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Re: Help your fluency in a nifty way

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2018 3:12 am
by jal
Buran wrote:I'm also very happy right now because last month I started learning Chinese. My mother is from Hong Kong but didn't teach me to speak Chinese. I don't know very many words, but I have a good teacher, so I'm learning quickly.
Da "Chinesisch" nicht eine einzige Sprache ist, und deine Mutter aus Hongkong herkommt, lernst du Kantonesisch oder Hochchinesisch?
Since "Chinese" is not a single language and your mother's from Hongkong, are you studying Cantonese or Mandarin?


Re: Help your fluency in a nifty way

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2018 6:30 am
by hwhatting
Ziz wrote:Nach vier Monaten des Suchens, fange ich morgen mit meiner neuen Arbeit an. Ich bin glücklich, dass ich endlich Geld haben werde. Aber ich muss ich noch einen Monat zu Hause bleiben, um das Haus zu hüten, während meine Familie im Ausland ist. Ich muss auch neue Kleidung kaufen, um besser bei der Arbeit gut / ordentlich zu auszusehen.
After four months of searching, I start my new job tomorrow. I'm happy that I'll finally have money, but I'll have to stay at home another month to watch the house while my parents are abroad. I also have to buy new clothes to look nice at work.
jal wrote:Da "Chinesisch" nicht eine einzige Sprache ist, und deine Mutter aus Hongkong herkommt, lernst du Kantonesisch oder Hochchinesisch*1)?
Since "Chinese" is not a single language and your mother's from Hongkong, are you studying Cantonese or Mandarin?
*1) I'd also use "Mandarin" here.

To, co pisze, wygląda jak mandaryński.
Ce qu'il écrit ressemble le mandarin.
Quello che scrive sembra il mandarino.
Lo que escribe se parece al mandarín.
Wat hij schrijft lijkt op Mandarijn.

What he writes looks like Mandarin.

Re: Help your fluency in a nifty way

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2018 6:46 am
by jal
hwhatting wrote:*1) I'd also use "Mandarin" here.
Wat hij schrijft lijkt op Mandarijn.
For optimal idiomaticity: "Wat hij schrijft ziet eruit als Mandarijn."


Re: Help your fluency in a nifty way

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2018 3:09 pm
by kanejam
Imralu wrote:Rafiki yangu bado anakaa chumbani mwangu...
English soon. Sleep now.
Ouah, ça c'était très bien pour pratiquer lire ! J'ai compris le plupart (ça a pris longtemps quand même). C'est combien de temps que tu partage ton chambre ? Est-ce que c'était ta colocataire qui a devenu bourrée ? Pourquoi tu a pensé que l'homme sur le bus voulait te battre ?
Wow, that was good reading practice! I understood most of it (it took me a long time though). How long have you been sharing your room? Was it your roommate that got drunk? What made you think the guy on the bus wanted to beat you up?

J'ai une petite vacance il y a une semaine à Waitomo, fameux pour les grottes belles qui est plein des vers luisants. Avec les lampes éteint, le ciel ressemble au ciel nocturne.
I had a mini holiday a week ago in Waitomo, famous for its beautiful caves filled with glowworms. With the torches turned off, the roof looks like the night sky.

Re: Help your fluency in a nifty way

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2018 3:19 pm
by Buran
Zài wǒ de Zhōngwén kè wǒmen xué Pǔtōnghuà, kěshì wǒmen de lǎoshī zhǐ shuō "Zhōngwén", bù shuō "Pǔtōnghuà". Wǒ māma shuō Guǎngdōnghuà. Wǒ de dàxué yǒu Guǎngdōnghuà kè, dànshì xué Guǎngdōnghuà yǐqián wǒ xiān děi shàng sì mén Pǔtōnghuà kè, suǒyǐ wǒ xiànzài xué Pǔtōnghuà.

In my Chinese class we're learning Mandarin, but our teacher just says "Chinese", not "Putonghua". My mom speaks Cantonese. My university has a Cantonese course, but before taking Cantonese I first need to take four Mandarin courses, so now I'm learning Mandarin.