detached house and if you're gonna put an A/C you'd need to deal with anal laws and regulation what you can put on the outside of the building.

I found Israel a bit too A/Ced, when I was there it was the first week of May, the temps were in the high 20s up to max 31-32, quite reasonable and tolerable, but they'd blast cold air from the A/C on the buses as if it's 50º outside.

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Re: Help your fluency in a nifty way

Post by Thry »

À propos, j'ai eu besoin hier de mettre la climatisation. Il était trop chaud... le pire c'est que j'ai un metabolisme bas avec beaucoup de tolerance à la chaleur, et je me déshydrate avant que je ne m'en rende compte. Et puis j'ai mal à la tête et je me sens malade. Aujourd'hui j'essaierai de la mettre en marche à l'avance.
Incidentally, I needed to turn the AC on yesterday. It was too hot... the worst is that I have a low metabolism with a lot of tolerance for heat, so I dehydrate before I realize it. And then I get headaches and feel unwell. I'll try to turn it on beforehands today.
Jesus Christ, how cute and adorable! You are in fact speaking Israeli Russian. What a truly unique snowflake you are ~~
Tu as besoin de la clim' pour te détendre.
You need AC to chill. :o :P

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Re: Help your fluency in a nifty way

Post by finlay »

My toilet feels like a sauna now. Aircon is really a necessity in Japan (or rather Tokyo - northern parts you could probably get away without it), but in other rooms, like the shower/toilet/kitchen, there usually isn't aircon. I don't get it... in winter too, it feels like I'm going on an arctic exhibition.

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Re: Help your fluency in a nifty way

Post by Io »

So, why can't you pluralise 'AC' then? Presumably it stands for air conditioner and not air conditioning.

Also, to add something to the above:

To the best of my knowledge forced air in Europe quite simply doesn't exist, or maybe it does in the big homes of rich people, but I wouldn't know.

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Re: Help your fluency in a nifty way

Post by Yng »

I definitely think you can pluralise 'AC', though I wouldn't say 'air conditioner' and neither would I pluralise 'air conditioning'. 'AC', although it's presumably a shortening of 'air conditioning', is countable for me.
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Re: Help your fluency in a nifty way

Post by linguoboy »

Io wrote:So, why can't you pluralise 'AC' then? Presumably it stands for air conditioner and not air conditioning.
Not IMD. AC = air conditioning, and this is uncountable. If you wanted to both pluralise and abbreviate, it would be need to be something like "AC units". I would be interested in hearing some examples from Yng's dialect. To me, "air conditionings" sounds as awful as "heatings" or "parkings".

Gestern bin ich am Strand zum ersten Mal in der Saison gewesen. Im Juni war's zu kalt, Juli war zu regnerisch und im August ist bisher zuviel los gewesen. Aber gestern ist meine zweiwochige Rollenspiel-Sitzung ausgefallen und ich ging dorthin zusammen mit einem Süßen, den ich am vorigen Abend kennengelernt hatte.
Yesterday I made it to the beach for the first time this year. June was too cold, July too rainy, and August has been too crazy. But yesterday my biweekly RPG session got cancelled and went there with a cutie who I'd met the night before.

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Re: Help your fluency in a nifty way

Post by Yng »

Well, I don't really say 'AC', either - I feel like it's sort of an Americanism. I may have misinterpreted it or reanalysed it. I don't know whether this is an idiosyncrasy of mine or of BrE or what. I agree that 'air conditioners' - even 'air conditioner', actually - sound a bit weird. And I wouldn't pluralise 'air conditionings'. It's just that AC refers to... I guess... the machine? For me? I'm not even sure if this is how air conditioning works. I don't think it's very common in the UK.
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Re: Help your fluency in a nifty way

Post by jal »

hwhatting wrote:In werkelijkheid zijn airco's nogal gebruikelijk in Rusland; de zomers kunnen ook in Rusland zelf erg heet zijn zelfs in Rusland, en nog meer in de Centraal-Aziatische en Kaukasische voormalige Sovjetrepublieken van de Sovjet-Unie, waar Russisch nog een belangrijke taal is.[/color][/b]
Though "belangrijke" is correct Dutch, I'd say "veelgebruikte" or the like.
hwhatting wrote:Behalve Vilnius kun je ook Kaunas (Čiurlionis-museum) en Palanga (strand) bezoeken. Het Kasteel Trakai is ook mooi. Er zijn treinen in Litouwen. In de grote steden zul je tenminste enkele mensen vinden, die Engels of Duits praten.
I think I'd add a hyphen between Ciurlionis and museum, and "zul je tenminste enkele mensen vinden", though grammatically correct, sounds weird idiomatically here. "praten" means that they are actually conversing in the language, otherwise use "spreken". I'd say something like "In de grote steden zijn er altijd wel mensen te vinden die Engels of Duits spreken" or the like. Also, avoid the German comma :).
hwhatting wrote:Ik neem aan, dat dit de mensen zijn, met wie hij de meeste gelegenheid heeft, om Russisch te oefenen, dus is het maar natuurlijk.
Again German commas (all three :)), and I'm not sure how to translate "it's only natural". Perhaps, given the context, "dus is het niet zo vreemd" or the like.

Ich habe nicht soviel Zeit, etwas längeres zu schreiben. Ich ware vor zwei Wochen nach Dänemark auf Urlaub. Es war spaß. Die Kinder haben auch sehr viel Spaß gehat. Jetzt wieder zurück. Das Wetter ist hier nicht so gut als es in Dänemark war.
I haven't got much to write something longer. I've been to Denmark for two weeks. It was fun. The kids have also had mich fun. Now [I'm] back again. The weather here is not as good as it was in Denmark.


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