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Re: Help your fluency in a nifty way

Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2017 9:14 am
by finlay
get well soon

where the fuck is my boyfriend. OK, he had a funeral to go to today, so that can't be helped, but it's already 11 and he hasn't emailed or telephoned or contacted me in any way. I so often tell him to contact me if he can't come... so I'd hope he'd know that by now...

Re: Help your fluency in a nifty way

Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2017 9:27 am
by finlay
speak of the devil... (but i don't know how to say this in japanese)

he finally called me. of course he can't come....

Re: Help your fluency in a nifty way

Posted: Fri Mar 10, 2017 8:23 am
by Dē Graut Bʉr
Qwynegold wrote:
Dē Graut Bʉr wrote:
Jag känner vet inte, jag skulle fråga ”Var är briticismen”.
Jag är van vid att använda stor bokstav för betoning. Vilken Vilket blir förvirrande när jag läser tyska.
Du har nog rätt nog.
Som är „kennen“ i tysk. Liksom "kennen" på tyska.
Det verkar vara en grundläggande skillnad som konstigt nog är konstigt frånvarande från engelskan. Detsamma är närvarande i polskan: „znać” mot „wiedzieć”. Det är jag som sabbade genom att minnas ”känna” och glömma ”veta”.
Jag tog det (delvis) från linguoboys postning. Det har flera träffar på Google, så jag fel antog av misstag att det är rätt.
Notice: this comes from a Swede born and grown up outside of Sweden. Some errors may have slipped through.
Det var bra rättat; jag skulle bara lägga till att "finns" passar bättre här än "är närvarande". (Men jag kan inte förklara varför.)
It was well corrected. I would just add that "finns" suits better here than "är närvarande" (though I can't explain why).
Ja, det har du nog rätt i.
Yeah, you're probably right about that.
Dee Gurauto Buru-san wa doko ni sunde ru? Hajime wa ano kami ga aoi kuma-san da (namae wa nan dakke?) to omottan da yo.
Where do you live? For a while I thought you were that bear guy with blue hair (what was his name?).
J'habite aux Pays-Bas. Je n'ai acune idée qui est ce garçon aux cheveux bleus dont tu parles. Ce n'est pas moi, en tout cas.
I live in the Netherlands. I have no idea who this guy with blue hair you're talking about is. It's not me, at least.

Re: Help your fluency in a nifty way

Posted: Fri Mar 10, 2017 12:23 pm
by linguoboy
Dē Graut Bʉr wrote:
Where do you live? For a while I thought you were that bear guy with blue hair (what was his name?).
J'habite aux Pays-Bas. Je n'ai acune idée qui est ce garçon aux cheveux bleus dont tu parles. Ce n'est pas moi, en tout cas.
Ich meine, dass ich wohl wissen sollte, wer das sein möchte, aber ich hab keine Ahnung.
I feel like I should know who that is but I haven't got a clue.

Ich will nicht tun, was ich zu tun hab. Was kann ich da machen?
I don't want to do what I have to do. What can I do about that?

Re: Help your fluency in a nifty way

Posted: Fri Mar 10, 2017 2:50 pm
by Viktor77
Dē Graut Bʉr wrote:J'habite aux Pays-Bas. Je n'ai aucune idée qui est ce garçon aux cheveux bleus dont tu parles. Ce n'est pas moi, en tout cas.
I live in the Netherlands. I have no idea who this guy with blue hair you're talking about is. It's not me, at least.
Merci, Finlay.

Je suis en voie de guérison. Et je reçois des amis belges chez moi ce week-end.

Thanks, Finlay.

I'm on the mend. And I'm entertaining Belgian friends here this weekend.

Re: Help your fluency in a nifty way

Posted: Fri Mar 10, 2017 10:01 pm
by Imralu
linguoboy wrote:
Dē Graut Bʉr wrote:
Where do you live? For a while I thought you were that bear guy with blue hair (what was his name?).
J'habite aux Pays-Bas. Je n'ai acune idée qui est ce garçon aux cheveux bleus dont tu parles. Ce n'est pas moi, en tout cas.
Ich meine, dass ich wohl wissen sollte, wer das sein möchte, aber ich hab keine Ahnung.
I feel like I should know who that is but I haven't got a clue.

Re: Help your fluency in a nifty way

Posted: Sat Mar 11, 2017 8:51 am
by hwhatting
Viktor77 wrote:Ich bin gerade aus dem Krankenhaus entlassen worden, wohaus ich für 3 Tage war. Ich wurde einer Notoperation unterzogen, um meine Gallenblase zu entfernen. Sie war stark infiziert und hat aufgerissen. Ich hatte entsetzliche Schmerzen, daher bin ich sehr erleichtert, dass es mir jetzt wieder besser geht. Jetzt nur keine Hektik!
I just got discharged from the hospital, where I was for 3 days. I underwent emergency surgery to remove my gallbladder. It was very infected and had ruptured. I was in excruciating pain, so I am very relied that I am now on the mend. Now to take it easy!
Get well soon!
linguoboy wrote:Ich meine, dass ich wohl wissen sollte, wer das sein könnte*1), aber ich hab keine Ahnung.
I feel like I should know who that is but I haven't got a clue.
*1) möchte sounds very literary and antiquated to me here. But perhaps it's different with other speakers.
linguoboy wrote:I don't want to do what I have to do. What can I do about that?
Hech narsa.

Nothing. ;-)

Re: Help your fluency in a nifty way

Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2017 1:05 pm
by hwhatting
Napisałem, że nie jest nic co można robić, i nikt już nic nie pisze tutaj? Nie wiedziałem, że jestem taki wpłyowy.
J'ai écrit, quil y a rien qu'on peut faire, et personne plus n'écrit rien ici? Je ne savais, que je suis tellement influent.
Ik heb geschreven, dat er niks is dat men doen kann, en niemen schrijft hier maar iets? Ik heb niet gewist, dat ik zo invloedrijk ben.

I wrote that there's nothing one can do, and noone writes anything here anymore? I didn't know that I'm that influential. ;-)

Re: Help your fluency in a nifty way

Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2017 7:56 pm
by Viktor77
hwhatting wrote:J'ai écrit, qu'il y a rien qu'on puisse faire, et personne plus n'écrit plus rien ici? Je ne savais pas, que je suis si influent.
I wrote that there's nothing one can do, and noone writes anything here anymore? I didn't know that I'm that influential. ;-)
Oui, franchement c'est bizarre. Les gens se sont disparus. :(

Je suis sur la côte de la Caroline du nord pour mes vacances. On a un AirBnB sur la plage, il est vraiment beau.

Yes, frankly it's weird. People have disappeared.

I am on the coast of North Carolina for Spring Break. We have an AirBnb on the beach, it's beautiful.

Re: Help your fluency in a nifty way

Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2017 4:50 am
by jal
hwhatting wrote:Ik schreef*, dat er niks** is dat men doen kann, en niemand schrijft hier maar iets? Ik wist niet, dat ik zo invloedrijk ben.[/b]
I wrote that there's nothing one can do, and noone writes anything here anymore? I didn't know that I'm that influential. ;-)
*"heb geschreven" is possible, but the simple past seems better to me here.
**"niks" is informal/spoken language only, in writing you'd use "niets"
Viktor77 wrote:Yes, frankly it's weird. People have disappeared.
Genau, ich müsste eine Meldung übersehen haben, dass es ein neue Bericht gibte.
Indeed, I must've overlooked a notification that there was a new post.

Ich war drei Tagen schi fahren in Österreich. Der Schilehrer war sehr erfahren - es war jetzt seine vierzigste Saison! Er sprach nicht so gut Englisch, aber sein Hochdeutsch war sehr gut zu verstehen, und ich habe viel Deutsch mit im gesprochen.
I've been skiing for three days in Austria. The ski teacher was very experienced - it was his 40th season! He didn't speak English very well, but his Highgerman was very easy to understand, and I've spoken a lot of German with him.


Re: Help your fluency in a nifty way

Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2017 5:29 pm
by Imralu
Salyangozlarıma yem verdım.
I have fed my snails.

They were hungry.

Şimdi onların yeme kaşımalarını duyuyorum.
Now I'm listening to the scratching sounds they make when they eat.

Re: Help your fluency in a nifty way

Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2017 7:03 pm
by Ryusenshi
Viktor77 wrote:Oui, franchement c'est bizarre. Les gens se sont ont disparus. :(

Je suis sur la côte de la Caroline du nord pour mes vacances. On a un AirBnB sur la plage, il est vraiment beau.
¿ Quieres decir que el AirBnB es hermoso ? ¿ O que el paisaje en general es hermoso ? Si es el secundo, pienso que deberías escribir "c'est vraiment beau".

Are you saying that the AirBnB is beautiful? Or that the overall landscape is beautiful? If it's the latter, I think you should write "c'est vraiment beau" instead.

Re: Help your fluency in a nifty way

Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2017 8:23 pm
by Viktor77
Ryusenshi wrote:Are you saying that the AirBnB is beautiful? Or that the overall landscape is beautiful? If it's the latter, I think you should write "c'est vraiment beau" instead.
Non, je faisais référence à l'AirBnB, c'est pourquoi j'ai utilisé le pronom. Parfois je fais des trucs vraiment bizarres en français, tels que "se dispparaître." Je sais bien que ce verbe n'est pas pronominal, mais je le fais quand même. xD J'en conclure donc que tu es francophone?

No, I was referencing the AirBnB, that's why I used the pronoum. Sometimes I do really weird things in French such as "se dispparaître." I know well that this verb is not pronominal, but I do it anyway. xD So I gather you are Francophone?

Re: Help your fluency in a nifty way

Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2017 2:16 am
by Ryusenshi
Sí. Se me fue de la lengua.

Era precisamente el objetivo de mi texto 《Arthur the Rat》: yo quería saber si es posible adivinar de dónde soy con mi acento. Cuando fue en los Estados Unidos, algunas personas pensaban que acabé de Inglaterra.

Yeah. Cat's out of the bag.

Actually, that was the point of my reading of "Arthur the Rat": I was wondering if you guys could tell where I come from based on my accent. When I went to the US, I managed to fool a few people into thinking I came from England.

Re: Help your fluency in a nifty way

Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2017 10:18 am
by linguoboy
Amerikaner mit einem falschen ausländischen Akzent zu täuschen ist nicht eine besonders schwierige Aufgabe.
It's not a particularly hard task to fool Americans with a fake foreign accent.

Manchmal bin ich gefragt worden, ob ich Europäer sei, nur weil ich sehr deutlich gesprochen habe.
I've sometimes been asked if I was European just because I was speaking very clearly.

Re: Help your fluency in a nifty way

Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2017 3:08 pm
by Ryusenshi
Pues, pensaba que hablar un idioma extranjero como si fuera su lengua maternal era difícil.
Well, I thought that to speak a foreign language as well as a native speaker was difficult.

Podéis escuchar a mi pronunciación aquí: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=44719
You can listen to my pronunciation here: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=44719

Re: Help your fluency in a nifty way

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2017 12:50 pm
by Travis B.
Ryusenshi wrote:Pues, pensaba que hablar un idioma extranjero como si fuera su lengua maternal era difícil.
Well, I thought that to speak a foreign language as well as a native speaker was difficult.
Somehow I picture speaking a standard variety like GA or RP clearly to be much easier than speaking a non-standard variety in a native-like fashion. I would be more impressed by a non-native speaker speaking like someone who grew up in southeastern Wisconsin than by one speaking in very clear RP.

Re: Help your fluency in a nifty way

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2017 2:36 pm
by Ryusenshi
Precisamente, trato de hablar con un acento un poquito diferente del estándar. Cuando imito un acento británico, trato de hacer un acento de Londres in lugar de la Pronunciación Aceptada. Cuando imito un acento estadounidense, apunto a un acento del Norte del Medio Oeste (con el Desplazamiento Vocálico de las Ciudades del Norte).

Precisely, I prefer to try to use an accent that's slightly different from the standard. When I put on a British accent, I try to do a slight London-Estuary accent instead of the Received Pronunciation. When I imitate a US accent, I'd like to aim for a North-Midwest accent (with the Northern Cities Vowel Shift).

Re: Help your fluency in a nifty way

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2017 2:59 pm
by Travis B.
Ryusenshi wrote:Precisamente, trato de hablar con un acento un poquito diferente del estándar. Cuando imito un acento británico, trato de hacer un acento de Londres in lugar de la Pronunciación Aceptada. Cuando imito un acento estadounidense, apunto a un acento del Norte del Medio Oeste (con el Desplazamiento Vocálico de las Ciudades del Norte).

Precisely, I prefer to try to use an accent that's slightly different from the standard. When I put on a British accent, I try to do a slight London-Estuary accent instead of the Received Pronunciation. When I imitate a US accent, I'd like to aim for a North-Midwest accent (with the Northern Cities Vowel Shift).
The problem with trying to speak a non-standard variety is it is easy to get wrong if one does not actually live there and is paying attention. E.g. the NCVS is not the only thing going on here in southeastern Wisconsin - and even with the NCVS the exact form it takes varies based on where someone grew up and how old they are. Rather there is a whole laundry list of things, which I am not going to list here, that one needs to have to sound like one is actually from here. So if one just speaks GA but with the NCVS added on top you will probably come out sounding like someone who is from somewhere else but moved to the Inland North and picked up the NCVS but did not fully adopt any particular variety from there.

Re: Help your fluency in a nifty way

Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2017 9:44 am
by Viktor77
Travis, je moet een vreemde taal hierop spreken.

Travis, you must speak a foreign language here.

Re: Help your fluency in a nifty way

Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2017 10:01 am
by Travis B.
Ich weiß es, aber mein Deutsch ist nicht gut genug.

I know, but my German is not good enough.

Re: Help your fluency in a nifty way

Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2017 10:18 am
by linguoboy
Und wird nie gut genug, wenn du es nie benutzt.
And never will get good enough if you never use it.

Heute ist kühl und regnerisch. Ich bleibe im Haus und lese einen kurdischen Roman.
Today is chilly and rainy. I'm staying indoors and reading a Kurdish novel.

Wenn ich nur wüsste, was mit meinem Exemplar vom Tod des Vergils passierte ist.
I wish I knew what happened to my copy of The death of Virgil.

Re: Help your fluency in a nifty way

Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2017 2:32 pm
by hwhatting
jal wrote:Genau, ich müsste eine Meldung übersehen haben, dass es eine neue Nachricht gab.
Indeed, I must've overlooked a notification that there was a new post.

Ich war drei Tagen Schi fahren in Österreich. Der Schilehrer war sehr erfahren - es war jetzt seine vierzigste Saison! Er sprach nicht so gut Englisch, aber sein Hochdeutsch war sehr gut zu verstehen, und ich habe viel Deutsch mit ihm gesprochen.
I've been skiing for three days in Austria. The ski teacher was very experienced - it was his 40th season! He didn't speak English very well, but his Highgerman was very easy to understand, and I've spoken a lot of German with him.
linguoboy wrote:Amerikaner mit einem falschen ausländischen Akzent zu täuschen ist keine besonders schwierige Aufgabe.
It's not a particularly hard task to fool Americans with a fake foreign accent.
linguoboy wrote:Heute ist es kühl und regnerisch. Ich bleibe im Haus*1) und lese einen kurdischen Roman.
Today is chilly and rainy. I'm staying indoors and reading a Kurdish novel.

Wenn ich nur wüsste, was mit meinem Exemplar von*2) Der Tod des Vergils passierte ist.
I wish I knew what happened to my copy of The death of Virgil.
*1) That somehow sounds wrong to me - it would be okay if you talked about your plans ("Ich bleibe heute im Haus"), but not when you're talking about what you're doing at the moment. I'd go for "Ich sitze zuhause" or "Ich bin zuhause".
*2) There are several ways to treat articles in book titles etc; I prefer to do it this way.

Dzisiaj ugotowałem dorsz i zrobiłem frittatę jako dodatek.
Aujourd'hui j'ai cuit du cabillaud et préparé une frittata comme garniture.
Vandaag heb ik kabeljauw gekookt en een frittata als beigerecht gemaakt.

Today I cooked cod and made a frittata to go with it.

Re: Help your fluency in a nifty way

Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2017 2:38 pm
by Pole, the
hwhatting wrote:Dzisiaj ugotowałem dorsza i zrobiłem frittatę jako dodatek.
Today I cooked cod and made a frittata to go with it.

Re: Help your fluency in a nifty way

Posted: Sun Mar 26, 2017 6:50 am
by Dē Graut Bʉr
Travis, je moet hier een vreemde taal hierop spreken.
Vandaag heb ik kabeljauw gekookt en een frittata als bijgerecht gemaakt.